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1、 DGHKJ Jack decided to read Shakespeares sonnets aloud until he can retain them. How to cultivate ones long-term memory? - Prompt and repeated reading can turn short - term memory into long - term memory. Cramming for a test on the last day before it can not really be effective. In the light of the

2、importance of textbooks, you need to treat them as tools of your job trade - just as you would need an instruction manual if your job required you to have one. The real secret for the mans success is that he always gets a head start on the others. 记忆的信息会在接触后的24小时内逐渐遗忘。(这就是“遗忘曲线”) 有些学生或许会以此作为考前突击的理由把

3、一切都拖到考试前最后一天来硬记。许多教师都会进行期末总结性的考试,他们并不是仅仅考察上次考试以后所学的新知识,而是考察这门课自始至终的所有内容。然而,你学习中的一半或者是更多的时间都可能花在教科书上了。有些学生把他们的教科书看作是令人头痛或是乏味的东西,但不幸的是,这是他们所受教育中必需的(也是昂贵的)组成部分。(此部分不会评分,所以,请尽情发挥吧) Reading 2(实际上是书上的最后一段) long as the world goes around will continue to change words will be added English altered because pe

4、ople are most comfortable with familiar not likely that well ever see a major change in way words spelledwhat would we do without challenge of English spelling3/3 Words and Phrases 11.probability - likelihood 2.pot for - choose 3.considered - contemplated 4.liberal - tolerant 5.invaded - affected 6.

5、retain - master 7.a good beginning - a head start the light of - according to Words and Phrases 21.You dont have to . carefully (unless) you want to. 2.The repairman . any (instruction) on when to fix the car. 3.Due to the . decided to (hold off) the meeting. 4.I dont think . umbrella (in case)

6、 it does. 5.Two weeks after . supposed (to have left) the school now. 6.As a nurse . was (exposed) to great danger. 7.Professors expect . reference (sections) in the library. 8.(Whatever) the outcome,.Discourse Exercise 3 1 4 2 6 5 Correction A-had been complaining D-used C-have learned A-minutes D-

7、depending C-unfortunately C-attracting B-are D-is B-awfully Translation 1If you have any doubts a .- 如果你对选修课有任何的疑问but also tried to persuade Cogress to pass . - 而且设法说服国会通过一项法律,规定凡使用非标准拼写的人将受到法律的处罚Rather, they test you on all . - 而是考察你这门课自始至终的所有内容Spelling reform continued to be . - 对文字的拼写改革就像过去许多世纪中情

8、形一样,以一种温和的形式在继续进行着Translation 2或许将这些实事此作为考前突击的理由 - make those facts an arqument for cramming把英语学习看作事件令人头痛或乏味的事 - regrad their English study as troublesome or uninteresting许多学生将一半或更多的学习时间都花在学英语上了 - half or more of students sutdy time have been devoted to English study/learning of English/many student

9、s has spent half or more of their study time on English study人们甚至对怎样写自己的名字也很随便 - People were even very liberal about their namesUNIT 2 Reading 1 = =1/3-1= 1.加入到赛博空间旅行的行列 2.常识和知识 3.控制费用 4.尤其,特别 5.在公告板上留言 6.停留 7.销售活动的针对性 8.个性化的广告 9.未料到的支出款项 10.确保你个人资料的保密性 11.旅行保险 12.请记住 13.使你的计算机系统染上病毒 14.预定一次旅行 15.注册

10、 16.上不了网 =1/3-2= 1.ger2.mble3.proof4.sonalize5.licited6.iciously7.jack8.rupt9.tachment10.mous =1/3-3=insured personal awareness accurately accessible exposing conversation have ventured reveals afford Banked Cloze 1 = 2.determine 3.charged 4.privacy 5.personal 6.collecting 7.personalized

11、arantees 9.definitely 10.passwords 11.access 12.bulletin 13.attachment 14.transmitted 15.assure Banked Cloze 2 = 1.far-reaching 3.anonymous 4.filters 5.simulation 6.retreat 7.assume 8.isolated =Translation 1= 中译英 = 1.有时在线看电影会使你的电脑感染病毒 Sometimes watching movies online can expose your comput

12、er to viruses. 2.我们应该充分认识到网络的安全和重要性。We should be fully aware of the importance of online security. 3.杀毒软件 Anti-virus software keeps the spreading of viruses under control. 4.随着上网越来越便捷 As getting online gets easier and more affordable, more and more people will venture into Cyberspace. 5.病毒可以通过多种途径传播

