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Unit 1 基础训练含答案人教版八年级英语上册Word格式文档下载.docx

1、C. any;D. little;6、(1分)_ there any students in the classroom?No,there arent. But there _ some half an hour ago.A. Are;wereB. Were;areC. Are;D. Were;7、(1分)_ Nancy at home last weekend?No,she _.She was in the library with her friends.A. Is;isntB. Was;wasnC. Did;didnD. Was;8、(1分)This movie is kind of b

2、oring.I dont really _ it.A. seeB. lookC. enjoyD. want9、(1分)_ did you _ for dinner?Sichuan food.A. What;haveB. When;hadC. Why;D. How;10、(1分)Where _ you last night?I _ at home.A. are;amB. am;C. were;wasD. were;二、单词拼写(共1题;共5分)11、(5分)根据句意及所给汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词。(1).Please do not write (在下面) this line.(2).They

3、rode (自行车) to the countryside yesterday.(3).His parents are (商人) and they sell fruit and vegetables.(4).The children are always (饥饿的) when they get home from school.(5).I started keeping a(n) (日记) when I was thirteen.三、用所给单词的正确形式填空(共1题;12、(10分)用所给词的正确形式填空(1).My mother and I (be)in Beijing last Sunda

4、y.(2).We (see)an interesting movie on TV yesterday.(3).Did they go to the beach with (someone)?(4).I think the movie is too (wonder)(5).Jack,please help (you) to some fruit.(6).We all like the activity and nobody gets (boring)(7).I want to make my (decide) for myself.(8).They are (difference) from e

5、ach other.(9).His brother really enjoyed (walk) in the rain.(10).Hurry up!Tom (wait) for you in the office.四、完成句子(共1题;13、根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空词数不限。(1).在山顶上你能看见整个城市。You can see the whole city the mountain.(2).上周你们去夏令营了吗?Did you last week?(3).你知道过去这儿的生活是什么样子吗?Do you know what life here in the past?(4).一周的差异

6、是多么大呀! a week makes!(5).上个周末他们拍了相当多的照片。They took photos last weekend.五、完型填空(共1题;共15分)14、It was Childrens Day yesterday, we 1the park. Our teacher was 2us.3 many people there. Some Young Pioneers (少先队员)4 near the river.5 sang and danced. There were some 6 on the river. There was a hill7. Some boys 8

7、in the river. We sat under 9 apple tree with our teacher. We 10on Childrens Day yesterday.(1).A. wentB. went toC. went forD. went in(2).A. toB. fromC. withD. of(3).A. Those wereB. HowC. HadD. There were(4).A. areB. wasC. wereD. did(5).A. TheyB. ThemC. TheirD. Theirs(6).A. hillsB. boatsC. flowersD. t

8、rees(7).A. hereB. overC. over thereD. near(8).A. swimB. swimmingC. swimmedD. swam(9).A. aB. anC. /D. the(10).A. likedB. enjoyedC. had great funD. did.六、阅读理解(共1题;15、Bill and Sue were brother and sister.They studied in the same school.One day,on their way home they saw some nice birds.But they had no

9、money to buy them.Sue had a good idea.On Saturday and Sunday they went to their farm and helped their father pick apples.So their father gave them twenty dollars.Sue and Bill went to Mr.Kings shop after school.Every one of them bought a bird.One is yellow.The other is green.The yellow one is smaller

10、 than the green one.They liked them very much.(1).Bill was Sues _.A. fatherB. motherC. brotherD. sister(2)._ they went to work for money.A. Every dayB. After schoolC. At nightD. On Saturday and Sunday(3).They helped their father _ on the farm.A. clean the roomB. pick applesC. water the treesD. cook

11、supper(4).Bill and Sue bought _ in Mr.Kings shop.A. two dogsB. two applesC. two birdsD. apples(5).The green bird was _ than that yellow one.A. biggerB. cheaperC. betterD. smaller七、任务型阅读(共1题;16、My grandfather never watched TV. He thought that people spent too much time watching it. Some of his friend

