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1、 your name has been given byand we like to inquire whether you are interested in these lines. b. 我们新研制的已推出上市,特此奉告。 we are pleased to inform you that we have just marketed our newly-developed. c. 我们盼望能成为贵公司的供应商。 we are pleased to get in touch with you for the supply of. d. 我们的新产品刚刚推出上市,相信您乐于知道。 you w

2、ill be interested to hear that we have just marketed our new product. e. 相认您对本公司新出品的会感兴趣。 you will be interested in our new product. 4索取资料 a. 我们对贵方的新产品甚感兴趣,希望能寄来贵公司的产品目录及价目表。 we are interested in your new productand shall be pleased to have a catalog and price list. b. 我们从纽约时报上看到贵公司的广告,但愿能收到产品的价目表及详

3、细资料。 we have seen your advertisement in the new york times and should be glad to have your price lists and details of your terms. c. 获知贵公司有已上市,希望能赐寄完整的详细资料。 we hear that you have puton the market and should be glad to have full details. d. 如蒙赐寄贵公司新产品的详细资料,我们将深表感激。 we should appreciate full particula

4、rs of your newly developed product. e. 如蒙赐寄有关的样品和价目表,我们将甚为感激。 we should be obliged if you would send us patterns and price lists of your 5寄发资料 a. 很高兴寄你一邮包,内装 we are pleased to send you by parcel post a package containing b. 欣寄我方目录,提供我方各类产品的详细情况。 we have pleasures in sending you our catalogue, which

5、gives full information about our various products. c. 欣然奉上我方产品样品,在贵方展厅展出。 we should be pleased to let you have samples to give a demonstration at your premises. d. 为使贵方对我方各种款式的手工艺品有一初步了解,今航邮奉上我方目录和一些样品资料,供您们参考。 in order to give you some idea of various qualities of handicrafts we carry, we have plea

6、sure in forwarding you by airmail one catalogue and a few sample books for your perusal. 6附寄资料 a. 随函附上本公司新出品的样品,请查收。 you will find enclosed with this letter a sample of new. b. 随函附上购货合同第号两份,希查收,谅无误。请会签并退我方一份备案。 enclosed please find two copies of purchase contract no.,which we trust will be found in

7、order. kindly sign and return one copy for our file. c. 我们很高兴地附上询价单第号,请贵方报离岸价格。 we have pleasure in enclosing our file. d. 我们确认向贵方购买,随函附上订单确认书供参照。 we confirm having purchased from you .a confirmation order is enclosed for your reference. 7请求做代理商 a. 我们深盼与英国公司接洽,希望成为其销售代理商之一。 we are anxious to contact

8、 some british firms with a view to acting as their selling angents. b. 如蒙考虑担任销售你们代理商,我们将十分高兴。 we should be glad if you would consider our application to act as agents for the sale of your 8请求报价 a. 兹函请提供的报价。 we are writing to invite quotations for the supply of. b. 请将定期供应之报价赐知。 please let us have a q

9、uotation for the regular supply for. c. 请将下列货品的最低价格赐知。 kindly quote us your lowest prices for the goods listed below. 9询价 a. 随函寄上询价单一份。 we are enclosing here with an inquiry sheet. b. 如果贵方对感兴趣,请告具体询价。 if you are interested in our,please let us know with a specific inquiry. c. 一收到贵方具体询价单,我方马上航空邮上样品册并

10、报价。 quotations and sample books will be airmailed to you upon receipt of your specific inquiry. 10价格 a. 我们发现你方报价比我们从其他地方收到的略为偏高,请你方降价,以适应竞争。 we find your quotation slightly higher than those we have received from other sources, and ask you to reduce your price to meet the competition. b. 我们很抱歉地通知你方价

11、格无竞争力,若贵方能降低价格,使我方可接受的话,我们仍对交易感兴趣。 were sorry to inform you that your price has been found uncompetitive, but were still interested in doing business if you can bring down your price to a level acceptable. 篇二:商务信函结尾 商务信函结尾回复语 1.等候回复 We are waiting for your early/favorable/definite reply. We trust to

12、 receive your prompt reply. We shall appreciate your opinion. We shall be glad to have your reply. We look forward to your good news. Interest to receiving your comments. Will you let us have your satisfactory reply. We await hearing from you in this connection at an early opportunity. We are waitin

13、g to hear from you in this respect without delay. We trust that we may/shall hear from you in this matter as soon as possible. We shall be glad to hear from you on the subject very soon. We await the pleasure to hear from you about the quotation at once. 2.提请关注,关照 Your prompt attention in this repor

14、t/to this matter will be highly appreciated. Your attention to this matter and compliance shall be much obliged. We request you to give the above your prompt attention. We are confident that you will give the matter your careful attention. We shall appreciate your giving this your prompt attention.

15、We sincerely hope that you will give the matter your favorable consideration and are awaiting your reply at your earliest convenience. We hope we may receive your further favor. We hope to receive a continuance of your kind patronage. 3.承诺再次联系 You will be hearing from us again shortly. We shall reve

16、rt to this matter at a later date. We shall communicate with you again as soon as possible. 4.请求支持惠顾 Your kind patronage is highly appreciated. We solicit a continuance of your kind patronage. We request you to favor us with a continuance of your kind support. We solicit a continuance of your valued

17、 favor. 5.感谢对方合作 Your cooperation is of great help to us. We thank you very much for your cooperation in this matter. We take this opportunity of thanking you for your support in the past. We extend our gratitude toward you for your cooperation. Your cooperation in this regard is highly appreciated.

