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1、甲、乙双方就甲方愿意出租,乙方自愿承租房屋之事宜,经双方协商一致,同意签订该房屋正式租赁协议。This Agreement is made between Party A and Party B in connection with rental of property whereby the following is agreed:1 房屋 Property1.1 租赁房屋地址:(以下简称“该房屋”)Leased Property Address: (hereafter called the “Property“)1.2 用途:该房屋只供住宅使用。Usage: For residential

2、 use only.1.3 面积:该房屋建筑面积为 平方米。Area: Gross area is square meters.2 租赁期限 Length of Tenancy2.1 租赁期限为 壹 年,自 起至 止。The Property is hereby leased for One year, commencing on and expiring on .2.2 为避免歧义,双方同意,本协议下甲方向乙方交付该房屋的交房日为 ,起租日为 ,退房日为协议终止日后一天下午2:00前。To avoid any ambiguity, both parties agree that the ha

3、ndover date of the Property by Party A to Party B is , the rent commencement date hereunder is and the due day for check-out is 2:00PM, the next day of the lease expiring day.3 租金 Rental3.1 租金:租赁期租金为每月人民币 元 (大写: 元整 ),其中包含括物业每月管理费人民币 元(大写: )。房屋租赁税金,小区会所家庭会员卡(2成人+2小孩),有线及正版卫星安装和使用费,电话和宽带安装费。The agreed

4、 monthly rental is RMB (in Words: ), including the monthly management fee RMB (in Words: two thousands twenty-one and thirty-eight cents ).Leasing invoice, clubhouse membership for 2 adults and 2 kids, local cable TV and satellite installation fee and usage fee, internet and telephone installation f

5、ee.3.2 付租方法:首月租金需于双方签好合同后15个工作日内支付。首月租金计自 至 ,金额为人民币 元。甲方收到该租金后的 5个工作日内提供乙方正式租赁发票。自第二租赁月起租金按自然月结算,甲方需在前一个月的15号或之前给到乙方当月发票原件,乙方应在当月1号前支付当月租金,汇至甲方指定的银行帐号(附件三所示),支付租金日期以乙方汇出日期为准。末月租金计自 至 ,金额为人民币 元整。Rental Payment: The rental for the first month of the lease shall be paid within 15 working days after bot

6、h Parties sign the lease contract. The first months rental period is from to and the rental amount is RMB . Party A shall provide an official tax invoice within 5 working days from the date payment is received.Starting from the 2nd month of the lease term, the rental shall be paid on a calendar mont

7、hly basis. Party A shall provide an original official rental invoice to Party B in advance on or before the 15th of every month for the following months rental and Party B shall pay each months rental to Party As bank account (see Attachment 3) before the 1st day of each calendar month. The date of

8、transfer shall be defined as the date of payment.The rental for the last month period is from to, and the rental amount is RMB .3.3 所有费用,包括保证金,租金等均以人民币方式支付。All payments of Security Deposit, rental and management fee and etc. hereunder shall be made in RMB.3.4 乙方同意按上述规定每月按时支付租金给甲方,如乙方逾期支付超过5个工作日(除国定长

9、假外),则须缴纳滞纳金给甲方,滞纳金每日按月租金百分之0.5(0.5%)计收直到所拖欠租金和滞纳金一起付清为止。乙方逾期超过30天的,仍未支付当月租金则被视为违约,则甲方有权提早终止本协议并收回该物业没收乙方保证金,乙方仍须支付迟付房租,相应滞纳金及未付的公用事业费。如由于出现不可抗力的情况包括但不限于,如遇银行方面问题或地震、风暴、洪水和火灾等自然灾害袭击,而使乙方不能及时付款,乙方不须支付其逾期付款所产生的滞纳金并不被视为违约行为。Party B agrees to pay the rental to Party A on time according to the conditions

10、stated above. Where full payment of the rental is delayed for more than 5 working days (except national holiday), Party B agrees to pay to Party A a fine for delayed payment equal to 0.5 percent of the monthly rental per day until any outstanding rental, including late fees, has been paid in full. S

