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2、根据学生的层次设计难易程度不同的模拟训练任务。最后,让学生能从有控制的和模仿训练中让学生积累技能从而向灵活自如地运用转变。二、教学内容(上什么内容?1 内容选取(包括知识内容、技能内容与素质内容,选取体现先进性、针对性和适用性)1、 客房预订。2、 接待入住。3、 礼宾服务。4、 外币兑换服务。5、 总机。6、 问讯处。7、 处理投诉。8、 结账离店。2 内容序化(模块化)(根据工作任务、项目及工作过程程序化教学内容,安排科学,符合职业成长规律和学生认知规律)1、 专业术语2、 典型对话3、 工作程序4、 常用句型5、 模拟训练3 表现形式(教学内容表现形式体现齐备性、适用性、先进性)1、 P

3、PT课件2、 典型对话材料三、教学设计(如何上?1 教学模式(以学生为主体,以工学结合为切入点,有针对性的设计教学模式,充分体现“教、学、做”合一的教学模式,企业参与对教学模式的评价,注意教学反馈和改进)1、 定目标2、 引对话3、 讲单词4、 析对话5、 总句型6、 练模拟7、 做练习8、 总重点2 教学方法与手段(根据课程内容与学生特点选择恰当的教学方法,灵活多样的选择教学手段,恰当运行现代教育技术与虚拟现实技术) 案例分析模拟情景训练小组展示3 保障条件(满足课程实训要求的专兼结合的教师队伍、实训条件,所具备的教学环境) 多媒体教学设备四、教学组织与实施(过程怎样?1 组织实施(教学过程

4、体现实践性、开放性和职业性)1、 引导学生拟定单元学习目标2、 讨论单元学习主题3、 分小组学习典型对话4、 讲解专业术语、新单词5、 重新回到典型对话进行分析6、 引导学生从典型对话中归纳工作过程以及常用句型7、 讲解常用句型8、 模拟训练9、 完成课后练习10、 总结单元学习重点2 学生评价方案(报告、作业、实践、笔记、学生互评、考勤等,标明各项分值比例) 出勤20% 平时作业20%课堂训练20% 期末考试40%3教学预期效果1、熟悉酒店前厅部门的服务用语英语专业词汇和表达。2、能在前厅服务岗位上根据工作情景使用常用英语服务句型。3、能用英语完成前厅部门基本对客服务过程。五、改革与创新1

5、改革与创新点(在课程设置、内容选取、教学设计及组织实施等方面所做的改革与创新)1、 重构学习过程,适当打乱教程安排,引导学生主动学习。2、 通过让学生参与到学习目标的制定,更有目的性的进行学习。3、 模拟训练针对不同基础学生进行。2 可资共享与借鉴的内容(本门课程对其他同类课程或相关课程教学可资共享与借鉴的内容)教案 课 题: Chapter 1 Reservation 课 型:Lecture周 次:6 课 时:2授课时间: 地 点:教学目标:(结合岗位知识、能力、素质目标确定)1. Be familiar with the terms and useful phrases in making

6、 room reservations.教学重难点分析:1. New words and phrases 2. working procedure教学过程:Step one Introduction about the course (10m)1. The purpose of setting the courseWhy do we set this course for you in this semester?2. About the contents3. About the assessment4. Qualification of attending the final examStep

7、 two Lead-in (5m)Question and discussionStep three Set learning objectives (5m)Step four sample dialogues (45m)1. pair worksTasks: a. role reading b. find difficult words and sentences2. collect difficult words and sentences from students3. students explain 4. teachers explainStep five new words and

8、 technical terms (25m)PronunciationUsageRolling the ballPunishment: if clogged by some students, repeat the words for three times the whole classUnit 1 Room reservation 课 型:周 次:6 课 时:1. Use sentence patterns skillfully in working situations1. sentence patterns2. put into English orallyStep one Warm-

9、up (5m)ReviewStep two sample dialogues (20m)1. Analyze working proceduretask2. Collect sentence pattern3. Listening material and readingStep three sentence patterns (30m)TasksStep four classroom activities (35m)Unit 1 Room reservation 课 型:7 课 时: 地 点:1. Grasp some knowledge about room reservation2. M

10、ake situational dialogues fluently1. confirmation2. making dialoguesStep one Review (5m)Step two Extended reading (25m)Step three Exercises (45m)Step four making dialogues (10m)Step five Key points in the unit (5m)Unit 1 Room reservation 课 型:Practice7 课 时: 地 点:1. Making situational dialogues fluentl

11、y2. Become a qualified reservationist1. Key information in reservation2. ConfirmationStep one Preparation (5m)Step two Presentations (80m)Choose by students1. 5 scores: making a situational dialogue 2. 3.5 scores: present a standard working dialogue that is made by teacher3. 2 scores: present a simp

12、le dialogue that is made by teacherStep three Summary (5m)Unit 2 Reception 课 型:8 课 时:1. Be familiar with the terms and useful phrases in ReceptionStep one Lead-in (5m)Step two Set learning objectives (5m)Step three sample dialogues (50m)Step four new words and technical terms (30m)8 课 时:Unit 2 Recep

13、tion 课 型:9 课 时:1. Grasp some knowledge about reception1. registering2. noticePreparation for presentationGiven two: simple and standard one prepared by teacherLeave one: difficult one for high level students to compose by themselves9 课 时:2. Become a qualified receptionist1. Key information in recept

14、ion2. three types guestsUnit 3 Bell service 课 型:10 课 时:1. Be familiar with the terms and useful phrases in bell serviceUnit 3 Bell service 课 型:10 课 时:11 课 时:1. Grasp some knowledge about bell service1. introduction of the room facilities2. Become a qualified bellmanUnit 4 Telephone operator 课 型:12 课 时:1. Be familiar with the terms and useful phrases in operating telephonesStep five new words and technical terms (30m)Unit 4 Telephone operator 课 型:12 课 时:2. morning call1. An

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