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1、25. Lets get to the point.26. Keep that in mind.27. That was a close call.28. Ill be looking forward to it.29. Dont try any tricks. 30. Thats the stupidest thing Ive ever heard!TONGUE TWISTERS绕口令The hunter and his huge horse hid behind the houseLittle Lily and Little Nelly are writing lettersPARAGRA

2、PHYou must take a blow or give one.You must lose you must risk.Be a man and face the battle.Its the only way to win.It takes a little courage and a little self-controlAnd some grim determination, if you want to reach the goal.Just do it: If you put off things for too long, they can easily become unc

3、ontrollable. The longer you wait to tackle a problem, the more difficult it becomes. Dont waste time thinking about how difficult something is. Just take the advice in this passage.Many people put off until tomorrow what they can do today. They always look for excuses to postpone doing something. In

4、 the end, it never gets done. If we leave things undone, we will eventually worry. This will cause unnecessary stress. Therefore, if you have this bad habit, its best to get rid of it and do things as soon as possible.PROVERB & APHORISM谚语和警句1. Haste makes waste. 2. An idle youth, a needy age. 3. The

5、 morning sun never lasts a day. 4. Strike while the iron is hot. 5. Do nothing by halves. 6. Wonders are many, and nothing is more wonderful than man.7. The fox changes his skin but not his habits.。8. Who laughs last laughs best.发音练习1 穿针引线长“衣”音Please have a seat. We believe in you.I appreciate your

6、support. He dreamed a sweet dream last night.2 90度大嘴音I have a very happy family. Actions speak louder than words.A cat has nine lives.在汉语的发音中,没有长短音的分别,所以,长元音的发音成为中国学生一个很大的障碍,想要说一口纯正的英语,就需要首先了解长元音的发音。注意:一定要有到位口型和舌头,并且要在日常的练习中不断的提醒自己。理论知识:不完全爆破爆破音的三种情况:1、/p,b/ 双唇爆破 2、/t,d/ 齿龈爆破 3、/k,g/ 软腭爆破不完全爆破的情况:两个

7、相邻的爆破音不是同一音,但是同位音而清浊不同:the big car,that dog爆破音后面出现另一个不同位爆破音:good bye,suitcase爆破音后出现塞擦音:/tr/,/t/,/dr/,/da/ object, great joke, big chair当出现不完全爆破时,爆破音的舌位不变,但不发音,即“点到为止”。/P疯狂口语突破教程绝密2第二讲Success is equal to goal and all the others are the notes of it.成功等于目标,其他一切都是这句话的注解。口语要素21. Chances are slim.2. Far f

8、rom it.3. Im behind in my work.4. Its a pain in the neck.5. Were in the same boat.6. My mouth is watering. 7. What do you recommend?8. I ache all over.9. I have a runny nose.10. Its out of the question.11. Do you have any openings?12. It doesnt make any difference.13. Im fed up with him. 14. You can

9、 count on us. 15. It doesnt work.16. Its better than nothing.17. Think nothing of it. 18. Im not myself today. 19. I have a sweet tooth. 20. I cant express myself very well in English. 21. For the time being. 22. This milk has gone bad.23. Dont beat around the bush.24. Its up in the air. 25. Math is

10、 beyond me.26. It slipped my mind.27. You cant please everyone. 28. Im working on it. 29. You bet!30. I cant come up with it.The sun shines on the small shop signsSally always suffers from sea-sickness when she is at seaDREAMSHold fast to dreams Hold fast to dreamsFor if dreams die For when dreams g

11、oLife is a broken winged bird Life is a barren fieldThat cannot fly. Frozen with snow.Set a realistic goal for your self each day. Success will build your self-confidence, wake up and decide how many sentences or dialogues you will master by the end of the day. Mark the date above each section in th

12、e book. So you can see how much progress you make in a short time.1. All good things come to an end. 2. Alls well that ends well. 3. Every man is his own worst enemy. 4. A friend in need is a friend indeed. 5. Grasp all, lose all. 6. Take a pain for a pleasure all wise man can. 7. People with tact h

13、ave less to retract. 8. The worst bankrupt is the person who has lost his enthusiasm. 3 “嘴角”双元音Today is a great day. Lets take a break. Everyone makes mistakes. The most important thing is to learn form your mistakes.4 由a向i滑动。1999 Time flies. Dont be shy , just try. Mike like to write by the nice br

14、ight light at night.学习方法:学好英语的规律:从简单开始,由兴趣推动,迅速学以致用。过程:从积累知识到形成技能,是一个过程。知识不等于技能。你需要一个转化的过程,将所学的英语“知识”转化为英语“技能”。学英语地六大原则:1 简单原则:英语学习,从简单开始。简单好,更简单更好,最简单最好。同时,学会plain English(简洁英语),这是国际趋势。学会用最简洁,同时也是最地道的表达方式2 量的原则:多好,更多更好,最多最好。量是质的保障,是应用地基础。语言学习讲求语感,大量的接触英语(听读)可以培养语感。3 重复原则:saying:Repetition is the mo

