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1、(2)、能够了解Story time Good to know Task time 中的内容。(3)、了解字母组合:oo ou tr tw 的拼读规律。(4)、知道进行时态是用来描述正在进行的动作或所处的状态。(5)、能够了解用英语打电话进行交际的基本表达形式。8、 情感态度目标(1)、培养学生的业余爱好,提高自身素质。(2)、培养学生从小爱劳动,增强学生的生活自理能力。(3)、通过评价,正确地评价自己和他人,建立自信心。9、 学习策略目标(1)、能够在学习过程中积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。(2)、能主动和向老师或身边的同学请教。(3)、能积极运用所学的Telephone English

2、 进行表达和交流。10、 文化意识目标知道本国和部分英语国家的急救号码,从而了解中西方文化的差异。五、单元重、难点11、重点:能够用“What are you they doing? ”的句型对别人进行提问并且回答。12、难点:(1)、电话用语中的自我介绍时用:Its.或 This is.(2)、四会单词、句子的读写。六、课时安排第一课时:Part A Lets learn Lets play Part C Task time第二课时:Part A Lets try Lets talk Pair work 第三课时:Part A Read and write Lets play Part C

3、Pronunciation Lets check第四课时:Part B Lets learn Lets chant Part C Good to know Lets sing第五课时:Part B Lets try Lets talk lets play第六课时:Part B Read and write Group work Part C Story time七、分课时教学建议第四单元第一课时课题:Part A: Lets learn Lets play Part C: Task time目标要求认知情感行为1) To master the four-skilled phrases: dra

4、wing pictures doing the dishes cooking dinner reading a book answering the phone 2) To master the sentence pattern: “ What are you doing? Im .” To encourage the Ss to enjoy doing the housework and love his family members.1) To utilize the sentence pattern in the daily life.2) To make a family album.

5、重点难 点1)four-skilled phrases2)What are you doing? Im .教学准备师CAI cards form tape (book 3 unit 4 Lets do)生教学过程教学思路教学活动Step 1Warm-up1) Lets do.(book 3 unit 4)Play the tape.2) Lets watch.Play the CAIListen and do.Watch the video.Step 2Presentation1) Ask and showWhat can you do?(write down “sing” on the bo

6、ard) Now, sing please!Youre singing. (write down “singing”)What can you do at home?(write down “cook dinner”)Now, cook dinner please!Youre cooking dinner. (write down “cooking dinner”)2) Ask and answer.What are you doing in the kitchen? Show the phrase card “doing the dishes”.Show their talent. e.g.

7、 I can sing.Singing.Im singing. Show their talent. e.g. I can cook dinner at home.Cooking dinnerIm cooking dinner.Do and say: Im doing the dishes. Step 3Practice 1) Copy and mime Five Ss to play it.Show the S1 a card. e.g. reading a book2) Two-man comic showGroup work for 4 Ss: 3) Test your audition

8、. Play CAIMake a survey.(Let play.)Group work for 4 Ss4) Lets chant.Play CAIMake a chant: What is sb doing?5) Task timeMake a family album.S1 mime the corresponding action. Then, S2 copy it.S2 mime. S3 copy. S3 mime .S4 copy.S4 mime. S5 copy. The other Ss ask: What are you doing S2S3S4S5?S2S3S4S5 an

9、swer the question: Im. At last, S1 show them the correct answer: reading a bookTwo Ss ask: What are you doing?Two Ss act the two-man comic show:One S in the back does the action (e.g. answering the phone), the other one in the front answer (Im answering the phone).Listen and guess: What is it doing?

10、The Ss Write down the answer on the form.Every one do an action. Then, ask and answer each other to complete the form. Guess somebody is doing something somewhere Watch the CAI and chant.Chant it.Step 4Consolidation and extension.1) Activity book3) HomeworkTo complete the family album. Chant “What i

11、s sb doing?” to your parents. Sing the song “I can help.” (book 5 unit 4) Change the words of the song into “What are you doing? Im ” Do the activity book板书设计sing singing cook dinner cooking dinner What are you doing? Im .授后小结第二课时Lets try. Lets talk. Pair work1)To understand the telephone English. I

12、ntroduce oneself “Its . This is .”2) To consolidate the phrases for the present tense.To know: They are helpful at home.They can do lots of things including housework, learning and playing.1) To utilize the sentence pattern ”Im . ”on the phone.重点难点1) Telephone in English2) Introduce oneself in the p

