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1、1. GENERAL DISCRIPTION OF TISCOS STAGE II EXPANSION PROJECT( EPC) TISCO二期扩建工程概述2. WORKING SCOPE OF CONTRACTOR 承包商工作范围3. ADOPTED STANDARDS AND CODES FOR THE PROJECT 项目规范和标准4. description of GENERAL LAYOUT, TRANSPORTATION, roadway, railway and pipeline works of the whole plan (stage ii)全厂TISCO二期扩建工程之总

2、图运输,公路,铁路,各种管网的概述5. EQUIPMENT LIST AND GENERAL LAYOUT ARRANGEMENT设备清单与布置图6. SOLUTIONS FOR IMPLEMENTATION ARRANGEMENT 进度计划1. GENERAL DISCRIPTION OF TISCOS STAGE II EXPANSION PROJECT (EPC)2. According to the requirements of sold bidding document 01#EPC, dated on March. 10, 2007, for the second stage r

3、evamping and expansion project of TISCO, the long process of steel making production line with capacity of 500,000t/a casting billet will be newly built up in the main plant areas of LUU XA. 3. 根据在2007年3月10日卖出的01#EPCTISO二期扩建项目投标文件的要求,在LUU XA.主厂区新建500.000t/a连铸坯生产能力的钢铁冶炼长流程工程。According to the requirem

4、ents of bidding document, Fe metal balance for producing 543,200 t/a hot metal is shown as following calculation block diagram:根据投标文件要求,年产543,200 t铁水中金属铁的比例如计算框图1.1 MAIN TECHNICAL PROCESS FLOW CHART主要工艺流程 LUU XA main plant will adopt a long process production line, namely coke oven, sintering machin

5、e, blast furnace, converter, and continuous casting production line. LUU XA主厂区采用长流程炼焦、烧结、高炉、转炉连铸生产工艺 01# EPC package mainly includes raw material yard project, coke making project (coke oven), sintering project, iron making project, steel making project, and oxygen generating project, whole plant ut

6、ilities (water, electricity and natural gas) at the second stage and general layout and transportation. EPC工程包括的主车间:原料场;炼焦(焦炉)工程;烧结工程;炼铁工程;炼钢工程;制氧工程;二期全厂公辅设施(水、电、燃气);总图布置及运输。1.2 CONTENTS OF CONTRACTING1.3 合同内容 The Employer uses the EPC bidding method. The bidding scope includes main plant area geolo

7、gical exploration for the second stage project, engineering design, equipment supply, staff training, project construction, equipment installation, test-run, trial production, start up of production, acceptance test and hand over.雇主采用EPC方式招标,其内容包括:主厂区二期的地质勘探;工程设计;设备供货;人员培训;施工;设备安装;试车;试生产;投产;验收交付。1.4

8、 ADOPTED STANDARDS AND CODES项目规范和标准 According to the requirements of the bidding documents, Vietnam or China standards and codes shall be adopted. 按照招标文件的要求,采用TISCO提供的越南标准和规范,如果TISCO不能提供相关的越南标准和规范,在工程设计、设备制造中将采用中国相应的标准和规范。1.5 PROJECT CONSTRUCTION SHCEDULE项目实施进度表 The EPCs contractor shall complete th

9、eir work within 30 months. The project construction schedule is arranged based on the actual situations of all the main production lines of second stage revamping and expansion project to meet the requirements of whole project starting production. 承包商应在30个月内完成EPC合同中规定的工作。项目实施进度是根据二期扩建工程各主要生产线在项目整体投产

10、过程中的需要来进行安排。1.4.1 Individual Package Schedule of Various Main Workshops各主要生产车间分标段包工程进度时间: 1) The raw material yard project shall be put into production at 18 months. 原料场要求工程进度安排是18个月投产; 2) The sintering project shall be put into production at 20 months.烧结工程要求工程进度安排是20个月投产 3) The coke making project

11、shall be put into production at 20 months. 炼焦工程要求工程进度安排是20个月投产4) The iron making project shall be put into production at 23 months. 炼铁工程要求工程进度安排是23个月投产; 5) The steel making project shall be put into production at 28 months. 炼钢工程要求工程进度安排是28个月投产 6) The oxygen generating project shall be put into produ

12、ction at 22 months. 制氧工程要求工程进度安排是22个月投产; 7) The utilities project of plant area for second stage revamping and expansion project shall be put into production at 18 - 22 months progressively. 二期厂区公辅设施要求工程进度安排是1828个月分期投产; 8) The roads, railways, power piping network for second stage revamping and expa

13、nsion project shall be put into production at 18 - 22 months progressively. 二期厂区道路、铁路及动力管网工程要求工程进度安排是1828个月分期投产1.4.2 For the details of the individual package schedule of various main production workshops, please see the technical appendixes.各主要生产车间分标段包工程实施进度表,见各技术附件。1.4.3 EPC project construction s

14、chedule.EPC实施进度计划表1.5 CONTRACTORS SERVICE CONTENTS AND SCHEDULE承包商提供的技术服务的内容及时间 The Contractor shall provide the site geological survey report, technical design, shop drawing design, equipment purchasing, equipment supply, construction for plant building, equipment foundation as well as piping netwo

15、rk, equipment installation, staff training, test run and trial production for main production lines, start up of the production, acceptance test and hand over. 承包商根据各分标段的项目实施进度表,分别提供场地的地质勘探;工程的基本设计、设备采购、供货;厂房、设备基础、管网的施工;设备的安装、调试;各主生产线的试车、试生产;1.6 The Contractor will employ Vietnam Sub-contractor to u

