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1、例如:Is she tall?She is tall.(2) 句首是Do、Does的,去掉Do、Does,其它照抄,动词用原形,标点改成 句号。如果主语是第三人称单数,谓语也要改为第三人称单数形式。Do you like apples ?肯定句:I like apples.2、 否定句改肯定句(1) 句子中有am/is/are/can时,直接把am/is/are/can后面的not去掉,其他照 抄。I can r un.l can run.(2) 句子中有dont或doesnt时,直接去掉dont,其他照抄。如果主语是第三人称单数,谓语也要改为第三人称单数形式。 Don tshut.Shut.

2、1、Isthistallboythi n?2、Areyourearssmall?3、Can Sarah clea n the classroom?4、Do you like the ducks?5、Is this the playgro und?6、Are you a boy?7、Can they swim?8 Does he like the dogs?9、 I am not a boy.10、Sam isnsad.11、We aren t studying English12、 t dance13、Don t ope n the pen cbox.14、He doesntk now you

3、r n ame.15、I am not Danny.16、The man isn t walking in the street17、They aren t in the classroom18Her mother cantride a bicycle.19、We don t have lunch at12:00 every day20、Tom doesn t walk to scho ol第4讲缩写形式与完整形式完整形式缩写形式am,misare,renotnSI amImhe isheswe arewe reis notisn Sshe issheyou areyou can notca

4、nSwhat iswhatthey arethey Sedo notdo nSn ame isn amedoes notdoesnS1、 I am Mike.缩写形式:2、 It is a pen.4、 They can not swim.5、 I do no t like apples.6、 I am a stude nt.7、 It is an apple.8、 They are my books.9、 I can not see a boat.10、 Do not sta nd up.11、 Im Da nny.完整形式:12、 Thissmy ruler.13、 Thosere his

5、 robots.14、 You cantgo to have a look.15、 I don tk now his n ame.16、 Im in Grade 3.17、 ShesYa ng Ling.18、 Were teachers.19、 I cant draw a toy car.20、 Jack doesnt speak En glish very well.第5讲主格、宾格、所有格(形容词性物主代词)1人称代词主格:在句子开头作主语,表示谁怎么样了、干什么了。I am a teacher. You are a student. They are students.2、 人称代词宾

6、格:在动词或介词后作宾语,表示动作行为的对象。Give it to me. Letgo.3、 物主代词所有格:用在名词前,表示是谁的东西。This is my book. We love our motherland.我们热爱我们的祖国。主格宾格所有格(形容词性物主代词)单数Imemy我的youyour你的sheherher她的hehimhis他的itits它的复数weusour我们的your你们的theythemtheir他/她/它们的1. (我)am a teacher.2. My father is talking with (我)3. (他)often plays basketball

7、 after school.4. (他的)teacher is good.5. (我们)buy a pair of shoes for (他).6. Please pass (我们)the ball.7. (他们)are listening to the radio.8. This is (我们)book.That is (他的)book.9. (他的)chair is blue. (我们的)is yellow.10. (我们的)classroom is big. (你们的)classroom is small.11. (他)often plays basketball after schoo

8、l.12. (他的)teacher is good.(她的)teacher is good too.13. My book is blue. (you) book is red.14.Our chair is better than (they) chairs.15.1 will give the prese nts to (they)第6讲名词复数变化规则名词复数变化规则:1、 一般情况下,直接加s。car-cars bag-bags book-books2、 以s/x/ch/sh结尾的单词加esoclass-classes box-boxes、watch-watches brush-bru

9、shes3、 以辅音字母加y结尾的单词,变y为i,再加esobaby-babies family-families、comedy-comedies (喜居H)4、 以元音字母加y结尾的单词,直接加S。boy-boys、day-days、key-keys5、 以f/fe结尾的单词,变f/fe为v,再加esleaf-leaves、wolf-wolves、knife-knives“小偷”(thief)的“妻子” (wife)用“刀子” (knife)和“树叶” (leaf)把“狼” (wolf )劈成了两“半” (half)6、 以o结尾的名词,有生命的加es,无生命的加s,以oo结尾的加S。有生命

