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1、7me teach him a lesson?”“Well, yes are you going to punish 8 , sir?” Tom asked. “No,I am not,” the coachexplained9. “That would only make him10you. I11you to write to your motherand ask for more biscuits.”Tom received another box of biscuits by mailing12his mother a few days later. “Now,”said the co

2、ach, “go and share them with the boy who stole your biscuits.” Tom didnt understandwhy the coach asked him to do this,13he still followed his suggestion.Half an hour later the coach saw the two boys come up the hill, arm in arm. The boy was tryingto ask Tom to take his toy robot in payment ( 赔偿) for

3、 the stolen biscuits. At the same time, Tomwas refusing the gift from his new friend. He said that a few biscuits14not so important.In some situations, forgiveness( 原谅)is 15than punishment.1. A.puts B.putting C.put D. was put2. A. was stolen B.stole C. steals stolen3. A. about D.for4.

4、 A.ate B. eats C.eating D. was eaten5. A.a B. an C./ D. the6. A. what B.when C. that D. who7. B. helps C.helped D. helping8. A.he B. him C.his D. himself9. A.patiently B.patient C. more patient D. more patiently10. A.hatesB.hated C. to hate D. hate11. A.wants B.wantingC.want D. wanted12. A.on

5、 B.from C.for D. by13. A. and B. so C. but D. or14. B. was C.are D. were15. A.good B.well D. better二、完形填空 (共10题, , 每小题1.5分 ,共10从阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 1625 各题所给的 A 、B 、C 、D 项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 When the meeting was over, Bob stood up and knocked on the table,spilling( 洒) his coffeeeverywhere.

6、 How embarrassing! Everyone laughed, and soon we were all telling stories of ourmost embarrassing moments. It came around to Frank who sat16listening to the others. Frank began slowly, I 17up in San Pedro. My Dad was a18, and he loved the sea.But it was a19work.Most of the time he would have to stay

7、 out until he caught enough tofeed his big20not just my mother and me, but also for his parents and the other relatives. Frank continued, “Every time he drove me to21, he would kiss me. It was so22forme. I was twelve years old! ” “I remember the day I thought I was too old for a good-bye kiss.When w

8、e reached school, hetried to23me as usual, but I stopped him and said, No, Dad. Im too old for a kiss It was thefirst time I had ever talked to him that way, and he had a24looked on his face. My Dad looked at me for the longest time, and his eyes started to tear up. I had never seen himcry. He said,

9、“You are a big boy now. I wont kiss you anymore. For the moment, tears began to run down Franks face. It wasnt long after that when my Dadwent to sea and25came back. You dont know what I would give to have my Dad give mejust one more kiss.”16.A. quietly B.proudly C.angrily D.slowly17.A. cleaned B.wo

10、ke C.gave D. grew18.A.sailor B.worker C. fisherman D. doctor19.A.funny B.hard D. popular20.A. house D. bag21.A. school D. shopping22.A. happy B.exciting C. lucky D. embarrassing23.A.kiss B.hold C. look at D. talk to24.A.happy B.surprised C. friendly D. strict25.A

11、.always B. suddenly C.never D. sometimes三、 阅读 (共两节,满分 5 45 分)第一节 阅读理解(20题, , 每小题 2分,共40分)从 阅读下列短文,从 2645 各题所给的 A、B、C、D项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(A) Mr. Swales was talking about what people did all day. He also wanted to find out what his students wanted to be when they grew up. He called on Billy Mitzer

12、first. My daddy works in a bank, Billy Mitzer said. I guess I want to work in a bank too. Thereslots of money in the bank.My parents have a store, but I want to be an airline pilot. Emmy DiSalvo said. He was about to call on Jodie when the girls in the back row burstout laughing. Shirley yelled, Jod

13、ies Daddy is a garbageman( 垃圾清理员)!Pee-yoo! Everybody in the class laughed out loud. Everybody except Jodie,that was. She felt her faceturn bright red. She looked around the whole classroom. Everyone was laughing. Some kids wereeven holding their noses.Its not funny, Mr. Swales went on. Garbage is a

