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1、C.tasting;other D.taste;others32.That boy, _ father is a footballer, is very good at sports.A.thatB.whosC.whoseD.which33.There are many foreign students in this university, _ 24 Japanese ones.A.including B.included C.includes D.include34.He found _ very difficult _ learn math;for B./;goC.t

2、hat;;to35.These doctor told my uncle to _ drinking so much wine if he wanted to be up B.put up C.give upD.make up36.Do you know _ this time yesterday?A.what she is cookingB.what is she cookingC.what she was cooking D.what was she cooking37.I dont think teenagers should get th

3、eir ears pierced, _? IB.dont IC.should theyD.shouldnt they38.We were late for school last Wednesday _ the heavy rain.A.because C.becauseD.since39.-Dont worry. Your brother is coming to help you.-_ he doesnt come and I am here alone?A.What aboutB.What ifC.Why notD.How about40.Jim went swim

4、ming with his parents yesterday afternoon. _.A.So did Mary B.So Mary does C.So Mary wasD.So Mary did41.-Which do you prefer, English _ French?-I prefer English _ French.A.or;toB.and;toC.and;thanD.or;than42.-Look at the old lady in red. Is that Mrs Lee?-No, it _ be her. She has gone to Canada.A.willB

5、.mustntC.cantD.may43.-What did your friend say to you the day before yesterday?-She asked me _ anyone her tell not B.not to tellC.dont tell D.not tell44.-How was your holiday, Ann?-_ It rained all the time and I had to stay inside.A.Great!B.Wonderful! C.Exciting!D.Boring!45.-Do you mind

6、my smoking here?-_ Cant you see the “No Smoking”sign?A.Im afraid you cant.B.Of course not.C.Not at all.D.It doesnt matter.II.Reading comprehension(阅读理解)(共20小题;选择题5小题,每小题1分;非选择题15小题,每小题2分,计35分)A)Read the following passage which is followed by five questions. For each question, there are four choices

7、marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the passage.(阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容从每小题所给的A,B,C,D四个选项中,选出最佳答案。Mike Bing and his wife Lynn were very hungry. A waitress with short,curly hair came to their table. Mike asked her for a cup of tea. A few minutes later, the waitress with short, c

8、urly hair came back, but she did not have Mikes tea. She said to Mike and Lynn,“Do you want something to drink?”Again, Mike asked for a cup of tea. Suddenly, two waitresses came back to the table. They both had a cup of tea for Mike. And they hoth had short, curly hair. In fact, they looked exactly

9、the same. Mike was confused. What happened? Mike and Lynn were at Twins Restaurant in New York City.Lisa and Debbie Ganz are the owners of Twins Restaurant. The two women are identical twins. In fact, all the people who work at Twins Restaurant are twins. Thirty-seven sets of twins work there, and e

10、ach set wears the same clothes. Sometimes customers like Mike and Lynn Bing get confused, but the restaurant is a lot of fun. Everything at Twins Restaurant is double. For example, there are two doorknobs on each door.The Ganz sisters are always happy when twins come into the restaurant to eat. The

11、twin guests sign their names in a special book. Then the twins can have a photo taken with the Ganz sisters. Usually the Ganz sisters put these pictures on the walls, so there are a lot of pictures of twins on the walls of the restaurant. There are pictures on the walls of famous twins, too. However

12、 Twins Restaurant is not only for twins, but also for people like Mike and Lynn Bing. But its double the fun for twins!46.Where were Mr and Mrs Bing?A.In a special club in Paris.B.In a special cafe in London.C.In a special restaurant in New York.D.In a special supermarket in Sydney.47.Why was Mike c

13、onfused?A.Because the first girl was impolite and not helpful.B.Because the two girls looked exactly the same.C.Because the two girls both had long, curly hair.D.Because the second girl brought him a cup of coffee.48.What is the meaning in Chinese of the underlined word“identical”?A.富有的B.完全不同的C.友好的D

14、.完全相同的49.Who are the Ganz sisters?A.They are the owners of a restaurant.B.They are the visitors to New York City.C.They are local newspaper reporters.D.They are both famous photographers.50.Twin guests can have a chance to sign their names and _.A.have a cup of tea for freeB.get pictures of famous t

