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1、二、连词成句.1 is this computer your ?2 my school is that .3 have a new I computer .4 do have four you lights ?第四课时一、看单词写出汉语意思art room _washroom_gym_TV room_music room_二、按要求写出正确形式1 you_(形容词性物主代词) 2 teacher_(所有格形式) 3 two_(序数词)4 fan_(复数形式)第五课时一、英汉互译.1.看,这是我的学校。_ this the library?_ that the TV room?_No,it is

2、nt._4.美术教室在一楼。二、读一读,排序A Oh,its so this the art room?B Thank you.C Look,this is my school.D No,it the music room.E Wow! Your school is cool!F The art room is on the second floor._第六课时一、读一读,写一写teachers deskpicturefloorwallIs this a teachers desk?二、读一读,选一选A Whats on it? B Is this a TV.C Is that a pictu

3、re? D Is this a teachers desk?Mike:_Amy:Yes,it is._Lets go and have a look._No,its a computer.No,its a map.Unit 2 What time is it?一、选择1 Its time_lunch. A to B for C of2 _is it? Its seven oclock.A How muchB What time 3 I go to school_8:00. A at B for Cto二、连线12:00 English class4:00 dinner6:00home2:00l

4、unch10:00music classOne two three fourWhat time is it?Its two oclock.二、连词成句1 over school is_2 now is time what it_3 is dinner it for time_4 lets to go playground the_5 oclock two it is_一、英汉互译1 one_2 二_3 三_4 十_5 four_ 6 seven_7 eight_8 six_二、补全句子1. What_is it now?2.Its two _.3.Its time_lunch.一、根据所给信息

5、回答问题get up 6:35music class 10:00go to school 7:10 lunch 11:20go home 4:30 3:15What time do you get up?_Do you have lunch every day?_ What time does music class start?_Do you go home at four oclock?_二、利用所给信息写出句子1 6:30 get up_2 7:05 go to school_3 14:35 go home4 21:00 go to bed一、读一读,完成句子go to school 8

6、:00 2:Chinese class 10:10go to bed 9:30music class 11:Its_oclock. Its time to _.Its ten_. Its time for_.Its _oclock. Its time for_.Its _ten. Its time for_.Its _thirty. Its time to_.二、排序( )Im ready!( )Oh!Its6: time to get up.( ) 7: time to go to school!( )Breakfast is ready.( )Oops.( )Its8: time for

7、English.一. 补全单词m_s_c Ch_n_s_ _ngl_sh m_th cl_ss二. 补全句子1. Look_my time is it?2. Its time_music class.3. Where is the short_.Unit 3 Weather一、读一读,连一连spring summerfall winter二、补全单词w_ther天气 c_ld 寒冷的 c_l 凉爽的w_m 暖和的 h_t 炎热的一、选择正确的字母或字母组合完成单词c_l ( ) w_m ( ) l_ts( ) f_tball ( ) w_ndy No,you cold.( )Its warm

8、can wear your new shirt.( )Mom,can I wear my new shirt today?( )Its hot I wear my T-shirt?( )Yes,you can.一、选择不同类的一项( ) ( ) ( )二、根据所给信息填空北京 18度 拉萨10度 广州 27度 长春0度 clothes jeans,sweater,pants,coat,shirt,skirt,shorts(1)Its 0 in _.We should wear_.(2)Its 18 in _.We should wear_.(3)Its 10 in _.We should we

9、ar_.(4)Its 27 in _.We should wear_.warmcold rainyIts cool.Is it cold?Its rainy.Hold on to your hat.Its windy. Put on your boots.Its sunny. Open up your umbrella.Its snowy. Put on your sunglasses.Its cloudy. Take your raincoat.( ) It_rainy today. ( ) Whats the weather_in Beijing?( ) Its warm today._p

10、lay football.( ) Its cool_Kunming.( ) What are you_? Not much.( ) Whats the weather like in Beijing?( ) Not much.( ) Its sunny.( ) Hi, are you doing?( ) Hello!( ) Its rainy about NewYork?一、选择。Is it_? Yes, its_.,hot ,warm ,cool( ) Whats the weather like today? _ warm. play football. can wear a shirt.

