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1、多种纤维协定MFA (Multifibre Agreement)纺织品与服装协议ATC (Agreement on Textiles and Clothing)服务贸易总协定GATS (General Agreement on Trade in Services) 关于争端解决规则与程序的谅解DSU(Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes)京都议定书 Kyoto Protocol里斯本条约(有关地理标识及其国际注册)Lisbon Agreement蒙特利尔议定书(有关保护大气臭氧层的多

2、边环境协定)Montreal Protocol农产品协议特殊保障SSG (Special Safeguard)农业协议中关于反补贴的和平条款Peace clause生物多样性公约CBD(Convention on Biological Diversity)信息技术协议ITA (Information Technology Agreement)WTO最不发达国家高级别会议HLM (WTO High-level Meeting for LDCs)北美自由贸易区 NAFTA (North American Free Trade Area)采取措施后Ex post采取措施前Ex ante产品生命周期分

3、析LCA (Life Cycle Analysis)出口补贴Export subsidy出口实绩Export performance垂直兼并 vertical merger当地含量Local content电子商务 Electronic Commerce 东部和南部非洲共同市场COMESA (Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa)东盟自由贸易区ASEAN Free Trade Area动植物卫生检疫措施SPS (Sanitary and Phytosanitary Standard )反补贴税Countervailing duty反倾销措施

4、 anti-dumping measures against反向通知Counter-notification非配额产品 quota-free products非生产性投资 investment in non-productive projects非洲、加勒比和太平洋国家集团(洛美协定)ACP(African, Caribbean and Pacific Group)风险管理/评估 risk management/ assessment关贸总协定,世界贸易组织的前身 GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade)规避Circumvention国际标准化

5、组织ISO (International Organization for Standardization)国际纺织品服装局ITCB (International Textile and Clothing Bureau)国际货币基金组织IMF (International Monetary Fund)国际劳工组织ILO (International Labor Organization)国际贸易中心ITC (International Trade Center)国际贸易组织ITO (International Trade Organization)国际贸易组织临时委员会ICITO (Inter

6、im Commission for the International Trade Organization)国际清算 international settlement国际收支 balance of international payments/ balance of payment国际收支条款BOP(Balance-of-payments) Provisions国际兽疫组织International Office of Epizootics国民待遇National treatment国内补贴Domestic subsidy国内生产Domestic production海关估价Customs

7、valuation海关完税价值Customs value横向兼并 horizontal merger环保型技术EST(Environmentally-sound technology)灰色区域措施Grey area measures货币留成制度Currency retention scheme货币贸易理事会CTG(Council for Trade in Goods)基础税率Base tariff level既定日程Built-in agenda交叉报复Cross retaliation进口差价税Import variable duties进口附加税Import surcharge进口环节税

8、import linkage tax进口渗透Import penetration进口替代Import substitution进口许可Import licensing进口押金Import deposits经济合作与发展组织OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development)垃圾融资 junk financing联合国环境署UNEP (United Nations Environment Program)联合国开发计划署UNDP (United Nations Development Program)联合国粮农组织FAO (Fo

9、od and Agriculture Organization of the United States)联合国贸易与发展会议UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development)粮食安全Food security慢性萧条 chronic depression贸易和投资自由化和便利化 TILF (Trade and Investment Liberalization and Facilitation)贸易与发展委员会Committee on Trade and Development贸易与环境委员会Committee on Tra

10、de and Environment模式Modalities南方共同市场(或称南锥体共同市场)MERCOSUR (Southern Common Market)南亚区域合作联盟SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional cooperation)欧洲自由贸易联盟EFTA (European Free Trade Association)配额调整条款modulation of quota clause瓶颈制约 bottleneck restrictions全球配额 global quota上诉机构Appeal body申报制度 reporting sys

11、tem; income declaration system生产补贴Production subsidy实行国民待遇 grant the national treatment to实质损害Material injury食品法典委员会 CAC(Codex Alimentaries Commission) 世界海关组织WCO (World Customs Organization)世界贸易组织WTO (World Trade Organization)世界知识产权组织WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization)市场准人的行政管理措施 AAMA (A

12、dministrative Aspects of Market Access)市场准入Market access通知义务Notification obligation同类产品Like product乌拉圭回合Uruguay Round消费膨胀 inflated consumption协调制度(商品名称及编码协调制度)HS (Harmonized Commodity and Coding System)新议题New issues许可费 License fee有秩序的市场安排Orderly market arrangements约束水平Bound level争端解决机构Dispute Settle

