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初二英语基础复习junior book ⅡWord格式.docx

1、Liu Ying told me to wait for her at home. 刘英让我在家里等她。Mr. Zhang often teaches his Japanese friends to cook Chinese food. 张先生常常教他的日本朋友做中国菜。2. But there were not enough people to pick them. 但是他们没有足够多的人来摘苹果。 enough在此是形容词,意为“足够的”,它修饰名词时,通常放在名词之前,有时放在名词之后。 enough作副词修饰形容词和副词时,放在它们的后面。 The boy is old enough

2、to go to school. 这个男孩到了上学的年龄了。 He didnt run fast enough to catch the bus. 他跑的不够快,没有赶上公共汽车。3. They needed to climb up the trees with ladders. 他们需要梯子来爬上树。 need在本句中为实义动词,其后可接不定式或名词。 He needs to see a doctor. 他需要去看医生。 We need some more water. Could you get some for us? 我们还需要些水。你能为我们弄些吗? climb up意为“爬上”,u

3、p在此为介词。 Dont climb up the hill. 不要爬山。 with 是“用,借助”的含义。 We see with our eyes and hear with our ears. 我们用眼睛看,用耳朵听。4. Its best to wear cool clothes. 最好穿凉快的衣服。 Its best to do sth. 意为“最好去做某事”。这里的it为形式主语,真正的主语为to do sth. 如: Its best to get there before 8 oclock. 最好八点钟以前赶到。5. The farmers are all busy getti

4、ng ready for the next year. 农民们正忙着为下一年做准备。 be busy doing sth. “忙于做某事”。The farmers are busy picking apples. (=The farmers are busy with the apple harvest.) get ready for“为做准备”,类似的短语还有:get ready to do“准备做”;get sth. ready“把某事准备好”; be ready “准备好了”。Im getting ready for the new lesson. 我正在为新课做准备。Get your

5、books ready. 准备好你们的书。Supper is ready. 晚饭准备好了。6. “Im here!” said Jim. “And so is Polly!” “我在这!”吉姆说。“波利也来了!” “so + be (have,助动词)+主语”结构为倒装语序,表示前句所述的情况也适合于另一个人或事。 He can speak English, so can I. 他会讲英语,我也会。 I watched the TV programme last night. 昨天晚上我看了那个电视节目。 So did I. 我也看了。注意此结构中,前后两后的主语是两个人或物,后一句的时态必须

6、和前一句保持一致,但人称和数则应与后句主语保持一致。比较:so+主语+be动词(助动词、情态动词),此结构常常就前面提到的事实予以确认或赞同,意为“的确如此”、“是呀”等。 Its your turn. 轮到你了。 So it is. 是的,轮到我了。7. Im going to get it back. 我准备把它取回来。 get back为“动词+副词”类短语。代词作宾语时要放在动词与副词中间。类似的短语还有:pick up, ring up, find out, turn on (off, up, down)等。 The radio is too noisy, please turn i

7、t down. 收音机太吵闹,请把它(声音)调低些。 If you dont know the meaning of the word, please look it up in a dictionary. 如果你不知道这个单词的含义,请在辞典里查一下。8. It takes sb. some time to do sth. 这是一个重要句型,意思是“某人花费一些时间做某事”,可根据需要用不同的时态。 It took me half an hour to go to school by bike yesterday. 有时这个句型可以和spend句型转换。如上面这一句也可以说:I spent

8、half an hour (in) going to school by bike yesterday. 9. It is nice +V-ing. 这个句型也可以说成It is nice to do. 意思是“做真好”。It was nice talking to you. (和你谈话真高兴。)Its nice of you to ask me to your party. (谢谢你请我参加你的晚会).10. Theres something wrong with. 这个句型表示“出了毛病了”。就等于Something is wrong with. 句型。如将something换为nothi

9、ng, 则表示“没出什么事儿”。Theres something wrong with my nose. Theres nothing wrong with her. 11. There he is! 这是个倒装句型,把所强调部分there提到了句首。如果主语是代词则用There (Here) + 代词+谓语;如果主语是名词,则用There (Here) +谓语+名词。Here comes Li Lei. (李雷来了)。There goes the bell. (铃声响了。)Here it is. (它在这儿。)12. until 与till同义,既可用作介词又可用作连词。它常用于以下两种句型

