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1、isBensfavoritesport?4Whatdoesmanwanttobuy?5Wherearethey?第二节:听长对话,回答问题,对话各读两遍(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分) (A)听下面一段较长对话,回答第8,9小题。6. Which bus does the woman want to take? A. Bus No. 10. B. BUS No. 1. C. Bus No. 11.7. Where is the bus stop?A. Opposite the cinema. B. Next to the cinema.C. Opposite the school.(B)听

2、下面一段较长对话,回答第810小题。8. Who are on the phone?A. Jackie and Mrs Read. B. Sue and Jackie.C. Sue and Mrs Read.9. Who is Mrs Read?A. Sues teacher. B. Jackies mother.C. Sues mother. 10. When will Sues party be?A. On Saturday. B. On Sunday.C. On Monday. 第三节:听独白,完成信息记录表,独白读两遍。(共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)2010 World ExpoT

3、ime2010.5PlaceShanghaiThe number of visitor 11 milionMascot(吉祥物) 12 The Expo will be last 13 daysParticipation(参展) countryMore than 14 countriesSpeaker s thoughtIt will be very 15 11. A. 70 B. 71 C. 17 12. A . B. C.13. A. 184 B. 185 C. 186 14. A . 192 B. 129 C. 119 15. A. strange B. fantastic C. won

4、derful笔试部分二、单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分。满分15分) 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。16. Did you enjoy your stay in Quzhou? Yes. I had_good time.A. a B. an C. the D. /17. _did the game last?About two hours.A. How far B. How long C. How often D. How soon18. Do you like Lucys new skirt?Yes, very much. Ill ask Mum to

5、 buy_ for me.A. it B. one C. this D. that19. Didnt you come to school by bike today?_. Its broken.A. Yes, I did B. No, I didntC. No, I did D. Yes, I didn20. He is from China, and now he is an NBA star. Can you guess _? He is Yao Ming.A. who he is B. who is heC. what he is D. what is he21. He _. A. s

6、pent all his life to teach B. spent all his time in teachingC. paid all his life for teaching D. took all his life to teach22. Has the match started?Started? Finished! Wang Liqin_it.A. win B. is winning C. will win D. won23. Please get me a stick, Mike. The stick should not be too long or too short.

7、 I see. The stick should be _ too long _ too short.A.neither, nor B. either, or C. from; to D. so; that24. He stayed up to study for a test _. A. with opened his bedroom light B. with his bedroom lights open C with his bedroom lights opened D. whose bedroom lights open25.Han Mei_the exam, didnt she?

8、Sure. She is at the top of the class.A. failed B. passed C. fail D. pass26._?Thank you, but Im full now.A. Would you like another mooncake B. Whats your favourite foodC. When do you usually have lunch D. Do you like apples or oranges27. What do drivers do when the traffic lights turn red?They_stop a

9、nd wait till the green light.A. must B. can C. may D. need28. Have you ever_ Jin Yong?Of course, a very famous writer, and he once studied in Quzhou.A. heard B. hearing C. heard of D. heard from29. Hi, Jim! What are you going to do next Sunday?_. Do you have any ideas?A. Nothing serious B. Nothing m

10、uchC. No problem D. Thank you30. Look at the picture first.If it is summer in country A, what is the season in country B?A. Spring. B. Summer. C. Autumn. D. Winter.三、完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分。满分20分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Do you know who invented tea? In fact, tea, the most popular drink i

11、n the world (after water), was invented by accident (偶然). According to an ancient Chinese legend (传说), the emperor Shen Nong 31 tea when he was boiling drinking water over an open fire. Some leaves from a nearby bush (灌木丛) fell into the water and remained there for 32 . The emperor noticed that the

12、leaves in the water produced a 33 smell. Later he decided 34 the hot mixture (混合物). It was quite delicious. And 35 , one of the worls favorite drinks was invented.China is the home of tea, 36 has more than 4,000 years history. People throughout China drink tea daily. 37 the three major drinkstea, co

13、ffee and cocoa, tea is drunk by 38 people in the world. Tea from China, along 39 silk and porcelain, began to be known by the world over a thousand years ago and has been an important Chinese export 40 .Tea leaves 41 mainly in the area south of the Yangtze River, in the provinces of Zhejiang, Jiangx

14、i and Fujian, becauuse of the mild 42 and rich soil there. Longjing, Wulong, Puer and Tieguanyin are all 43 kinds of tea.Over the past centuries, Chinese people 44 their unique tea culture, which includes tea planting, tea-leaf picking, tea making and so on. Tea is 45 a popular topic which is often

15、mentioned in dances, songs, poems and novels.31. A. invented B. found out C. discovered D. tried out32. A. sometimes B. some time C. some times D. some days33. A. pleasant B. pleased C. bad D. terrible34. A. not to taste B. to taste C. tasting D. taste35. A. by the way B. on the way C. on its way D.

