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1、1 Im sorry. Ill be back with your order in a minute 对不起,我立刻把你订的食物给你送来3 Perhaps I got to read through them again 可能我要再检查一遍5 Yes,but hard cover ones are on sale today 是的,但精装本的词典今天正在发售6 They let him live with them for free 他们请他免房租与他们同住7 To meet her friend for her 替她会见一个朋友9 They try to be friendly to th

2、em 他们试图对他们友好11 There are signs along the road沿途有很多路标12 His car was hit from behind 他的车被追尾了13 He has to finish his report 他要完成他的报告14 see the Niagara 看到尼亚加拉瀑布15 In a bookstore 在书店18 Law 法律19 It should have books on every subject它应该收集各个学科的图书20 The library has more than one function 图书馆的功能不止一个听力33 Oh,Im

3、 sorry,I didnt notice it 哦,对不起,我没有注意到它4 Yes,Mr. Johnson is expecting you at three this afternoon 是的,约翰逊今天下午三点会在此等你5 How much do you want to change?你想兑换多少钱零钱7 He is under a lot of stress 他处在很大的压力之下8 Long holidays attract her 长假吸引她11 He has to finish writing a paper 他要写完一篇论文12 A couple of items 一两样东西1

4、3 He is tired of his work他对工作厌倦了14 Sample cutting 商品剪样15 The man is considering renting it 该名男子正考虑租房子16 He once gave a book as a present他曾把一本书作为礼物送给别人17 A novel published 5 years ago 一本5年前出版的小说听力4 1 No,it is really freezing 是,天气真是寒冷3 I am trying my best to finish it,But you know, easy said than done

5、 我在尽最大的努力去完成它,但你知道说起来容易,做起来难5 Im sorry Mr. Johnson is at a conference 对不起,约翰逊先生在开会7 To see a new type of boiler 看到一个新款的壶8 Call a taxi for him to the hotel叫辆出租车送他去宾馆10 Their schoolmates 他们的同学11 He went for a drink with a friend 他与朋友去喝一杯12 Help him with his physics 帮他学物理13 she might get a good job lat

6、er 她以后也许能找到一份好工作14 she will be picked up at the station在车站接她上车15 He had a slight temperature 他有点发烧16 They may support the employers他们可能会支持雇主17 A third party would impose a settle 第三方会强制推行解决听力5ll come right away 对不起,我会马上来3 Thank you for saying so 谢谢你这么说t 恐怕不太喜欢6 Toothpaste,coffee and doll 牙膏,咖啡和玩偶7 T

7、o read the womans magazine 读那位女士的杂志8 John has to learn to be independent 约翰要学会独立自主10 Not to subscribe to the journal 不要订阅这本期刊11 Drop one course and do it next semester 放弃一门课,下学期再选修13 He had to finish his paper last night 他昨晚不得不完成他的论文14 To have a look at another apartment看一下另一间公寓16 Receptionist and g

8、uest 接待员和来宾17 126 dollars 126美元听力61 What a pity! 太可怜了!3 Well ,I was informed that I failed in the final exam 嗯,我被告知我期末考试没及格5 I quite agree with you. They two are always trying to play tricks on teachers我非常赞同你的观点。他们两个总是试图捉弄老师7 If he didnt read the book,he wouldnt pass the course 如果他没有读过那本书就不会通过考试8 Be

9、cause he didnt understand the lecture 因为他不理解讲座内容9 Mrs. Johnson wouldnt come to the office today约翰逊夫人今天不会来办公室了10 Leave the library without borrowing anything什么也没借,离开图书馆11 To be a TV news director would be pretty difficult 要电视新闻导演会非常困难12 Go to see the play with the woman与这名女子一起去看戏14 There have no mode

10、rn facilities那里没有现代的设施16 They are discussing about the courses they want to choose他们正在讨论他们想选修的课程17 They are going to go on reading the course catalog 他们打算继续阅读课程目录18 Go to a liberal arts college or university去一所文科学院或大学19 Communication skills 交际技能20 some students want to attend a liberal arts school b

11、ecause it offers them a better chance to find well-paid jobs in future. 有些学生想要就读于一所文科学院,因为它能在将来提供他们更好的找到一份高薪工作的机会。听力7 1 Id like to but It. I have to pick up my mother tonight at the airport我想去,但我恐怕不行。今晚我得去机场接我妈妈。2 To be frank,it is hard,but I succeed in doing so坦率地说,这样很难,但是我成功地做到了4 Im sorry, but the

12、re is something wrong with the reservation system很抱歉,预订系统发生了故障5 If you think it is really necessary,I can do it 如果你认为真的有必要的话,我可以加班8 The man didnt know the arrival time because the train was late 该名男子不知道火车到达的时间,因为火车晚点了9 The second hotel will be appropriate because it is nearer to the train station 第二

13、家旅馆更合适,因为它离火车站更近10 The coat was the only present her husband gave 这件外套是她丈夫送给她的唯一一件礼物11 11:20 12 20 dollars 20 美元15 Fill in the application form required by the store 填一下书店要求的申请表16 He was checking e-mail on computer 他正在电脑前收电子邮件17 Journalism 新闻学18 Go to have lunch 去吃午饭19 He must be an experienced pilo

14、t 他必须是有经验的飞行员20 To learn how to build better spaceships学习如何建造更好的宇宙飞船听力8 1 You bet 当然2 Couldnt be better 一切都好3 Thats just what Im thinking 我也是这样想的4 Sure,What about this one? 好的,这件怎么样?5 Maybe you are right here. Ill do it myself 也许你是对的。我会自己来做7 The womans husband was always absent from her birthday par

