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高中英语外研版必修5教学案Module 6 Section Ⅳ Other Parts of the Module含答案Word下载.docx

1、世界自然保护基金组织是世界上最大的自然保护组织。它于1961年在英国成立,同年在瑞士开了一个国际办事处。其目的在于保护濒临灭绝的野生动物的自然栖息地。其中一位建立者,画家兼自然学家,皮特斯科特设计了著名的熊猫标志。缩略词WWF代表“世界自然保护基金组织”。最初名字是World Wildlife Fund。现在这个组织在所有五大洲的90个国家拥有分支机构。它拥有成千上万名志愿者和五百多万名通过捐资来帮助的支持者。自1985年以来,它已经在130个国家的11 000个项目上花费了100 000多万美元。The focus of attention has changed, too. In the

2、1980s the WWF became interested in all activitieswhich have an effect on the environment, such as pollution and the way we use energy. The WWF believes that our world has a future only if people learn to conserve nature and not waste energy. As a result, it started working with governments to introd

3、uce environmental education into schools.The WWF has worked with the Chinese government since 1980, when Dr George Shaller arrived to work with Chinese scientists on the panda project. For fifteen years WWF China staff had been based in Switzerland but came to China to monitor the project. Then, in

4、1995, the organisation set up an office in Beijing. Today there are more than thirty staff working on twenty projects all over the country. They include work in forests, energy, and in environmental education for Chinas primary and secondary schools as well as saving the panda, of course.focus/fks/n

5、.焦点;集中点,focus on集中于become interested in变得对感兴趣activity n活动have an effect on对有影响which .为限制性定语从句,修饰activities。we use energy为限制性定语从句,修饰the way,省略了引导词that/which。energy/endi/n.能源only if只有,only if引导的条件状语从句放于句首,主句需用部分倒装语序。conserve v保护waste/weIst/vt.浪费work with sb. on sth.与某人一起从事某事when .project为非限制性定语从句,修饰19

6、80。China staff中国工作人员be based in以为基地,be based on根据monitor/mnIt/vt.监测set up建立;设立现在分词短语working .作staff的后置定语。primary and secondary schools中小学as well as也,和,又 第23段译文 WWF关注的焦点也已经发生了变化。20世纪80年代,世界自然保护基金组织开始关注所有对环境造成影响的活动,比如污染以及我们利用能源的方式。世界自然保护基金组织相信只有人们学会保护自然,不浪费能源,我们的世界才有未来。因此,它开始与政府合作把环保教育推行到学校。 自1980年以来世

7、界自然保护基金组织已经与中国政府进行合作,那时乔治山勒博士来与中国科学家共同从事熊猫工程的工作。15年来,世界自然保护基金组织的中国工作人员驻地在瑞士,但是他们到中国来监测这一工程。接着,1995年该组织在北京设立了办事处。时至目前,全国有30多个该组织成员在从事着20个项目的工作。它们包括森林、能源的工作以及中国中小学的环保教育,当然也有拯救熊猫的工作。Choose the best answers according to the text.1What is WWF?AIt is the worlds biggest land animal. A fully grown adult can

8、 weigh five tons.BIt can be found in parts of Siberia and Northeast China.CAn official working for the branch of China.DIts the largest organisation for nature conservation in the world.2Whats the aim of the WWF when it was founded?ATo protect the natural habitats of wild animals in danger of extinc

9、tion.BTo feed mostly on insects and small reptiles, but also fish and frogs.CTo focus the same attention on organising the volunteers working for the WWF.DTo increase the population of experts working on the wild animal programme.3Which of the following is TRUE?AThe organisation always has the same

10、focus of attention.BThe WWF set up an office in Beijing in 1995.CThe organisation has only the volunteers working in the world.DThe WWF China staff work in Switzerland, monitoring the project.4Which of the following is included in the list of protection of the WWF?AAfrican Elephant and Siberian Tige

11、r.BNorthern Bald Ibis and Blue Whale.CPanda and Antelope.DAll of the above.答案:14DABD一、这样记单词记得准写得对记得快记得多.基础词汇1involvevt.涉及;包括2layvt. 产卵;下蛋3extinctionn. 灭绝;4branchn. 分支机构;办事处5continentn. 大陆;6focusn. 焦点;集中点7wastevt. 浪费8monitorvt. 监测 .拓展词汇1aimn目标;目的 v目的在于;旨在aimless adj.漫无目的的2liveadj.活的;现场直播的lively adj.生

12、机勃勃的;活跃的3wondern奇迹wonderful adj.精彩的;绝妙的4initialn首字母 adj.最初的;开始的initially adv.最初;开始5energyn能源;精力;活力energetic adj.精力充沛的 adj.活的联想与live有关的单词集锦alive adj. 活着的lively adj.活泼的lovely adj.可爱的 living adj.活的2energy n精力,活力联想与“力量”有关的单词荟萃ability n能力 power n权力force n武力 strength n力量3continent n大陆;联想世界的“七大洲”Asia

13、亚洲Europe 欧洲Africa 非洲South America 南美洲North America 北美洲Oceania 大洋洲Antarctica 南极洲 二、这样记短语记牢固定短语多积常用词块 concerned about sth.关心/担心某事2tend to_do sth. 往往会做某事3keep an eye on 密切注视4go for sb. 攻击某人,袭击某人5feed on (动物)以为食6stand for 代表7have an effect on 对产生影响8as a result 结果是9set up 建立;10have access to 可以接近