11、hould delay of the above rental payment be more than thirty (30) days in arrears and Party B has still not paid the rental, then Party B shall be deemed to have breached the Agreement. Party A reserves the right to cancel this Agreement early without further prejudice. Party A has the right to keep

12、Party Bs Security Deposit, and Party B is still responsible for paying the late rental payment, relevant late fees and any outstanding utilities incurred by Party B. The above-mentioned fines shall not be imposed to Party B in case that any delay of payment is due to reason of Force Majeure includin

13、g but not restricted to bank strikes, storm, earthquake, flood, and fire that restrict payment transfers directly, and in this case Party B shall not be deemed to have breached the Agreement.3.5 月租金包括所有有关于该房屋的税金及物业管理费用,甲方应及时支付上述费用。如因甲方不支付或延期支付上述任何款项而导致乙方任何损失、责任或义务的,甲方应当向乙方承担相应的补偿责任,并使乙方免受损害。The mont

14、hly rental includes all the relevant taxes and management fees concerning the Property. Party A shall make timely payments of the above expenses. Party A shall compensate Party B for and hold Party B harmless from any damages, obligations or liabilities incurred by non-payment or late payment of any

15、 of the above said expenses by Party A.4 公用事业费 Fees and Utilities4.1 租期内,房屋内所有除3.1条款及附件一中租金所包含的费用外,由乙方使用产生的公用事业费及其它使用费等均由乙方承担。Party B agrees to make full payment of any utility and personal usage fees, except the fees inclusive in the rental in clause 3.1 and Attachment 1, incurred by them at the Pr

16、operty during the lease period as outlined in this Agreement.4.2 乙方应及时支付由乙方产生的公用事业费及其它使用费,如因乙方不支付或延期支付上述任何款项而导致甲方任何损失、责任或义务的,乙方应当向甲方承担相应的补偿责任,使甲方免受损失。Party B shall make timely payments of the utility and personal usage fees. Party B shall compensate Party A for and hold Party A harmless from any dam

17、ages, obligations or liabilities incurred by non-payment or late payment of any of the above said expenses by Party B.5 保证金 Security Deposit5.1 本协议下租赁保证金为人民币 (大写: 元整),乙方需于双方签好合同后15个工作日内以银行转账向甲方支付该保证金。甲方收款后的10个工作日内提供乙方收据。It is also agreed that Party B shall pay to Party A, a refundable rental Securit

18、y Deposit of RMB (in words: ). This amount shall be paid via bank transfer within 15 working days after both Parties sign the Lease Agreement, for which Party A shall issue a separate receipt within 10 working days after Party A receives such rental Security Deposit payment.5.2 如乙方在协议期满时不再续租,乙方同意不会使

19、用保证金抵扣租金。Upon the expiration of the Agreement, the deposit shall not be used to set off the rental.5.3 除本协议另有约定之外,甲方应于租赁期限满或提前终止本协议之日起且乙方己清空、点清、并付清所有应付费用的10个日内将 剩余租赁保证金无息退还乙方。Unless otherwise provided in the Agreement, Party A shall return to Party B the remaining Security Deposit without interest w

20、ithin 10 days after expiration or sooner termination of the Agreement provided that Party B has vacated the Property and settled all related charges. 5.4 如下列情况发生,甲方有权合理地从保证金中扣除以下费用,如保证金不足抵付时,则乙方应负担差额部分。Party A is entitled to withhold reasonable amount from this Security Deposit required to cover cos

21、ts in the following situations. Should the Security Deposit not be enough to cover the damage of the Property, Party B shall cover the rest of the cost.I. 租期内,房屋之一切设备如有因乙方非正常使用而导致的损坏的, 且该损坏的物品已于退房日经甲乙双方签字认可的但乙方未支付该修复费。甲方扣除该修复费必需合理并在抵扣后的三天内向乙方提供正规维修发票原件。Repairs or damages caused by Party B during the

