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1、复述、即席讲话、语音语调及语法。其中,前三项评分针对三项任务的完成情况,后两项是对考生在完成前三项任务中的语音语调及语法的总体评价。具体评分过程如下: (1)评分教师首先给三项任务依次打分,但每项任务的评分重点不同。复述部分强调故事的完整性与条理性;即席讲话强调内容切题、丰富、条理清楚,表达流畅;交谈部分强调讨论充分、遵循交际原则。 (2)评分教师就考生在三项任务中的语音语调与语法进行总体的评价,打综合分。分数采用百分制,每五分为一档。 (3)将五项分数相加,得到总分。(1) 复述故事(听两遍故事后复述3分种);()即席讲话(根据所给的题目准备分钟后,作即席讲话3分钟);(3) 对话(根据规定

2、的角色各自准备分钟后,对话4分钟)。201:Tak:Retelling a tryI oc knw n d man wos ad mmory md hi fms. JohnSmth wsso foretl thathe someime fogotwha he wa taking abotn the mddl f sntec. i wf hd o contany remind im abut his metngs, hscses evn his mes! Oce he orgt e hd eten breatwce, at home an at shoo Hi ifeid trend hr ne

3、ighbs, “If John didnthavehisheadtied on. Heould orgeth to!” SinceSt as a rfessra a wel-known uniersit, his ogetulnss wsoften an embrrassm It asnthat he wasn lever, aomecrica peopee o sa, but jus very, vraset-midedOne otmmer dy, Profssor mthecided totais cdren to seside owbou threeurtrinrieaway. o me

4、 t rip meiteting fo hsoug ilre, h keptthname of the towna secret. Howvr, bythetimety rived a heaton,Sithoro the me o the tonhe wa lannin to visi.Luckily, afriendf i hapenedt einh satio He ffed o care oth lrn whiemth hurried bckhome to fin t whre he wsgoingTh profesrs wifewas supisd t imagin osoon. “

5、Oh, mydea, fort he nme thtown.” “Wha? Yo frgothe nae? Mabone aou ill orget my ame! NwIll rit e nae h tonon a piece f ppe,nd yop it in our poke an las, lese don orgewee upt i.”Stfie tat sh had soved te problm, she senther hsbandoagan minute later she a asonished o ee h ouiethe huse fo the thirdtime.“

6、What ithe attr no?”“Au tld e, int forgt were ut te nme of thattwn, u I forgothere Ile ourchildrn!Task2: Tling a giventopcDireons: Desrbe a teacherourwho ou find unuualTask3: Roleplyingreons: Many hih schol gduae inChia r ong oveseas fortheir oleg educaion. frien of yorsis grauing thi ear ad wold lik

7、 o askfor yradvie on whether it iagodidefr a hig school gradate g aod t ud.StudeA: Yuthink thisfrind sould goby allmeas, n yusould tyoconvinc or arner Reemeryu sould sate versaton.Studnt B:Youhin tis friendsoul fini collge n Cinefore thingaout going aboad,an yushuldtr to ovince yor prtermembr yur pa

8、rtner will starh conversatio.202:Task1: Retelliga sor henever r.mith goe to Westgae,e sastte GrdHtel. nspite ofi ame,t is rall no very “an,” bit heap,clean, adcmfotale. Snce h nows the mgerel,he neverha to g to thtrouble rervig a rom.Te at i ht he alwys gt hesame ro.Iis sittdathe fa ndof he bildng a

9、nd ovelookabeautiful ay. Onhs lastviit, Mr Smit was to tat e oulhve hisusul oom,utthmanagr addedapoogeticalythat it ighe alittlenoisy So geat was the demadfr roms,t anager id, tht the hotl had decied tobuild neng Mr.Sith adhe ddnot idItamuedhm to thnk tht he dr old Gradoel wasmaking n efforttolive u

10、p to its nam. Durig he firs dyr. mith hardly oticedthenoise ll. The oom wasa ittle dsty,tthat wa atural. Th folwing fternoon, heborroeda bok fro hehoteiryand wt pstirs to rado sooer hd he sat w hanhe hadsomone hmmering ludl t he al. At irst h aid noatetion, but afer a whie h began feever uncomotable

11、. is clote re slowlybeinveredwh fne whtepodr. Soon herewasso uc dus he romthathe begn tocoug.e hammernwsnw louer hneer nbis ofplaster werecomngway fo the lls.Itlooked asthough he wole buidingwasgoingto fal r. Sithwent immeditely toomplai to e mnger. Thyboth trneo te room, u everytig wvey qie. As thy

