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高中英语人教版选修7教师用书Unit 1 SectionⅡ Warming UpReadingLanguage Points含答案Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、11encouragement n鼓励;奖励 encourage vt.鼓励;激励courage n勇气;胆量;勇敢12absence n缺席;不在某处presence n出席;在场(反义词)absent adj.缺席的13psychology n心理(学)psychological adj.心理(学)的;精神上的psychologically adv.心理(学)地;精神上地1suitable adj.适合的;适宜的教材原句Although some may think the cinema is noisy, it is suitable for Sallys condition.尽管有人可

2、能认为电影院里太吵了,但它很适合萨莉的身体状况。It is not suitable for you to dress like that for a party.你穿那样的衣服参加聚会并不十分得体。We need to find someone suitable to replace Mary.我们需要找合适的人来代替玛丽。be suitable for/to适合于be suitable to_do sth. 适合做某事2beneficial adj.有益的;受益的教材原句Glance at the title and picture, then discuss with a partner

3、 what kind of thing you think people would write about and why disabled people find the website beneficial.浏览标题和图片,然后和你的伙伴讨论你认为人们会写什么样的内容以及为什么残疾人觉得这家网站对他们有益。(1)be beneficial to sth./sb. 对有益(2)benefit v& n. 有助于;受益;利益;好处be of benefit to . be beneficial to 对有益for the benefit of sb. for sb.s benefit 为了某

4、人的利益benefit from/by 得益于;从中受益A lower GDP target may in fact be beneficial to the development of China.事实上较低的GDP目标可能有利于中国的发展。It is of great benefit to everyone to save time.节约时间对每个人都非常有益。He lost his life for_the_benefit_of his country.他为了国家的利益而献出了自己的生命。As we know, books are the source of knowledge, fr

5、om which I benefit a lot.我们都知道书是知识的源泉,我从中获益匪浅。3adapt教材原句Unfortunately, the doctors dont know how to make me better, but I am very outgoing and have learned to adapt to my disability.不幸的是,大夫们不知道如何治好我的病,但是我很开朗乐观,学会了适应身体的残疾。(1)vt.使适应;使适合We must adapt our thinking to the new conditions.我们必须使自己的思想适应新的情况。

6、After graduation from college, I gradually adapted (myself) to living on my own.大学毕业后,我逐渐适应了独立生活。Most of these tools have been specially adapted for use by disabled people.这些工具多数已经过特别改装,供残疾人使用。adapt . to . 使适应adapt (oneself) to . 使(某人自己)适合adapt sth. for sth. 使适应;(2)vt.改编;改写adapt . for . 把改编成adapt .

7、from . 根据改编The writer helped him to adapt his novel for the screen.作家帮他把他的小说改编成了电影。4annoy vt.使不悦;惹恼教材原句The few who cannot see the real person inside my body do not make me annoyed, and I just ignore them.看不到我的内心世界的那些少数同学不会让我生气,我只是不去理会他们。It annoyed your teacher that you were late for class again.你又一次

8、上课迟到使老师很生气。be annoyed with sb.对某人生气be annoyed at/about sth. 因某事生气be annoyed by 被惹恼I was_annoyed_with him because he kept interrupting me.我对他烦透了,因为他不停地打断我的话。He was annoyed at/about giving in so easily.他对自己如此容易屈服很生气。Dont ask the same annoying question again.不要再问同一个烦人的问题了。To_his_annoyance,_he failed th

9、e exam.令他烦恼的是他没有通过考试。5conduct教材原句Why has his fellow students conduct changed towards Marty?为什么同学们对马蒂的言行有了改变呢?(1)n.U行为;品行;指导;管理Two players were sent off for violent conduct.两名运动员因暴力行为被罚出场。Under the conduct of his father, their business was very successful.在他父亲的管理下,他们的事业相当成功。(2)vt.指挥;管理;主持;进行;实验;执行con

10、duct a survey/an experiment/an interview 进行调查/实验/面试conduct oneself well/badly 举止、表现好/差The experiment he conducted was concerned with rockets.他当时进行的那次实验与火箭有关。He conducted_himself far better than expected.他表现得比预料的要好得多。.单句语法填空1The climate here is suitable for their condition.2We all think listening to

11、English tapes is beneficial (benefit) to our study. 3When you go to a new country, you must adapt yourself to the new customs and cultures.4His boss was annoyed (annoy) with him for being rude to their customers. 5Experiments on animals had_been_conducted (conduct) long before the medicine was appli

12、ed to patients.6He failed in the exam because of his absence_(absent) from school.7This was the first encouragement_(encourage) I had ever received from him.8Ambition_ (ambitious) never dies until there is no way out.9His disability (disable) in the movement prevents him from holding a job.10The tea

13、cher punished the noisy (noise) children by making them stay after school.完成句子1要找个对每个人都合适的时间很困难。Its difficult to find a time that_is_suitable_for/suits_everybody.2为了所有公民的利益,中国一直在推进公立医院的改革。China has been pushing the reform of public hospitals for_the_benefit_of all its citizens.3对这个老人来说适应这儿的潮湿天气很困难。s

14、 difficult for the old man to_adapt_(himself)_to the wet climate here.4当有人连谢谢都忘记说时,确实让我感到不愉快。It_really_annoys_me when people forget to say thank you.5然而,在缺乏英语环境的情况下学习作为外语的英语相当困难。However, learning English as a foreign language is very difficult in_the_absence_of a native language environment.1in othe

