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1、The impact of environment to children难度 Headings(7), 填空,选择Researches on smell阅读 (A类)24/04/201,总体较难段落配信息+简答题)+双选+单选声音对孩子的影响段落配信息+T/F/NG郁金香引发金融危机HEADING+选择+句子完成一种不预先设限的科学研究方法阅读 (A类)08/05/2010总体较难关于childhood概念的变迁缺气候对国家经济的影响speech act and philosophy人名配观点,T/F/NGAcademic Reading 15/05/2010grey worker(旧题)c

2、hoices, Title, summary, T/F/NG难度 乡村分布Heading, summary澳大利亚的物种灭绝choices、matching、Y/N/NGAcademic Reading 20/05/2010(加考)有关燃油的问题动物冬眠电子发展的弊端Academic Reading 29/05/2010Otters(旧题)段落配信息(9), short answer questions(4)Finding ways0Matching, SummaryBritish ArchitectureMulti choices, summary Academic Reading 05/0

3、6/2010净化海水Heading, Summary建筑问题Summary, matching, 段落配信息科幻小说小说人名和小说的内容, Y/N/NGPassage 2 资料考证来源于维基百科 After repairs, she plied for several years as a passenger liner between Britain and America, before being converted to a cable-laying ship and laying the first lasting”Brunel worked for several years as

4、 assistant engineer on the project to create a tunnel under Londons River Thames 题目配对 tunnel under river Thames - which Brune was not responsible for itThough ultimately unsuccessful, another of Brunels interesting use of technical innovations was the atmospheric railway 配对 建成不久就停止运营那项 吧Great Easter

5、n was designed to cruise non-stop from London to Sydney and back (since engineers of the time misunderstood that Australia had no coal reserves), and she remained the largest ship built until the turn of the century. Like many of Brunels ambitious projects, the ship soon ran over budget and behind s

6、chedule in the face of a series of technical problems. great eastern 配对 建设推迟了很对次 和 财务上不成功 我配了两个Great Britain is considered the first modern ship, being built of metal rather than wood, powered by an engine rather than wind or oars, and driven by propeller rather than paddle wheel. 配对 成为广泛认可的标准 忘了这个是

7、不是第一题的段落包含信息题了其他记不住了 有个火车站什么的 配对 Brunel 影响了反对者 这个乱配的Passage 3 According to science fiction writer , a handy short definition of almost all science fiction might read: realistic speculation about possible future events, based solidly on adequate knowledge of the real world, past and present, and on a

8、 thorough understanding of the nature and significance of . argued that if we were rigorous with our definitions, play would have to be termed science fiction.Y/N/NG 第一题就纠结了 题目是科幻小说很难下定义 文中不是两种观点都有么 但是自己答的 Y然后信息配对有一道是 The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress is a 1966 by writer , about a s revolt against rule f

9、rom Earth. 这门书貌似是配对 它成功预测了人类登月Academic Reading 19/06/2010DENSITY&CROWDING工作方法T/F/NG, DiagramVoyageChoices, Y/N/NG, matchingAcademic Reading 26/06/2010Australian Koala(旧题)Choices, T/F/NG, Choice of best titleA Bridge of UKMultiple choice(4 of 7), TableScience ReportChoices, Y/N/NG, Summary(with box)A

10、cademic Reading 10/07/2010 Ambergris (旧题)Classification(6), Y/N/NG(4), summary(3)非洲小国的贫困Multiple choice(2 of 5), Summary(4), Headings(7)placebo对医学的影响Matching, choices, T/F/NGAcademic Reading 17/07/2010某民族的生活填空, matching, Y/N/NG,单选(1题主旨题)storytelling段落细节题,配对(四个古代地点),填空Sunset in OilY/N/NG,diagram, 人名配

11、观点Comment 总体以配对与填空题为主,这次例外的没有出现HEADINGS,难度保持一贯的趋势中等难度。据预测,最近的主流难度题型将在HEADINGS与段落配细节题间游离,而传统题型(配对、填空、判断)继续保持强势。Academic Reading 31/07/2010Optimism and healthSummary 人名或组织配观点Yes/No/Not Given鸟的迁徙(旧题)Heading, 双选,填空Ingenuity配对,选择(3),Y/N/NG 总体偏难,仍以传统题型为主,Headings与上次预测一致,段落配细节之后紧跟着考了。预测旧题中,鸟的迁徙,但题目被改得面目全非。

12、据预测,最近的主流难度题型仍然将在HEADINGS与段落配细节题间游离,而传统题型(配对、填空、判断)继续保持强势。难度开始呈现加大趋势。Academic Reading 14/08/2010ORGANIC FARMING填空4个,观点匹配4个,Yes/No/Not Given5个Fossil database标题题7个,匹配4个,选择2个记忆力研究填空6个,Y/N/NG5个,多项选择3个难度中等,仍以传统题型(配对/判断/填空)为主。最近两期出的标题题难度值都较小,导致整场考试难度值趋于中等。按照往年惯例,中等难度的考试趋势将会延续到九月底十月初。Academic Reading 21/08