12、s often talked about sports shows, the movies and plays. My grandfather said to himself, “They never read any books or go out in the evening.” So he didnt buy a TV. Two years ago my grandfather was 60 years old. He stopped working in the hospital. My father bought him a TV. He began to watch all the

13、 news. He knows much more about the news. He k nows much more about the world. And he reads more books, too. Now, my grandfather will get very angry if you trouble him when he is watching TV. I cant understand that one can change his idea when he is 60. 根据短文内容,回答问题。 (1).Did the writers grandfather w

14、atch TV before he stopped working?_ (2).When did the writers grandfather stop working in the hospital?_ (3).How old is the writers grandfather now?_ (4).Who bought the writers grandfather a TV?答案解析1.【答案】C【解析】句意:你觉得这次旅行怎么样?太棒了。A. By train坐火车;m very tired我很累;C. It was great 棒极了;D. The weather was fine

15、天气很好。问句是询问“你认为旅行怎么样?,答语要对旅行进行评价,B选项时态不对,只有C项符合题意。2.【答案】D我想要像鸟儿一样在空中飞翔。feel like doing sth.想要做某事,故选D项。点睛:“想要做某事”除了feel like doing sth.外,还有另外两种表达:want to do sth.和would like to do sth. 三者之间可以进行同义句转化,如: He wants to eat some bread.= He would like to eat some bread.= He feels like eating some bread.他想吃些面包

16、。3.【答案】C这个男孩足够强壮,能搬动这个箱子。enough修饰形容词或副词,位置后置,故排除A、B两项;系动词is后接形容词作表语,故答案选C。4.【答案】C我要给我儿子买点东西,但不给自己买。something一般用于肯定句,anything用于否定句和一般疑问句。前一个句是肯定句,要用something,排除A,B;根据but表示转折可知,后一个句子是表达为自己什么也不买,故答案选C。5.【答案】A你能给我一些钱吗?对不起,我没有带钱。some一般用于肯定句,any用于否定句和一般疑问句,little几乎没有,表示否定,修饰不可数名词。Could you.?是表示语气的委婉,在这种委婉

17、语气的句子中用some;答语是否定句,故用any。答案为A。6.【答案】A教室里有学生吗?没有,但是半小时前有。根据No, there arent.判断前一个空用are。根据half an hour ago判断,后一个句子为一般过去时,be动词用were。故答案为A。7.【答案】B上周末南茜在家吗?不,她不在。她和她的朋友们在图书馆。“在家”用be at home。last weekend 是一般过去时的标志词;Nancy 是第三人称单数,be动词应用was。否定回答用wasnt,故答案为B。be动词开头的一般疑问句,可用Yes或No回答,由于问句是一般过去时,因此在答语中的be动词也必须用过

18、去式。格式:肯定回答:Yes, 主词 + was/were. 否定回答:No, 主词 + was/were + not. 如:Was she in America two years ago? Yes, she was. No, she wasnt.8.【答案】C这部电影有点无聊,我不太喜欢。A. see看见,强调结果;B. look看,强调动作;C. enjoy 喜欢;D. want想要。因为这部电影有点无聊,故“我真不喜欢它”。答案为C。9.【答案】A你们晚餐吃什么了?四川菜。have什么,吃;had何时,吃;have 为什么,吃;have怎么样,吃。根据答语“四川食物”可知问句询问“什么

19、”。疑问词用what,故答案为A。10.【答案】C昨晚你在哪里?我在家。根据last night判断,句子的时态为一般过去时,排除A,B;在一般过去时态中,you用系动词were,而I用was。故答案为C。11.(1).【答案】below请不要在这一行的下面写。below在.下面,是一个介词,后面跟this line这个名词短语作宾语。(2).【答案】bicycles / bikes昨天他们骑自行车去了农村。bicycle或者bike都是名词,自行车。根据句意可知,句子的主语是They他们,那么自行车应该是复数的,故这里应填bicycles或者bikes。(3).【答案】traders他的父母