13、ment Body政府采购 Government procurement 知识产权IPRs (Intellectual property rights)直接支付Direct payment诸边协议 Plurilateral agreement 专门的营销机构Market boards转基因生物GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms)祖父条款 grandfather clause最不发达国家LDCs (Least-developed countries)最初谈判权(初谈权) INRs (Initial Negotiating Rights) 最惠国待遇(现通常称

14、正常贸易关系)MFN(most-favored-nation) treatment最惠国贸易地位(待遇)MFN (Most-favored-nation)(Treatment)WTO术语英文解释GeneralGATT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, which has been superseded as an international organization by the WTO. An updated General Agreement is now one of the WTOs agreements. GATT 1947 The ol

15、d (pre-1994) version of the GATT.GATT 1994 The new version of the General Agreement, incorporated into the WTO, which governs trade in goods.Members WTO governments (first letter capitalized, in WTO style).MFN Most-favoured-nation treatment (GATT Article I, GATS Article II and TRIPS Article 4), the

16、principle of not discriminating between ones trading partners.national treatment The principle of giving others the same treatment as ones own nationals. GATT Article III requires that imports be treated no less favourably than the same or similar domestically-produced goods once they have passed cu

17、stoms. GATS Article XVII and TRIPS Article 3 also deal with national treatment for services and intellectual property protection.TPRB, TPRM The Trade Policy Review Body is General Council operating under special procedures for meetings to review trade policies and practices of individual WTO members

18、 under the Trade Policy Review Mechanism.transparency Degree to which trade policies and practices, and the process by which they are established, are open and predictable.Uruguay Round Multilateral trade negotiations launched at Punta del Este, Uruguay in September 1986 and concluded in Geneva in D

19、ecember 1993. Signed by Ministers in Marrakesh, Morocco, in April 1994. Tariffs binding, bound see “tariff binding”electronic commerce The production, advertising, sale and distribution of products via telecommunications A casual term used to infer that a country which does not m

20、ake any trade concessions, profits, nonetheless, from tariff cuts and concessions made by other countries in negotiations under the most-favoured-nation principle.Harmonized System An international nomenclature developed by the World Customs Organization, which is arranged in six digit codes allowin

21、g all participating countries to classify traded goods on a common basis. Beyond the six digit level, countries are free to introduce national distinctions for tariffs and many other purposes.ITA Information Technology Agreement, or formally the Ministerial-Declaration on Trade in Information Techno

22、logy Products, under which participants will remove tariffs on IT products by the year 2000.ITA II Negotiations aimed at expanding ITAs product coverage.nuisance tariff Tariff so low that it costs the government more to collect it than the revenue it generates.schedule of concessions List of bound t

23、ariff rates.tariff binding Commitment not to increase a rate of duty beyond an agreed level. Once a rate of duty is bound, it may not be raised without compensating the affected parties.tariff escalation Higher import duties on semi-processed products than on raw materials, and higher still on finis

24、hed products. This practice protects domestic processing industries and discourages the development of processing activity in the countries where raw materials originate.tariff peaks Relatively high tariffs, usually on “sensitive” products, amidst generally low tariff levels. For industrialized coun

25、tries, tariffs of 15% and above are generally recognized as “tariff peaks”.tariffs Customs duties on merchandise imports. Levied either on an ad valorem basis (percentage of value) or on a specific basis (e.g. $7 per 100 kgs.). Tariffs give price advantage to similar locally-produced goods and raise

26、 revenues for the government.WCO World Customs Organization, a multilateral body located in Brussels through which participating countries seek to simplify and rationalize customs procedures.Non-tariff measures anti-dumping duties Article VI of the GATT 1994 permits the imposition of anti-dumping du

27、ties against dumped goods, equal to the difference between their export price and their normal value, if dumping causes injury to producers of competing products in the importing country.circumvention Measures taken by exporters to evade anti-dumping or countervailing duties.countervailing measures

28、Action taken by the importing country, usually in the form of increased duties to offset subsidies given to producers or exporters in the exporting country.dumping Occurs when goods are exported at a price less than their normal value, generally meaning they are exported for less than they are sold

29、in the domestic market or third-country markets, or at less than production cost.NTMs Non-tariff measures such as quotas, import licensing systems, sanitary regulations, prohibitions, etc.price undertaking Undertaking by an exporter to raise the export price of the product to avoid the possibility o

30、f an anti-dumping duty.PSI Preshipment inspection the practice of employing specialized private companies to check shipment details of goods ordered overseas i.e. price, quantity, quality, etc.QRs Quantitative restrictions specific limits on the quantity or value of goods that can be imported (or exported) during a specific time period. rules of origin Laws, regulations and a

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