10、的力卩 e& 例如,potato-potatoes tomato-potatoes. hero-heroes (英雄 爱吃土豆炖西红柿)无生命的力卩 s。例如,photo-photos、radio-radios、piano-pianos。 以 oo 结尾的力卩 s。例如,kangaroo-kangaroos(袋鼠)、zoo-zooso7、 不可数名词没有复数,以原形或/表示。water-人 milk-/、juice-/8特殊情况am/is-are I-we、she/he/it-they、my-ourhis/her/its-their、this-these that-thoseman-men s

11、heep-sheep Chinese-Chinese foot-feet名词变复数birdcardorangewatchladyfamilyrulerphotofriendclassdictio narypartyboygirlcatboxcan dystorywifetreekeybedherosheepcasequestio nleafcuppendeskkn ifepare ntmotherfathersisterbrothersondaughtercousinpen cilchildman第7讲改复数句对照句子,将句子中的名词和代词改成对应的复数,其他不变,按顺序抄下来 即可。 She

12、 is my friend. They are my friends.I am a girl. We are girls.句子单数变复数1. This is a book.2. That is an is a red apple.4.1 am a boy.5. He is a teacher.6. Whatthis?7. I am a tall boy.8.She is a beautiful girl.9.He is a stro ng man.10.This is a big mouse.11. That is a small has a lo

13、ng tooth.13 This is an old dog.14. There is a big peach on the table.15. I can sing a song.16. It is un der the table.17. That is a short boy.18. I like the red skateboards.19. That mon key can climb the tree.20. This fox is big.第8讲 就划线部分提问1、 根据划线部分找到特殊疑问词放句首,把题目中剩下的部分变成一般疑问句, 接在特殊疑问词的后面。2、 标点改为问号。特

14、殊疑问词:特殊疑问词内容What什么How much价格,多少钱What colour什么颜色WhaWo会做什么How身体状况Who谁,问人How old几岁,年龄Where在哪儿,地点How many数量,几个Whose谁的,问主人Which哪一个WhenWhat time几点,问时间Why为什么,问原因对划线部分提问1. That asbike. 2. My n ame is Lin gli ng. 3. This is a map of America. 4. Tow and tow is four. 5. He likes play ing basketball. 6. Pan das

15、 love bamboo. 7. It ssix o_ . clock 8. The bike is black. 9. The pen is red. 10. Amy is a good girl. 11. lin gli ng likes collecti ng dolls. 12. This is li Ping book. 13. My pen is in the box. 14. I live in New York. 15. My birthday is November 11. 16. I go to school by bike. 17. He is twelve. 18. T

16、he hamburger is four dollars. 19. The kite is twenty yuan. 20. Two pens are on the desk. 21. They are from 191 coun tries. 22. The bridge is 5 kilometers long. 23.1 m Class 1. 第9讲be动词、can、have、has的用法1、 be动词:am、is、are口诀:我用am,你用are, is连着他、她、它。单数用is,复数用are。2、 can:能、会、可以can+动词原形。3、 have has:有我有,你有,用have

17、;他、她、它有用hasI have/you have/she has/he has/it has用am,is,are填空I a girl.My name Mary 12 years old. Here my familyphoto.Look! These my pare nts and those my gran dpare nts.This boy my brother.He 15 years old now.That my cat,Mimi.l very lovely.1.1 Kitty. 2.She a stude nt.3. My sisters_ tall.4. Ja ne and

18、Tom my frien ds.5. We stude nts.6. They in the zoo.7. Ya ng Ling ten years old.8.Sa ndy _is my good frie nd. He tall and fat.9. Look at the picture. It _ beautiful.10. This _ my dress.用have和has填空1. I _ a cat.2. He a dog.3. She_ long hair.4. We _ a big house.5. Theya happy family.6. It a short tai。7.

19、 Youa good teacher.8. Janetwo big eyes.9. Toma red pen.10. My mothera beautiful no se.11. I a nice puppet.12. Hea good friend.13. Theysome masks.14. Wesome flowers.15. Shea duck.16. My fathera new bike.17. Her mothera vase.18. Our teacher an En glish book.19. Our teachers a basketball.20. Their pare nts some books.

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