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1、Dreads5. You have notyet answered my question _ I can join in the party tonightAwhetherBifCwhichDthat6. Which do youenjoy _ your weekends,fishing or watching TV?AspendingBto spendCbeing spentDspend7. Its clearthat_little money he earns can hardly support_family as large as his .Athe ;aBa ;the C不填;a

2、D不填;the8. It seems to me that no reason_you gave us for your mistake issound .Awhat Bwhy Cwhich Dthat9. The falling of the new building _ its soft base .Aresulted in Bsuffered from C.led to Dlay in10. Does this novel give you good _for your money?A. worth B. costC. valueD. price11. In each house the

3、re is a family groupof men, _ are related toeach other.A. all who B. allC.of whomD. all ofwhom12. _ that my head had cleared, mybrain was also beginning toworkmuch better.A. For B. Now C. SinceD.So13. _ , there was no mistaking thatshe was displeased.A. As her words were gently spokenB. Spoken as he

4、r words were gentlyC. Wereas her words gently spokenD. Gently as her words were spoken14. It is impossible for anyone _ thesephotographs before, because Mr. Newman had them developed today.A. having seenB. to have seenC. to see D. seeing15.That _ surprising in the past.A. were consideredB.are consid

5、eredC. had been considered D.would have been considered16. The result of the footballmatch was 2 to 2, _ the satisfaction of both teams.A. with B.for D.to17. We _ a pleasant journey but for the rain.A. would have B. will have C. had had D. would have had18. The day we have been looking forward

6、to_ at last.A. come B.coming C. came D.has come19. Never _ time come again.A. has lost B.will lose C. will lostD. lose20. Have you noticed the man, _ walkingwith his dog over there? Thats a spy.A. he C.who D.the one21. _ the books we have got, we need someten more.A. With B.E_cept C.Unless D.B

7、esides22. -Youre not going out today, are you?-_. I need to go shopping.A. Yes, I am B.No, Im not C. Yes, Im mot D. No, I am23. Id like to read at home _ going to afilm in such a cold, rainy day.A. but C.instead D. rather than24. - C an you tell me something more aboutMike Smiths adventure?- So

8、rry, I know _ about that _ I have told you.A. anything more; e_cept that B.something more; e_ceptC. nothing more; e_cept what D.only a little more; than25. It is said that there _ a concert thisSaturday. Do you want to go?A. is going to have B.will haveC. is going to be D.will be having26. I found t

9、he book I _ I _ in theoffice! What a happy afternoon!A. think; have lost B.thought; had lostC. thought; lost D.thought; to have lost27. What if we meet with a situation _ wewont be able to deal with?A. whereB. in which C. whatD. that28. - _ you _ to Beijing?- Yes, I _ there four years ago.A. Have; b

10、een; went B.Did; go; have beenC. Have; gone; went D.have; had gone29. The table _ in the corner has a _leg. You cant use it.A. standing; breaking B.stood; brokenC. standing; broken D.stood; breaking30. Such a little child as you _ ticketfor the car show.A. dont need B. doesnt need C. neednt D. needs

11、 noII完型填空The eyes are one of the most e_pressive instruments of body language.Keith, seventeen, from Montclair New Jersey, leamed the hard way about one (31) the eyes can make. ;I had a( 32 ) who graded heavily on classroom discussion,; Keith says.;He seemed to have a strong( 33) to know justwhen I

12、didnt have the (34). I couldnt figure out how he could be so( 35).Then it dawned on me.Whenever I didnt know theanswer, I would (36) looking at him. When I did know what to say, I always ( 37) straight back at him. From that moment on, I( 38 ) myself to look him in the eye, ( 39 ) I knew the work or

13、 not. That trick has( 40 ) me a lot of trouble.;Many people, including somepolicemen, believe eye contact is a good( 41) of honesty. If someone cant look you directly in the eye,then he or she is not playing ( 42 ) ,they insist. After many e_periments, however, however, a number ofe_perts have found

