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1、( )5 A.Yes ,they are B.Yes ,There are. C. Yes , I a m.D) 听对话,选出所给问题的最佳选项。( ) 1.A.They can swim. B.They can skate. C. They cant skate.( ) 2.A .They like swimming. B. He likes dancing. C.He likes swimming.( ) 3.A. There s a ruler. B. There s a pen C. Both A and B. ( ) 4 A.No ,he cant . B. Yes,he can C

2、. No ,he isnt .( ) 5 A. play football B. play basketball C. play baseball.E)听录音,补全短文。(0.5*12=6)I live in a new house _ my parents.My father likes _ _. My mother can _ very well.Look.These are two _._ is white and the _ is black.They have big eyes and big _ .They can swim.She is not _ at _ .Ilike _ o

3、n the swing under the tree .We _ like our new house.笔试部分(70) 一、单项选择题。(12)( )1.-This is Mr Green._ is a new teacher in our school.Can you show _ around? - Yes,Miss Li. A .She; her B.He;him C. His; he( )2. What do they like? They like _. A. picture book B. picture books C. pictures books ( )3. -What d

4、oes _ _ have ? A.Jim B. they C. you ( )4. My animal friend is very cute._ body is hard.A. Its B. Its C. It is ( )5. -Im hungry,Tina. - You can _ some B. have C.eats( )6. Sandys mother _ a fish,but we dont _ one.A.has ,has B.have,has C.has ,have ( )7. I can_ the violin . I like_ the viol

5、in .A. play, play B. play, playing C. playing, play ( )8. _in your new school bag? Therere many books. A. Whats B. Whatre C. Wheres ( ) 9.Helen and Yang Ling _ like dancing.A.two B.all C. both( )10.They _ some fruit. But their teacher _ .A. have; dont B. has;doesnt C. have;doesnt ( )11.Theres a hole

6、 _ the ice. A.i n B.on C. at( ) 12.You can see _ in the US.A. polar bears B. bald eagles C. kangaroos二、情景匹配,将其序号填在题前括号里。(9)( )1.What does he like doing? A.It has a short tail.( )2.What can you do ? B.Yes,it does.( )3.How many stickers do you have? C.He likes fishing.( )4.Do they have a new friend? D

7、. I can play the piano( )5.What does the dog have ? E.Yes,they do( )6.Does the pig have big ears? F.Yes ,I do.( )7.What can the bird do ? G.They like sleeping.( )8.Do you like going boating? H.It can fly high.( )9.Whatdotheylikedoing? I.No,she doesnt. 三、连词成句。(3)1.second, floor , there, are, any, roo

8、ms, computer, on , the (?)_2.on, like ,Su Yangs ,films ,family,watching,Sundays(.), friend,do, have ,they,animal(?_四、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Its great fun to go _ (skate).2. The rabbits _ (have) short tails.3. She _ (not ) like _ (write).4. Can you _ (play) the violin? No, I cant.5. What _ (do ) they li

9、ke doing? They like _(swim)6. Today is the _(one) day of the new term.7. This is _ (we) basketball .Let_ (we ) go and play.五、根据中文提示完成句子。1.-我们学校有多少间教室?-有25间。 -How many _ _ _ in _ school?2.这两个女孩喜欢在家读故事。The two gilrs _ _ stories at home .3.我不擅长学习数学。 Im _ good _ Maths.4.熊猫有尾巴吗?-有- _ pandas _ tails ?- Ye

10、s,they _.5.你的妹妹害怕狗吗?_ your sister afraid of dogs?六、句型转换。按要求改写下列句子,每空一词。(7)1Liu Tao has a cute dog.(改为一般疑问句) _ Liu Tao _a cute dog?2There are some cakes in the fridge.(改为否定句)There_ _ cakes in the fridge.3My animal friend can jump. (就划线部分提问) _ _ your animal friend_?4I like reading. (改为同义句) _ _ _ readi

11、ng.5I have some good friends.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)- _ you _ _ good friends?- No, I _ .七、 根据短文内容,选择合适答案填入题前括号内。( 8 )Mrs Brown is a young lady.She has a large house .She likes _1_ biscuits very much. Her family all like her biscuits .Today ,she shows me a _2_ of her family ._3_ a big family it is ! She has

12、 a son .His hobby is _4_ cartoons on TV.In front of her son ,_5_ is a man .He is Mr Brown ._6_ is Mrs Brown ? She is beside Mr Brown and _7_ them is their lovely little daughter .Mrs Brown _8_ her very much.( ) 1. A. making B.eating C. drinking( ) 2. A. paper C. book( ) 3. A. What B.How C. W