16、ndertake the works of detailed geological survey and carry out the 1.7 foundation treatment (Unit price and norm according to Vietnam construction standard). If the total Sub-contract price plus the contractors management fee do not exceed the amount of 3,265,200 USD which is specified and assigned

17、to such works under Contract, the Contractor will bear the responsibility; otherwise, the additional cost shall be borne by the Employer. The Employer is entitled to inspect the Sub-contract for technical and financial conditions. 承包商如要雇佣越南分包商来承担地质勘测和基础工作(单价根据越南建筑标准)在总分包合同价格加管理费未超过合同中规定此工作价款3,265,20

18、0 USD时由承包商负责,超过部分由雇主承担。雇主有权对分包商的技术和财务状况进行监控。1.8 CONTENTS INDEX FOR TECHNICAL APPENDIX技术附件目录1.9 1.10 The package of TISCO second revamping and expansion project is divided into 8 sub- packages corresponding with 8 technical appendixes. TISCO二期扩建工程根据各主要生产线划分为8个分包标段,其技术附件也相应是8个技术附件。1.11 1) Technical ap

19、pendix I of EPC Contract document for the second stage revamping and expansion project of TISCO, (raw material yard project); TISCO二期扩建工程EPC 合同 技术附件I(原料场工程); 2) Technical appendix II of EPC Contract document for the second stage revamping and expansion project of TISCO, (sintering project)1) TISCO二期

20、扩建工程EPC合同 技术附件(烧结工程); 3) Technical appendix III of EPC Contract document for the second stage revamping and expansion project of TISCO, (coke making project) TISCO二期扩建工程EPC合同技术附件(炼焦工程) 4) Technical appendix IV of EPC Contract document for the second stage revamping and expansion project of TISCO, (i

21、ron making project) TISCO二期扩建工程EPC合同 技术附件(炼铁工程) 5) Technical appendix V of EPC Contract document for the second stage revamping and expansion project of TISCO, (steel making & CCM project),. TISCO二期扩建工程EPC合同 技术附件(炼钢连铸程); 6) Technical appendix VI of EPC Contract document for the second stage revampin

22、g and expansion project of TISCO, (oxygen generating project). TISCO二期扩建工程EPC合同 技术附件(制氧工程); 7) Technical appendix VII of EPC Contract document for the second stage revamping and expansion project of TISCO, (utilities project).TISCO二期扩建工程EPC合同 技术附件(厂区二期公辅设施工程); 8) Technical appendix VIII of EPC Contr

23、act document for the second stage revamping and expansion project of TISCO, (general layout and transportation, roads, railways & facilities),. TISCO二期扩建工程EPC合同 技术附件(厂区二期总图运输、道路、铁路及设施工程) . 2. working scope of contractor承包商工作范围 According to the contents of 01# EPC package, the work scope of contracto

24、r is as the follows:按照01# EPC合同内容,承包商工作范围如下:2.1 Newly constructed raw fmaterial yard 新建原料场2.1.1 Raw material yard is composed of a raw material piling yard and a material evenly blending yard, utility and auxiliary facilities, which undertakes the complex jobs such as materials receiving & unloading

25、, storing, evenly blending for concentrated fine ore, coal, lump ore, flux, fuels etc. and directly deliver qualified material, fuel used for sintering, coke making and iron making. All above mentioned incoming materials should have qualified particle size and there will be no sizing facilities in t

26、he plant.原料车间设有原料堆场及混匀料场。其承担着烧结、焦化、高炉所用的精矿粉、煤、块矿、熔剂、燃料等的受卸、储存、混匀及将烧结、焦化、炼铁所需合格原、燃料直接输出等综合作业及其配套的公辅设施,无需磨准器。2.2 Sintering ENGINEERING烧结工程 In order to meet the requirements for producing 500,000t/a casting billets for the TISCO second stage revamping and expansion project, one set of 550m3 blast furna

27、ce and the matched one set of 100m2 sintering machine as well as corresponding utilities shall be built up. 为满足TISCO二期扩建项目500,000t/a连铸坯规模要求,新建1台500m3高炉,为此配套建设1台100m2烧结机及其配套的公辅设施。 The grade of the sintering ore shall be 55% Fe content, and the capacity of sintering ore shall be 981,000t/a to meet the

28、 requirements for sintering ore by the blast furnace. 烧结矿含铁品位为56%,烧结矿生产能力为981,000t/a,满足高炉所需烧结矿的要求。2.3 Coke making ENGINEERING炼焦工程 One set of 45-battery coke oven with the capacity of 300,000 t/a metallurgical coke and by-products recovery system as well as matched utilities will be newly built.新建一台年

29、生产干焦炭300,000t/a的45battery焦炉及其副产品回收系统、配套的公辅系统。2.4 Iron making engineering 炼铁工程 One set of 550m3 blast furnace will be built up newly to supply hot metal required for steel making by converter, in order to reach the target of producing 500,000t/a casting billets annually. 新建一座500m3高炉,为炼钢转炉年产500,000t/a

30、连铸坯提供所需铁水。 Iron making engineering includes one set of 550m3 blast furnace, pig cast machine, coal injection system, oxygen enrichment blowing system, mud mill, repairing facilities of hot metal ladles, and matched utilities. Annual output of hot metal will be 543,200tons. 炼铁工程包括:一座500m3高炉、铸铁机、喷煤系统、

31、富氧喷吹系统、碾泥机、铁水罐维修等辅助设施及其配套的公辅设施。年产铁水580,000t/a。2.6 Steel making & CONTINUOUS CASTING ENGINEERING炼钢连铸工程 Main process equipment for the newly built steel making converter and continuous casting engineering are as follows: one set of 600t mixer, one set of 50t LD converter, and one set of 55t LF refining fur

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