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1、 A. She wants to call Xiao Li. B. The telephone charge is expensive. C. Xiao Li must be sleeping.4. Why, is the man sleepy? A. He got up too early this morning. B. He stayed up late to watch TV last night.C. He worked on his projects late last night5. Where will the man go tonight? A. A cooking scho

2、ol. B. A restaurant. C. The womans home.第二节(共15小题;每小题15分,满分225分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独自读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6. Where does the conversation take place? A. In a bank. B. In a post office. C. In a shop.7. What is t

3、he man going to do? A. To change his clothes. B. To make a telephone call. C. To buy something in the shop.8. What are the two speakers talking about? A. Their time-table. B. Their history class. C. Their scores in the last exam.9. What does the woman think of Professor Johnson? A. He is easy to get

4、 along with. B. He usually gives his students good grades. C. He seldom gives homework to his students.10. What will the man donext? A. Choose another class. B. Cheat in the history exam. C. Continue to stay in the class.11. What is the purpose of the mans purchase of the flowers? A. For his parents

5、 wedding anniversary. B. For his grandparents C. For his own wedding anniversary.12. What is his customer number? A. UT250RUT B. UR250BUT C. UR520BUT13. How will the flowers be handled if nobody receives them? A. Leave them at the door. B. Leave them with the neighbor. C. Take them back with the del

6、ivery man.听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。14. What is the possible relationship between the two speakers? A. Classmates. B. Workmates. C. Teammates.15. When will the woman come to the get-together? A. At4:45 pm. B. AtS:00pm. C. At5:15 pro.16. Where will the speakers meet this Fridays evening? A. At the womans. B.

7、At schoel. C. At the mans.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. What occupation is mentioned in the talk? A. A manager B, A teacher. C. A salesman18. How can we show our interest in the company? A. Asking proper questions about the company. B. Letting the interviewer know more about you, C. Giving as much advice as

8、 possible to the interviewer.19. How can we succeed in an interview according to the speaker? A. Being friendly as much as possible, B. Being confident and preparing well. C. Giving as much information as possible.20. How many tips does the speaker give us? A. 2. B. 3. C, 4.第二部分:英语语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)第

9、一节多项选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21. Because of the continuous bad weather, the building work of the bridge over the Yangtze River is far behind A. regulation B. procedure C. schedule D. campaign22. We are going to lose anyway, so I cant see the of playing this game.

10、 A. symbol B. theme C. object D. point23. The recent study has shown that peoples attitudes towards protecting the environment are not with their behavior in daily life. A. consistent B. reliable C. satisfied D. enthusiastic24. The Jiangsu TV station is very popular with many people in China, as it

11、deals with sub-jects such as music, entertainment and fashion. A. precise B. diverse C. casual D. regular25. Though the No smoking signs have existed for long in public places, heavy smokers often them and light up cigarettes. A. abandon B. postpone C. decline D. ignore26. The monthly sales of Mo Ya

12、ns works 199 times compared with those before he won the Nobel Prize for.Literature. A. accelerated B. stretched C. multiplied D. switched27. With more and more farmers moving to cities, an inadequate labor force is becoming a major factor affecting the countrys grain output. A. automatically B. occ

13、asionally C. absolutely D. gradually28. After the mass shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School, President Obama ordered his members to solutions to gun violence. A. put up with B. come up with C. keep up with D. catch up with29. The Chinese football team had experienced a series of reforms. Howeve

14、r, its performances in Shenzhen in October all the people, especially the crazy fans.A. knocked down B. let down C. pulled down D. brought down30. Housing prices in Beijing and Shanghai are now largely for low-income families, A. out of control B. out of touch C. out of reach D. out of order第二节 完形填空

15、(共20小题,每小题l分,满分20分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。After finishing shopping in the supermarket, I and my wife Julie stood in the shortest line.There was only one guy in it, but he was in a 31 and there seemed to be some trouble going on.Well, I and my wife Julie stepped in

16、 behind him. At first, he seemed to be having 32 getting his groceries onto the conveyor belt. But after a while, I realized that what he was actually doing was 33 them into two parts. I offered to help, but he and the checkout lady had it 34 He asked Julie if she would mind 35 his empty basket away