13、 Viruses can be transmitted throught many ways, in particular, through the Internet. =Translation 2= 英译中 1.When you revist the site 当你再次访问这个网站时,该网站将会打开这个cookie文件,获得所存储的信息,从而知道怎样欢迎你-他甚至可能“叫”你的名字。2.When you enter a chat room 当你参与一个聊天室的讨论,在一个公告板上写留言,在一个商业网站注册,参加一个竞赛,或者是订购某种产品的时候,你直接公开地将信息传送到了“赛博空间”。3.W

14、hen shopping online 网上购物是,如果告知别人你的社会保障卡,信用卡号码和发送地址,你要非常小心。4.Credit rights and other consumer 信用权利法案和其他消费者保护法规都适用于因特网事项。如果遇到问题,应报告给执法单位来处理。5.There is so much to do and 在“赛博空间”里,有如此之多的事情可以做,有如此之多的”站点“可以浏览,因为你的因特网服务商在其网站上提供了大量的信息。=Writing= 略 = Reading 2 =2/3 Dictation= 摘自课文第二段 第1行:a chicken with desira

15、ble traits has been bred or 第2行:genetically engineered of thousands of eggs which will 第3行:hatch into identical copies could roll off the production lines 第4行:every hour of clones could be produced each year第5行:to supply chicken farms with birds that all grow at the第6行:same rate the same amount of m

16、eat and taste the same =3/3-1 = Word and phrases 1 = 前面为提示,后面为答案 1.took risk of-ventured 2.pain-sufferings 3.age-era 4.deliberately-knowingly 5.postpone-put off 6.department-agency 7.Did you notice-Were you aware of 8.answer-respond to Word and phrases 2 1.The force-scale 2.This middle school-attach

17、ed 3.Citizens may have-access 4.This new type-resistant 5.This news program -external 6.China is a-vulnerable 7.What-welfare 8.A mystery ailment-victims =排序= 214365 =Correction 改错= 1.There could also c:carry food-poisoning bacteria 2.At present b:is too expensive for breeders 3.When shop online a:sh

18、opping online 4.Its difficultExpect to receive 5.Origens websitegenetically engineering birds 6.Marketers in particular 7.Embrex is inject the cells into 8.Credit rightsapply to 9:Billions of clones supply chicken farms with birds 10.When you enter C:protection of personal information =Translation 1

19、= 英译汉 = 1.Space and race但网络爱情真能取代两人享受下午茶的惬意时光么?2.When the computer 当计算机成为学校,办公室,家中的必需品后, 3.As getting online 越来越多的人都将在网络空间旅行。4.When you enter 你直接公开地将信息传送到了 汉译英 1.The government-has banned all scientific research using human embryos. 2.Only the bigger-afford the enormous fees that these players deman

20、d. 3.We should-be fully aware of the importance of online security 4.It is not-will be full liable for any demage they may causeUNIT 3 Reading 1 (注:. rather than clear either of them had fallen did he realize the scale of the disaster they were giving up hope should have seen Euans face It was only

21、after wed flown back to Glasgow would have died Because of -thanks to find out -work out hit-stricken escaped from-survived Very quickly -Before we know it counted the number of students -did a head count didnt wake up from -slept through stop holding -let go of to be obtained -available extremely p

22、leased -thrilled . extinguished reduced tragedy submitted architects damaging effective issued within rejected widening available consequently reconstruction reached . Stephen linked arms/was arm in arm with his wife wading through the fierce current. There is no sign that the price of daily necessi

23、ties is going to fall in the disaster-hit area. Surviving the tsunami, Sara was finally reunited with her family at the airport. Knowing/Seeing the injured person was in great danger, he quickly decked into doctor mode and set about saving his life on the spot. She cried her eyes out, telling me tha

24、t almost the whole village had been overwhelmed by the flood. 这样他们才会安全海浪已经卷走了很多人的生命,但他们的位置比海浪搞些。一切都显得那么完美,史蒂文,瑞和孩子们开始在岸边泼水玩,然后又向一个码头走去。当时史蒂文还没有意识到浪究竟有多大,他让阿什利回到海滩上去拿包。担当海水开始哗啦啦地冲过六英尺高的港湾围墙时,他明白这不是普通的海浪。史蒂文太了不起了。他立即进入了消防员的状态,先让我们平静下来,然后开始想办法救我们。他们迅速被快艇送到一个受灾很轻的岛上,第二天干最早的航班回到了英国。.writing(此处跳过,请大家也跳过吧)

25、 Reading 2 (实际上是书上第一段) (What) happened the nest few minutes after the Titanic hit the iceberg will forever remain in history. (First) Officer Murdoch, (who) was the officer of the watch at that time, (was) responsible for the navigation of the Titanic. (We) will probably never know what thoughts flashed through his mind as the wall of ice passed along the starboard side of the bow, (p

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