14、e worlds largest organization世界上最大的组织2open an international office 设立国际部3wild animals in danger of extinction 濒临灭绝的野生动物4thousands of volunteers 成千上万的志愿者5the focus of attention 关注的焦点6the way we use energy 我们使用能源的方式7introduce environmental education into schools 把环保教育引入学校8monitor the project 监测这个项目 三、

15、这样记句式先背熟再悟通后仿用1.The population is supposed to be less than 5,000.其数量应该不足5 000头。be supposed to do sth.意为“理应做某事”。I thought we were_supposed_to_be_paid today.我以为我们今天会领到薪水呢。2.Only about 1,000 survive, most of them in Siberia.只有大约1 000只(老虎)幸存,大部分在西伯利亚。“名词(代词)介词短语”构成的独立主格结构。He has many friends, most_of_th

16、em_in_the_same_school.他有很多好友,大多数都在同一所学校。3.The WWF believes that our world has a future only if people learn to conserve nature and not waste energy.only if “只有”,用于引导陈述语气的真实条件句。You can buy a car only_if_you_have_enough_money.只有你有了足够的钱,你才能买车。1(教材P54)The World Wide Fund for Nature is an organisation wh

17、ose aim is to protect wildlife.世界自然保护基金会是一个以保护野生动植物为目的的组织。 aim n目标;目的 v瞄准;对准;旨在;目的是(1)with the aim of . 目的是(2)aim .at . (用)瞄准,对准aim at . 针对/瞄准aim to do sth. 目标是做某事be aimed at (doing) sth. 目的是;旨在(做)某事Our aim is to select the best person for the job, wherever they are from.我们的目的是选择这份工作的最佳人选,不管他们来自哪里。S

18、he went to the city with the aim of finding her lost sister.她去该市是为了寻找她走失的妹妹。I was aiming_at the tree but I hit the car by mistake.我对准树射击,不料误射了汽车。What do you aim_to_do in the coming year?在新的一年里你的目标是做什么?2(教材P55)But the trade also involves live animals.但这种贸易也包括(贩运)活着的动物。 involve vt.涉及;involve doing sth

19、. 包括或介入做某事involve sb./oneself in sth. 邀请、允许某人参与某事/某人积极参与某事get/be involved in . 被卷入之中;全神贯注于Dont involve me in your trouble.不要把我牵扯到你的麻烦中。Parents should involve_themselves_in their childrens education.父母应当积极参与孩子的教育。Mike had no desire to_be_involved (involve) in anything dangerous or violent.迈克不想卷入任何危险或

20、暴力的事情中去。名师点津involved作前置定语或后置定语时意义不同 live(1)adj.活的(常用作定语)I bought two live fish in the market.我在市场上买了两条活鱼。Better a live coward than a dead hero.好死不如赖活。(2)adj.现场直播的,实况转播的Most people prefer live matches to recorded ones.比起录播的比赛,大多数人更喜欢看现场直播。(3)adv.在现场直播The football game was televised live.那场足球比赛是在电视上现场

21、直播的。(4)v.住;生存;生活John lives_a_happy life with his family at present.约翰现在和家人过着幸福的生活。3(教材P55)A reptile has cold blood and lays eggs.爬行动物是冷血动物并且产卵。 lay vt.产卵;下蛋;放置,搁置;铺设写出下列句中lay的含义The cuckoo lays its eggs in other birds nests.产卵;She laid the baby down gently on the bed.放置,搁置The road has been dug up in

22、order to lay cables.铺设形象记忆4.(教材P55)One of the wonders of the insect world.昆虫世界中的奇观之一。 wonder n奇迹,奇观,奇事 v惊奇,想知道Its a wonder (that) . 令人惊奇的是No wonder (that) ./Its no wonder (that) . 难怪in wonder 惊奇地The Great Wall is one of the wonders in the world.长城是世界上的奇观之一。“Whats that?” Mary pointed at the statue, s

23、aying in wonder.玛丽指着那座雕塑,惊奇地说:“那是什么?”No_wonder/Its_no_wonder_(that) youre tired; youve been walking for hours.难怪你累了,你已经走了好几个小时了。语境串记The children looked at the pictures in wonder, and wondered what the New Seven Wonders of the world were.孩子们惊奇地看着图画,想知道世界新七大奇观是什么。5(教材P57)Im concerned about the future

24、of wildlife in Africa.我担心非洲野生动物的未来。 be concerned about/for sth.关心某事;担心某事(1)be concerned with 与有关;涉及as far as .be concerned 就而言(2)concern vt. 使忧虑;与有关n C 担心的事;U,C担忧concerned adj. 焦虑的,担忧的;有关的concerning prep. 关于,有关,涉及The people running these factories are very concerned about/for the environment.经营这些工厂的

25、人对环境非常关心。All the people concerned with the case will be questioned by the police.所有参与这个案件的人警察都要审问。As far as Im concerned (concern), I think shopping online is very convenient.就我个人而言,我认为网上购物很方便。The concerned parents are full of concern about the matter which may concern their children.忧心忡忡的家长们非常担心那件可

26、能涉及他们孩子的事情。6(教材P59)The initials, WWF, stand for World Wide Fund for Nature. stand for代表;象征;支持;忍受What does ATM stand for?ATM代表什么?Shes been lying about me, and I wont stand_for it.她一直乱说我坏话,我忍受不了了。名师点津如果在缩写字母前有the letters,则stand for用复数形式。The letters ABC stand_for Agricultural Bank of China.字母ABC代表中国农业银行。stand against 反对stand out 显

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