20、是商人,他们卖水果和蔬菜。trader商人,是一个名词。根据句意His parents are可知,这里说的是他的父母两人,因此这里应填名词的复数形式traders。(4).【答案】hungry当他们从学校回家的时候,这些孩子总是很饿。hungry饥饿的,是一个形容词,在be动词的形式are后面作表语。(5).【答案】diary当我十三岁的时候我开始记日记。diary日记,是一个名词。空前有不定冠词a,故这里填名词的单数形式diary。这个题目是单词拼写,考查学生们在具体语境中使用单词的能力。学生们不仅要能正确书写单词,还应注意使用单词的正确形式。做题时,应根据句意和所给单词的汉语意思来填写单

21、词。然后根据单词在句中的作用、句中使用的句型等,变化单词正确的形式。例如第2小题,根据句意和单词的意思可知,这里应填名词bicycle或者bike,句子的主语是They,他们,复数,因此骑的自行车也应是复数的,故填bicycles或者bikes。再如第5小题,考查了名词diary,日记,空前有不定冠词a,修饰可数名词单数,因此这里直接填diary。12.(1).【答案】were上个星期天妈妈和我在北京。根据时间状语last Sunday判断,句子的时态为一般过去时,and连接两个并列主语,视作复数形式,be动词用were。(2).【答案】saw昨天我们在电视上看了一部有趣的电影。根据时间状语y

22、esterday判断,句子的时态为一般过去时,故答案为saw。(3).【答案】anyone他们和别人一起去海滩了吗?someone用于肯定句,anyone用于否定句和一般疑问句,此句是一般疑问句,故答案为anyone。(4).【答案】wonderful我认为这部电影太精彩了。此句是系表结构,系动词is后跟形容词作表语,故答案为wonderful。(5).【答案】yourself杰克,请随便吃点水果。help oneself to + n. 表示“随便吃/喝”,此处是Jack一人,故答案为yourself。(6).【答案】bored我们都喜欢这个活动,没有人会感到无聊。boring常用来修饰物,

23、bored常用来修饰人,此处的主语是nobody没有人,故答案为bored。(7).【答案】decision我想自己做决定。make a/ones decision做决定,结合句意可知,答案为decision。(8).【答案】different它们彼此不同。be different from与不同,结合句意可知,答案为different。(9).【答案】walking他的哥哥非常喜欢在雨中散步。enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事,故答案为walking。(10).【答案】is waiting快点!汤姆正在办公室等你。Hurry up!结合语境可知,让对方现在抓紧时间,说明此刻Tom正在

24、办公室等着,句子的时态为现在进行时,主语Tom为第三人称单数,故答案为is waiting。13.(1).【答案】on the top of【解析】on the top of在.的顶上,是一个介词短语,top是名词,顶部。on the top of the mountain“在山顶上”,符合句意。(2).【答案】go to summer camp【解析】go去.,是一个不及物动词,后面跟介词to,然后再跟宾语;summer camp夏令营,是一个名词短语,作to的宾语。(3).【答案】was like【解析】be like像.,like是介词,放在系动词be后作表语。根据句意和句中的时间状语i

25、n the past可知,这里应使用一般过去时态,主语life是单数,故填was like。(4).【答案】What a difference【解析】这是一个感叹句,句型是what +a+名词+主语+谓语动词,difference区别,不同之处,是一个名词。这里make a difference是固定短语,有区别,有影响。(5).【答案】quite a few【解析】quite a few相当多的,是一个固定短语,修饰可数名词复数,在这句话中修饰后面的名词photos。这个题目是完成句子,考查了一些固定短语和句型的用法。做题时,应根据句意和句中已知的部分,先确定应填写的词汇或短语,同时需要注意使用正确的形式。例如第3小题,考查了一个句型whatbe like?意思是“.是什么样的?”,根据in the past可知,这里问的是过去,主语life是单数,故be动词用was,填was like;再如第4小题,考查了感叹句和短语make a difference,difference是名词,故感叹句用what,其构成是what a+(形容词)+名词+主语+谓语动词。十四.【分析】文章讲述了作者和老师,同学在儿童节这天去公园里玩,看到了一些少先队员在

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