15、r words 换句话说2in addition 另外;加之3adapt to 适合4cut out 切去;省略;停止(做某事)5out_of breath 上气不接下气6all in all 总而言之7sit around 闲坐着8as well as 和;也9in many ways 在很多方面10make fun of 取笑1in other words换句话说教材原句In other words,there are not many people like me.换句话说,像我这样的人并不多见。与in other words意思相同的表达有:namely, that is, that

16、is to say, in another word。He found his first job. In other words, he neednt depend on his father any more.他找到了他的第一份工作。换句话说,他再也不用依靠他父亲了。I only got 45 points in the history test. In other words, I failed.这次历史考试我只得了45分,换句话说,我没及格。in a word 总之;简而言之beyond words 无法用言语表达keep ones word 遵守诺言break ones word 不

17、守诺言;失信have a word with 与谈一谈have words with 与争论、争吵In_a_word,_we must try our best to do the work.总之,我们必须尽最大努力做这项工作。She was very annoyed and had_words_with her husband over money.她很生气,就钱的问题与丈夫吵了起来。2cut out切去;教材原句I think I had at least a billion tests, including one in which they cut out a piece of mus

18、cle from my leg and looked at it under a microscope.我想我至少做过十亿次检查了,包括有一次检查,他们从我的腿部切下一小块儿肌肉,放在显微镜下观察。Youd better not cut out the important details.你最好不要把重要细节删掉。The doctor advised me to cut out smoking and drinking.医生建议我戒烟戒酒。cut off 切掉;割掉;剪掉;砍掉;阻碍cut up 切碎;心碎cut down 降低;减少;砍倒cut in 插嘴;打断;插入;插队They had

19、their electricity cut_off because they didnt pay the bill.由于他们没有付电费,所以供电中断了。It is impolite for children to_cut_in when their seniors are talking.孩子们在他们的长辈谈话时插嘴是不礼貌的。3out of breath上气不接下气教材原句So sometimes some children in my primary school would laugh, when I got out of breath after running a short way

20、 or had to stop and rest halfway up the stairs.当我跑了很短的一段路之后,我就会喘不过气来,或者爬楼梯才爬到一半就得停下来休息。因此上小学时有的孩子见了我这种情况就会笑话我。Her heart condition made her out of breath after running.心脏状况不佳使她跑步后喘不过气来。Remember to hold your breath when you dive into the water.记住潜入水里时要屏气。He took a deep breath and dived into the water.

21、他深深吸了一口气,然后潜入水里。After climbing that long flight of stairs she lost her breath.爬完那么长的一段楼梯后,她已经喘不过气来了。hold ones breath屏住呼吸take a deep breath 深深地吸了一口气lose ones breath 喘不过气来;呼吸困难4as well as除之外;和;教材原句As well as going to the movies and football matches with my friends, I spend a lot of time with my pets.除

22、了同我的朋友一起去看电影和足球比赛外,我还花很多时间和我的宠物在一起。(1)prep.“除之外;还有”,后接名词或动名词,尤其位于句首时,相当于besides, in addition to。She is a talented musician as_well_as_being a photographer.她不但是个摄影师而且还是个天才音乐家。(2)conj.“和;还有”,连接两个相同的成分。连接两个并列的主语时,谓语动词应与前面的主语在人称和数上保持一致。We can know more about the life of great people as well as history a

23、nd cultures of other countries.(浙江高考满分作文)我们能够了解更多伟人的生活以及其他国家的历史和文化。English, as well as Chinese and maths, is of great importance.同语文和数学一样,英语也非常重要。(3)用于同级比较,意思是“和一样好”。Dashan speaks Chinese as well as a native speaker.大山汉语说得同本地人一样好。5in many ways在很多方面教材原句In many ways my disability has helped me grow st

24、ronger psychologically and become more independent.在很多方面,我(身体)的残疾倒使我在心理上变得更加坚强、更加独立。Whether a man is successful or not can be measured in many ways.衡量一个人是否成功可以有很多种方式。in the way 妨碍;挡着的路in some/many ways 在某些/很多方面on the way 在途中;即将去(或来)in a/one way 在某种程度/意义上;在某一点上in no way 决不In_a/one_way,_I agree with y

25、ou.But Ill reserve my own opinion.在某种意义上我同意你的观点。但我会保留自己的意见。In no way will_the_building_work be finished by today.建造工作绝不可能在今天完工。6make fun of取笑教材原句So dont feel sorry for the disabled or make fun of them, and dont ignore them either.因此,不要感到残疾人可怜,或者取笑他们,也不要不理他们。Its cruel to make fun of people who are di

26、sabled.嘲笑残疾人未免太不近人情了。(1)play a joke on sb.戏弄某人play a trick on sb. 捉弄某人make a fool of sb. 愚弄(或欺骗)某人(2)for fun 为了好玩have fun enjoy oneself 玩得开心I felt that Sally had made a complete fool of me.我觉得萨莉完全欺骗了我。I surf the Internet just for_fun_not_for_study.我上网冲浪只是为了好玩,不是为了学习。1They asked him to leave in other

27、 words, he was fired.2(陕西高考改编) My uncle hasnt been able to quit smoking, but at least he has cut down.3The famous musician, as well as his students, is_being_interviewed (interview) by the reporter from CCTV1 at present.4The government offered help to those in trouble in many ways.5Nobody likes bein

28、g_made (make) fun of and it is rude to laugh at others.6All in all, I think it has been a very successful conference although therere some incidents.选词填空1Though the girls leg was cut_out as a result of the earthquake, she was not disappointed.2Its bad manners to_make_fun_of the disabled people.3We ran s

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