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牛津译林英语七年级下册7B Unit6全单元课时作业及答案Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、AHurry up BDont worryCNever mind DBe quiet()12.Mrs Smith always gives us too much homework!You _ too much! Why dont you spend less time on your phone?Aworry BspeakCcomplain Dwonder()13.Andy, the problem isnt _ difficult. Try to work it out by yourself. Alike BthatCthis Dwhat()14._ China?The people a

2、nd the history.AWhat do you think ofBWhat do you like aboutCHow do you likeDHow do you like about.根据汉语意思完成句子15这个包太重了。你能替我背吗?This bag is _ _. Could you _ _ _ me?16你想试试什么样的户外活动? _ _ activity _ _ _ to try?17她匆忙地离开了医院。She left the hospital _ _ _18这个女孩抱怨这里有太多的噪声。The girl _ _ _ _ noise here.19他喜欢在外面,靠近美丽的

3、湖泊和小山。He likes _ _, _ beautiful lakes and hills.根据短文内容及首字母提示补全短文Sports in our school change a lot. Now we have more than 20 minutes 20.r_ after the second class in the morning every day. And we have more than 40 minutes 21.e_ in the afternoon. So we have at 22.l_ one hour to exercise every day.Stude

4、nts are so happy at these 23.c_. More and more students take an active part in the ball 24.g_, running, dancing, skipping and jumping on the 25.p_. Our school life is becoming 26.w_Doing sports is a good 27.w_ to relax and keep 28.h_. Whats more, a healthy body can help us study better and live a 29

5、.h_ life. 第2课时.根据句意及音标、首字母或汉语提示完成句子1You will _(经过) a bank on the way to the train station. 2Marys father is interested in collecting all kinds of old _(手表)3Sorry, I didnt _ nts the sign.4Two years ago, the Smiths lived in a l_ house.5This coat doesnt f_ me well. Could you show me another one?6My sis

6、ter found _(her) alone at home and felt a little worried. 7A car _(hit) Lilys bike last night.8 The weather report says it will be _(sun) in the following two days.9It took us about 10 days _(finish) painting the walls.10When you leave the room, make sure the door is _(lock).用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式填空get aw

7、ay, run after, putinto, pass by, look up, on the other side, fall, make11Dont _ the old picture _ your wallet.12. The ball hit the wall and _ onto the floor.13Look! The dog _ a rabbit.14The thief rushed into the car and _ quickly. 15People there used the special grass _ medicine.16There is a fruit s

8、hop _ of the street.17You can _ these new words in the dictionary. 18Jim walked very quietly. Nobody heard him when he _.单项选择()19. The dish smells delicious, but it _ a little salty.Alooks Btastes Cfeels Dsounds ()20.It was dark, _ I couldnt see what was happening.Abut Bso Cand Dor()21.He _ down fro

9、m his bike. I _ sorry to hear that.Afell; fell Bfelt; felt Cfell; felt Dfelt; fell()22.Little Toms parents were out. He stayed at home _. But he didnt feel _. Aalone; lonely Balone; aloneClonely; alone Dlonely; lonely()23.Did you see a dog _ at that time?Yes. It ran _ the field.Apassing by; acrossBp

10、ass past;Cpassing past; throughDpass by; cross()24.Mrs White cut the birthday cake _ a knife.Awith Buse Cin Dfor()25.Lucy, what _ two days ago?Ayou happen Byou happenedCdid you happen Dhappened to you()26.Who cooks for Linda every day?_. She cooks by _ANo one; her BNobody; herselfCNone; her DNothing

11、;.根据汉语意思完成句子27埃米醒来时发现自己独自待在医院里。Amy woke up and _ _ _in the hospital.28请尽力在半小时之内完成工作,否则我们将错过末班车。Please _ _ finish the work in half an hour, _ well miss the last bus.29是时候把蛋糕从烤箱里拿出来了。Its time _ _ the cake _ _ the oven.30昨天当我经过操场的时候,我看到许多男孩正在打篮球。When I _ _ the playground yesterday, I _ many boys _ bask

