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版高三英语一轮复习 Module 4 Music教师用书 外研版选修6docWord文档下载推荐.docx

1、vt.与有关relative n亲戚,亲属2characteristic n特征,特性,特质character n性格;人格,品性3combine v结合,联合combination n结合,组合4depress v使沮丧,使意志消沉,使心灰意冷depressed adj.沮丧的depressing adj.令人沮丧的5ambition n志气,抱负,雄心ambitious adj.雄心勃勃的,有野心的6relief n(痛苦、忧虑等的)解除,减轻,调剂relieve vt.缓和,降低,减轻7relax v使放松,使轻松relaxed adj.轻松的,无拘无束的relaxing adj.使人放

2、松的relaxation n放松,消遣,娱乐8regulate v规定,管理,整顿regulation n法规,条例regular adj.有规律的;平常的irregular adj.不正常的,不合乎常规的(反义词).语境应用(用所给词的适当形式填空)1Its easier for the ambitious students to succeed in their studies than those with little ambition(ambition)2After the exam,I felt a sense of relief because I was relieved of

3、 anxiety and pressure.(relief)3All the players were depressed about the depressing result,which depressed the captain too.(depress)4Our activities should be regulated by the regulationAnd we should do things through regular channels.So those irregular activities should be corrected.(regulate)5The re

4、laxing sports activities make us relaxedWhen you have them,youll get relaxation from them.(relax)拓展联想由combine想到的connect 连接;联合 relate 使联系associate 使联合 unite 使结合短语多维应用.短语回顾会默写1(be) true of/for 与情况相同2give life to 赋予生命(生命力,活力)3be connected with 与有关4share feelings and ideas with 与分享感受与想法5make contact wit

5、h 与进行来往6all of a sudden 突然间7draw upon/on 利用,凭借,依赖8in addition to 除此之外.语境应用(用上述短语的适当形式填空)1By 2025,we could make contact with other life forms in our universe and we might help each other.2Empty spaces give life to the whole painting and allow people to come into the picture.3In addition to our daily

6、expenses,we have to spend quite a lot on our daughters further education.4Writers often draw upon their imagination and experiences for storylines.教你如何“利用”draw upon/on make (good/full) use oftake advantage of make the best ofmake the most of句式结构仿写教材原句会背诵句式仿写能应用1.不定式作表语The biggest challenge is to res

7、pect the traditions but to add my own style.1.我的目标就是通过2019年的高考。My aim is to pass the 2019 College Entrance Examination.2.Its the same with.也这样Its the same with classical Chinese music.2.他很聪明,但不努力,他弟弟也是这样。He is very clever but he doesnt work hard;it is the same with his brother/so it is with his brot

8、her.3.the moment引导时间状语从句The moment they start to play,it is clear the members of Twelve Girls Band are among the most gifted musicians in the world.3.我一看到新款的第10代苹果手机,就被它给迷住了。The moment I saw new iPhone X,it appealed to me deeply.(对应学生用书第171页)精讲3个考纲单词 combine vt.结合,联合高考佳句In recent years an English wo

9、rd “infosphere” has appeared,combining the sense of “information” and “atmosphere”(2015福建高考)近几年,一个结合了“information”和“atmosphere”意思的英语单词“infosphere”出现了。(1)combine.with/ and. 将与结合在一起combine to do sth. 联合起来干某事;合起来促成某事(2)combination n. 联合;结合in combination with 联合起来;在联合中In modern society,people are under

10、so much stress that they should learn to combine business and/with pleasure.现代社会人们的压力如此大,应该学会劳逸结合。Diets are most effective when combined(combine)with exercise.(朗文辞典)节食如果与锻炼结合起来最有效果。The company is developing a new product in combination(combine) with several overseas partners.这家公司正在联合几家海外合伙人研发新产品。 链接

11、写作普通表达:The firm and several overseas partners are working on a new product.高级表达:Combining with several overseas partners,the firm is working on a new product.高级表达:The firm is working on a new product in combination with several overseas partners. relief n(痛苦,忧虑等的)解除,减轻,调剂教材原句But street music gives l

12、ife to everyone who listens and offers relief from the cares of the day.但是街头音乐赋予了每位倾听者以生命,让人们减轻了生活的烦恼。(1)to ones relief 令人感到欣慰with relief 欣慰地,宽慰地(2)It is a relief to do sth. 做某事很放心/舒心What a relief! 多么令人欣慰啊!(3)relieve v (疼痛/问题等)减轻,缓解relieve sb.of. 解除某人的Will this medicine give immediate relief from pa

13、in?吃了这药能马上止痛吗?What a relief! The difficulty has been overcome by the combined efforts of the whole team.多么令人欣慰啊!全队齐心协力克服了困难。This medicine can relieve you of your headache.这种药可减轻你的头痛。听说你安然无恙地回来了,我们就都放心了。To our relief,you came back safe and sound.(to ones relief)Its a relief for us to hear you came ba

14、ck safe and sound.(形式主语) honour n荣誉,头衔v.尊敬,授予荣誉,敬重经典例句Status is the honour or respect attached to a persons position in society.社会地位是赋予一个人在社会上的荣誉和尊敬。(1)in honour of 为了纪念have the honour to do/of doing sth. 有幸做某事be an honour to. 是荣幸的(2)be honoured for 因而受到尊敬feel honoured to do sth./of doing sth. 因做某事而

