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1、2. How can John get camping equipment cheaply? A. Buy it. B. Rent it. C. Make it.听第2段材料,回答第3至5题。3. Where does the conversation take place? A. In a kitchen. B. At the womans house. C. At a department Store.4. How did the woman know about the shelf?. A. She bought one before. B. She saw one at her fri

2、ends. C. She saw an advertisement.5. When can the woman get the product? A. Next week. B. In two hours. C. In one or two days.听第3段材料,回答第6至8题。6. What is Mikes main problem? A. He is in debt. B. He falls behind in his study.C. He has to give up as Chairman.7. Why should Mike give up the position? A. H

3、e cant do the work well. B. He cant get through his study. C. He cant get along well with his classmates.8. According to the woman, who can be Chairman of the Students Union instead of Mike? A. The woman herself. B. Jim. C. Peter.听第4段材料,回答第9至11题。9. Who is the woman? A. She is a car repair worker. B.

4、 She is a driver whose car is being blocked by the mans car. C. She is a policewoman.10. Why didnt the man park his car in the car park around the comer? A. He didnt know there was a car park around the comer. B. He didnt want to pay for the parking. C. He thought it would be full.11. What will the

5、man probably do after the conversation? A. He is going to the police station. B. He is driving away. C. He will show the woman his license.听第5段材料,回答第12至15题。12. What is the main character of New England? A. It is hilly. B. It has few rivers. C. It is rather flat.13. Why is New England not good for fa

6、nning? A. The soil is sandy. B. The weather is too dry. C. The soil has been overworked.14.How do most people in New England make a living? A. By trading in leather goods. B. By working on farms. C. By working in factories.15. How do New Englanders learn many of their skills? A. At school from teach

7、ers. B. At home from parents. C. In factories from their bosses.第二节 听取信息(共5小题;每小题15分,满分75分) 听下面一段独白,请根据题目要求,从所听到的内容中获取必要的信息,填入答题纸标号为16-20的空格中。录音读两遍。你有2分钟的作答时间。Tokyo16. Tokyo was destroyed by a big earthquake in _.17. Seven years after the earthquake, Tokyo was _.18. Tokyos population in 1960 was mor

8、e than _ that in 1945.19. A lot of new stadiums, _ and hotels were built in Tokyo in 1964.20. _ shortages, pollution and waste have been the biggest problems with the city of Tokyo.第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。21. Its said that mainland superstar s

9、inger Sun Nan will hold a concert at the Workers Stadium on December 24. _! I never heard about it. A. Congratulations B. You are mad C. What a great surprise D. How exciting a concert22. There _ nothing to talk about, everyone in the room remained silent. A. was B. had C. being D. having23. On the

10、whole, the time _ the students devote to the games in the Internet cafes without doubt has a great effect on the study in the school. A. in which B. on which C. when D. that24. What do you think of the coming Beijing 2008 Olympics? Oh, the table-tennis match is _ to be the most exciting of it. A. pr

11、eferred B. wished C. expected D. proved25. It was only after some progress _ in the use and development of electricity that men began to realize the importance and possibilities of magnetism (磁力). A. was made B. would have been made C. has been made D. had been made26. The central government is spar

12、ing no efforts to _ the officials overuse of power to make up a healthier Party. A. keep off B. keep down C. keep out D. keep on27. Many politicians think that it may be a long time _ such a country damaged by many years of war is rebuilt. A. since B. before C. after D. while28. Volunteers will be o

13、n the frontline in welcoming the world to China, _ in beautiful uniforms and using English to help visitors. A. dressed B. dressing C. to dress D. being dressed29. Is there a basketball match between the IA Lakers and Houston Rockets this Saturday? There _ be. Ive already been trying to get one tick

14、et. A. might B. would C. must D. can30. Mary actually saw lung cancer kill her father, who had smoked _ since he was a teenager. A. badly B. seriously C. heavily D. fiercely31. Each of the 400 people received from their boss _ gift Who moved my cheese? _ best-seller in the US to understand how to de

15、al with changes in their fives and work. A. the; 不填 B. a; 不填 C. a; a D. the; a32. Understanding the cultural habits of another nation, especially _ containing as many different cultures as the United States is a difficult thing. A. which B. one C. that D. it33. What can I do with such a situation? T