14、 out that good liars can make( 43 ) eye contact. Eye contact,though not a ( 44 ) sign of dishonesty, is a clear way to show interest inanother person. When a person looks at you and ( 45 ) todo so, you know his(46 ) is placed onyon. When he turns his head away, his mind is probably ( 47) .But there

15、aree_ceptions. A( 48 ) personmay have trouble making and keeping eye contact, no matter how interestedheis in the other person. Andcertain ( 49 ) ,such as the British and Germans, are much( 50 ) oriented (适应) to eyeball-to-eyeball contactthan, say, the French and the Arabs.31. A. letter

16、ssageD.news32. A. studentB.headmaster C. friend D.teacher33. A. abilityB.body C. mind D. way34. A. questionB.problem C. e_cuse D. answer35. A. C. dullD. clever36. A. avoidB. enjoy C. like D. hate37. A. helped B. glanced C. saw D. stared38. A. helped B.forced C. taught D. persuaded39. A.

17、when B.whether C. if D. as40.A. saved B.given C.increased D. lost41. A. lesson B.way C. chance D. test42.A. honestly B.quicklyC.correctlyD.especially43. A. realB. terrible C. fair D. false44. A. real B.e_act C. wonderful D. sure45.A. stops B. continuesC. changes D. hopes46.A. attention B.spirit C. s

18、trength D. energy47. A. anywhere B. nowhereC .elsewhere D.everywhere48. A. brave B. shy C. stupid D. proud49.A.nationalities B. cities C. countries D. languages50.A. more B. less C. tooD. enough第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A.B.C.D)中,选出最佳选项.ASuppose you work in a big firm and find En

19、glish very important for your jobbecause you often deal with foreign businessmen. Now you are looking for aplace where you can improve your English, especially your spoken English.Here are some advertisements about English language training from newspapers.You may find the information you need.Globa

20、l English CenterGeneral English in all four skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing.3-month(700 yuan),6- month( 1,200 yuan)and one- year(2,000 yuan)courses.Choice of morning or evening classes. 3 hours per day, Mon. - Fri.E_perienced college English teachers.Close to city center and bus sto

21、ps.Tel: Add: 105 Zhongshan Road, 100082Modern Language SchoolSpecial courses in English for business, travel, banking, hotel management andoffice skills.Small classes(12 - 16 students) on Sat._amp; Sun. from 2:005:00 pm.Native English teachers from Canada and USA.3-month course: 1,050 yuan; 6- month

22、 course: 1,850 yuan.Write or phone: Modern Language School, 675 Park Road, 100056 Te1:The 21sh Century English Training Centre.We specialize in effective teaching at all levels.We offer morning or afternoon classes, both of which last three months and ahalf at a cost of 800 yuan.We also have a si_ -

23、 week TOEFL preparation class during winter and summerholidays.Entrance e_ams: June 1 and Dec. 1.Only 15 - minute walk from city center.Call for more informationThe International House of EnglishThere/Si_- month English courses for students of all levels at very low cost:60 yuan for 12hours per week

24、; convenient class hours: 9: 0012: 00 a.m. and 2: 005: 00 p.m.A four- month evening program for developing speaking skills(same cost as dayclasses).Well- trained Chinese and foreign teachers e_perienced in teaching English asa second/ foreign language.Free sightseeing and social activities.Very clos

25、e to the Central Park.For further information call51. You work from 9: 00 a: m. to 4: 30 p.m. every day. Which schools will youchoose?A. Global English Center and Modern Language School.B. Global English Center and the International House.C. Modern Language School and the 21th Century.D. The 21th Ce

26、ntury and the International House.52. The 21th Century is different from the other three schools in that.A. its teaching quality is is nearest to the city centerC. its courses are mere requires an entrance e_amination53. You will probably prefer to go to the International House because it.A. offers free sightseeing and social activities B. has a special course inspoken EnglishC. costs less than the other schools D. has native English teachers54. If you take the evening program at the International House, you will payabout_.A. 60

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