15、感到荣幸Would you like to do me an honour to have a coffee with me?你肯赏光跟我喝杯咖啡吗?I have the honour to make(make) a speech to welcome the respected guests.我有幸发表演说来欢迎尊贵的客人。Washington,a state in the United States,was named in honour of one of the greatest American presidents.华盛顿,美国的一个州,是为了纪念美国最伟大的总统之一而命名的。 链

16、接写作 【导学号:44040084】我很荣幸在此与朋友们分享这个时刻。(2016天津高考书面表达)Its an/my honour to be here,sharing the moment with our friends.(honour n)I feel honoured to be here,sharing the moment with our friends.(honoured)诠释1个核心短语draw upon/on利用,凭借,依赖;临近教材原句Drawing upon more than 1,500 years of Chinese music,Twelve Girls Band

17、 mixes this rich tradition with classical,folk and contemporary sounds. 凭借一千五百多年的中国音乐,女子十二乐坊把这些丰富的传统音乐与古典的、民间的和同时代的声音混合在了一起。一词多义写出下列句中draw upon/on的含义Musicians often draw upon their imagination for composing.利用;凭借I will draw upon you for help when necessary.依靠The College Entrance Examination is drawi

18、ng on,so we must devote ourselves to studying.临近draw up 草拟draw near/closer (时间、空间的)临近draw a conclusion from 从中得出结论draw sb.s attention to sth. 有意使某人注意某物With Christmas drawing(draw) near,many supermarkets draw upon/on discount to draw(draw) the consumers attention.随着圣诞节的临近,许多超市利用打折来吸引消费者的注意。(be) true

19、of/for sb./sth.与情况相同;对适用经典例句Nowadays,the adults have great pressure,and the same is true of/for the children.现在,大人有很大的压力,孩子也一样。be true to sth. 符合某事物;如实反映某事物come true (预言、梦想等)成为现实;实现true to life 逼真The new film is very true to the real life.这部新电影非常真实地反映了现实生活。His dream of being a doctor has come true,w

20、hich makes his parents very happy.他当医生的愿望实现了,这让他的父母很高兴。突破1个高考句型(教材P45)Its the same with classical Chinese music.中国古典音乐也是一样。句型It is the same with.So it is with.主要用于:(1) 前面的句子的谓语既有肯定又有否定时;(2)前面句子的主语既有人又有物时;(3)前面句子的谓语动词既有be动词又有实义动词时。表示“也如此”的其他结构:(1)“sobe (have/助动词/情态动词) 另一主语”表示上文所述的肯定情况也适合于另一人或物,意为“也一样

21、”(2)“neither/norbe(have/助动词/情态动词)另一主语”表示上文的否定情况也适用于后者,意为“也不”。(3)“so主语be (have/助动词/情态动词)”表示同意上文所述内容,意为“的确如此”。He is very fat and doesnt like sports;it is the same with me/so it is with me.他很胖,不喜欢运动,我也一样。Jack is very crazy about Chinese culture and folk music.杰克对中国文化和民族音乐非常痴迷。So he is and so is Tom他的确如

22、此,汤姆也是。If you dont go tomorrow,neither/nor will I如果你明天不去,我也不去。普通表达:I like helping others and Li Hua likes helping others too.高级表达:I like helping others,so does Li Hua.(so倒装句)普通表达:They didnt go to the park yesterday.We didnt go to the park,either.t go to the park yesterday .Neither/Nor did we(neither

23、/nor倒装句)多角快练练单词 练短语 练句型(对应学生用书第173页).单句语法填空1Im sure you will do better in the 2019 Entrance Examination to the College because you have been studying (study) so hard this year.2(2017贵州遵义质检)Driving a car needs a lot of practice and this is true of/for studying maths.3He has not given up his ambition

24、to beat(beat) the world record in high jump.4A balanced diet can be better for our health when combined(combine) with regular exercise.5He likes playing football,but he doesnt like playing the piano,and its the same with Tom.6Dont worry,Mum.The doctor said it was only the flu.What a relief! Ill tell

25、 Dad theres nothing serious.7Drawing(draw) on his own experiences in Italy,Mr.White created this famous novel.8It is an honour to be invited(invite) here to celebrate the Mid- Autumn Festival with you.9When you are nervous and tired,you should listen to some relaxing(relax) music.10Dont hesitate to

26、make contact with me if you need any further information.单句改错1He likes English but is not good at maths,and it is the same to with2We were quarreling at home when all of a suddenly the light went out.suddenlysudden3More to our relief,my mother recovered after some treatment.More Much4In addit

27、ion to lack exercise,your diet is also a factor of your disease.lacklacking5The moment when I saw her,I told her the good news.去掉when.课文语法填空根据P4445教材课文内容,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Liu Fang,1.a famous international music star,had a great talent for music playing at a very early age.2.As a child she wa

28、s often taken to performances by her mother and learned to play the yueqin and the pipa.She 3.has given(give) concerts since she was eleven,4.including(include) a performance for the Queen of England during her visit to China.At 15,she went to the Shanghai Conservatory of Music,5.where she studied t

29、he pipa and the guzheng.After she graduated,she worked as a pipa soloist in her hometownKunming.As Liu Fang said,the biggest challenge in her performance is respect(respect) the traditions but to add her own style when 7.playing(play) the pipa and the guzheng.Under the deep influence of 8.traditional(tradition) Chinese singing,she can make listeners hear singing in her music.Liu Fang enjoys playing and performing in public.She 9.likes(like) t

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