18、 We are very much appreciate your cooperation. 6.保证合作 Please be assured of our continued cooperation. You may rely on us to give our cooperation in every possible way. You may rely on us for support and cooperation to the best of our ability. You may rest assured that we shall offer you our cooperat

19、ion. 7.请求协助 We request your assistance in this matter. We should be grateful if you would give us your assistance. We should appreciate it if you could cooperation with us in this matter. We reckon on your help in this matter. 8.祝愿 May friendship between our two peoples be evergreen. We wish that fr

20、iendship and cooperation between our two companies be further developing in the future. We believe that our business with you will develop as time goes on. We are convinced that with joint efforts business between us will be increasingly developed to our mutual benefits. We are confident that this f

21、irst transaction between us will lead to more in future. 9.致歉 Please excuse this clerical error. We request you to accept our apologies for the error of our clerk. We sincerely ask you to accept our apologies for the inconvenience this error may have caused you. We regret that we are unable to meet

22、your requirements. 10.乐意服务 We are always ready at your service. We assure you of our best service at all times. We shall spare no efforts in endeavoring to be of service to you. We shall be pleased to be of service to you at all times. 11.问候语 With best regards. With the seasons greetings. With the c

23、ompliments of the season. With best New Year Wished. With kind personal regards. With best wishes for Happy New Year. With my most hearty greetings and sincere good wishes for you and your family for the coming year. May all your plans and wishes come true. Heaps of Christmas wishes. Wishing you a m

24、erry Christmas. With kind remembrances and good wishes for a Merry Christmas and bright future. 篇三:商务信函培训提纲 一、商务信函的基本内容 商务信函的规范得体十分重要,它不仅展示个人的写作能力,更体现出他所服务的企业或机构的形象。 简便得体的结构将体现高效快捷的商务水准。因此商务书面文件的内容要求简易又有规范。 商务信函的正文一般可按四步式,即引言、详情、应答、结语。 商务报告一般包括了介绍,进展,查找问题,解决问题,其他建议几大要素, 商务函件的结构严谨、条理清晰。 二、商务信函的基本格式 信

25、头:请使用事务所标准的函头。 称呼敬语:姓名,职务。 客套话 正文 结束敬语 署名 行文格式(请使用事务所统一的行文字体、字号、段落的标准) 1.缩行式。 2.齐排式。 根据对象选择适当的格式。 信封的打印与信纸的折叠 三、商务信函的基本种类 商务函电的种类包括:商洽函、询问函、答复函、请求函、告知函、联系函。每一类函件均可利用已有的格式。 四、商务信函的写作基本原则 不刻意追求使用华丽优美的词句。用富有文采、朴实且不失庄重的语言,准确的表达自己的意思,让对方可以非常清楚的了解您想说什么。 1.人性化 每一封信函的往来,都是跟收信人彼此之间的一次交流。不要因为过份的商务腔调而刻意的使用复杂的语

26、句或绕口的修辞。从阅读者的角度考虑写作的内容。 2.语气语调 由于信函都有其目的性,所以所采用的语气语调也应该符合信函要达成的目的。 3.真诚 不管是生活中的交往还是生意上的合作,真诚是最重要也是最基础的。让客户感受到您的自然和真诚。 4.直接 客户每天都要阅读大量信函文件。所以,信函一定要写得简明扼要,短小精悍,切中要点。 5.礼貌 礼貌并不是简单用一些礼貌用语就可以的。而是要体现一种为他人考虑,多体谅对方心情和处境的态度,并符合国际礼仪和文化、民族习惯。 当双方观点不能统一时,我们首先要理解并尊重对方的观点。可以据理力争,说明观点,但注意要讲究礼节礼貌,避免用冒犯性的语言。 还要提醒一点,

27、“过犹不及”。礼貌过头,可能会变成阿谀奉承,真诚过头,也会变成天真幼稚。所以最关键的还是要把握好“度”,才能达到预期的效果。 6.简洁朴实的语言,但不失雅致、庄重 用简洁朴实的语言来写信函,让信函读起来简单,清楚,容易理解。在富有文采的同时应避免生僻或者复杂的词句。 7.精确 当涉及到数据或者具体的信息时,比如时间,地点,人物等等,尽可能做到精确。这样会使交流的内容更加清楚,更有助于加快事务的进程。同时注意数字的统一格式。 8.完整 完整表达所要表达内容和意思,何人、何时、何地、何事、何种原因、何种方式等。 9. 条理性,逻辑性和层次感。 体现律师的专业性和特殊的行业水准。 10.针对性 写清

28、收件的对象与抄送的对象等。 11.回复迅速及时 如果回复不够及时,就可能因为失去先机而失去商机。 12.标题 这一点是特别针对写电子邮件的。E-mail的标题是很重要的一个部分,您的邮件给对方的第一个印象就是通过标题来完成的。准确的标题让邮件显得更加专业。 13.校对 写完之后,一定要检查。最基本是要确保没有错别字和语法、标点正确,然后检查一下您所提供的事实,数据等是否有错。 五、内容较多时商务信函的写作方法 要写出布局清晰、内容充实、结构合理的文章,需要作者一番精心的构 思准备。不可匆忙提笔、草草收尾。 1.提纲式写作方法。传统的方式 2.头脑风暴式写作方法。因人而异 即放开思路,充分联想,不用顾及观点是否完全紧扣主题。写出可以想到的有关主题的所有内容;把写出的这些观点或细节归类,并删除与主题无关的内容。即围绕写作题目自由地想观点、找素材、凑点子,至于立意的合性、组织的顺序和句子是否合乎规则等,到正式写作时再考虑。 六、分别举例说明 1.关于邮件中的说明函 要针对收件人

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