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1、读写教程4Section A课文(上课单元)Section B:Reading comprehension 2篇(10个选择题,每题2分) 选择题其中一篇选自综合训练 4上课单元,另一篇为课外题词汇单选题10Vocabulary & Structure(10个, 每题1分)Section A, B.课文重点词汇 完型填空Cloze(10个, 每题1分)1或2篇短文,Cloze形式读写教程4section A背诵段落 (上课单元)翻译Translation:(5句, 每句2分)汉译英3 英译汉2 “汉译英”为半句翻译;“英译汉”为整句翻译,全部出自上课单元A课文后的翻译练习,包括Sentence

2、 structure写作Writing作文结合所学课文出题,120字。一、 Short Conversations(6题,每题1分)1. Q: What does the woman mean?A) She envies the man.B) She congratulates the man.C) She thinks money causes trouble.D) She wants to borrow money from the man.M: Im beside myself with joy. Im so lucky. Guess what?ve won a lot of money

3、 in the lottery. W: Yeah? Well, you do know that money is the root of all evil, right?2. What do we know about Marys son?A) He was very angry.B) He is still learning to drive.C) He is helping Mary obtain a drivers license.D) He has a driver Mary was furious. Her son wrecked up her car. He shouldnt h

4、ave driven a car without a drivers license. Hes still taking driving lessons. 3. What does the woman imply?A) She will regret her decision.B) She does not think much of her boyfriend.C) She will wait for the right time to get married.D) She still wants to marry the guy. Susan, I hear youre going to

5、marry that guy. Some people think youll regret it. Is that so? Only time will tell4. Which of the following is true?A) The woman has not overcome her grief.B) The woman has returned to normal.C) The mans mother has died.D) The woman is comforting the man. Mary, I just want to say how sorry I was to

6、learn of your mothers passing. I know how close you two were. Thank you. It was so sudden. Im still in a state of shock. I dont know what to do5. What is the woman complaining about?A) She needs more fresh air in the room.B) She cant make her voice heard in the noisy room.C) She has to work too hard

7、.D) Nobody is listening to her opinions. I get furious at work when my opinions arent considered just because Im a woman. You should air your views more emphatically and demand that your voice be heard1. What is the result of the earthquake of 3.5 on the Richter scale according to the man?A) Widespr

8、ead destruction.B) Moderate damage.C) Small loss of lives.D) No loss of lives. Did you read the paper today? There was an earthquake in Brazil. Yes, but it only measured 3.5 on the Richter scale. I dont think there were any casualties.2. What is Suzie doing?A) Traveling to India.B) Looking at a land

9、slide.C) Sending an e-mail to the man.D) Waiting for the womans e-mail.m a bit worried about Suzie traveling to southern India. Its the rainy season there, and there may be landslides. Suzie can take care of herself; she wont go anywhere too risky. Besides, you can always e-mail her if it makes you

10、feel better3. What is the woman doing?A) She is on a holiday in Asia.B) She is coming back from a holiday.C) She is staying home.D) She cant come back due to a flood. Hi, I thought you were on holiday in Asia! Back already? We never got there! Our travel agent cancelled our arrangements because the

11、whole region is flooded. We were so disappointed; we wont get another chance to go this year4. What is the consequence of the typhoon?A) It delayed the flight by 20 hours.B) It made a mess of part of the city.C) It hurt a lot of people.D) It influenced Tokyo. Our flight to Tokyo was delayed by twelv

12、e hours. Can you believe it? A typhoon hit the east coast and it was chaos. I saw it on the news. The flooding and damage were terrible. I dont think anyone was hurt though5. What does the man think the volcano is?A) Destructive.B) Beautiful.C) Both A) and B).D) Safe. Did you see that program last n

13、ight about volcanoes? It was fascinating! Yes, the weird thing is the molten lava looks so beautiful, yet its so destructive. And I couldnt believe how far the ash can travel. Im glad we dont have any volcanoes here!1. What does the woman want to be?A) A team player.B) A leader.C) Either a team memb

14、er or a leader.D) A weak leader but a good team player. Do you see yourself as a leader or more of a team player? Well, it depends on the circumstances. I usually enjoy working as part of a team and helping everyone work together. But if the leadership is weak, Im not afraid to take over in order to

