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1、A.High places.B.Flying.C.The dark.()6.Where is the woman spending her winter vacation?A.In Asia.B.In Africa.C.In Europe.()7.How does the man feel?A.Excited.B.Terrible.C.Nervous.()8.How long did Brad work as a history teacher?A.For 15 years.B.For 10 years.C.For 12 years.B)请听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,

2、从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并将其填到答题卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前你将有 30秒钟的时间阅读各个小题。每段对话或独白读两遍。(每小题 1分)请听第 1段对话,回答第 9 至第 10小题。()9.Who gave the radio to Mary?A.Her father.B.Her grandmother.C.Her grandfather.()10.What doesnt Mary do by using the radio?A.Listen to news.B.Listen to music.C.Learn English.请听第 2段对话,回答第 11 至第

3、 12小题。()11.Who will give a lecture?A.A teacher.B.A writer.C.An inventor.()12.Where will the lecture be held?A.In the 1st meeting hall.B.In the 2nd meeting hall.C.In the 3rd meeting hall.请听第 3段对话,回答第 13 至第 15小题。()13.What color is Emmas car?A.Red.B.Blue.C.Black.()14.When will Emma call again?A.In two

4、or three days.B.At the end of the week.C.At the end of next week.()15.What is the man?A.A repairman.B.A reporter.C.A postman.请听第 4段对话,回答第 16 至第 18小题。()16.How did Dave get to the museum yesterday?A.By bike.B.By bus.C.By subway.()17.Which room is new?A.The Technology Room.B.The Wonder Room.C.The Print

5、 Room.()18.What can we know from the conversation?A.The Space Room is next to the Technology Room.B.Dave went to his office after visiting the Space Room.C.The girl takes an interest in the story of the Olympics.请听第 5段材料,回答第 19 至第 22小题。()19.What are the shoes painted with?A.Clouds and trees.B.Stars

6、and trees.C.Clouds and stars.()20.What are the shoes made of?A.Cloth.B.Clay.C.Paper.()21.What does William think of his work?A.Hard but pleasant.B.Easy but boring.C.Easy and exciting.()22.How does William find new ideas?A.By searching the Internet.B.By talking with artists.C.By traveling and reading

7、.C)请听下面一段短文。根据短文内容完成 5个句子,每个句子一空,每个空格不超过三个单词。将答案填写到答题卷的相应位置。听短文前你将有 50秒钟的时间阅读相关句子。短文读两遍。(每小题 1分)23.The people in the speakers village used to walk or _ if they wanted to go another village.24.There was no _ in the village in the past.25.They used to keep things fresh in a special _.26.They used to l

8、isten to _ music.27.The key to happiness is _ about life.二、单项填空(8分)请阅读下面各小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(每小题 1分)()28.When can I know the result?-Be _,Frank!You will know it at 6 oclock this B.patient C.brave D.lucky()29.Could you tell me _?By telling them some funny stories.

9、A.why arent the children happy B.why the children are not happy can I cheer up the sick child I can cheer up the sick child()30.-How does Jack usually go to work?-He _ drive a car,but now he _ there to lose weight.A.used to;is used to walk B.was used to;is used to walking C.was used to;i

10、s used to walk D.used to;is used to walking()31.American can hardly avoid _ products _ in buy;made B.buying;made buy;making D.buying;making ()32.A report says hundreds of thousands of trees _ in the Amazon rainforest last year.A.was cut down B.have been cut down C.were cut down D.has

11、 been cut down()33.-Is paper made _ wood?-Yes.It was used for _ books.A.from;making B.of;making C.of;to make D.from;to make()34.Michael was late for Mr.Smiths class this morning.-How come?_ I know,he never comes late for class.A.As long as B.As far as C.As soon as D.As well as()35._ fantastic film Z

12、ootopia is!Many children like to watch it.A.What B.What a C.How D.How a 三、完形填空(27分)A)请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入相应空白处的最佳选项。(每小题 1分)Have you ever heard of such a story before?Now let me tell something about it.Long long ago,there was a kind man.He was good at fishing.Every day he 36 a

13、 lot of fish.And he always gave most of his fish to his 37.This made them very happy.One day,he thought it would be better 38 they learned the fishing skills.So he began to 39 them how to fish.Soon all his neighbors were very 40 to eat the fish they themselves caught.Teaching people how to fish is m

14、ore 41 than giving them fish.At present,there are 42 a lot of poor people in China.They all need help.But its not 43 if we only give food to them.44,we should give them a chance to learn new skills.In some areas,our 45 has provided poor people 46 job training.Once they learn any job skill,they can 4

15、7 their families and lives a happy life.So job training is very important for people 48.People can learn a lot of useful things to help them 49 the difficulties themselves.Then they can live a normal life again.So I think it is very important for the 50 people to learn a new job skill.Do you think s