15、ty 这位女士的丈夫总是缺席她的生日宴会9 Tom likes the color of red most 汤姆最喜欢红色10 The woman should choose one that is her size 这位女士应选择她自己的尺寸11 The man shouldnt have trusted Peter 这位男士不能相信彼得12 she is not so enthusiastic about her studies她对学习没有那么多的热情14 Mr. Smiths secretary 史密斯先生的秘书15 The man is introducing this univers

16、ity to the woman 这位男士正在向女士介绍该所大学16 He rejects the idea immediately他立刻反对这个主意17 Eating less 少吃听力9 1 How do you do 你好3 Yes,its quite cool today 是的,今天很凉爽4 Sure ,what can I do for you 当然可以,我能为你做什么?5 Dont mention it 不谢6 she must begin writing a paper for her history class 她必须开始撰写历史论文8 Second gear 二档10 He

17、ordered apple pie 他点了苹果派11 From eight oclock in the morning until nine oclock at night 从早上八点到晚上9点14 she decided to buy a pair of gold earrings to match a gold necklace that she already had 她决定买一副金耳环和她已经有的金项链相搭配18 angry 生气19 You obey all the traffic rules 您遵守所有的交通规则20 Traffic safety 交通安全听力102 Thank y

18、ou very much 非常感谢你4 Hi, Jim. I havent seen you for ages 嗨,吉姆。我已经好久没见到你了5 Ok, thank you very much 好的,非常感谢6 on the counter 在柜台上7 she bought him a watch 她给他买了一块手表9 because it is too formal for the occasion因为它对于那个场合太正式了11 the mans mileage is twice that of the woman 那位男士的车耗油里程是女士车的两倍13 the man will pay t

19、hirty dollars 那位男士将支付三十美元14 twenty-five dollars 二十五美元?15 he will pay $1.25 他将支付一点二五美元18 we have more industry 我们有更多的工业19 industry 工业20 its time we did something to reduce pollution 是时候采取措施减少污染了听力111 sorry, I dont know. Youd better check the TV guide对不起,我不知道。你最好查阅电视指南3 I think there is an English pro

20、gram called Business talk我想是一档英文商业交谈节目4 Yes, Im crazy about pop songs and good at singing them可以,我对流行音乐非常着迷,而且擅长唱流行音乐5 It costs about $135它的成本约为135美元6 They are talking about gardening equipment他们正在谈论园艺器具7 Lee will enter the treasurers campaign 李将竞选财务主管11 They should try for a different showing 他们应该试

21、着买不同的场次12 Steve survived a robbery 史蒂夫在抢劫中幸存下来14 He isnt hearing things correctly 他没有正确听清楚事情15 The price of the tickets depends on the size of the children 票价取决于孩子的身高18 Because of the callers ignorance 由于打进电话者不了解情况19 That some people know well about the topic under discussion 一些人很了解正在讨论的话题20 The wri

22、ter tells us that the host is silly 笔者想告诉我们主持人很傻听力121 Its about $2500 per month大约每月2500美元3 Yes, Id love to 是的,我非常愿意5 Yes, I will see to it 好的,我会负责的7 His roommates have gone for a walk 他的室友正在散步8 They will have to wait 他们得等9 she is worried about her health 她担心她的健康状况10 They dont completely describe her

23、 qualifications 它们不能完全描述她的资质13 In a clinic 在诊所15 To see her boyfriend first and then to visit her parents 先去看她的男朋友,再去看她的父母16 It sells goods of high quality它出售高质量的商品17 It provides higher quality 它打印质量高,而且耐用听力13ve been studying hard for my examination 我一直为考试而努力学习2 Thats a very good idea 这是一个非常好的主意3 It

24、s made of wool 它是由羊毛制成的4 sure, Id love to 好啊,我很愿意去5 Yes. Id like a cup of onion soup好的,我想要一杯洋葱汤6 Cooked something sweet 做了点甜品 7 He tries to be of assistance 他试图提供帮助9 His friends are going to help him relocate他的朋友们会来帮他搬家10 some of the swimmers looked pretty good一些游泳运动员条件很不错11 she didnt feel well她感觉不舒

25、服13 He caught his leg on some furniture他的腿碰到家具上弄伤了14 He is the son of Jeffs aunt or uncle 他是杰夫的堂兄弟或表兄弟15 They need to compose an essay about the show they will view 他们就所观看的节目撰写一篇论文16 There are no commercial interruptions 没有插播广告17 situation comedies 情景喜剧听力14 2 Its quite dull很乏味3 I have learned Englis

26、h for about 12 years 我已经学了12年英语s made in France 这是法国制造的7 she would like the food to be as the surroundings她希望食物与环境一样好8 she needs to eat before school 她上学前得吃饭9 they can give Bob a ride他们可以送鲍勃一程10 Take care of the dogs veterinarian visits in the future 以后带狗去瞧兽医时当心点12 very hard 很难13 student-student 同学1

27、5 camera store 相机店16 To learn the proper behavior at an American dinner 学习正确的美国餐桌礼仪17 when the hostess asks him to leave the table女主人请他离开餐桌时18 make sure their students understand 确定学生听懂课了19 Do the reading assignments 完成阅读任务20 Through involving students in discussions让学生参与讨论听力15 1 Finance 金融2 I prefe

28、r city life because it is more convenient 我更喜欢方便的城市生活3 I am busy with my term paper because the deadline is approaching因为最后期限交到,我在忙着写论文5 No, I will see to it 不,我会照管好的 6 she has recently returned from abroad她刚从国外回来8 Dave thought he would be slow 戴夫想到他可能会慢一些9 It looks like it will be a good month 看来这个月将会不错10 she doesnt like that kind of book 她不喜欢那一类型的书11 Almost half the class has arrived 几乎一半的学生

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