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1、图4.5是基于matlab以增强亮度和饱和度的方法进行真彩色增强的图像,其代码见附录图4.4 对HSI图像进行增强结果这是对前两个方法的综合, 很显然,图(b)比图(a)要亮,要清晰,视觉效果比以上两种方法分别做要好的多。2、直接在rgb空间对图像增强 图4.6是基于matlab在rgb空间增强图像,其代码见附录 图4.5 对RGB图像进行增强结果以下是基于matlab以增强亮度的方法进行真彩色增强的代码:% 彩色图像亮度增强 (执行速度较慢)clcclearfc = imread(E:maomao.jpg);figure(1);imshow(fc)title(原始真彩色(256*256*25

2、6色)图像)fr = fc(:,:,1);fg = fc(:,2);fb = fc(:,3);% imshow(fr)% title(红色分量图像% imshow(fg)绿色分量图像% imshow(fb)蓝色分量图像) h = rgb2hsi(fc);H = h(:S = h(:I = h(:I =I*1.5;% imshow(H)色调分量图像% imshow(S)饱和度分量图像% imshow(I)亮度分量图像h = cat(3,H,S,I);%cat函数是拼接数组的函数,这里将在第3维上进行拼接。f = hsi2rgb(h);%增强亮度分量后的rgb图像f = min(f,1);%保证元

3、素值最大为1,因为按公式转换为rgb后可能出现大于1的情况figure(2);imshow(f)仅增强HSI图像的亮度分量所得到的RGB图像基于matlab以增强对比度的方法进行真彩色增强代码:% 例6.8 彩色图像亮度增强 (执行速度较慢)I:S=S*2.0;增强HSI图像的对比度所得到的RGB图像基于matlab以增强亮度和饱和度的方法进行真彩色增强的图像imshow(fc) I =I*2.0;S =S*2.0;rgb图像转化为hsi图像的代码:rgb2hsi(rgb)function hsi = rgb2hsi(rgb)%RGB2HSI Converts an RGB image to

4、HSI.% HSI = RGB2HSI(RGB) converts an RGB image to HSI. The input image% is assumed to be of size M-by-N-by-3, where the third dimension% accounts for three image planes: red, green, and blue, in that% order. If all RGB component images are equal, the HSI conversion% is undefined. The input image can

5、 be of class double (with values% in the range 0, 1), uint8, or uint16. % The output image, HSI, is of class double, where:% hsi(:, :, 1) = hue image normalized to the range 0, 1 by% dividing all angle values by 2*pi. , 2) = saturation image, in the range 0, 1., 3) = intensity image, in the range 0,

6、 1.% Copyright 2002-2004 R. C. Gonzalez, R. E. Woods, & S. L. Eddins% Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB, Prentice-Hall, 2004% $Revision: 1.5 $ $Date: 2005/01/18 13:44:59 $% Extract the individual component images.rgb = im2double(rgb);r = rgb(:, 1);g = rgb(:, 2);b = rgb(:, 3);% Implement the conv

7、ersion equations.num = 0.5*(r - g) + (r - b);den = sqrt(r - g).2 + (r - b).*(g - b);theta = acos(num./(den + eps);H = theta;H(b g) = 2*pi - H(b g);H = H/(2*pi);num = min(min(r, g), b);den = r + g + b;den(den = 0) = eps;S = 1 - 3.* num./den;H(S = 0) = 0;I = (r + g + b)/3;% Combine all three results i

8、nto an hsi image.hsi = cat(3, H, S, I);hsi图像转化为rgb图像的代码:hsi2rgb(hsi)function rgb = hsi2rgb(hsi)%HSI2RGB Converts an HSI image to RGB.% RGB = HSI2RGB(HSI) converts an HSI image to RGB, where HSI is% assumed to be of class double with:, 1) = hue image, assumed to be in the range% 0, 1 by having been d

9、ivided by 2*pi.% The components of the output image are:% rgb(:, 1) = red., 2) = green., 3) = blue. 2003/10/13 01:01:06 $% Extract the individual HSI component images.hsi=im2double(hsi);H = hsi(:, 1) * 2 * pi;S = hsi(:I = hsi(:R = zeros(size(hsi, 1), size(hsi, 2);G = zeros(size(hsi, 1), size(hsi, 2)

10、;B = zeros(size(hsi, 1), size(hsi, 2);% RG sector (0 = H 2*pi/3).idx = find( (0 = H) & (H 2*pi/3);B(idx) = I(idx) .* (1 - S(idx);R(idx) = I(idx) .* (1 + S(idx) .* cos(H(idx) ./ cos(pi/3 - H(idx);G(idx) = 3*I(idx) - (R(idx) + B(idx);% BG sector (2*pi/3 4*pi/3).idx = find( (2*pi/3 4*pi/3) );R(idx) = I

11、(idx) .* (1 - S(idx);G(idx) = I(idx) .* (1 + S(idx) .* cos(H(idx) - 2*pi/3) ./ . cos(pi - H(idx);B(idx) = 3*I(idx) - (R(idx) + G(idx);% BR sector.idx = find( (4*pi/3 = 2*pi);G(idx) = I(idx) .* (1 - S(idx);B(idx) = I(idx) .* (1 + S(idx) .* cos(H(idx) - 4*pi/3) ./ . cos(5*pi/3 - H(idx);R(idx) = 3*I(id

12、x) - (G(idx) + B(idx);% Combine all three results into an RGB image. Clip to 0, 1 to% compensate for floating-point arithmetic rounding effects.rgb = cat(3, R, G, B);rgb = max(min(rgb, 1), 0);直接在RGB空间进行图像增强A=imread(C:UsersliuxinjuDesktopmaomao.jpg%读入原始RGB图像whos;figure;imshow(A):original image%显示图像r

13、c d=size(A);%计算图像大小%-计算红色分量并显示分解图-%red(:,1)=A(:,2)=zeros(r,c);,3)=zeros(r,c);red=uint8(red*2.0);imshow(red)Red Component%-计算绿色分量并显示分解图-%green(:,2)=A(:,1)=zeros(r,c);green=uint8(green*2.0);imshow(green)Green Component%-计算蓝色分量并显示分解图-%blue(:,3)=A(:blue=uint8(blue*2.0);imshow(blue)Blue Component%-合成-%B(:,1)=red(:,2)=green(:,3)=blue(:imshow(B):composition image

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