11、( ) Its _.Put on your raincoat.( ) Its hot I _my T-shirt? onon二、连线。Whats the weather like in Beijing? Great!No,you cant.Can I wear my new shirt? They are on the bed. Lets play football. Yes,it is.Where are my socks? Its warm today.Unit4 At the farm一、选择适当的字母或字母组合完成单词( ) sh_p ( ) g_t ( ) th_teen( ) tw

12、_nty( ) carr_t 二、从B栏中选出A栏中的应答语A BWhat are they? ,they are. How many sheep are there? ,it isnt. Are these pigs? Is it donkey?hens.()Are they horses?,it is.,they are. ,they are()How many_do you have? ()What_these?They are cats. C are()Look at the _.They are lovely.rabbit ()I can ride a _.( )Are they s

13、heep?( )They are goats.( )Oh,this farm is so big.( )No,they arent.( )They are fat.猫_ 兔子_ 猪_ 鸭子_ 狗_sheep_ hen_ lamb_ goat_Are they ducks?No,they arent._二、选择( )What do you see in the picture?_ see five cats. see two pig.( )How many horses are there?are thirty. have thirty.( )Are they cows?,it is. ,the

14、y are. ,they are.( )What are they? _ a lamb.are sheep. are horse.一、分类eleven cat potato fifteen rabbit thirteen duck onion twelve horse twenty carrot dog cucumberNumbers:_Animals:Vegetables:_二、找出划线部分读音不同的词( ) ( )( ) 一、排序。() No,they arent.() Are those carrots?() Theyre onions.() Look!Are they tomatoes

15、?() What are these?() Yes,they are.柿子 potatoes胡萝卜 duck土豆 rabbit兔子 carrots鸭子 tomatoeseleventwelve fifteenthirteen twenty二、选择适当的句子填入对话中。A:Welcome to my farm.B:Look,these are tomatoes.They are big and red. _Yes,they are.Do you have many animals?Yes,this way,please.No,theyre goats. B:Do you have any hor

16、ses?_Lets &B: _(1)One,twoThere are twelve.(2)Yes,I do.(3)Wow,its so big.(4)Are they carrots?(5)Are they sheep?Unit 5 My clothessweater_T-shirt_蓝色的连衣裙_ 红色的夹克衫_黄色的衬衫_I like the blue dress._二、根据所给内容做完整回答 .1. Is this a sweater?(毛衣)2. What is it?(T恤衫)3. Is this your dress,Sarah?4. What is it?夹克衫_衬衫_裙子_连衣

17、裙_ red_blue _yellow_green_white_colour_二、读一读,连一连1 What colour is it?Oh!Its your baby brothers! 2 Is this your skirt,Alice?Its on the bed. 3 Whose is it? Its blue.4 Is that your shirt,Dad? Yes,it you. 5 Where is my dress?No,my shirt is yellow.red_blue_yellow_green_Is this your T-shirt?No,its not._1 i

18、t is whose cap(?)2 Mike this your is jacket(?3 like the sweater the I white green with skirt(.)4 is what it colour(?5 my skirt is where(?一、看一看,选一选1 sk_tA ri B ir C er2 j_et A ackB ake C cak3 _ess A tr BdrC br4 gr_ A eanBeem C een5 wh_ A ait B ietC ite二、写出与所给单词同类的三个单词1 pants _ _ _2 red _ _ _3 six _ _ _一、翻译.1、What are they?2、These are your baby pants._3、Our neighbour has a new baby?1、What are these? A Blue.2、What colour is it?B Yes,it is.3、Is this your skirt? C Over there.4、Where are my shoes? D Its my jacket.5、Whose jacket is it? E Its 7:30.6、W

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