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1、Amight Bcant Cmust7Many trees _ in the park last year. They make the park more beautiful.Aare planted Bwere planted Cplanted8Mr.Hand spent lots of money on a new house. He cant afford _ a new car.Abuy Bto buy Cin buying9Dave, can you help me clean the classroom? _Lets start now.AYoure welcomeBOf cou

2、rseCThe same to you10(精选难题) Could you tell me _?My life is not what it used to be.Awhat you think of yourselfBhow you like your present lifeCwhat your life is like after you became famous二、补全对话7选5请根据对话内容,从方框内所给的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余项。A:What a nice MP5 player!11B:Let me see. Oh, it was made in C

3、hina.China again? I just bought a set of Barbie Dolls (芭比娃娃) from China yesterday.How surprising it is!12I agree with you. What do you think it means?13Thats right.14No wonder (难怪) many of my friends would like to work in China after graduation!Sounds like a good idea.15Why not? And Im looking forwa

4、rd to living there in the future.AThere are more and more products that were made in China in our life.BI really cant agree.CDo you have a similar thought?DWhere was it made?E.And they are cheaper and have better qualities.F.Id like to invite them to my birthday party.G.It means Chinese products sel

5、l well around the world.三、完型填空完形填空。MyparentsalwaystoldmethatIcouldntdance,becauseitwasagirls sport. ButInevergave 16 mydreamofbecomingadancing star. I practicedsecretly, learningfrombooks, movies, and shows.However,withoutmyparentssupport,that dream seemedallbut impossibletoreach.Onesummer,mylittles

6、isterMaggiewasgoingtodancelessons.Iimmediatelyasked 17 parentsforpermission(允许)that I cantakehertothelessons. Whata 18 chancetolearndancing!Oneafternoon,Iwaspracticinganewdanceinmyroom,whenMaggie walked 19 .“Whatsthematter,Maggie?”Istopped 20 .Denis,youareagreatdancer!Canyouhelpme?”“Whatisit?”Iwonde

7、red.“There willbeadancingperformanceinmyschool, 21 the boysthinkImslow, andnoneofthemwantstobemypartner. 22 youdancewithmeforit?”Shelookedatmeanxiously.“Youcanbeagooddancer!”Iencouragedher.“Letsshowthosepeoplethattheyhavebeen 23 allalong.(自始自终)”Inthefollowingmonths,we 24 everyevening,hidingfrommypar

8、ents.Iwashavingafantastictimeand 25 Maggieimprovedalot.Finallycamethebigday.Ibecame successful and myparentscametowatchtheperformance. 16Aup Bin Cto17Amy Byour Chis18Asimilar Bgood Cstrange19Aout Baway Cin20Adrawing Bdancing Cwriting21Abut Bor Cso22ANeed BMust CCould23Asad Blazy Cwrong24Arested Bsle

9、pt Cpracticed25Asoon Bnever Cseldom四、信息匹配阅读下列五个与环保相关的话题,将其与上面的图片相匹配。其中有一项为多余选项。ABCD E.F.Things You Can Do to Help the Environment26.Cars are getting bigger. Bigger cars burn more gas and increase problems with air pollution. So try to walk, ride, or take buses. If you drive a car, keep it in a good

10、state. This can save gas and make less pollution.27.The biggest use of home energy is heating and cooling. So turn down the heat, especially at night. Use energysaving lights. And remember to turn lights off.28.“Earth Day” is on April 22nd.Many people all over the world try to do something green on

11、this day. In Italy, people dont use plastic bags. In Canada and Norway, people ride bicycles and dont use their cars. In the USA, people dress up like plants and animals and dance in Times Square, New York.29.Each American throws away 10 kilograms of litter every day. Try to make less waste. Ask you

12、rself before you buy something: Do I need it? Buy products that you can use over and over again.30.howers use a lot of water. In one week, a common American family uses as much water as a person drinks in three years! Take shorter showers or buy a special small shower head. This can cut water use in

13、 half.26_27_28_29_30_五、阅读单选Autumn in Miami, the US is still warm enough, so you can enjoy a beach vacation well into late October.Where to stayLoews Miami Beach Hotel has 790 guest rooms and some have beautiful ocean views(景色).Its next to the shopping areas like Bal Harbour Shop as well as Lincoln R