16、o?()36.A.are B.cooked C.bought D.caught()37.A.relatives B.neighbors C.parents D.friends()38.A.thought C.because D.if()39.A.ask B.teach C.make B.upset C.pleased D.worried()41.A.careful B.successful C.helpful D.thankful ()42.A.always B.still C.only D.almost()43.A.enough B.necessa

17、ry C.important D.difficult()44.A.Until B.Because C.Since D.Instead ()45.A.friend B.government C.teacher D.parent() B.for C.with D.of()47.A.leave B.raise C.choose D.enter() need time usual well()49.A.keep B.miss C.solve D.explain()50.A.young B.old D.poor B)请先阅读下面短文

18、,掌握其大意,然后用方框中所给的词的适当形式填空,每个词限用一次。nobody,it,shout,how,be,ring,else,again,arrive,little The mobile phone is a useful thing,but maybe I dont know 51 to use it.Sometimes it makes thing difficult for me.One day I want to see my friend nearby.I could 52 at his house in five minutes,but I looked at my mobi

19、le phone and thought 53 would be better to ring him up.I 54 him for the first time,but the line was busy.Five minutes later,there was an answer,but it was the wrong number.Then I tried 55 and this time I got an answer from him.I asked him if he was at home in the afternoon.And he saidat 56 I thought

20、 he saidhe would be at home all afternoon.So I went to his house,but then I found 57 in.I called him for the fourth time.This time I got so angry that I 58,“You are not at home?But you just told me over the telephone that you would be at home all afternoon!”Here 59 his answer,“No,I said:I will NOT b

21、e at home all afternoon.”I went back to my room,sat down in front of the mobile phone and looked at it.What 60 could I do?Nothing!51._ 52._ 53._ 54._ 55._ 56._ 57._ 58._ 59._ 60._ 四、阅读理解(40分)A)请阅读下面短文,根据短文内容从每小题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。(每小题 2分)A Fun world Do you want to have ice cream with Mickey Mou

22、se,watch Spiderman shows and take pictures with pandas and koalas?Welcome to Fun World!It is a place where you can enjoy lives shows and exciting water sports at the beach.It is also a place full of delicious food and wonderful shops.Open Hours Weekdays:from 9:30am to 9:00pm Weekends:from 8:30am to

23、10:00 pm Transportation By bus:Take the free bus at Pingtung Station.There is a bus every 30 minutes.By car:Take Freeway(高速公路)No.3.Turn right on Water Street at renting Park and follow the signs to Fun World.Tickets Weekdays Weekends Adults 68 75 Students 50 65 Children under 6 Free 10 ()61.Visitors

24、 must leave the park before _ on weekdays.A.8:30pm B.9:00 pm C.9:30pm D.10:00pm()62.How can you get to Fun World from Pingtung Station without spending any money?A.By taxi.B.By train.C.By bus.D.By car.()63.Mr.and Mrs.Wang want to take their son,a high school student,to the Fun World this Saturday.Ho

25、w much should they pay for the tickets?A.215.B.180.C.186 D.204 B Do you have the habit of drinking a cup of tea every day?Tea is one of the most popular drinks around the world,second only to water.For over 4,000 years,people,especially Chinese,have enjoyed tea like green tea,black tea,flower tea an

26、d Oolong tea.As a national drink in China,tea drinking is a long-time tradition.When people invite guests to their homes,they offer them tea.Young people show respect to elders by serving them tea.Tea is good for our health.It can stop us from getting fat,protect our hearts and keep our teeth health

27、y.Tea can also give us energy.When we are tired after hours of studying or hard work,drinking tea can make us excited.Some scientists say that tea can help us keep a good memory.So next time you study for a test,remember to drink tea.It might help you remember the answers.()64.According to the passa

28、ge,which is the most popular drink around the world?A.water C.tea D.Cola()65.How many kinds of tea have the Chinese people enjoyed according to the passage?A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4()66.Drinking tea cant_.A.make us bored B.protect our hearts C.keep our teeth healthy D.give us energy()67.If you study

29、for a test,drinking tea might help you_.A.forget the answers B.write better C.remember the answers D.keep a bad memory C A visitor from the city was driving his car along a very small road in the countryside.After some time,although he was pretty careful,he drove into a ditch(沟)in a hurry.Luckily,a

30、local farmer came to help with his strong horse.The horse was tied to the car and the farmer called,“Pull,Barney,pull!?But the horse didnt move at all.Then the farmer shouted,“pill,Sally,pull!”The horse still kept quiet.Once more the farmer went on saying loudly,“Pull,Gypsy,pull!”Nothing took place.

31、Then the farmer continued,“Pull,Rocky,its your turn,pull!”This time the car was easily pulled out of the ditch.The visitor was pleased and surprised,“Thanks for your help,sir.But why did you call your horse by the wrong name three times?”“Oh,its simple,”said the farmed with a smile,“you might never know.He is blind and if he though he was the only one pulli

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