22、 tenancy for which confirmed by both Party A and Party B on the check-out date while Party B has not already paid the repair fee, other than normal wear and tear. The corresponding official invoice shall be provided by Party A to Party B within three days after the deduction of the reasonable repair

23、 fees.II. 乙方在租赁期内所使用(未支付)的电话费或其它使用费等,并在扣除后的三天内给到乙方正规的费用发票。Any remaining or outstanding utilities and personal usage fees including but not limited to telephone fees or unpaid liabilities. The corresponding official invoice shall be provided by Party A to Party B within three days after such deductio

24、n.5.5 若根据本协议规定,甲方有权在乙方违约的情形下没收该保证金的,则甲方应向乙方提供没收保证金的书面收据。In the event that Party A is entitled to confiscate the Security Deposit due to the breach of Party B according to the stipulation hereunder, Party A shall provide Party B a written confirmation regarding such confiscation of the Security Depos

25、it.6 甲方同意遵守以下条款和条件,否则视为甲方违反本协议:Party A agrees to abide by the following terms and conditions, otherwise Party A is in breach of this Agreement:6.1 甲方须负责该房屋各种结构之维修费用,如屋顶、天花板、以及主干结构包括墙壁等,并确保该房屋的主干结构处于良好状态。To be responsible for any repairs required to the roof, ceiling and main structure of the Propert

26、y including walls, and to maintain these structures in good repair and condition at its own expense.6.2 待本协议签署后,甲方需在交房日前按照本协议之附件四(该房屋内家具与设备电器清单)提供配备家具与电器设备。To furnish the Property according to the Attachment 4(Furniture, Furnishings and Appliances Lists) before the handover date, after this Agreemen

27、t has been signed by both parties.6.3 租赁期内,除乙方发生违约或不可抗力因素(包括自然灾害袭击或政府政策变动)外,甲方不得无故提前终止本协议,否则甲方除返还乙方支付的保证金(除第5.4.1条和5.4.2条所涉及内容以外),还需以银行电汇方式支付乙方人民币 元(大写: 元)作为提前终止本协议的赔偿金。Not to prematurely terminate this Agreement during the lease term, unless a breach or event of force majeure (including Acts of God

28、 or of government) has occurred. Should Party A terminate the lease prematurely without good cause then in addition to repayment of the Security Deposit paid by Party B (except as provided in Sec. 5.4.i. And 5.4.ii), Party A agrees to wire transferRMB to Party B as the penalty for such early termina

29、tion of the Agreement. 6.4 在租赁期内, 甲方所提供的家具或是家电由于质量原因或是老损而导致其不能正常运作,甲方同意自担费用为乙方进行维修或更换同等级别或以上的产品.If any appliances provided by Party A become broken or malfunction due to normal wear and tear during the lease term, Party A will be responsible for repair or replacement to the same standard of applianc

30、e or better at its own expense.6.5 租赁期内,甲方定期对房屋设备进行维修保养。甲方应保证租赁房屋及附件四所列之所有家具、设备和电器的使用安全,且应负责修理和维护租赁房屋和所有上述家具、设备和电器,并保证所提供的家具、设备和电器符合安全性能标准和具备正常使用功能。如需紧急修理,甲方在收到乙方通知后十二小时内需安排人员进场查看和检修,如遇等待专门的第三方维修工作或等待专用的设备零部件的情况,则维修的截止日期为维修工作或零部件到达日,费用由甲方负责(除乙方使用不当造成的维修)。During the lease term Party A shall be respon

31、sible on a regular basis for all maintenance and repairs of the Property. Party A shall guarantee the safety for the use of the Property and all the furniture, equipment and electrical appliances listed in Attachment 4. For emergency repairs, Party A should send someone to inspect the problem within

32、 12 hours of having received notice from Party B. If awaiting repair work by a specialized third party or the delivery of specialized spare parts then the repair / delivery date becomes the due date. Party A shall be responsible for the repair payment at its own expense (except where the maintenance or repair is due to improper use by

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