12、stootherloking a ach oer, r.Smit el rthrembrssedohvigdraggdthe managel he a pthe stirs frothg. All of audden,thmming ega again analarge brklanedon the flor oinup, they swa shapmal tol had foced its way thouhth wal, makigavry lrge ole rght ov te! Tlkg o a gientoicDirecon: Dscibe anebarrssigitut n ih

13、out veryar.as3: Roe-playigDiretions: Theolog depamentofa majruesit is panni o admit 30 alad 5 fmae studns. Howeve, he eslts of the collge etrance examitiohow tt b averge, o al te applicn, females haescored igr than mst males Soul the deprtmn sick to itsoriinal plan?Sudnt A: You thinkthe department s

14、uldsl stic to therigialan,d yo soud ry to c you partnr. emer yousho art the conversatontudentB: You dntthnh deartentshould stitothe orinl plan, and you hold rto convine you prne. Rember yo prtnerll trtthe converion200: Rtlin story Justas Jae waoyfly expecing er firt child, rtie, ere moter egn loinge

15、r battlwithabrain disese.or n yeas, the fecelyindpnet an couageous oe had fougt, bu none f thesrgrie r tetmenthaben uccesful. Atonl fiftyie,sebecmetaly disaled- uablet speak, walk, et or dres n hr own. s hemor grw lose and cosertath, th baby grewcoser nd oer tolife. Jane wa aid that her mothrad her

16、by wul never nw eaco.Herea eem well-oude. fw eks bforherue dat, he mr lapsed ito a de coma.Th docors didntod any ho. It was useless topt n afeding tbe,thy said,fo other wuld never awakenSo Jane brht Mothr t her ow bed h on hus.Asoften ssh cd, shesat bside hr mother, talkig abot te aboving nsi hr. On

17、 Ferur 3, 9, atbout t sme timeJne egan to fel ithpns, Moter oend ereys. Janecalled home. “Mom, liste My aby is cming! oure oin o haveagandchd. D youudestand! “es,” Mother anwed. t a wonderul or! The irt clear word shed spk in months. By the time Jae brugh hr son hm, her mote was stig in her char, dr

18、ese nd rey o wcom he babyFotwo weeks, Mther lued, mied ndhed te new-bon baby. The sh quietly becm ucnscios n, ftervits foall er hdren, wasfinly free othe pan For Jn, emres f her sos br wllalays e biersweet,butit s his tme hat sh lean aiporant trthbout liing Whle botjoy and sorrw pas qckly, ndofnom o

19、ger at the ae time, lovha the ower oerce oth ndlove cn last fever.Student : You wl rvelin later tis week and you e wonderg aoute advntaes an afetyof lyig. ece news rts of air crhs headou ervus youcanot eci f tis safe rvel byairplae. You trn toyour frienfor advice aout wheheryo shgob ar or byrain H/e

20、tried to peue yu to te flight y lstin sm dvantges.Eenull you efuse t cept his/e opnionanmakeyour owndecion. on oyour fedss taig arp late thiseekan h/se s necid abt whethe o trvel by iror by ri No knowing hat o do, yu friend coes to yo foadvie. Yu r to sude yourfriendto tae a light in pit o reptsf ar

21、 crashe. ventually,you fil to cnvinc hmhr and you frn buy trainticket std205:Rtellng astoryA littlilwhoe prets had died lid wi e randoteadset inn upaisbedrom.Onenight there was a fire nthe houseandthe grandoter ed whetryng to rscue h chld.Teirepred qucy,andh fist foo ofte house was soon eued in ames

22、.igbors all hefire departent,thetoodhelplesl b, unblonter thhou becse lae blockeall heentrances. The ltle girapearedatanupsais ido,crig or hp,just aordspreamongth cow tht hfrefighters ould bedlayedaewmint ause hey er la athr fire.Sdenl,a man appeared wit adder,put itpagainst he ide of the house and

23、isappeared insie.Whn heeared, he hadtelittle gl n hs ams e iverd the child o theaiing ars beow, thndisapeaed intoth nihtn investigatoeledhatthe chi hadno ivng relatis, anwees lar mtin washeld inte wnallto deme wh wod tae theld into their e n brng he upA teacher idshe woudike oraiseh cldepointed outt

24、hatsh coul nu her a ood eucton.A fame ofeed h ubrnging onhis farm. He pointed out that ivn on a arm ws heltyand saifyng Othes spoke, gvng thei easons wh t as o the cildsavantae o ie with them.Finl, te tow ricest esidet re andsid, “ a gi his hild al the advanta tha o havmnonedhere,ls mony and evrthing that moneycanbuy.”hroghoutall h, th idremined ilen, ereyes on th floo.“Doe any

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