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1、一、单项选择 从下列每题所给的选项中,选择一个最佳答案。(15分)1. He is only 11-year-old boy, so he cant do so much work in hour.A. an, a B. an, an C. a, an D. a, a 2. I am glad that I have learned at least 5 English songs last month.A. by B. before C. since D. until 3. My brother is a person. He feels sure about his own ability

2、.A. confident B. selfish C. patient D. humorous4. -Why not us in dancing? -Good idea.A. join B. join in C. take part in D. attend5. If you are feeling sad, youd better wear orange, because it can you .A. wake up B. ring up C. pickup D. cheerup6. -Mum, is there any beef in the fridge? -No, there is l

3、eft.A. nothing B. no one C. none D. nobody7. -Could you tell me the new library will be completed? -In two years.A. how long B. how soon C. how often D. how far8. -Is this T-shirt Jims? -No, it his. His is much smaller.A. cant be B. mustnt be C. may be D. should be 9. -Daniel, our team will play aga

4、inst the Rockets this weekend. I hope we will win.- !A. Congratulations B. Well done C. Have a nice time D. Good luck10. we had making snowmen last Sunday!A. What a great fun B. What great fun C. How a great fun D. How great fun11. This Sunday is an important day for my parents. Well celebrate it be

5、cause they for twenty years.A. have married B. got married C. are married D. have been married 12. I was chatting with my friends on the Internet in my study my mother came in.A. while B. when C. as D. since13. I dont know .A. where can we buy the tickets B. how much it costs to fly to HainanC. what

6、 is he waiting for D. why was he late for school this morning14. I think silly you not to forgive others for their mistakes.A. it, for B. its, of C. thats, of D. its, for 15. -Where is your Chinese teacher? Im looking for her everywhere. -She volleyball on the playground.A. is playing B. plays C. ha

7、s played D. played二、完形填空 阅读短文,从每题所给选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。The following is a story about Josie Dew. When Josie Dew was 16 , she fell out of a car, so she has never learned to 17 . She was still at primary school when she decided she wanted to 18 . So when she was eleven, she decided to go for long bike r

8、ides, and cycled 40 or 50 19 every day. Josie says, “The only 20 thing about the middle school was cycling there and back. I left school when I was 16. I 21 cooking so at that time I started a business. I cooked three-course meals, and delivered(递送) them 22 ! In 1985, as soon as I had some 23 , I cy

9、cled to Africa and back.”Josie has 24 to 40 countries and has had all kinds of interesting 25 . She has cycled through the Himalayan Mountains in Nepal, then down into India. She has cycled through millions of locusts(蝗虫)in the Moroccan desert and through tornados(龙卷风)in the USA. She was in Romania

10、on Christmas Day in 1989. And she hasnt been to Egypt yet, because when she was in Turkey, a war 26 nearby. So she went to Greece instead. She has sometimes traveled with friends, boyfriends and even her mother, but she has often cycled 27 . She had only one really frightening experience a man 28 he

11、r in Bulgaria. In 1997 she hurt her leg very badly, 29 she started writing books about her 30 . Shes written five books, and now she is on her bike again! At the moment she is planning to cycle around New Zealand. 16. A. old B. young C. short D. tall 17. A. drive B. dance C. run D. walk18. A. travel

12、 B. swim C. work D. jump19. A. meters B. miles C. inches D. feet20. A. good B. terrible C. boring D. tiring21. A. hated B. imagined C. advised D. loved22. A. by car B. by bike C. on foot D. by ship23. A. water B. fruit C. money D. food24. A. been B. gone C. returned D. moved25. A. bikes B. souvenirs

13、 C. pictures D. experiences26. A. ended B. started C. stopped D. left27. A. happily B. quickly C. alone D. quietly28. A. found B. loved C. greeted D. attacked29. A. but B. so C. and D. or30. A. family B. friends C. business D. journeys三、阅读理解 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容选择最佳答案。(40分)A Dear Mr Zhu,I am writing to you

14、r magazines “Teenagers Now” column(专栏) to ask for some help with my 16-year-old son. At the moment, he refuses to do almost everything his mother and I ask him to do. He is our only child and we treat him very well. His grandparents buy him many things, and yet he is still rude to us. He refuses to

