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选修六Unit 3导学案教案资料Word格式.docx

1、不合适的;不合格的Id like to join an aerobics class to improve my _.Hed obviously kept himself _ stress n. 压力;重音vt. 加压力于;使紧张stressful:adj.产生压力的;紧张的; stressed 复数: stresses 过去式: stressed 现在分词: stressing 第三人称单数: stressesStress may act _ a trigger for these illnesses.We have always _ the importance _ economic re

2、form.Were not saying were outside and above all this, he _.Sit down, she replied, _ each wordadolescent n.青少年adj. 青春期的adolescence n. 青春期He spent his adolescent years _play guitar in the church bandThere was a lot of unhappiness in my_. ban vt. 禁止;取缔n. 禁令;谴责; banned 复数: bans 过去式: banned 现在分词: banning

3、 第三人称单数: bans I certainly think there should be_ ban on tobacco advertising. Top supermarkets are to_ many genetically modified foods.The government _ nuclear test.Smoking is now _ in many places of work._ smoking would save needless deaths. due adj.欠款的;预定的;到期的due to, owing to, because of, thanks to

4、 由于The factory was due to_shut for the festive periodShe_ due to make _ speech _ the economy next week. He refused to cut his hair_ his Rastafarian beliefs.tough adj. 困难的;强硬的= hard, difficult;toughness坚韧不拔ll face_ tough fight in the upcoming election.He liked their _ and their loyaltyaddicted adj. 入

5、了迷的;上了瘾的addicted to 对有瘾addiction to上瘾,addictiveI went through about four years of _ addicted to video games. I discovered an _ to housework which I had never felt before.Heroin is highly_accustom vt. 使习惯于accustomed adj. 惯常的;习惯了的accustomed to 习惯于= be used to doing sth过去分词: accustomed 过去式: accustomed

6、现在分词: accustoming 第三人称单数: accustomsIt took him _ while to accustom himself _ the idea.Bradley is still accustomed to _travel everywhere in style.The team has _ itself to the pace of first division rugby.withdrawal n. 收回;撤退;戒毒(或脱瘾)过程; withdrawalsThe charity says it wants _ withdrawal of the comments.

7、He has made several _ from his bank account. automatic adj.无意识的;自动的automatically adv. 无意识地;自动地All of the _ body functions, even breathing, are affected_strange enough, you will_ wake up after this length of timemental adj. 精神的;智力的;Mentally adv.精神上;智力上; physically身体上Attitudes _ mental illness have sh

8、ifted in recent years.You may be physically and _ exhausted after_ long flight. quit vt. 停止(做某事);离开,过去分词: quitted 过去式: quitted 现在分词: quitting 第三人称单数: quits =resign, withdraw,end;stop;leave;discontinue;give up Well, by the way, I was trying to quit _smoke at the time.Then they _ working and they resu

9、med studying at the university.Yesterday she announced that she is _ her jobDeath _ all scores.Effect= influence n. 结果;效力;effectively有效地; effective有效的; 同义词:consequence, result, effect, outcome; have an effect on对、产生影响What will be the _ of the alliance between IBM _ Apple?She had_shut him out by refu

10、sing _ listen.The bank must be run_ a cost-_ way.The trees themselves also have_ effect on the climatelung n. 肺; lungs;He was born with only one _The lungs _ in fact constructed of thousands _ tiny tubes. abnormal adj. 畸形的;异常的;normal正常的The _ bleeding is your bodys own red flag of danger.Why cant I l

11、ive _ normal life in my own country?breathless adj.气喘吁吁的;屏息的= out of breath;breath呼吸,名词;breathe动词I was a little _ and my heartbeat was bumpy and fast.I held my _ and sank under the water.m sweating, my heart is pounding. I cant _ strengthen vt.加强;巩固;使坚强vi. 变强; strengthened 过去式: strengthened 现在分词: st

12、rengthening 第三人称单数: strengthens;strength长处,优点;strong强大的weaken 变弱His visit is intended to_ ties between the two countries. Because of the war, security procedures have _.By _ the river banks , the city secured itself against flood.Every day of sunshine _ the feelings of optimismAt one time, walking a