17、. Then he 36 for his wallet which was in a pocket on one side of his wheelchair. The way he was positioned and the fact that he had only one 37 arm made this quite a stretch for him, so I helped there.What must it be like, I wondered, to be so 38 on other people like that.9 The checkout operator cam

18、e around and gave him his 39 and the items he needed. She 40 one bag of groceries over a handle at the back of his chair. I 41 to get the. bigger bag and he said, No. 42 you could do me a favor. Take that part along to the entrance and give it to Angela. I dutifully did that, 43 Julie with our shopp

19、ing. It 44 that Angela was collecting food for people who might otherwise go hpngry!This guy, despite the 45 that his physical condition imposed on him, had 46 more than twice as much shopping as he needed and 47 the bigger bag to help other people! He didnt let the fact that he needed help 48 him f

20、rom being a help. He may have been limited 49 , bat his heart was more than capable of 50 all that. And it changed my idea of dependenee.31. A. comer B. queue C. wheelchair D. lift32. A. mercy B. interest C. confidence D. difficulty33. A. separating B. breaking C. cutting D. placing34. A. under orde

21、r B. under control C. under discussion D. under repair35. A. putting B. getting C. casting D. rolling36. A. hunted B. reached C.looked D. sought37. A. comfortable B. clumsy C. disabled D. usable38. A. kind B.strict C. dependent D. considerate39. A. change B. basket C. bag D. food40. A. presented B.

22、handed C. hung D. pulled41. A. preferred B. used C. decided D. offered42. A. So B. But C. For D. Thus43. A. exchanging B. leaving C. charging D. associating44. A. turned out B. came out C. burst out D. gave out45. A. manners B. chances C. limitations D. fates46. A. collected B. reserved C. donated D

23、. bought47. A. thrown away B. givenaway C. left out D. sent out48. A. save B. protect C. stop D. shelter49. A. physically B. economically C. originally D. mentally50. A. accomplishing B. overlooking C. valuing D. overcoming 第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

24、(A)If you want to know how crazy people can be about their pets, you might remember that Helmsley left $12 million to her little Maltese dog when she died last year.The dogs name is Trouble. And apparendy Trouble is still alive. Of course, I would hang on,too, if someone left me $12 million. Look! T

25、op-shelf dog food, soft pillows everywhere, drivers walking me in nice leafy parks. I would live to be 110 in dog years.s story is still fresh in my mind the other night when I leave a steak house after a superb meal. Then I notice a woman carrying a small bag out of the door behind me.Once outside,

26、 she walks over to where a man is holding a tiny dog hke its a baby. The dog looks like a Maltese, too, barking and annoying, with a cute haircut,And now I am treated to an absolute astonishing sight. Because now the woman reaches into the bag and begins pulling out little pieces of meat, which she

27、puts on a plastic spoon and feeds to the dog.This is no cheap steak house. Its actually, way out of my league -Im there only because its a special occasion. I can tell you this: if I walked out of the place with any leftover steak, it sure wouldnt go to a dog. Not at those prices.So now the woman is

28、 Spoon-feeding the dog and the man is just standing there, holding this dog and looking as if this is the most normal thing in the world. And the dog is calmly chewing these pieces of steak as if hes a little king. And this dog is in no hurry. Hes having a great time.A few minutes go by, and now the

29、 dog finishes all of his steak. At this point, I hear the woman say to the man Think hes still hungry? And she glances behind her at the restaurant, as if she might go back in there to get more steak for the dog.Watching all this, Im afraid Im going to shout, Are you out of your mind? Feeding all th

30、at pricey steak to that little dog? Did you see what our American life is like today? Were all going to be eating dog food if this keeps up!51. Why would the author live to be 110 in dog years? A. Because he is always in poor health and falls ill. B. Because a Maltese dog lives longer than a human being. C. Because his grandparents left him a large sum of money. D. Because he thinks the dog is treated extremely well.52. What is the story mainly about? A. An American familys happy life. B. A Maltese dog getting $12 million from its owner. C. A New

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