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1、2.clothes / clothsclothes: something you wear - jeans, shirts, blouses, etc.你穿的衣物,如牛仔裤、衬衫、上衣等。Just a moment, let me change my clothes.等一会儿,让我先换个衣服。Tommy, get your clothes on!汤米,把你的衣服穿好!cloths: pieces of material used for cleaning or other purposes.用来做清洁或其他用途的材料。There are some cloths in the closet. U

2、se those to clean the kitchen.壁橱里有一些布。用它们来清洁厨房吧。I have a few pieces of cloth that I use.我有一些用过的布快。3.dead / dieddead: adjective meaning not alive形容词,意为“无生命的”Unfortunately, our dog has been dead for a few months.不幸的是,我们的狗已经去世几个月了。Dont touch that bird. Its dead.别碰那只鸟。它已经死了。died: past tense and past par

3、ticiple of the verb to die动词die的过去式和过去分词形式。His grandfather died two years ago.他的祖父两年前去世了。A number of people have died in the accident.许多人在这场意外中丧生。4.experience / experimentexperience: noun meaning something that a person lives through.名词,意为某人经历的某事。- also used as an uncountable noun meaning knowledge

4、gained by doing something也可以用作不可数名词,表示“通过完成某事而获得的知识”。(first meaning)His experiences in Germany were rather depressing.(第一种)他在德国的经历相当凄惨。(second meaning) Im afraid I dont have much sales experience.(第二种)恐怕我的销售经验不足。experiment: noun meaning something that you do to see the result. Often used when speaki

5、ng about scientists and their studies.名词,意为为了得到结果而做的某事。常在谈论科学家及其研究时使用。They did a number of experiments last week.上周,他们做了许多实验。t worry its just an experiment. Im not going to keep my beard.别担心,只是个实验而已。我不打算留胡子。5.felt / fellfelt:to feel动词feel的过去式和过去分词形式。I felt better after I had a good dinner.一顿丰盛的晚饭后,我

6、感觉好多了。He hasnt felt this well for a long time.他很久都没有感觉这么好了。fell: past tense of the verb to fall动词fall的过去式。He fell from a tree and broke his leg.他从树上掉下来,摔伤了腿。Unfortunately, I fell down and hurt myself.不幸的是,我掉了下来,受了伤。6.female / femininefemale: the sex of a woman or animal女人或雌性动物。The female of the spec

7、ies is very aggressive.这种雌性生物极具攻击力。The question female or male means are you a woman or a man.这个“女或男”的问题问的是“你是女人还是男人”。feminine: adjective describing a quality or type of behaviour that is considered typical for a woman形容词,用来描述女性常有的特征或行为方式。Hes an excellent boss with a feminine intuition.他是一位优秀的老板,有着女

8、性的直觉。The house was decorated in a very feminine manner.这座房子的装饰非常女性化。7.its / itsits: possessive determiner similar to my or your物主限定词,类似于my或your。Its color is red.它是红色的。The dog didnt eat all of its food.这只狗什么都不吃。its: Short form of it isit hasit is或it has的缩写形式。(it is) Its difficult to understand him.他真

9、是一个让人读不透的人。(it has) Its been a long time since I had a beer.我已经很久没喝过啤酒了。8.last / latestlast: adjective usually meaning final形容词,常表示“最后的”。I took the last train to Memphis.我乘上了去往孟斐斯的末班车。This is the last test of the semester!这是本学期最后一次测验。latest:most recentnew形容词,意为“最近的”或“最新的”。His latest book is excellen

10、t.他的新书写得非常棒。Have you seen his latest painting?你见过他最新的画作吗?9.lay / lielay: verb meaning to put down flat - past tense - laid, past participle laid动词,意为“放下”,过去式为laid,过去分词为laid。He laid his pencil down and listened to the teacher.他放下手中的铅笔,听老师讲课。I usually lay my pies on the shelf to cool.我常常把馅饼放在架子上,让它变凉。

