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1、第5页的第6部分,要求学生听完磁带和阅读之后会复述,会提出其他的一些问题家庭作业: 1、练习基本句型, 跟读磁带把第6页的第8部分读熟直至能背下来。 2、抄写重点记忆单词,以备下次课听写。抄写课文标题两遍,中文一遍。完整的听和跟读两遍本课的所有听力内容。 3、请学生用A4纸做一张自我介绍,可以贴照片,写个人爱好等 Unit two When is your birthday? On which day is your birthday? Who will be there? Well have a good time.January, February, March, April, May,

2、June, July, August, September, October, November, December, present, buy, choose, aunt, uncle, right, person, wish, blow, candles, buy a birthday cake, blow out candles, sing a song, give presents, make a wish段落: 见第9页的第2部分需要学生记忆,教师选择部分或全部进行听写 1、练习基本句型, 跟读磁带把第11页的第6部分读熟直至能背下来。 2、抄写重点记忆单词和段落,以备下次课听写。3

3、、请学生为自己的父母用英文各写一张生日贺卡。Unit three What was the weather like yesterday? It was windy It was sunny all the time. Did you go anywhere? No, I stayed at home Yes, I went to Zhongshan Park.Weather, band, raindrop, fall, down, loudly, quietly, fog, bring, song, light, scarf, windy, sunny, stay, week, yester

4、day, cloud, snow, sun, storm, rainWeather, fall, down, loudly, quietly, fog, bring, windy, sunny, cloud, snow, sun, 句型: 见第13-14页的第1部分需要学生记忆,教师选择部分或全部进行听写1、练习基本句型, 跟读磁带把第15页的第2部分读熟直至能背下来。2、抄写重点记忆单词和句型,以备下次课听写。3、请学生回家后查资料,用英文简单写出近一周的天气情况。Unit four How far is it from Xidan to Wangfujing Street? You sho

5、uld turn left/right You should go straight on Excuse me. Can you tell me how far it is from Xidan street to Ditan Park? Its about 8 kilometers How long does it take by taxi? You are welcome 重点朗读词汇:Find out, far, distance, route, taxi, square, lake, street, palace, zoo, university, Olympic, centre, t

6、urn, right, left, minutes, foreign, Chinese, easily, city, other, ticket, everywhere, line, subway far, taxi, square, lake, street, palace, zoo, university, Olympic, centre, turn, right, left, city, ticket, everywhere, line, subway 句型: 见第21页的第2部分需要学生记忆,教师选择部分或全部进行听写1、练习基本句型, 模仿第21页的第3部分再造五组句子。3、请学生回

7、家后画一张简单地图,标出从家到附近五个地点的距离,然后用句型表达出来。Unit five Have you finished your homework ? No, I havent Dont worry! Ive got a helper Whats he called? Hes called “Robot” Is he helping you do homework? Have you got a robot to help you?Robot, helper, finish, already, golf, drum, rucksack, sledge, suitcase, torch,

8、tent, pyramid, diary, finger, tadpole, campRobot, finish, golf, drum, rucksack, sledge, suitcase, torch, tent, 见第27页的第2部分需要学生记忆,教师选择部分或全部进行造句听写1、练习基本句型, 把第30页第8部分结合问题、答案再认真看一遍,体会这种题型的解题技巧。3、完成本单元第5部分的创作并给自己的机器人取个名字。Unit six Whats it like? It looks like a lizard What does it sound like? It sounds lik

9、e a dog What does it feel like? It feels like wool. One more time, please Which sandwich do you like?Lizard, octopus, zebra, silver, candle, metal, ring, striped, dinosaur, wool, sandwich, feel, sound, smell, taste, chocolate, heatproof, bowl, saucepan, chopsticks, knife, members, Belly, roast, rubb

10、er, goodness, meat, careful, stomach, toilet, washroomLizard, octopus, silver, candle, metal, striped, dinosaur, wool, sandwich, feel, sound, smell, taste, chocolate, bowl, 见第34页的第5部分需要学生记忆,教师选择部分或全部进行听写1、练习基本句型, 跟读磁带把第35页的第7部分读熟直至能背下来,下次上课表演。3、请学生用所学过的五个系动词的短语各造一个句子。Unit seven This is the house whe

11、re we live Whats your house like? Does it have a kitchen? I cant remember where I put my envelopes. Which is Williams holiday house? One of the numbers is less than five.House, tent, town, house, floating house, apartment, cave, hut, castle, bedroom, bathroom, dining room, kitchen, downstairs, upsta

12、irs, living room, balcony, mobile house tent, town, apartment, cave, hut, bedroom, bathroom, dining room, kitchen, downstairs, upstairs, living room, balcony, 见第37页的第1部分需要学生记忆,教师选择部分或全部进行听写1、练习基本句型, 跟读磁带把第42页的第9部分读熟直至能背下来。3、请学生画一张自己家里的居室图片,并标出来每个地方的英文单词。Unit eight Time went by quickly Fire was first