15、 achieve the goal at hand2. Where is the conversation probably taking place?A) In a coffee shop.B) In an office.C) In a restaurant.D) At a railway station. Good morning, I have an appointment with Mr. Davies at 11 oclock. Yes, he left a message for you saying hes terribly sorry but hes stuck in traf

16、fic and is running 15 minutes late. Please take a seat and hell be here as soon as possible. Would you like tea or coffee?3. Why is the man unhappy?A) He wont be promoted.B) His colleague instead of him will be promoted.C) The boss is going to fire him.D) His close friend is going to leave. You dont

17、 look happy. Did you get that promotion? No, they brought in some new guy. Im not going to hang around for much longer, I can assure you4. What is true of the woman?A) She praises Mr. Jones for being faithful.B) She admires Mr. Jones.C) She is a self-made millionaire.D) She wants to employ an accoun

18、tant Mr. Jones is a self-made millionaire, and Im honored to have worked for him for the past thirty years as his accountant. He must be pleased to have a loyal and faithful employee such as yourself5. Which of the following is true?A) The woman likes working there but worries about too much respons

19、ibility.B) The man likes working there but worries about too much responsibility.C) The man will be promoted to be an office manager.D) The woman may be promoted to be an office manager. Jane, were considering you for the new office managers position. Weve been very pleased with your work. Thank you

20、 very much. Ive always enjoyed working here, and I would welcome an opportunity for more responsibility1. According to the dialog, why do some people stick to one job for life?A) They hate spice.B) They dont want to adjust to new conditions.C) They are loyal by nature.D) They expect faster promotion

21、. Why do some people stay in one job for life while others switch jobs from time to time? Some people want a fixed routine so that they dont have to adapt to new circumstances over and over again, while others think variety is the spice of life2. What does the woman say?A) She expresses her indignat

22、ion at the criticism.B) She promises not to be late.C) She proposes to work late.D) Both B) and C). Kathleen, youve been late for work so many times lately that I have to warn you that any repetition will result in your dismissal. m sorry, Ill try my best to get here earlier in the future. Perhaps I

23、 could work later to make up for the time Ive lost.3. How does the woman feel about the mans leaving?A) She is not sorry at all.B) She is somewhat sorry.C) She is miserable.D) She does not express her opinion clearly. Mrs. Brown, my time here has been frustrating for me. I have a better opportunity

24、with another firm, and Im taking it. We wont be sorry to see you leave, Richard. Youve done your best to make everyone here as miserable as you are4. What does the woman want?A) To get a raise.B) To be promoted.C) To leave by the end of the month.D) To leave within two months. Mr. Armes, I wanted to

25、 tell you in person that at the end of this month Ill be leaving the company. Well, Sylvia, we are certainly going to miss you here, but I wish you the best of luck5. What is the mans response?A) He is upset.B) He flies into a rage.C) He is only too glad to go.D) He is sure of his future. Tim, I hat

26、e to tell you this, but were caught in a budget crunch, and we must lay you off. Im sorry. I understand. Ive enjoyed my time here, and Im confident I can find something else1. What does the man say about his lucky charm?A) It was bitten by a dog.B) It was cut in two.C) He wants to keep it.D) His unc

27、le wants to keep it. Whats that? Is it a toy? Did it get chewed by a dog? Hey, thats my mascot! My uncle gave it to me when I was five, and its been with me ever since. It brought me luck in all my college exams. I cant bring myself to part with it2. Why does the man say he has crossed his fingers f

28、or the woman?A) To show his worry.B) To help the woman get an interview.C) To wish the woman good luck.D) To warn the woman not to hurt her fingers. Wish me luck;ve got a job interview this afternoon. Im really nervous. Stay calm, best of luck!ve got my fingers crossed for you窗体顶端3. What do the man

29、and the woman think about a black cat crossing their path?A) Only the woman thinks it is unlucky.B) Only the man thinks it is unlucky.C) Both the man and the woman think it is unlucky.D) Neither the man nor the woman thinks it is unlucky. Oh no! Did you see that black cat walk right in front of me? Thats unlucky! Really? I guess it depends on where you come from. In my hometown its the

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