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1、6. Many people can have their vision restored by undergoing a (surgical) operation.7. Because of government (intervention) in the mortgage market, interest rates remain near their lowest levels in decades.8. Last night two burglars (broke into) my office and stole one of the computers.9. They have (

2、taken over) our firm by buying up our shares.10. Will there be any difference between the mental and the (manual) labor in the future?中译英1. Luck does not always (come into play) (起作用) in examinations. It is your hard work that matters.2. With the treatment, (the color returned) (面色恢复) to the womans

3、cheeks.3. He got a nice dictionary (out of nowhere) (不知从哪里). It was really a great help.4. My car (wouldnt start) (怎么也发动不起来) this morning.5. The patient recovered from the surgery with (no signs of infection) (没有感染的迹象).UNIT2背诵 The young man went away disappointed later that day. He never returned. M

4、any a night Sylvia heard the echo of his whistle haunting the forest. She forgot even her sorrow at the sharp report of his gun and the sight of thrushes and sparrows dropping silent to the ground, their songs hushed and their pretty feathers stained and wet with blood. 1. The splendid parade on the

5、 60th National Day filled the Chinese people with great (admiration).2. The (unsuspecting) giraffe (长颈鹿) was so frightened by the attacking lion that it fell in the water and was drowned.3. No sooner had Zorro (whistled) than his black horse appeared and carried him away.4. Their dialects are (vastl

6、y) different and thats why they can hardly communicate.5. The officer punished two of his soldiers for (whispering) while he was speaking at the meeting.6. After the accident and a major operation on her wounded head, she could only (vaguely) remember her family members.7. Her (slender) figure seeme

7、d to prove her workouts had been fruitful.8. Tom Sawyer was too nervous to feel the rough wall (scratching) at his face when he was trying to get out of the cave in the dark.9. The local people claim to have seen manifestations of dead people in the (haunted) castle.10. The mother was trying to (hus

8、h) the crying baby to sleep. 1. He picked up his bag andhurried off along the platform (急急忙忙地沿着站台走了).2. He was shaking with fright as if he had seen a ghost (就像见了鬼似的).3. If you had told me earlier, Iwouldnt have signed the contract (不会签合同).4. The fireman gave a long sigh as he caught another flash o

9、f red (又看到一道红光).5. The businessman spoke so carefully in order not togive his plan away (泄露他的计划).UNIT3 I have been on this website for about a month, and I have found one guy in particular I am communicating with on a daily basis. We started out as friends, both of us taking it slow, and actually I

10、wrote to him first, which is a good thing, because he said he doesnt message girls first. Everyday I am excited to talk to him via an instant messenger program on the computer, and we talk for about two hours a night. We can talk about anything. He is respectful and understanding and lots of fun.1.

11、If this offer is (genuine), I will gladly accept it.2. To (eliminate) the error message, we must first reduce the possibility of users making errors.3. It is my (intention) to remain in my position until a successor is elected.4. Omissions in my recent article must have caused (confusion).5. Perhaps

12、 you shouldnt (brush) the idea (aside) too hastily.6. We have to (weed out) unqualified applicants.7. The trip was (initiated) by the manager of the community centre.8. He doesnt trust his partner. (For that matter), I cant blame him.9. We must not (rush into) anything without careful planning.10. D

13、o something creative or take exercise, (preferably) in the fresh air. 1. I didnt have to rush into finding the name of the place(我不必着急去找地名). I had all day.2. I find it difficult to hold back my anger(我觉得很难抑制住我的愤怒) when he starts arguing in favor of racial segregation.3. It is much better to get thin

14、gs out in the open right from the start(从最初便把事情公开).4. That sounds fantastic.Where do I go to sign up for that tour?(我到哪里去报名参加那次旅游呢?)5. We were sitting on the bridge,trying to click with a few girls(试图结识几位姑娘).UNIT6 The rider sat straight, a strong clutch upon the reins to hold his charger from too im

15、petuous a plunge. From his bare head his long hair streamed upward. His hands were concealed in the cloud of the horses lifted mane. The horse looked as if it were galloping across the sky. Its body was proud and noble. 1. Though he is (alive) to the danger of the work, he has still applied for it.2