13、hone教学准备CAI paper telephone or toy telephone tape ( book 5 unit 4 Lets sing)cards思路1) Sing the song: I can help.( book 5 unit 4 )2) Chant “ What is sb doing? ” with CAI.3) Test your eyesight4) Antiphonal singingSing the song “ I can help ” again.Change the words of the song into “ What are you doing

14、? Im . ”Sing it.Look and answer the questions.Preparation.Assessment.Presentation 1) Lets try.3) ActionAsk the questions: What is Amy doing? What is Chen Jie doing?Read the dialogue on the book and find out the correct answer.Observe the 5 pictures Listen and tick.Check it.Two girls act the dialogue

15、 with the paper telephone and the head ornaments of Amy and Chen Jie. ( Theyve prepared it before the class .Answer it.Read and find out.Practice1) Look for friends in the phone.Ten Ss make a group to play this game.4) Pair work The headmaster wants to know how many Ss doing housework at home. So he

16、 let the robot to do an investigation on the phone.Statistic: How many Ss do the housework at home. ( e.g.: cooking dinner doing the dishes )ReportDraw the results on the blackboard:Then add No. 1, 3 and 4 to get the result.Play this game.Each S choose a card with a phrase. (e.g.: cooking dinner) on

17、 it The Ss stand in two circles. ( one circle outside and one circleinside )The 2 Ss who face to face should make a telephone call just like Amy and Chen Jie.The Ss who are doing the same thing are friends. And they win first.If they are not friends, they should go on to find out their friends.( The

18、y turn right to make another telephone call with another S until they find each other. )( Pay attention to self-introduce in the phone: Its . or This is . )Two Ss do the pair work :S1 choose the card what he is doing.S2 act the robot to investigate his partner on the phone just like “Lets talk”.Look

19、 at the board.1) Complete the exercise on the activity book.2) Continue to do the pair work after the class.板书设计No. 1 is for doing the dishes. (8)No. 2 is for reading a book. (3)No. 3 is for cooking dinner. (9)No.4 is for answering the phone. (4)No.5 is for drawing pictures. (2)No.6 is for doing hom

20、ework. (8)Doing the housework art home. 8+9+4=21授 后小 结第三课时Read and write. Lets play. Good to know. Pronunciation.1. 能通过电话进行日常事务交流及信息沟通。2. 掌握本课时的四会句子,尝试进行替换。了解用英语打电话的常用句式。3. 能通过预习、对话、图片理解新词:Childrens Center, come onetc.4. 能基本了解oo,ou,tr,tw在单词中的常见发音。5. 了解一些英语国家常见号码与中国的区别。6. 渗透合理利用时间和参加有益活动的观念。1 能通过电话交流

21、。2掌握四会句子,正确朗读对话。新的句词,如:Childrens Center, come on教学准 备相关图片,电话机CAI1 课前预习。2 简易电话机一只。教学思 路教 学 活 动导入Warm-up.1. Greeting.2. Lets chant. What are you doing?3. Revision: 1) Play a game:Monkey King and his monkeys. 2) Lets act.Greeting.介绍同学。Chant. Say and do.一生问,一生只做不说。学生跟做,齐说。根据Lets talk 自由发挥,表演对话Presentati

22、on.1. Listen and repeat.T: Please think about 2 questions. 1) Who are they?2.) What are they doing?2. Read and line out. (Answer the questions the students dont understand.) 3. Read and answer.4. Role reading.T : We can say “who are you? Im Mike.” in Chinese. We should use “This is Mike. Its Mike.”

23、in English.5. Lets act. Tomorrow is Saturday. Where are you going? Where are you going to do? Phone your partner and try to act out.6Connect the sentences.The teacher shows the words like this: are you doing what Can you answer the question and write down the answers in 1 minute?7Check the answers.听

24、磁带跟读,思考问题。与搭档读对话,划出想问的句词。回答同学的问题,解决难点。再读短文,写下答案。分角色朗读课文,讨论电话用语的区别。编对话。表演。组词成句。写下问题的答案,在一分钟内尽可能多写一些。同桌检查书写。Good to know. Make a short dialogue and show the table.(见图1)Show the picture with a firing house. Which number are you calling?Do you know the fire number in China and in U.S.A.?etc.思考回答。Pronunciation.2. Play a game.(见图2)跟读磁带。把含有相同读音的单词放入一个篮子中。1. Do the activity book.2. Design your time table today.(见图3)画图,写今天的活动。Im _.Childrens CenterCome on.Im talking to you.授后小 结图1CountryEmergency numberP . R .C. Fire:119 Police:110 Ambulance:120 U.S.A.911U.K.999Australia000图2

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