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1、6 . How often 多久一次(对频率提问)How long 多久(对一段时间提问)How soon多久以后(对将来时间提问)How far 多长(询问多长距离) How long have you been collecting the kites ?你收集风筝多长时间了?For ten years.十年了。 How often do you go shopping ?你多久购物一次?Sometimes.有时。 How soon will your father come back ?你爸爸多久以后回来?In two years.两年后。 How far is it from your

2、 home to school ?从你家到学校多远?About ten miles.大概十英里。7 . 乘坐交通工具take a / the +交通工具by+交通工具=on a 交通工具交通工具有:train/bus/car/taxi/boat/subway/plane.He takes a bus to bank.= He goes to bank by bus.他乘坐公共汽车去银行。骑自行车、马或驴用rideride ones bike / ride a horse / ride a donkey8 . 对不起Excuse me (劳驾,客套话)Sorry (表示道歉)Excuse me.

3、 Where is Tianfu Square in Chengdu ?打扰一下,成都的天府广场在哪里?Dont eat in class.不要在课堂上吃东西。Sorry.Ms Clark .对不起,Clark小姐。9 . 声音sound (自然界的各种声音)noise(噪音)voice(人的嗓音)Lucy has a sweet voice.露西有甜美的嗓音。Dont make noise.不要制造噪音。10. 像.look like (外貌看起来像 )be like (性格像 )Lily look like Lucy .莉莉长得像露西。Oh , they are twins.哦,她们是双胞

4、胎。Tony is like a monkey because he is cute and playful .托尼像只猴子,因为他可爱又爱玩耍。11. 拿, 带take to 带去bringto 带来fetch 取来 (强调一个来回)Tony , fetch the ball here. Please.托尼,请把那个球取来。My father often takes me to concerts on Sundays.周日,爸爸经常带我去听音乐会。Bring your homework to school tomorrow.明天,把你的作业带到学校来。12. 一些some 用于肯定句any

5、用于否定句和疑问句Id like some milk.Would you like some yogurt ?你想要一些酸奶吗?Thanks . I dont want any.谢谢,不用了。在一般疑问句中,认为对方的答案会是肯定的,或期望得到对方肯定回答时,也用some。13. 多少How many修饰可数名词复数How much 修饰不可数名词How much juice do you want ?你想要多少果汁?How many apples do you want ?你想要多少苹果?How much可对价钱提问:How much are the potatoes ?这些土豆多少钱?14

6、. 看see 强调看的结果look (at )不及物动词,强调看的动作watch 观看(带有观赏性质)read 读,朗读:看书、看报、看信、看杂志Dont read in bed.不要在床上看书。We will watch a basketball game this evening.今天晚上,我们将去看一场篮球比赛。Please look at the blackboard. Everyone.大家请看黑板。I saw a bird in the tree yesterday.昨天,我看到一只鸟在树上。15. 停止做某事stop doing sth 停止正在做的事stop to do sth

7、 停下来去做别的事The girl soon stopped crying.这个女孩不久就不哭了。He was tired and stopped to have a rest.他很累,停下来休息一下。16. forget/rememberforget / remember to do sth:忘记/记得去做某事(未做)forget/remember doing sth:忘记/记得做过某事(做过)He forgot to turn off the light.他忘记关灯了。(未关)Remember to go to the post office after school.记得放学后去邮局。(

8、未去)He forgot turning off the light.他忘记关了灯。(已关)Dont you remember seeing the man before ?难道你不记得之前见过这个人吗?(见过)17. 到达.reach + 地点get to + 地点arrive + in + 大地点arrive + at + 小地点He reached London yesterday.= He got to London yesterday.=He arrived in London yesterday.他昨天到的伦敦。She arrived at the bus station just

9、 now.她刚才到达了公交站。You should get home on time.你应该按时到家。当get和arrive后接地点副词时,都不加介词。如:get home/there 等。18. 擅长,在.方面做得好be good at = do well inShe is good at chemistry.=She does well in chemistry.她擅长化学。Niuniu is good at playing the violin.=Niuniu _does well in playing the violin.妞妞擅长弹钢琴。Lucy and Lily are twin