10、:(1)用于肯定句时,意思是“直到为止”,句子谓语一般用延续性动词(如stay, live, work, study等),表示动作一直延续到until所表示的时间为止。He listened to the radio until his father came back. 他听收音机,直到他父亲回来为止。He will be here until Sunday. 他将在这儿一直呆到星期天。(2)用于否定句时,意思是“在以前(before)”,“直到才”,句子谓语一般是短暂动词(如come, die, leave等),它所表示的动作直到until所表示的时间才发生。I didnt go to b

11、ed until eleven oclock last night. 昨晚我直到十一点才睡觉。The students will not begin the meeting until their teacher comes. 学生们等老师到了才开会。until与till可换用,不过,口语中常用till,正式文体中常用until。13. interest, interested, interesting. 这三个词都与“兴趣”有关。interest作动词时,要求“人”作宾语。This new invention will interest you. 这项新发明会引起你的兴趣。它作名词时,所构成

12、的词组是place of interest(名胜)。interested是过去分词表示人的感觉,现在常用作形容词,构成的句式是“be (become) interested in”来表示主语“对感兴趣”之意,要求主语是“人”。I am interested in English. interesting是现在分词,表示事物具有能引起人们的某种感觉的能力。其意思是“有趣味的”,常用作形容词,可作定语和表语。其主语通常是事或物。interesting games can always make children happy.(有趣味的游戏总能使孩子们快乐。)The story is interes

13、ting. 14. instead, instead of instead是副词,含“代替;更换”之意,可理解为instead of的省略,避免不必要的重复,省略的部分是介词of及其宾语,常放在句末。Mr. Black is ill, so Miss Green is talking his class instead (of him). instead of是个复合介词,它后面可接名词、代词、V-ing形式等。Ill go to bed instead of watching TV. 我将睡觉,而不看电视。【口语回顾】1. Could I speak to,please? 电话术语,意为“我

14、可以和通话吗?找接电话好吗?”句中Could 还可替换为Can或May。 Hello, could (can/ may) I speak to Mr. Brown, please? 你好,请布朗先生接电话好吗? Yes, just a minute, please. 当然,请稍等一下。2. Im afraid. 委婉用语。用于礼貌地拒绝某人或对其发生或将要发生的不幸表示惋惜。意为“抱歉,对不起,恐怕”。I cant come to supper, Im afraid. 恐怕我不能去吃晚饭了。Can you go with us now? 你现在能同我们一起去吗?Im afraid not. 对

15、不起,我不能。Are we late? 我们晚了吗?Im afraid so. 恐怕是的。3. Its a pleasure. 用于回答感谢之类的话的客套用语。意为“能帮上你的忙我很高兴;不客气;不用谢。”它还可表达为Its my pleasure/ My pleasure / A pleasure. 如:Thank you very much for passing the message on to him! 非常感谢你把口信传给了他!Its a pleasure! 请别客气!Thanks for helping me yesterday! 多谢你昨天帮助我!My pleasure! Ni

16、ce to see you again. 不用谢!很高兴又见到你!4. Can I take a message for you? 询问对方是否愿意留下口信可用此句式。意为“我给你带个口信,好吗?”类似的表达还有:May I take a message for you? / Would you like to leave a message?5. by the way. 常用作插入语。用于提出一个新的话题或提起一件已经忘记的事,意为“顺便说一下,顺便问一下,且说,另外”等。 By the way, there was a telephone call for you. 对啦,有你一个电话。6

17、. Whats the weather like? 此句式用于询问某地或某时天气如何,意为:“的天气如何?”。还可表达为How is (the) weather? Whats the weather like in Beijing now? 现在北京天气如何? Its nice and cool. 很凉爽。7. I think so. 有保留地同意或赞同别人的意见或看法时,可用此语。 Can you mend the bike? 你能修理这辆自行车吗? Yes, I think so. 我想可以。 直截了当地表达不同意见,可用I dont think so或I think not。 Can y

18、ou mend a clock? Sorry, I dont think so. 8. Would you like to? 发出邀请的常见句式,带有商量、询问、试探性的口气,意为“你愿意吗?”应答时常用:Yes, Id love (like) to. 是的,我很乐意。Id love to, but 我很愿意,不过。Would you like to come for dinner tonight? Thank you, Id love to. Would you like to come to the party tonight? Id love to, but Im too busy. 9