13、/2010午睡 TFNG,完成句子,和3个小问答鸟类的孵化段落配信息 MATCHING T/F/NG网络远程培训Headings, MATCHING, 多选难度中等,headings与段落配信息的题目都考到了,传统题型仍占主导趋势。最后一篇heading和matching前面几题感觉不太好做Academic Reading 28/08/2010Grass 人名配观5个T/F/NG8个Chimpanzees cultural behavior段落配信息 T/F/NG short answerMulti-task人名配观点,blank filling较难,仍以传统题型为主,人名配观点尤其多,因此第

14、一篇与第二篇难度值较小,但第二篇出现段落配信息的Matching,需要仔细阅读全文才能选得出,难度较大;并且多年未见的short answer题目竟然也考到了。Academic Reading 04/09/2010(重庆,湖北等考区) 笑的研究 人名配观点(6) T/F/NG(3) 选词填空(4)Loss of cities段落信息Matching(4) 填空(8)选择环保工具Multiple Choice(4) Y/N/NG(5) 填空难,仍以传统题型为主,特别是填空题非常多,而且出现一个较难的选词填空题。第一篇为历年真题,新航道曹旼炜先生主编的雅思阅读真经有类似的文章,不过文章内容不太吻合

15、,但仿真度颇高。雅思阅读真题题源9.4号九分达人迷失的城CAMEL allows archaeologists to survey ancient cities without digging in the dirt, disturbing sites Overlying aerial photographs show the ancient city wall at Kerkenes Dag in Turkey. Like a dromedary that can travel a long distance without taking a drink of water, the Orie

16、ntal Institutes CAMEL computer project can traverse vast distances of ancient and modern space without pausing for the usual refreshment known best by archaeologistsdigging in the soil. CAMEL (the Center for Ancient Middle Eastern Landscapes) is at the leading edge of archaeology because of what it

17、does not do and what it can do. First, it does not actually excavate. For a science based on the destructive removal of buried artifacts and an examination of them for meaning, CAMEL works in quite the opposite way: it aims to survey ancient sites and disturb them as little as possible. What CAMEL c

18、an do however, is remarkable. It organizes maps, aerial photography, satellite images and other data into one place, allowing archaeologists to see how ancient trade routes developed and to prepare simulations of how people may have interacted, given the limitations of their space, the availability

19、of resources and the organization of their cities. CAMEL provides the wonderful opportunity “to see beyond the horizon,” said Scott Branting, Director of the project. Branting oversees the CAMEL project from a second-floor computer lab at the Oriental Institute. As he walks around, he shows off the

20、dozen PCs that form the nucleus of the project, which invites faculty and students to pore through electronic images from throughout the Middle East. “;“The Near Eastern area is defined for the purposes of our collections as an enormous box stretching from Greece on the west to Afghanistan on the ea

21、st, from the middle of the Black Sea on the north to the horn of Africa on the south,” he said as he turned on a computer to summon an image from the area. Up popped an aerial surveillance photograph taken for defense purposes during the Cold War. The image showed mounds on the surface of the steppe

22、 regions of modern Iraq, sites that are among the hundreds unexplored there that are potentially valuable sites for future excavation when archaeologists can safely return. “Because these images are images from the 1950s and 1960s, they show a terrain much different from what exists today,” he expla

23、ined. Fields have covered much of the formally barren areas of the Middle East as irrigation has expanded farming. Sites that show up as mounds in photographs may today be leveled and hard to recognize. Some of the ancient material they contain, however, is still buried deep below the surface. Besid

24、es the aerial surveillance photographs, the collection includes some photographs taken by small planes in the early days of aerial photography. James Henry Breasted, founder of the Oriental Institute, was an early pioneer in the field and began taking photographs from a plane over sites in Egypt in

25、1920. Some of his early shots are a bit shaky, though, as he also experienced air sickness during that path-breaking effort. When the Oriental Institute launched an excavation in the 1930s at Persepolis in Iran, the art of aerial photography had progressed greatly, and stunning pictures of the ancie

26、nt Persian capital helped demonstrate the scope of the city in a way nothing else could. Some of those photographs are on the walls of the Persian Gallery of the Museum of the Oriental Institute, and others are part of the CAMEL database. Oriental Institute scholars also used balloons rigged with ca

27、meras to catch overall shots of excavation sites. In addition to the aerial photographs, the collection also includes shots taken by NASA, Digital Globe and other organizations from satellites. Branting is in Turkey this summer working on a site that shows the value of nondestructive techniques such as those developed at CAMEL. He has been studying the ancient and mysterious city of Kerkenes Dag in central Turkey. The city, surrounded by a wall, is a square mile, huge by ancient standards,

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