16、ake _ measure you consider best. A. whichever B. whatever C. however D. whoever34. Among movie fines, it might be the declaration Im the king of the world by Leonardo from the film Titanic _ was named to be the worst line in movie history. A. what B. who C. Which D. that35. Excuse me, what impressed

17、 you most in his report? Well, the most important part, I think, lies in the words to bring about an _ of the conditions of the working men and women. A. improvement B. advance C. increase D. achievement第二节 完形填空(20小题;每小题15分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文中所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 More and more young wo

18、men want to look beautiful. Young womens desire to achieve the figure of a fashion model has an 36 form of expression in the problem of anorexia nervosa (神经性厌食症). Anorexia nervosa is a(n) 37 disorder which occurs largely among young girls; 38 , it is also found among 39 of the young women, and in so

19、me eases, among boys. Anorexia nervosa is 40 starvation attitudes toward food, and distorted (扭曲的) body image. 41 they are often extremely thin, anorexic girls believe that they are fat and are 42 on dieting. Their perceptions (理解) of their own bodies are very much distorted. They do not see themsel

20、ves as thin but 43 , as fat. Most 44 of anorexia lose 25 percent or more of their body fat. Anorexia also causes them to become 45 . From five to six percent of anorexics actually die from starvation. Anorexia, which means without food, seems to be quite 46 among young girls, although it was 47 a pr

21、oblem twenty years ago. The 48 of anorexia is not known. Researchers are trying to find out its 49 but it is related to a psychological (心理的) need. One theory is that they want to 50 becoming an adult, since starvation can 51 down physical growth and the beginning of puberty (青春期). Another theory is

22、 that anorexia is related to refusal of the mother figure or to 52 the daughter of an overly protective and controlling mother. By being anorexic, the girl shows her ability to 53 at least one aspect of her own life. In addition, researchers 54 that the problem may result in a wrong body image the i

23、deal of female beauty of being very 55 .36. A. ordinary B. extreme C. interesting D. last37. A. acting B. sleeping C. studying D. eating38. A. however B. generally C. anyhow D. regularly39. A. few B. all C. some D. none40. A. brought by B. found in C. regarded as D. characterized by41. A. Because B.

24、 When C. Although D. If42. A. put B. held C. checked D. fixed43. A. rather B. nevertheless C. further D. even44. A. lovers B. victims C. women D. patients45. A. anxious B. worried C. weak D. disappointed46. A. ordinary B. common C. great D. often47. A. hardly B. certainly C. hopefully D. exactly48.

25、A. medicine B. truth C. result D. cause49. A. possibility B. opportunity C. necessity D. importance50. A. enjoy B. imagine C. avoid D. risk51. A. slow B. cut C. break D. turn52. A. doing B. becoming C. turning D. being53. A. control B. improve C. build D. instruct54. A. advise B. note C. announce D.

26、 doubt55. A. fat B. thin C. healthy D. weak第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分) 阅读下列短文,然后从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。A Learn another language isnt easy, but most people can learn a second language well if theyre willing to put in the necessary time. Here are sane practical suggestions for studying effective

27、ly, overcoming anxiety, and learning the grammar and skills necessary for success in foreign language classes. Study every day Language lemming is cumulative: you cannot put it off until the weekend. Study one or two hours for every class hour if you want a good mark. Distribute (分配) your study time

28、 in 15 to 30 minutes period throughout the day Study a different task each time: vocabulary now, grammar next, etc. Get an overview during the first half hour: spend 10 minutes reviewing dialog, 10 minutes learning new vocabulary, 10 minutes learning new grammar So youll at least have looked at it a

29、ll. About 80% of your study time should be spend on recitation (背诵) or practice. Attend and participate (参与) in every class even if you arent well prepared Class time is your best opportunity to practice, Learn the grammar and vocabulary outside of class in order to make full use of the class time.

30、Spend a few minutes warming up before each class by speaking or reading the language. Make yourself comfortable in the classroom Get to know your classmates, so youll feel youre among friends. Visit your teacher during office hours to get acquainted (熟悉的) : explain your goals and fears about the course to your teacher.

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