16、 in this way36. A. who B. which C. where D. when37. A. In B. For C. Of D. By38. A. the number of B. a number of C. a large number of D. the largest number of39. A. between B. with C. except D. besides40. A. At that time B. from now on C. since then D. since now41. A. produce B. are produced C. make

17、D. are made42. A. climate B. weather C. condition D. environment43. A. interesting B. important C. famous D. normal44. A. had developed B. have developed C. developed D.are developing45. A. too B. as well C. either D. also四、阅读理解(共20小题。每小题2分。满分40分) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。A46. From the chart

18、above, which job has the highest salary?A. The air traffic controller. B. The doctor.C. The college professor. D. The lawyer.47. Which do you choose if you want an average stress but good salary job?A. The doctor. B. The college professor.C. The receptionist. D. The air traffic controller.48. How ma

19、ny jobs are there in the chart?A. 11. B. 22. C. 12. D. 24.49. Which job has the lowest stress?A. The restaurant cook. B. The receptionist.C. The police officer. D. The doctor.50. According to the chart, which one is true?A. The receptionist has the lowest stress and highest salary.B. The doctor has

20、the highest stress and highest salary.C. The travel agent has more stress and salary than the high school teacher.D. The restaurant cook has the lowest salary.B For ChildrenMuseum: Childrens Museum, Sundays, 89 North Street, 67641235Story time: Childrens Library, 106 Green Street, Wednesdays during

21、9:30 a.m -5:00p.m. 66599624Sports: Soccer Club, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 16 Yangtze Road, 96725643 Basketball Club, Wednesdays and Fridays, 79071632Cinema: New films for children, 99 Brick Road, 69001354 Useful Phone Numbers Fast Food Restaurant: 66387901 Hospital: 68787451 Visitor Information Center

22、: 800-120-9847 Taxi: 79210583 Visitor Hotel Information: 800-739-730251Its Friday afternoon,you can go to_ .Avisit the museum Bplay soccerCplay basketball Dread childrens stories52If children want to watch new films,they should go to_.A16 Yangtze Road B. 89 North Main StreetC106 Green Street D. 99 B

23、rick Road53If you dial (拨号)66387901,you can _. Aask for some hotel information Bdo some shopping Chave a good story time Dorder fast food in a restaurant54Lilys father is illShe should dial_.A800-120-9847 B79210583 C6878745 l D9672564355You can not get any information about_ from the two noticesAloo

24、king for a hotel Bdoing eye exercisesCeating fast food Dtaking a taxiCWaston won his most important game and became Southern Chess Master (南部象棋大师) in 1977. He was given the silver (银) cup.“It isnt rightly mine,”he said, when he was holding the cup.“It was won two years ago when I was on holiday in“A

25、 family was staying at my hotel (旅馆) at that time. Mrs Prag, the mother, was told that I played chess; and she begged me to give her young son a game. Hes only ten.she said, Ive been told that he plays quite well.“Well,as you can guess, I wasnt too happy. A player likes the opponent (对手) to play as

26、well as he does. But it was holiday time and I agreed to play. We placed the board (棋盘) in the garden. The game began. I hoped it would be quickand so it was.“soon knew that David Prag was no learner. After ten minutes his sister came outside and began to play tennis against a wall.The boy seemed to

27、 lose interest in our game. He moved a piece (棋子) without care. I gave my attention to the board.“ Call me when you are ready, Mr Watson,he said.“When I was ready?I looked up.He had gone off to play with his sis- ter.I studied the boardand found I was driven into corner.So it went on with David: a q

28、uick move, then tennis, back to the board,then back to his sister. My difficult condition became impossible to change. I was beaten,oh so easily,by a ten-year-old chess player.He was the winner in twenty-eight minutes.“David Prag: a name to remember. I had a chance to use his game today, and it won

29、this cup for me. To him, of course, it is only one of a hundred, or perhaps a thousand, winning games.”56. When Mr Watson said, “It isnt rightly mine. It was won ”,he meant _ two years before.A. he had played chess with a little boy for twenty-eight minutesB. he had had a chance to take part in an important gameC. he had learned how to play chess from a childD. he had learned a good game from a child 57. Befor the game, Mr Watson was quite sure that A. the boy played as well a

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