11、lie:to be down - past tense -lay , past participle lain动词,意为“躺下”,过去式为lay,过去分词是lain。例子The girl lay on the bed asleep.那个女孩躺在床上睡着了。At the moment, hes lying on the bed.此刻,他正躺在床上。10.lose / looselose:to misplace动词,意为“丢失”。I lost my watch!我把手表弄丢了!Have you ever lost anything valuable?你有没有弄丢过珍贵的东西?loose: adje

12、ctive meaning the opposite of tight形容词,意义与“绷紧的”相反。Your trousers are very loose!你的裤子太松了!I need to tighten this screw. Its loose.我要把螺丝钉拧紧点,它太松了。11.male / masculinemale: the sex of a man or animal男人或雄性动物。The male of the species is very lazy.这种雄性生物非常懒惰。masculine: adjective describing a quality or type o

13、f behaviour that is considered typical for a man.形容词,用来描述男性常有的特征或行为方式。Shes a very masculine woman.她是一个女汉子。His opinions are just too masculine for me.他的观点对我来说太大男子主义了。12.price / prizeprice: noun - what you pay for something.名词你为某物付出的钱The price was very cheap.价格非常便宜。Whats the price of this book?这本书多少钱?

14、prize: noun - an award名词奖励。He won a prize as best actor.他获得了最佳男演员奖。Have you ever won a prize in a competition?你有没有在比赛中得过奖?13.principal / principleprincipal:the most important形容词,意为“最重要的”。The principal reason for my decision was the money.我之所以做这个决定,最重要的原因就是钱。What are the principal irregular verbs?有哪些

15、重要的不规则动词?principle: a rule (usually in science but also concerning morals)规则(常用于科学,但也涉及道德领域)Its the first principle of aerodynamics.这是气体力学的第一准则。He has very loose principles.他的原则弹性很大。14.quite / quietquite: adverb of degree meaning veryrather副词,意为“非常”或“相当”。This test is quite difficult.这次测验非常难。He was q

16、uite exhausted after the long journey.长时间的旅行后,他疲惫不堪。quiet: adjective meaning the opposite of loud or noisy形容词,意思与“喧闹的”“嘈杂的”相反。Could you please be quiet?!能请你安静点吗?s a very quiet girl.她是一个非常安静的女孩。15.sensible / sensitivesensible:having common sense i.e. not stupid形容词,意为“有常识的”,即“不笨的”。I wish you would be

17、more sensible about things.我希望,你遇事能够更明智一点。Im afraid you arent being very sensible.恐怕你不够明智。sensitive:to feel very deeplyto hurt easily形容词,意为“敏感的”或“易受伤害的”。You should be careful with David. Hes very sensitive.你要小心大卫。他非常敏感。Mary is a very sensitive woman.玛丽是一个极易受伤的女人。16.shade / shadowshade: protection fr

18、om the sun, a dark area outside on a sunny day.在晴天隔绝太阳的荫凉区。You should sit in the shade for a while.你应该到荫凉处坐会儿。s too hot. Im going to find some shade.太热了,我要找个地方乘凉。shadow: the dark area created by something else on a sunny day.在晴天,由某物制造出的阴影区。That tree casts a large shadow.这棵树投下一大片阴影。Have you ever noti

19、ced your shadow getting longer as it gets later in the day?你注意到影子会随着天色越晚而拉长吗?17.some time / sometimessome time: refers to an indefinite time in the future指的是未来一个不确定的时间。Lets meet for coffee some time.找个时间一起喝杯咖啡吧。I dont know when Ill do it - but I will do it some time.我不知道什么时候会去做但我会在某个时候去做的。sometimes: adverb of frequency meaning occasionally频率副词,意为“偶尔”。He sometimes works late.他有时候会工作到很晚。Sometimes, I like eating Chinese food.有时我喜欢吃中国菜。

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