15、ther of skill.4 模仿原则:作为英语的学习者,必须模仿已有的东西。不经历到位的模仿的“创新”意味着错误。通过模仿掌握英语的灵魂和精髓语音、语调、节奏和表达方式。模仿地越像越好。5 突击原则:速战速决,快速进入角色。通过大量地突击练习掌握某项技能。突击取得成效后,会进入疲劳期,此时不必强求,可以转移目标,突击别的项目。人的精力毕竟是有限的。6 兴趣原则:通过“简单”和“突击”取得成绩,通过成绩获得成就感。这样就可以培养兴趣。在实践中取得兴趣;和热爱英语的人在一起;想尽办法提高兴趣,兴趣是最好的老师。疯狂口语突破教程绝密3第三讲All are of no value unless t

16、hey are followed by action.一切的一切毫无意义除非我们付诸行动。口语要素31. Drop me a line.2. Sooner or later. 3. Ill keep my ears open.4. Neck and neck.5. Im feeling under the weather. 6. Dont get me wrong. 7. Im under a lot of pressure.8. Youre the boss.9. Over my dead body!10. Can you give me a hand?11. We have thirty

17、minutes to kill. 12. Ill come to me.13. If I were in your shoes. 14. Ill play it by ear.15. Lets talk over coffee.16. Lets give him a big hand。17. As far as Im concerned. 18. Hes behind the times. 19. Im pressed for time. 20. Im up to my ears in work. 21. Just to be on the safe side. 22. I hope I di

18、dnt offend you. 23. Its been a long time. 24. Its a long story.25. Its about time. 26. Thats really something. 27. Excuse me for a moment. 28. I mean it. Im serious. Im no kidding!29. Its none of your business. 30. Dont give me your attitude. Old oily Ollie oils old oily autos. A noisy noise annoys

19、an oyster.A tidy tiger tied a tie tighter to tidy her tiny tail.There is a proverb saying, “Time is money.” But in my opinion, time is even more precious than money. Because when money is spent, we can earn it back. However, when time is gone, it will never return. This is the reason why we must val

20、ue time. So, you should make the best use of your time, gifts and opportunities to show the best of you to the world.Olympic Games (AD): You are my adversary, but you are not my enemy. For your resistance gives me strength, your will gives me courage, your spirit ennobles me. And though I aim to def

21、eat you, should I succeed I will not humiliate you, instead, I will honor you. For without you, I am a lesser man.1 Actions speak louder than words. 2 Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. 3 He laughs best who laughs last.。4 Before gold, even kings take off their hats. 5 Do as you would be done by.

22、6 Talk of the devil, and he is sure to appear. 7 The only thing we have to fear is fear itself. 8 In this world there are only two tragedies. One is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it.发音练习:短元音急促有力Good boy! So far so good.; Look at the sunset.在u的发音中,有轻微的向 滑动,发音短促有力。You make me si

23、ck. Its a pretty city. Lets begin.很多时候,i的发音是由i向e滑动的,比如it 附:在英语中用来表达极其, 非常, 很的方式1 1) most (used for giving force) It really is most annoying. Whatever happens, I shall most certainly attend the meeting. 注意: most只能修饰具有主观意见或感情色彩的形容词和副词, 表示非常, 很的概念.我们可以说 most certainly, 但不能说most tall 或 most quick 2) awf

24、ully adv. awfully cold, awfully nice, I am awfully sorry for it. 3) badly adv. (与want, need连用) They want help badly. He is badly in need of a haircut.4) more than . 与中文的无以名状差不多We were more than happy to hear of your escape. I think his offer is more than fair. 5) immensely adv. I enjoyed it immensel

25、y.6) much adv. I dont much like that idea. Im much surprised to hear that.疯狂口语突破教程绝密4第四讲Our great glory consists not in never failing, but in rising every time we fall.我们最大的荣耀,不在于永不跌倒,而在于每次跌倒之后都能站起。口语要素41. Im dying to see you. 2. Im flattered. 3. Im not in the mood. 4. Im so scared. 5. I wont buy yo

26、ur story. 6. Sorry to bother you. Sorry to have bothered you.7. Im always punctual. 8. You may leave it to me. 9. I wish I could. 10. Whats the rush?11. I couldnt agree more. 12. Dont jump to conclusions. 13. That was a lousy movie. 14. Ill make it up to you. 15. Dont underestimate me. 16. You made

27、me feel ashamed of myself. 17. I hope it turns out all right. 18. Youre wasting your breath. 19. His argument doesnt hold water. 20. I hope this will teach you a lesson. 21. Dont bury your head in the sand.22. If I had known that, I could have helped you. 23. You have my word. 24. He hit the ceiling a

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