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1、他想知道你是否累了。新概念英语第一册139-140课词汇学习 Word study1.extra(1)adj. 额外的;外加的;另外收费的:Could you get an extra bottle of milk?请你再拿一瓶牛奶好吗?On Sundays, she always gets some extra sleep.星期天她总是比平时多睡一会儿。Guests at this hotel can use the gym at no extra cost.这家饭店的客人们能够使用健身房,不再额外收费。(2)adv. 额外地;另外:He usually works extra on wee

2、kends.他通常在周末加班。Theyll charge you extra for room service.饭菜送到房间是要另外收费的。She is extra nice to her colleagues these days.这些日子她对她的同事们特别好。2.overseas(1)adj. 海外的;国外的:The university recruits a large number of overseasstudents each year.这所大学每年招收大量的外国留学生。This small country depends heavily on its overseas trade

3、.这个小国在很大水准上依赖于其海外贸易。(2)adv. 在(或向)海外;在(或向)国外:John is going to work overseas soon.约翰不久就要出国工作了。He has never been overseas.他还从未出过国。新概念英语第一册140课练习答案 Key to written exercisesA1 Yes, Graham Turner is speaking to John Smith.2 Mary invited Mr. and Mrs. Turner to dinner.3 Graham Turner said he would be there

4、at six oclock.4 Because his boss wanted him to do some extra work.5 No, he doesnt.6 Mr. Turners wife wants to know if Mary needs any help.B1 I want to know if you are late. Tell me if you are late.I want to know why you are late. Tell me why you are late.2 I want to know if you are dirty. Tell my if

5、 you are dirty.I want to know why you are dirty. Tell me why you are dirty.3 I want to know if you are lazy. Tell me if you are lazy.I want to know why you are lazy. Tell me why you are lazy.4 I want to know if you are busy. Tell me if you are busy.I want to know why you are busy. Tell me why you ar

6、e busy.C1 I want to know if you are writing. Tell me if you are writing.I want to know what you are writing. Tell me what you are writing.2 I want to know if you are cooking. Tell me if you are cooking.I want to know what you are cooking. Tell me what you are cooking.3 I want to know if you are pain

7、ting. Tell me if you are painting.I want to know what you are painting. Tell me what you are painting.4 I want to know if you are playing. Tell me if you are playing.I want to know what you are playing. Tell me what you are playing.D1 I want to know if Tom got up early. Tell me if Tom got up early.I

8、 want to know when Tom got up. Tell me when Tom got up.2 I want to know if Tom arrived late. Tell me if Tom arrived late.I want to know when Tom arrived. Tell me when Tom arrived.3 I want to know if Tom did his homework yesterday. Tell me if Tom did his homework yesterday.I want to know when Tom did

9、 his homework yesterday. Tell me when Tom did his homework yesterday.新概念英语第一册自学笔记精讲解析 four-year-old daughter 我那4岁的女儿four-year-old 是名词 daughter的定语。各词用连字符连在一起,构成一个复合形容词。注意在这个复合词中仅用 year,而不用复数:a thirteen-year-old girl 一个13岁的姑娘2. Sally was invited to a childrens party. 萨莉被邀请去参加一个儿童聚会。这是

10、一个被动语态的例子。在英文中,如果想避免用含混不清的词(如 someone等)作主语,常常可使用被动词态。(具体请参见本课语法部分。)被动语态由相对应的be动词加上过去分词构成:It is repaired regularly.它定期修理。They are corrected regularly.它们得到了定期校正。He was met at the station this morning.今早有人在车站接他。3.a middle-aged lady 一位中年女士middle-aged是一个复合形容词,由名词+过去分词构成。又如:hand-made 手工制作的4.opposite Sally

11、 在萨莉的对面这是介词短语,作状语,表示sat的具体情况。5.take out 拿出6.make up her face 往她的脸上化妆make up意为“化妆”、“打扮”(指擦胭脂、抹粉)。7.To make myself beautiful 把自己打扮漂亮这是一个省略句,句首省略了I am doing that,而只留下这个作目的状语的动词不定式短语。8.put away 收拾好,储存备用新概念英语第一册第142课语法知识点 Grammar in use被动语态(1)英语动词有主动语态和被动语态之分。在主动句中,动词的主语是执行动作的人或物。在被动句中,主语是动作的承受者。在英语中被动词态

12、用得很普遍,这样做能够避免用不明确的词作主语,或是将说话的重点放在事件而不是造成该事件的人或物上。被动语态的构成: be +过去分词。过去分词不一定指过去。请看例句:(1)一般现在时形式: am/are/is +过去分词:The room is aired regularly.这个房间定期通风。The knives are sharpened regularly.刀定期磨。(2)一般过去时形式: was/were +过去分词:She was dressed in red.她身穿红色衣服。The windows were opened this morning.窗户今早是开着的/被打开了。(3)

13、英语中表达感情的动词通常可用于被动式,这些动词如amuse, embarrass, worry, surprise, interest, upset等:She is embarrassed.她感到尴尬。They were worried.他们感到担忧。新概念英语第一册第142课词汇学习 Word study1.embarrassed adj.(1)尴尬的;局促不安的:He felt so embarrassed at that moment.在那一刻,他感到如此尴尬。The girl was very embarrassed to speak in front of so many stran

14、gers.在如此之多的陌生人面前讲话,那个女孩子很是局促不安。(2)陷入困境的;拮据的:He was financially embarrassed.他经济上陷入了困境。He says that he is embarrassed at the moment, but he will be able to pay you next month.他说他当前手头紧,但下个月就能够付钱给你。2.curiously adv.(1)好奇地:The little boy watched curiously as his mum opened the box.那个小男孩好奇地看着他妈妈打开盒子。(2)过于好