14、serious matter.I think you should allapologize to Jodie. And after that, youre all going to write Jodies father, Mr. Harris, a nice letter totell him how much you are grateful for what he does for all of us.In other words, keeping our cityclean. Jodie started crying out in the hall. She didnt want t

15、o cry in front of everybody, but shecouldnt hold back any more. Mr. Swales came to comfort her, Im sorry this happened, he said.But remember, hard work done well is something to be proud of.Theres nothing wrong with beinga garbageman, absolutely not. Then he added, Although garbage isdirty, every da

16、y garbage men collect the dirty andsmelly garbage and throw it in the truck. Then everythings nice and clean. Isnt that something we should be proud of? Hearing this, Jodie swept the tears in her eyes and a smile disappeared on her face. “I get it, Mr.Swale.” Then she went back to the class and said

17、 proudly.My dad is a garbageman! she said, Everybody makes garbage, but my Daddy takes it allaway.26. Why did Jodie cry out in the hall? A. Because her teacher laughed at her. B. Because her fathers work was very hard. C. Because the classroom was too noisy. D. Because her classmates laughed at her

18、father.27. How did Mr. Swales advise the students to apologize to Jodies father? A. By sending him an e-mail.B. By writing him a letter. C. By giving him a call.D. By making him a gift.28. In what order did the events take place? a. Jodie stopped crying and smiled. b. Mr. Swales asked his students a

19、bout their dream jobs. c. Jodies classmates made jokes about her fathers job. d. Jodie felt embarrassed and started crying.e. Mr. Swales went to comfort Jodie. A.b-d-e-c-aB.b-c-d-e-aC.c-b-e-a-dD. d-c-b-a-e29. What do you think of Mr. Swales? A.WiseB.BraveC.ActiveD. Hard-working30. What can be inferr

20、ed from this passage? A. No pain, no gain.B. Where there is a will, there is a way. C. Work has no difference in itself.D. Love me, love my dog.B How does it feel for a foreigner to become famous in China? The22-year-old Kazakh singer Dimash Kudaibergenov, who recently becomes famous in China, may b

21、e the best person to provide theanswer. Dimash Kudaibergenov was born in a family of singers in May, 1994.Then he entered the entertainment business officially in 2010. He was the winner of the Grand Prix Salvic Bazaar 2015 in Vitebsk in Russia. Dimash rose to fame in January when he first took part

22、 in“Singer 2017”, a singingcompetition TV show in China. Before he sang, his handsome out look was the focus. But when heopened his mouth, he won the hearts of all the Chinese audience. Before he came to China, one of his three wishes was to see pandas.And that came true last Sunday when he was name

23、d the ambassador(大使) for “Im in China” in Chengdu in Southwest Chinas Sichuan province, the first stop of the “Im in China” program. His other two wishes were taking part in the TV show and meeting Jackie Chan. Now all threewishes have come true. But thats not all. He even got a chance to feed panda

24、s, received a gift fromJackie Chan and became a household name after the singing contest. “I am grateful that the visit to Chengdu provided me a chance of close contact with pandas. Ihope I can travel across China to see its different landscapes,”said Dimash. “I love China! Im inChina.” Apart from f

25、eeding pandas, Dimash was also invited to savor Sichuan hotpot, a famous localdish, and visit Wide and Narrow Alley. During the tour he said he was inspired by the tour and plansto hold a concert in Chengdu, a hometown of many Chinese pop star sand winners of talent shows. “The Kazakh people are ver

26、y fond of Chinese culture, and I think people here will also enjoy ourKazakh culture.” He added.31. How old was Dimash when he won the Grand Prix Salvic Bazaar2015 in Vitebsk in Russia? A. 20 years old.B. 21 years old. C. 22 years old.D. 23 years old32. Which of the following is Not Dimashs wish?A.

27、To seepandas. B. To visit Wide and Narrow Alley. C. To meet JackieChan.D. To take part in the TV show.33. The underlined word “household” in Paragraph 4 means_. A.popularB.activeC.livelyD. usual34. What is true about Dimash? A. Chinese audience loved his outlook more. B. He is planning to hold a concert in Chengdu. C. His three wishes were not achieved yet. D. He produced the “I35. From the passage, what did Dimash think of Chin

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