14、oad Mall. Sushi SoBe at the hotel is one of the best restaurants in Miami.TEL: 305-604-1601What to doSpend an afternoon walking through Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden in Coral Gables. You can see different tropical(热带的) trees and flowers. And the Bird Festival will also be held at the garden this

15、 autumn. 305-667-1651Where to eatIf youre looking for a place to enjoy nice food, head for the restaurant at the Setai for the jazz breakfast. Its well known for its famous foods from different countries. Brunch(早午餐)is only served on Sundays from10 to 3 pm. 305-520-600031Whats the weather like in au

16、tumn in Miami?ACold BHot CWarm32Which is TRUE about Loews Miami Beach Hotel?AIts in England. BIt has 970 guest rooms.CIts convenient for shopping.33If travelers want to join the Bird festival, they can go to ALoews Miami Beach Hotel.BFairchild Tropical Botanic GardenCBal Harbour Shop34If you want to

17、 enjoy a jazz breakfast, you can call .A305-520-6000 B305-604-1602 C305-604-160135On Sundays, the brunch at the restaurant at the Setai lasts for_ .Athree hours. Bfour hours. Cfive hours.六、补全短文5选5请阅读下面材料,根据材料内容,从方框内所给的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并将其答案的标号写在方框下面的横线上。The air pollution problem is something that we

18、 all need to be worried about. Luckily, we can all help in our own little ways.36Instead of throwing everything away, we should find ways to recycle and reuse it. Check out the recycling centers in your area. 37You might even make a few dollars from waste things. Get busy and recycle today.Ride with

19、 a friend or walk. 38Walking or riding can also help you exercise to keep healthy.Reduce(降低) energy use. There are many small things needing energy to work, for example, electricity. 39And dont set the temperature of your conditioner(空调) too low in summer.Plant trees and keep the tress you have heal

20、thy.40 They do this by producing oxygen(氧气),providing shade(荫) in summer and stopping cold wind in winter.Once we work together, we could make a difference. So get stated now.AWhenever we get a chance to walk or ride a bicycle, please dont drive.BTree can reduce air pollution.CSell your waste things

21、 in those centers.DTurn off lights when you dont use it.E.Recycling is a great way to help reduce air pollution.七、填空阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,在下面的表格中填入与文章意思最符合的单词。每空一词。Some good manners in modern lifeDo you often use a cell phone? Do you take the subway to school every day? These items make our modern life easi

22、er. But do you know how we should behave properly while using them? The following suggestions might be helpful.For cell phone usersKeep your voice down when you make a phone call in public. Shouting on the phone may make others feel uncomfortable. And youd better not use it during a meeting.Dont sen

23、d messages at a dinner or a party. You shouldnt play cell phone games either. Its a good time to communicate with your family and friends.t make or answer a call while driving. It is not only very dangerous for both you and your passengers but also against the law.For subway passengersYou are suppos

24、ed to wait in line while buying tickets and getting on the subway. According to subway rules, you mustnt eat, drink or smoke on the subway. The smell and noise may trouble others. Its necessary to keep the train clean and tidy. Besides, smoking is bad for your health and harms people around you. You

25、d better not lie across the subway seats even if some seats are empty. Offering your seat to someone who needs it is considered as good manners.ItemsDosDontsCell phone users41your voice down when making a phone call in public. Dont send messages at a dinner 42a party.Dont make or answer a call while

26、 driving.Subway passengersWait in line43buying tickets.Keep the subway clean and tidy.44 your seat to the people in need.t eat, drink or smoke. It troubles others and smoking is unhealthy.t lie across the subway seats even if there are some 45seats.八、回答问题请阅读下面非连续性文本,按要求完成所给的任务。How to celebrate Earth

27、 DayEarth DayThe first Earth Day was held on April 22, 1970. The holiday has been celebrated on this day every year ever since then.In 2014, NASA(美国国家航空和宇航局)took an active part in Earth Day. Their Global Selfie event asked people to take a photo of themselves outside, and send it to NASAThey then pu

28、t these pictures on a map of the world for all to see to commemorate their participation (纪念他们的参与)in this important day.我们可以做许多小事来保护地球。the following are some easy ideas!Ride your bikeif you live close enough to your school, ride a bike to and from classes. Not only is it good for your body, its also good for the environment! And if you arent nearby or dont have a bike, take public transportation.Use your own water bottle Just throwing your plastic water bottles into the recyclin

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