15、奇地:She curiously opened the letter addressed to her husband.她抑制不住好奇心,拆开了别人写给她丈夫的信。3.kindly adv.(1)和蔼地;亲切地:He treats the children kindly.他待孩子们和蔼而仁慈。The old man greeted us kindly.那位老人亲切地招呼我们。(2)请(=please,有时表示客气,有时表示不满等):Will you kindly leave the room?请你离开这房间好吗?Kindly acknowledge this letter.此信收到后请告知。(

16、3)乐意地;感谢地:He never takes criticism kindly.他从不乐于接受批评。新概念英语第一册第142课课后练习答案:1 Sally is four years old.2 Because Sally had never travelled on a train before.3 She sat near the window.4 A middle-aged lady got on the train.5 The lady was dressed in a blue coat and a large, funny hat.6 She opened her handba

17、g and took out her powder compact.Then she began to make up her face.7 Because she wanted to make herself beautiful.8 No, she didn1 Someone airs it regularly. It is aired regularly.2 Someone cleans them regularly. They are cleaned regularly.3 Someone empties it regularly. It is emptied regularly.4 S

18、omeone sharpens it regularly. It is sharpened regularly.5 Someone turns them on regularly. They are turned on regularly.6 Someone waters them regularly. They are watered regularly.7 Someone repairs it regularly. It is repaired regularly.8 Someone dusts it regularly. It is dusted regularly.9 Someone

19、corrects them regularly. They are corrected regularly.10 Someone shuts it regularly. It is shut regularly.1 Someone watered them. They were watered this morning.2 Someone repaired it. It was repaired this morning.3 Someone dusted it. It was dusted this morning.4 Someone corrected them. They were cor

20、rected this morning.5 Someone shut it. It was shut this morning.6 Someone bought them. They were bought this morning.7 Someone swept it. It was swept this morning.8 Someone took them to school. They were taken to school this morning.9 Someone met them at the station. They were met at the station thi

21、s morning.10 Someone told them. They were told this morning.新概念英语第一册自学笔记精讲解析Lesson143-1441.I live in a very old town which is surrounded by beautiful woods. 我住在一个由美丽的树林环绕的古老的小镇上。这是一个主从复合句,which is surrounded by . 为定语从句,修饰town。which 指代 town 。从句用的是被动语态,“被.所包围”,如果将从句独立为一个句子,则为:My town is surrounded by

22、beautiful woods.2. on Sundays 是泛指“在星期天”,而不是指在某个星期天。3.hundreds of people,数以百计的(游)人。hundreds of people 复数形式表概数,“数以.计的”与 of 连用,作名词的修饰语,其后面的名词必然是复数形式。 see our town and to walk through the woods. 来参观我们的小镇并在树林中散步。to see our town and to walk through the woods 为不定式短语作目的状语。这里用 and 连接的两个动词不定式。介词through,“穿

23、过”,强调纵深向,如:walk through the forest 穿过森林:而 across 强调横向,如:walk across the street 横穿街道5.Visitors have been asked to keep the woods clean and tidy.游客已被告知要保持树林的整洁。现在完成时的被动语态,说明需求的行为应为游客所知。(句中 have been asked是被动语态的完成时结构。详见本课语法部分。)to keep the woods clean and tidy 是动词不定式短语,作主语visitors的补足语。clean and tidy 是宾语

24、 the woods 的宾语补足语。clean and tidy 表示“整洁的,清洁的”这是英语中的常用结构,其它常见的类似结构还有:black and blue 青一块紫一块;happy and gay 高高兴兴heart and soul 全心全意,一心一意6.go for a walk,去散步。7.What I saw made me very sad.我所见到的一切使我非常难过。句中的主语 What I saw 是 what 引导的名词性从句(主语从句)。例如:What the little boy did surprised his mother. 那个小男孩所做的一切使他母亲十分惊

25、讶。What you do makes me happy. 你所做的是我愉快。8. The litter baskets were empty and ground was covered with pieces of paper,cigarette ends,old tyres,empty bottles and rusty tins.句中 and 连接的并列句,“the litter baskets were empty” 与“groun was . 分别为两个并列分句,be covered with . 被 . 覆盖。如:The desks are covered with dust.

26、桌子上布满了灰尘。The ground was covered with snow. 地上覆盖着雪。9. Anyone who leaves litter in these woods will be prosecuted!凡在此树林里丢垃圾者,将依法处置。这是一个主从复合句,who 引导定语从句,修饰先行词anyone 。will be prosecuted 为将来时的被动语态。Anyone who comes to the party is welcome. 该晚会来者不拒。Anyone who breaks the traffic regulations will be fined. 任

27、何违反交通规则的人都会被罚款。新概念英语第一册143-144课文详注语法知识点 Grammar in use被动语态(2)上一次介绍了被动语态的一般现在时和一般过去时形式,这里介绍其现在完成时和一般将来时形式:(1)现在完成时形式: has/have + been + 过去分词:The basket has already been emptied. 篮子已经被腾空了。They have already been invited. 他们已被邀请。(2)一般将来时形式: will/shall +be +过去分词:The floor will be swept soon. 地不久就会扫的。The knives will be sharpened soon. 刀不久就会磨的。新概念英语第一册143-144课文详注词汇学习 Word v.(1)(小心地)放;放置:He placed the record back to the shelf.他把唱片放回到架子上。Their request placed me in a difficult positi

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