12、etball.31当老师走进教室的时候,每个学生都站了起来。Every student _ _ when the teacher came _ the classroom.完形填空Today is Sunday. We have _32_ lessons. We go for an outing and have a picnic. Our teachers join us _33_. When we _34_ the destination(目的地), we are very _35_ to see the beautiful scenery. There is a bamboo grove

13、(竹林) around the grassland.There is a small river _36_ the bamboo grove. Some naughty boys are playing with water. In our picnic basket, there are _37_ food, such as rice, potatoes, corn, bread, eggs and meat. Now everyone_38_ busy collecting firewood(木柴). By the river Mary and Bob are teaching some

14、classmates how _39_ hamburgers. Peter is carrying water with buckets(桶). Michael is cutting potatoes on a board _40_ a knife. Its getting dark. The stars in the sky seem bright. Everyone enjoys the food. _41_ happy we are!()32.A.any Bsome Cno Dnot ()33.A.either Btoo Calso Das well as ()34.A.arrive B

15、reach at Carrive in Dget to()35.A.interesting Bexciting Cexcited Dsurprising() front of Bin the front of Cto the front Dto the front of ()37.A.a kind of Ball kind of Cmany kinds of Dmany kind of()38.A.was Bare Cwere Dis() making Bto make Cmake Dmade () Bwith Cin D. for()41.A.Wha

16、t BHow a CWhat a DHow .任务型阅读Now we live a happy life. But at the same time, we are becoming busier and busier. We are busy with our work and arent able to spend much time on sports. In fact, we should take part in some outdoor activities. Outdoor activities can make us both happy and healthy. The fo

17、llowing are some outdoor activities.First, jogging is a kind of outdoor activity. It is good for your health. You can go jogging at any time. The second is horse riding. If you want to have a try, you can go to Wujingdang Park. What activity is that? Its skating. It is like dancing. Another one is c

18、ycling(骑自行车). It is a common(常见的)outdoor activity. It is a game too. I live in the country. When I was young, I often swam in the river by the house. Swimming can make us feel cool in summer. But now there are fewer clean rivers. The last one is camping. Lets suppose: How will you feel when you slee

19、p on the green grass and enjoy the fresh air on one sunny afternoon? Of course, I will feel comfortable.Dear friends, I talk about six kinds of outdoor activities. There are some more outdoor activities too. Which is your favourite? Why not join in them and make your life colourful?根据短文内容完成表格。Title:

20、 Six 42. _ activitiesMost of us 43. _ spend much time on sports because we are too busy. In fact, they are good for our 44. _ and make us happy too.Six kinds of outdoor activitiesYou can go 45. _ at any time. Why not 46. _ horse riding in Wujingdang Park?47. _ is like dancing.Cycling is a common out

21、door activity. It is a 48. _ too.Swimming can make us 49. _ cool in summer. But most rivers arent 50. _ now.Camping can make you feel 51. _ when you enjoy the fresh air.第3课时.根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子1The camping t_ was wonderful and everyone had a good time.2Millie r_ a book about amazing things two days ag

22、o.3There is a _(帐篷) near the lake. Who is in it?4Simon likes playing _(排球) with his friends.5They are looking forward to _(划船) a boat on the lake in Beihai Park. 6What _(wonder) music they are listening to!7I _(see) the little girl fall off the sofa just now. It was dangerous.8Last night they _(be)

23、very tired because they_(chat) with their friends until 11 oclock.9 He spent much time _(watch) films the other day.10Excuse me, you cant smoke here.Sorry, I _(not know) this is a nonsmoking area.()11.When _ you come here?We _ here last week.Ado; come Bdo; cameCdid; came Ddid; come()12.Dont you see

24、the sign “No photos!” on the right?Sorry, I _. But now I know taking photos here is wrong. Adont BdidntChadnt Ddoesn()13.I usually _ to school on time, but I_ late this morning.Awent; am Bwent; wasCgo; was Dgo; am()14. He _ his English teacher when he was sightseeing in Paris.Ahas met Bhad metCmet Dwould meet.句型转换15They didnt arrive on time because_they_got_up_late(对画线部分提问)_ _ they arrive on time?16 AJeff played tennis with his classmates yesterday.(改为否定句)Jeff _ _ tennis with his classmates yesterday.17This city was beautiful when I was a little child.(改为一般疑问句

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