13、 used 500,000 BC by Peking man The old London Bridge was built between 1176 and 1209. Whats the time? Its six oclock Its twenty past four. Its a quarter to ten. Its half past nine. When does she usually have her breakfast?Time, use, robot, London Bridge, Great Wall of the China, pyramids, dinosaur,

14、fire, World Wide Web, global village, space walk, future, quarter, sandglass,candle clock, weight-driven clock, spring-driven clock, pendulum clock Great Wall ,pyramids, dinosaur, fire, future, quarter, candle clock, 见第43-44页的第1部分需要学生记忆,教师选择部分或全部进行听写1、练习基本句型, 跟读磁带把第47页的第7部分读熟, 复述出来。3、请学生根据本单元的第九部分自己

15、做一个月历,并用英语写上日期及天气情况。Unit nine Shall we go camping next year? Which summer camp would you like to go to ? What shall we do ? Shall we go camping next summer together? What do camels eat? How does a computer work? What does “science” mean? Where are the pyramids? Why am I short? What would you like to

16、 know?Camp, Australia, enjoy, hope, different, museum, playground, countryside, waterfall, bookshop, swan, idea, anything, pyramids, camel, science, meanCamp, museum, playground, countryside, waterfall, bookshop, anything, pyramids, science, 见第51页的第4部分需要学生记忆,教师选择部分或全部进行听写1、练习基本句型, 复习本单元第7,8部分,认真体会,用

17、英文写出来。3、用一张大纸,自己设计一个夏令营的广告,并用英语做适当的说明。Unit ten Have you ever been to a science museum? Which exhibit do you like best? What are the children doing? Did you have a good time there? Where does the light come from?Science, museum, airport, bank, chemists, golf, club, fire, station, London, police, rest

18、aurant, ages, indeed, tape, recorder, jam, businessman, college, sandwich, fridge, freeze, crowd, wish museum, airport, bank, chemists, club, fire, station, restaurant, tape, recorder, college重点掌握内容: 第57页的第2部分需要学生熟练掌握,教师选择部分或全部进行造句听写1、练习基本句型, 跟读磁带把第57页的第3部分读熟直至能背下来。3、请学生用所学过的句型结合自己的生活实际进行造句练习,并做出相应的

19、回答Unit eleven Look carefully at these things Whats special about them? Whats it made of? Its made of plastic Its too light How about that one?Carefully, special, material, plastic, bookcase, wood, paper, metal, glass, wool, silver, others, plate, cupboard, shelf, fork, fridge, chopsticks, cooker, sc

20、issors, spoon, watch, gloves, shell, seashore, recycle, empty, useless, refuse, happen, China, light, weak, expensive, noisy, hard, heavy, ugly, cheap plastic, bookcase, wood, paper, metal, glass, wool, silver, plate, shelf, fork, fridge, chopsticks, cooker, scissors, spoon, watch, gloves, shell, 见第

21、61-62页的第1部分图片旁边的句子需要学生记忆,教师选择部分或全部进行听写1、练习基本句型, 参照第2部分的表格进行造句练习。3、请学生背熟第三部分,下次上课时进行比赛。Unit twelve Olympic Games are going to be held in Beijing Who is the best player? Gold medals will be given to the best athletes. What can you do for Olympic? When was Yao Ming born? When was he born? When did Yao

22、Ming begin to like basketball?Olympic Games, athletes, gold medals, high jump, long jump, diving, water polo, badminton, boxing , baseball, basketball, football, rowing, skating, sailing, running ,volleyball, shooting, tennis, cycling, hockey, handball, wresting, protect, environment, volunteers, hi

23、storical, interestsOlympic Games, athletes, gold medals, high jump, long jump, diving, water polo, badminton, boxing , baseball, basketball, football, rowing, skating, sailing, running ,volleyball, shooting, tennis, cycling, hockey, handball, wresting, 句子: 见第70页的第4部分单词需要学生记忆,教师选择部分或全部进行听写1、练习基本句型, 跟

24、读磁带把第72页的第9部分读熟。3、请学生回家后找一些体育比赛项目的图片 ,用英文在底下标出来。Unit thirteen Help a little boy find his mom Speak nicely to the businesswoman Have a drink and eat something The first person to get home is the winner. Move on a space Miss a turn Take a shortcut to 15Christmas, fun, space, miss, turn , washroom, bus

25、inesswoman, forget, treasure, present, Santa, stairs, chocolate, policeman, winner, address, wardrobe, jingle, bell, code, list, stocking, wreath, reindeer, carolChristmas, fun, space, miss, turn, treasure, present, stairs, chocolate, winner, address, list, stocking, reindeer重点掌握内容:第78页第7部分回答问题后能否翻译出来问题和答案的意思1、练习基本句型, 跟读磁带把第75页的第3部分的歌唱出来。3、让学生给父母或好朋友做圣诞卡片,用英文表述,看谁做的好看。Unit fourteen We love to play games Our ship is leaving soon We are going around the wo

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