19、. What can I do for you?商店售货员、报务员等招呼顾客的礼貌用语,也用于表示主动关心和愿意帮助别人用语。不同场合可以有不同的译法。类似的表达还有:Can (May) I help you? / Is there anything I can do for you? 在向顾客打招呼时,后面还可以加“sir”或“madam”。对它的应答可以说:Yes, please/ Yes, Id like to/ Yes, Im looking for/ Yes, I want to。 What can I do for you? I want to buy a sweater for

20、my son. Can I help you? Id like a new skirt. Please show me the red one. 10. Help oneself (to). 这是招待客人时常用的交际用语。意思是“请随便(吃)”。Xiao Wang, help yourself to some bananas.(小王,请随便吃香蕉吧。)Children, help yourselves to some apples.(孩子们,请随便吃些苹果吧。11. 问路与指路 (1) 问路:a. Wheres the (nearest),please?b. Is there anear th

21、ere?c. Which is the way to, please?d. How can I get to?e. Do you tell me the way to?f. Can you tell me the way to?g. Can you tell me how to get to?h. I want to go to. Do you know the way?i. Im looking for. Where is it, do you know?(2) 指路:可根据具体情况,将下列有关句子组织起来。a. Its over there. b. Its behind (next to,

22、 in front of, near, outside) thec. Walk along the road (street). d. Take the first (second等) turning on the left. (right). e. Its aboutmetres along on the right (left). f. Walk on and turn right. (left). g. Turn right (left) at the traffic lights. Youll find theon your right (left). h. Go on until y

23、ou reach the end of the road. You will see thein front of you. i. Go down this road until you reach the first traffic lights. Turn left at the end of the road youll see the. You cant miss it. 另外,在“问路”时,如对方不知道,问路人仍要向他表示谢意。Excuse me. Is there a post office near here?Sorry. I dont know. Youd better ask

24、 a policeman. Thank you all the same.【语法精讲】疑问句 感叹句 简单并列复合句 情态动词否定疑问句否定疑问句的结构一般为:助动词(或情态动词、连系动词)与not的缩写形式+主语+其它成分?也可写成:助动词(或情态动词、连系动词)+主语+ not + 其它成分?这种问句表达的含义主要有以下几种。一、表示惊讶或提出反问。译为:“难道不吗?”说话人指望对方作出肯定回答,或深信自己所说的话,以致不需要对方作出答复。Dont you believe me? (Do you not believe me?)你不相信我?t you hear of it? (Do you

25、 not hear of it?)难道你没听说过它?二、表示试探性的建议或有礼貌的邀请。t you think its too noisy? Please turn it down.你不觉得它太吵闹了吗?请把声音调低些。Wont you have a cup of tea? 请喝杯茶如何?三、表示提问人的怀疑。Isnt he going? (Is he not going) 他不去了吗?四、表示赞叹(相当于一个感叹句,朗读时一般用降调。)如:Isnt it a nice day? (Is it not a nice day?)这天气多么好啊!Arent the babies lovely? (

26、Are the babies not lovely?)这些婴儿真可爱啊!特殊形式的反意疑问句一、当陈述部分为am结构时,附加问句常用arent. 如:I am very busy , arent I ?二、当陈述句部分是there be 句型时,附加部分需用there。There isnt any bread on the plates, is there?三、陈述句谓语动词为have时,有以下三种情况:1.当have作“有”解时,用have或do的适当形式均可。He has a daughter, hasnt/doesnt he?2.当have作“经历、遭受、得到、吃、喝”等解时,附加问句用

27、do的适当形式。They had noodles for lunch, didnt they?3.当陈述句谓语动词含有have to, has to, had to时,附加问句用do 的适当形式。We have to get there at eight tomorrow, dont we?Alice has to finish her work now, doesnt she?四、当陈述部分有:few/little/never/hardly/nothing等表示否定意义的词时,附加问句通常用肯定形式。He hardly hurt himself in the accident, did he

28、?The Canadian girl knows little Russian, does she?Kate is never later for class, is she?注:如果陈述部分带有否定意义的前、后缀如:un-/in-/im-/dis-/-less等构成的派生词,仍把该句看作肯定句,附加问句用否定形式。The girl is unhappy, isn五、当陈述部分的主语是anybody, anyone, somebody, someone, everybody, everyone, no one, none, neither等词时,附加问句的主语一般用they, 有时也可用he。Everyone knows the answers, don /doesn六、当陈述句中主语是this, that, everything, anything, something, nothing等词时,附加问句的主语是it。Something is wrong, isnt it?Nothing can stop us now, ca

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