15、spend time with us or do as we tell him. Sometimes he acts as if he doesnt even love us at all.Now he refuses to do his homework, and instead insists on wasting his time watching DVDs and listening to foreign music. I cannot understand this music, but I dont like it. He also spends too much time in

16、Internet cafes, where he either plays games or chats online. He is wasting valuable time during this important period in his life!What am I to do? At present, to prevent making his mother unhappy with an argument, I am allowing him his freedom. However, I am worried that if I keep allowing him to do

17、 what he wants, he may fail at school, or worse.How can I help my son without harming our relationship?Yours Liu Zhenhua31. Whats Mr. Zhus job?A. A teacher. B. A magazine columnist. C. A youth worker. D. A doctor.32. From the passage, we can know that Mr. Lius son is _ to his parents.A. friendly B.

18、thankful C. polite D. rude33. What does Liu Zhenhua write to Mr. Zhu for?A. To blame his son. B. To ask for help with his son. C. To say something about his son. D. To complain to him about his son.34. Mr. Lius son always spends his time _.A. doing his homework B. playing games online C. chatting wi

19、th his parents D. doing everything his parents ask him to do35. What do you think is the possible answer for the father?A. The father should let the son alone.B. The father should give his son a beating.C. The father should allow his son his freedom.D. The father should be patient enough to have com

20、munication with the son.BIn American schools there is something called Home-coming Day. Many high schools and colleges with a football team have a home-coming game. This can be the most important event of the year except graduation (毕业) day. Students plan Home-coming Day for many weeks in advance.Se

21、veral days before Home-coming ,students start to decorate (装饰)the school. There are signs to wish luck to the team, and many other signs to welcome all the graduates. Many people still come to Home-coming twenty or thirty years after their graduation.The members of school clubs build booths (摊位) and

22、 sell lemonade, apples and sandwiches. Some clubs help to welcome visitors.During the day people like to look for teachers that they remember from long ago. Often they see old friends and they talk together about those happy years in school.Everyone soon comes to watch the football game. When the ga

23、me is half over, the band (乐队)comes onto the field and plays school songs. Another important moment is when the Home-coming Queen or King appears. All the students vote a most popular student Home-coming Queen or King. It is a great honor to be chosen.Home-coming is a happy day, but it is not perfec

24、t unless the football team wins the game. Even if the team loses, the students still enjoy Home-coming. Some stay at the school to dance, and others go to a party. For everyone it is a day worth remembering.36. The most important event of the year in high schools and colleges is_.A. Home-coming B. t

25、he football game C. graduation D. winning the game37. When do students begin to do everything for Home-coming?A. The day before Home-coming. B. Many weeks before the day.C. When the guests arrive. D. Several hours before Home-coming.38. Which of the following is NOT mentioned (提及) on Home-coming Day

26、?A. To see old friends. B. To visit teachers they remember.C. To watch the football game. D. To go home to see their family.39. Who can probably become Home-coming Queen or King?A. The teacher who is kind to the students. B. The student who is popular with the students.C. The visitor who is famous t

27、o the students. D. The player who plays best in the football game.40. Whats the best title of this article?A. Home-coming Day B. A Happy Day C. The Most Important Event D. Home-coming Queen or KingCTwenty-three-year-old Michael Phelps has become a phenomenon (神话) in swimming.At the 2008 Summer Olymp

28、ic Games, he won eight gold medals. That was more than the whole Australian team could put together. He beat (打败) Mark Spitzs 1972 record of seven wins in the pool at the one Olympics. Phelps has put his name next to seven world records. Nine days, 17 games, morning and night he competed and won. He

29、 had to beat former (从前的) world record-holders and gold medalists. He had to turn their wins into old news.Michael Phelps started to swim at the age of 5. Guess which stroke (动作) he first tried? The backstroke. Its because he didnt want to put his face in the water.By the age of 7, he had taken part

30、 in a lot of swimming competitions. At 11, he met Bob Bowman who saw the kids great talent.How did Phelps become so good? He was born with the body of a swimmer. He stands 1.87meters high and has a wide wingspan (臂展). He knows how to use his body to full advantage. His hands and feet are like paddle

31、s (踏板) in the water and he has a strong kick.But thats not all;he also has the heart and will to win. He thinks that anything is possible as long as you put your mind to it.Swimming is Phelps life. Every day he spends five hours in the water, swimming about 11 kilometers. He never takes a day off. This is a young man who knows what he wants.“I

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