16、. The manager was surprised when he came back and found his secretary sitting in his chair with her feet (resting upon) his big desk.3. Under the influence of alcohol its hard to stay (wide awake) while driving.4. A small (squeeze) of the chemical, and the carrier would blow himself into pieces.5. T

17、he Japanese officer didnt open fire. Instead he (let go of) his handgun and pulled out his sword.6. They lay (at full length) on their backs on the beach after swimming in the sea for about an hour.7. Toms adopted parents tried to (conceal) his birth information.8. Psychologists talked about the imp

18、ortance of body language, physical appearance and clothing but they were not so (keen) on what we actually talked about.9. He (got to) his feet, as if by standing he meant to begin correcting what could not be corrected.10. The police have been (spying) on the gangs movements for two months. 1. He r

19、ested his head on the pillow (他头靠在枕上) to make himself more comfortable.2.Aiming at the target (瞄准了靶子), I pulled the trigger but missed it.3. There he was in plain sight (完全暴露了自己) as he moved out of the cave for water and food.4. In order to get more juice, he gave the orange another squeeze (又挤了一下橙子

20、)。5. She sat down beside her husband, clutching his hands to keep him from too impetuous a cry (避免他太冲动叫喊起来).UNIT7 Then I called the bank, in the hope that some fellow employee could come and open the door. Bad luck; it was Enzo Paredes, a dim-witted joker whom I detested. So you cant get out of your

21、 house? he exclaimed abominably. You just never run out of excuses not to come to work!1. The couple didnt even have the (courtesy) to apologize when it turned out that they had wronged their neighbor.2. Ignorant and (inflexible), the old lady never uses cards to pay.3. It is more than poverty that

22、caused the university student to become (homicidal) and self-destructive.4. Overlooking the street from the top of a high-rise, youll find people, cars, buses, and so on seem so (diminutive).5. Out of millions of fans of the superstar, she seemed to be the only one to (adore) him enough to die for h

23、im.6. The boss was more than shocked when his secretary (retorted) by saying it was his own fault.7. We have an urgent need for help, since we are (running out) of food and water.8. We have decided to (break off) the diplomatic relations with that country.9. Her face (lit up) with pleasure when she

24、received the letter of acceptance.10. She has been awarded first prize four years (in succession). 1. I havent seen hide nor hair of you (没见你的影子了) in almost six months.2. He complained, You just never run out of excuses (总能找到借口) not to finish your homework!3. I told you time and time again, I protes

25、ted, suppressing the rage that was choking me (按捺住令我七窍生烟的怒火).4. The angry customer tore the sheet of paper up into many little pieces (将那张纸撕成了无数的小碎片) and hurled them into the air.5. I learned to breed pigeons and tomake them reproduce in captivity (并把它们关起来让它们繁殖).UNIT8 The moral of this composition i

26、s that thoughtless people grumble more than is fair about railroad management in the United States. When we consider that every day and night of the year full fourteen thousand railway-trains of various kinds, freighted with life and armed with death, go thundering over the land,the marvel is not th

27、at they kill three hundred human beings in a twelvemonth, but that they do not kill three hundred times three hundred!1. Some elder people enjoy Beijing opera (immensely).2. This is a distasteful place, even the flowers seem to be (poisoned).3. I (presume) youre tired after the long ride.4. The sale

28、s manager felt a (cautious) optimism that the ambitious plan would be accepted by the board members.5. The general ordered his troops to (cease) fire.6. A newspaper (headline) caught his attention.7. We should always keep (raw) meat separate from cooked food.8. The advertisement (aroused) the old la

29、dys interest in buying the house.9. Her refusal to support him was a real (stab) in the back.10. They (invested) most of their time and much effort in the development of the new machine. 1. Once the food chain is destroyed,chances are that many animals will be faced with extinction (许多动物可能面临灭绝的危险) and mankind will have to face the challenge of survival as well.2. The fact straightway suggested itself (事实明摆着是) that the process is practical, and it also can bring significance benefits to the economy, society, and environ

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