13、cross the room took all her _.The rescuers were beaten back by_ winds and currents.resolve n. 决心;决定; resolved 复数: resolves 过去式: resolved 现在分词: resolving 第三人称单数: resolves;The two communities are learning how to _their differences.Until the matter is _ the athletes will be ineligible to compete_ the d

14、ispute will require a mood of conciliation on both sides.This mixture _ into two substances. decide on 对作出决定过去分词: decided 过去式: decided 现在分词: deciding 第三人称单数: decides;dicision决定I couldnt decide_ he was incredibly brave _ just insane.Vietnam is trying to_ on its course for the future.They took a vote

15、and _ not to do it.We examine the wording in detail before _ on the final text.He _ to study kung fu.The _ made her very unpopular_ the staff.packet 小包;小盒; packets;You could save yourself _packet. The_ are measured to reduce waste.feel like (doing) 想要(做)= would like to do; = would rather than do fee

16、l - felt - felt - feltLet it go, he thought. He didnt _ arguing.They _ hand over their financial affairs to another body.I _ go out tonight, if you dont mind.relaxation n. 放松,松弛;relax过去分词: relaxed 过去式: relaxed 现在分词:relaxing 第三人称单数: relaxesDiet and_ are two important keys _ good health.Playing the pa

17、ino _ one of his favourite _ Massage is used _ relax muscles, relieve stress _ improve the circulationChristie looked _ and calm as he faced the press afterwards.We come here once_ year expecting a quiet, _ holiday._ good massage always _ me. Desperate adj.绝望的,拼命的desperation名词:绝望Car firms are desper

18、ate_ achieve economies of scale. They admit they are now desperate_ a lucky break.Frustration, anger _ desperation have led _ a series of wildcat strikes._ desperation I joined _ physical exercise class. chemist n. 药剂师;化学家,chemistry化学;chemical化学物质,化学的She worked _ a research _ Two chemists _ talking

19、shop, and I hardly understood _ word they said. He completed his BSc_ chemistry _ 1934.Some of the companies illegally sent the wherewithal for making _ weapons.Scientists tried out thousands _ chemicals _ they found the right _ .disappointed adj.失望的;沮丧的; disappointed 过去式: disappointed 现在分词: disappo

20、inting 第三人称单数: disappoints名词 disappointmentHe was aware _ sharp _ and betrayalI was _ whenever the cook found fault _ my work.The wine was excellent, _ the food was _ . _ she did _ usweaken (对某事的决心)动摇;减弱vt. (使)变弱过去分词: weakened 过去式: weakened 现在分词: weakening 第三人称单数: weakens;形容词:weakYou can weaken the

21、tea _ adding waterHe is in _ weakened conditionThe currency of that country is _ on foreign exchanges.Malnutrition obviously _ the patient.His hands were _ weak_ cock his revolver. ashamed adj. 感到惭愧或羞耻的shame名词:害羞I felt incredibly ashamed_ myself for getting _ angry.I will return, find you, love you,

22、 marry you and live without _ Comprehension n.理解(力); comprehended 过去式: comprehended 现在分词: comprehending 第三人称单数: comprehends;_ Jock had done was beyond my _ She slowly comprehended _ he said, and went through the process of recollectionHe was incapable _ comprehending her sufferingThe park _ all the

23、land _ the other side of the spite of = despite 不顾;不管后接动名词或名词In spite of_ disappointment, he managed _ weak smile_ the poor weather the fishing_ been pretty goodDespite his lack_ experience, he got the job.take risks (a risk) 冒险 at risk 处境危险;遭受危险We prefer_ play Itsafe _ take risks.They are

24、usually adventurous and willing _ take _ This was not _ academic exercise soldiers lives were _ risk. get into 陷入;染上(坏习惯)He was eager_ get into politics._ not easy _ somebody_ get into the building unobserved. illegal 不合法的;违法的反义词:legalBy-laws are to make_ illegal_ smoke in public.Despite _ illegal a

25、ct, few people think badly_ him. We are taking advice _ legal steps _ recover the money.pill药丸;药片;I wake_ 6 am _ the sleeping pill doesnt work _ more than nine hours.Why _ I have to_ all these pills?robbery 抢劫;盗窃过去分词: robbed 过去式: robbed 现在分词: robbing 第三人称单数: robsA man is being questioned in connection _ the robbery.I cant turn _ blind eye _ someone is being robbed.

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