15、winsC.have a photo taken with the Ganz a prize of 1,000 dollarsB)Read the following three passages and follow the instructions for each section.(阅读下面的三篇短文,然后按短文后的要求完成所给出的题目。ADo you send messages on your cellphone? Do you email your friends? Do you chat on the Internet? Then you are part

16、 of the language revolution. Computers and technology are changing the language. When people type on the computer or send cellphone messages, they usually want to do it quickly.An email is electronic mail. You send it to people from a computer. Emails dont have a long history. The world lived withou

17、t emails for a very long time. People used faxes or the post office to send letters. Now, we can send emails, and things are much faster. We all need emails because they are easy, and almost everyone has access to the Internet.Since people send emails, they dont write any more. Regular mail is slowe

18、r than email, and people call it “snail mail”. A snail is a very slow creature, and regular mail is slow, too. People dont write letters any more, and it is sad. People like to receive letters because it shows the time and care of the letter writer. It is nice to receive a kind letter from a friend.

19、 You can keep letters in a pretty box and read them again later. You can also keep emails, but must people just erase them. Also, people dont try to write well in emails. They just write short messages. Emails are helpful, but we miss old-fashioned letters too.Questions 51-55: Fill in the blanks usi

20、ng suitable words according to the passage above. Use only one word for each blank.Emails are a kind of computer mails, which dont have a long (51)_. Emails are (52)_ and (53)_ than regular mails, which are called“snail mails”. But emails are not as nice to receive as regular mails. People dont writ

21、e them (54)_, and they usually dont (55)_ their emails. Emails are not as special as old-fashioned letters.BDo your children enjoy interesting stories, funny games, and exciting dances? Captain Goodfellow wants children to join in these activities at they City Theater on Saturday morning, free.Movie

22、s at the Museum TheaterTwo European movies will be shown on Saturday afternoon at the Museum Theater.See Broken Window at 1:30. The Workers will be shown at 3:45. For further information, call 4987898.International PicnicAre you tired of eating the same food every day? Come to Central Park on Saturd

23、ay and enjoy food from all over the world. Delicious and not expensive. Noon to 5:00 pm.Take Me Out to the BallgameIts November 7, and Saturday night(7:00-9:00)is your last chance to see The Red Birds this year. Get your tickets at the gate. It might be cold, so dont forget to take sweaters and jack

24、ets. Do You Want to Hear“The Zoo” “The Zoo”, a popular rock group from Australia, will give their first US concert this Saturday night, at 8:00 at Rose Hall, City College.Questions 56-60: Complete the statements or answer the following questions according to the information above.56.On Saturday morn

25、ing, children can enjoy interesting stories, funny games and exciting dances at _ without paying any money.57.At the Museum Theater, children can watch _.58.What will the food at International Picnic be like?59.When can you see The Red Birds for the last time?60.What is“The Zoo”?C Reading is a very

26、important skill. Reading is also an excellent way to improve your English. However, to make sure what you read isnt too difficult, its important to know what makes texts difficult and how you can improve your understanding of them. Here are some suggestions:1.Understand the purpose of your reading.

27、The way you read something depends very much on your reasons for reading it. The kind of reading you do in class or for your homework is different from how you read a novel for pleasure in the summer holidays.2.Find background information. Find something out about the topic you are going to read. (6

28、1)The more background information you have, the easier itll be to understand the text. You can get this background information in your own language.3.Increase your vocabulary. Of course, reading itself is an excellent way to improve your vocabulary, but there are many other things you can do. The mo

29、re vocabulary you have, the easier your reading will be.4.Use your dictionary correctly. (62)A common mistake is to read everything very slowly and carefully, looking up each unknown word. Sometimes this is necessary, for example, when reading exam questions. However, it takes a long time and can be very boring;it can even make understanding more difficult!If youve followed the above advice and still cant understand a text, then its simply too hard for your. Stop reading and ask someone to help you. Nobody likes to give up, but youll just b

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