13、hat a ( ) 4. A. watching B. playing C. reading( ) 5. A. it B. there C. where( ) 6. A.Where B. What C. Who( ) 7. A. on B. in C. between( ) 8. A. love B. loves C. like 八、阅读理解。(一)、根据短文内容,对的填“T”,错的填“F”。(5)Do you remember the story of Cinderella? Cinderella comes from Germany(德国)。It is a story from Grimm

14、s Fairy Tales(格林童话).The Grimm brothers started to collect (收集) fairy tales in 1806.Their first book came out in 1812.Why are German fairy tales so interesting ?Maybe it is because they come from the Black Forest .The Black Forest is very famous.It is a big and beautiful forest in Germany.It is famou

15、s for its tress and lovely views(景观) 。There are valleys and waterfalls(山谷和瀑布)there.Its a good place to start a story.Do not forget to bring something back if you visit there.People there are good at making clocks ,musical instruments and watches.( ) 1. Cinderella is a story from Grimms Fairy Tales.(

16、 ) 2.The Grimm brothers started to collect fairy tales in 1806.( ) 3.German fairy tales are very interesting.( ) 4.The Black Forest is not a good place to start a story.( ) 5.People in the Black Forest are good at making toy animals . (二)、阅读短文,选出正确的答案(5)There are many kangaroos in Australia and they

17、 are not only in zoos.You can see them everywhere outside the cities and towns .Kangaroos have very strong legs ,so they are very good at jumping .their tails are very strong ,too. So when they want to have a rest ,they rest on their tails .Kangaroos are also very good at looking after their babies.

18、They eat grass ,leaves , roots and some plants . Mother Kangaroos keep their babies safe in their pockets .( )1.There are many kangaroos in _. A.the cities B. Australia C. the towns ( )2. kangaroos are good at _. A. dancing B. jumping C.running( )3. Kangaroos rest _. A. with their legs B.on their le

19、gs C. on their tails( )4. _ keeps the babies safe in the pockets . A. Mother kangaroos B. Father kangaroos C. Sister kangaroos ( )5.Kangaroos eat _ A. roots and leaves B. grass and plants C. A and B九写作(5)以“My friends hobbies ”为题写一篇小短文,介绍你的朋友的业余爱好。要求:条理清晰,思路连贯,书写规范。不少于5句话。My friends hobbies_五年级英语期中教学

20、质量调研卷 2017.11听力内容A)选出你听到的单词。(听两遍,10分)1.Now I can talk about my friends hobbies.2.Can you sing an English song for me ?3. The music room is on the third floor.4. I like drinking ice water in summer.5.Stop! We cant eat here.6. Dont shout in library. 7.Whos between the trees?8. The rabbits have two lon

21、g ears .I love them. 9.Is there a telephone on the desk?10.You can see pandas in China. B) 听录音,判断所听内容是否与图意相符,用T 或F 表示(听两遍,5)1.Whats your hobby? I like watching TV.2.Bobby is so heavy . Sam cant push him.3.What are you good at ,Yang Ling? Im good at piano.4.Its a bird. It can fly, but it cant talk.5.

22、Mike can play basketball well but he is not good at football.1.Are there any computer rooms on the third floor?2.Does Yang Ling have any hobbies?3.Do you and your parents like dancing?4.What does Mike like doing?5.Are there any Music rooms on the second floor?D)根据听到的对话及问题,选出正确答案并将其序号填入题前括号内。1、A:Can

23、they swim?B: No,they cant. But they can skate.Q: What can they do ?2、A: What do Gao Shan and Liu Tao like? B: They both like swimming. What does LiuTao like?3、A:Yang Ling ,Whats in your bag ? There s a pen.A:Is there a ruler? Yes,there is . Whats in Yang lings bag?4、A: Bobby ,can you skate? Sorry ,I

24、 cant .Can you skate ,Sam? Yes ,I can skate well. Q: Can Sam skate well?5、My friends have some hobbies Ben and Liu Tao can play basketball .Mike and Ben can play football .They can play well. What can Ben and Liu Tao do ?D)听录音,完成下列句子。(10分)I live in a new house with my parents.My father likes watching films . My mother can draw very well.Look.These are two fish. One is white and the other is black.They have big eyes and big bodies .They can swim.She is not good at dancing .I like playing on the swing under the tree .We all like our new( )3. A.third B.three C

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