10、girls . Lucy is better at dancing than Lily , but Lily does better in singing than Lucy.露西和莉莉是一对双胞胎姐妹。露西比莉莉擅长跳舞,但是莉莉在唱歌方面做得比露西好。19. 赢得,打败win (赢得)后接a game、war 、a match、a prize等。beat(打败、战胜)后接运动员、球队、对手等。Which team won the football match ?哪个队赢了这场足球比赛?Wang Hao beat Ma Lin and won the champion of the Mens

11、 Singles.王浩打败了马林,赢得了男子单打冠军。20. 借borrow sth. from sb = borrow sb. sth 向某人借某物(借入)lend sth. to sb = lend sb. sth把某物借给某人(借出)keep延续性动词,与一段时间连用。Can you lend me your bike ?= Can you lend your bike to me ?你能把自行车借给我吗?You can borrow some money from your brother.=You can borrow your brother some money.你可以向你的兄弟

12、借一些钱。How long can I keep the book ?我可以借这本书多久?You can keep it for two weeks.你可以借两周。21. 能,会:be able to, canI can play the guitar.我会弹吉他。He is able to play chess.他会下象棋。情态动词后面都接动词原形。22. 太多.;太.too many 太多, 修饰可数名词复数too much 太多,修饰不可数名词much too太, 后跟形容词或副词原级There are too many students in the hallways. Its dan

13、gerous.走廊里有太多学生。很危险。I had too much bread for breakfast.我早饭吃了多面包。This coat is much too expensive.这件大衣太贵了。23. 去过/去了某地have / has been to 去过某地have / has gone to 去了某地He has been to Beijing.他去过北京。(现在已不在北京)He has gone to Beijing.他去了北京。(在去北京的途中或已到北京)24. 关于use 的三个句型used to do sth.过去常做某事be(get)used to doing s

14、th.习惯于做某事be used to do sth = be used for doing sth. 被用于做某事This river used to be very clean .这条河过去非常干净。Im not used to getting up early.我不习惯早起。Pens are used for writing.钢笔被用来写字。25. 属于.belong to + 名词/人称代词宾格(属于)be + 名词所有格/ 名词性物主代词(是)It must be Nings.= It must belong to Ning.它一定是宁的。The pencil must be min

15、e.= The pencil must belong to me.这支铅笔一定是我的。26. cant 不可能: must(一定)反义词The CD must belong to Tony, because he likes listening to music.这张CD一定是托尼的,因为他喜欢听音乐。The toy cant be my grandpas . After all,he is an old man.这个玩具不可能是我爷爷的。毕竟,他是一个老人。27. 由.制成be made from:由.制成(看不出原材料)be made of:由.制成(看得出原材料)The table is

16、 made of wood.这张桌子是用木材做的。Paper is made from wood.纸是用木材做的。28. 更喜欢.prefer to do/doing sth 更喜欢做某事prefer sth to sth 比起.来,更喜欢.prefer doing sth to doing sth 比起做.来,更喜欢做.I prefer swiming to playing balls.比起打球来,我更喜欢游泳。He prefers fish to beef.比起牛肉来,他更喜欢鱼。I prefer to walk to work.我更喜欢走路去上班。29. 一些表示人的情感或情绪的形容词e

17、d 修饰人ing 修饰物interesting:有趣的; interested:感兴趣的tiring:累人的; tired;累的,疲倦的boring:令人无聊的;bored:无聊的exciting:令人兴奋的;excited:激动的surprising:令人惊讶的; surprised:惊讶的relaxing:令人放松的; relaxed:放松的embarrassing:令人尴尬的;令人为难的;embarrassed:尴尬的;为难的She is interested in this interesting history story.她对这个有趣的历史故事很感兴趣。30. 关于 number

18、的两个短语the number of + 名词复数:.的数量(作主语时,谓语用单数)a number of + 名词复数:许多、一些= many (作主语时,谓语用复数)The number of students in our class is 80.我们班学生的数量是八十人。A number of students are in Helin Middle School.很多学生在鹤林中学。31. 与现在完成时连用的两个时间状语for + 一段时间since + 时间点/一般过去时的句子We have been studying English for three years.我们三年来一直

19、在学习英语。He has been staying here since he was five years old.自从五岁以来,他一直待在这里。We havent seen each other since ten years ago.自从十年前以来,我们一直没有见过彼此。for和 since 可以相互转换。Jenny has been collecting coins for several years. = Jenny has been collecting coins since several years ago.珍妮收集硬币已经有几年的时间了。32. 除.之外except (不包

20、括在内)besides (包括在内)Everyone could answer this question except Jim.除了吉姆,大家都能够回答这个问题。There are three girls besides me.除了我之外,还有三个女孩。33. 已经already 用于肯定句中yet 用于否定句和疑问句末Have you seen the film yet?你看过这部电影了吗?I havent locked the door yet.我还没有锁门。Mom has already watered the flowers.妈妈已经浇花了。34. 否定祈使句Dont do sth.

21、=No + doing / n.Dont smoke here.= No smoking here.这里禁止吸烟。Dont take photos.= No photos.禁止拍照。35. 也too 放肯定句末和疑问句末either 放否定句末also 放肯定句中She is a girl. I am a girl , too.她是个女孩。我也是女孩。Do you play soccer every day ,too?你也每天都踢足球吗?He also likes collecting things.他也喜欢收集东西。also放在实意动词前,be之后.36. 要求严格be strict wit

22、h sb. 对某人要求严格be strict in sth. 对某事要求严格Miss Zhang is strict in her work and she is strict with her students.张老师对自己的工作要求严格,对她的学生要求严格。37. 需要做某事need to do sth 主语是人need doing sth 主语是物(主动形式表被动含义)The classroom needs cleaning. Its too dirty.教室需要被打扫,太脏了。Children need to sleep a lot.孩子们需要很多睡眠。38. 穿过through:介词

23、(从内部穿过)across:介词(从表面穿过)cross :动词(从表面穿过)Be careful when you cross the street.过街的时候要小心。The man went through the forest.这个男人穿过了森林。He swam across the river.他游过了河。39. 表建议的句型Why dont you do sth = Why not do sth? 为什么不.?How /what about doing sth? 做.怎么样?Lets do sth. 让我们.Why dont you have a cup of tea ?=Why n

24、ot have a cup of tea ?为什么不喝一杯茶呢?Lets go out for a walk.让我们出去散步吧。How about practice conversations ?练习对话怎么样?40. so 和 neither 的倒装句So + 助/系/情态+ 主语表示肯定意义(.也是如此)Neither + 助/系/情态+ 主语表示否定意义(.也不)My mother didnt go to school. Neither did my father.妈妈没上过学,爸爸也没上过。James comes from the USA . So does Tom.詹姆斯来自美国。汤

25、姆也是。My pen pal can speak Japanese. So can I.我的笔友会说日语。 我也会。My sister isnt outgoing. Neither am I.我的姐姐不外向,我也不外向。41. 都both 两者都all三者或三者以上都The twins both are good students.这对双胞胎都是好学生。There are lots of colorful flowers on two sides of the streets.在街道两边有很多五颜六色的话。There are five people in my family. We all l

26、ike playing sports. My parents both love us. We are very happy.我们家有五个人。我们都喜欢运动。父母都很爱我们。我们都很快乐。42. alone / lonelyalone 单独,独自一人lonely 孤独的,寂寞的(有一定的感情色彩)He is alone at home.他独自一人在家。He lives a lonely life in the country.他在这个国家过着孤独的生活。43. in/on the treein the tree 外来的on the tree 长在树上的I saw a cat in the tree.我看到树上有只猫There are many apples on the tree.树上有很多苹果。44. in/on the wallin the wall 指在墙体内on the wall 指在墙体表面There is a map on the wall.墙上有一张地图。There is a door in the wall.墙上嵌着一道门。45. on/in the bedon the bed 指物品在床上in bed 指人躺在床上My bag is on the bed.我的包在床

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