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1、s.A. the; a B. an; the C. a; the D. the; an2. - Which of the two shirts would you like? - . I dont like their styles. A. Either B. Both C. None D. Neither3. -I didnt see you at the beginning of the party last night. Where were you? -I on my history report at that time. A. worked B. work C. was worki

2、ng D. am working4. Although Flight MH370 has been missing for months, we do believe it _ some day in the future. A. will find B. wont find C. will be found D. wont be found5. -I forgot to bring my e-dictionary. Could I use yours?- Yes, you .A. can B. must C. could D. should6. -_ fine day it is today

3、! -Yes, the sunshine is beautiful that Id like to go hiking with you. A. How; such B. What a; very C. How; so D. What a; so7. Dont waste food! all the vegetables on the plate.A. Wash up B. Eat up C. Put up D. Clean up8. - Could you tell me ? - By getting online and typing the information you want to

4、 search for. A. how to get the information quickly B. if I can get the information quickly C. where can I get the information quickly D. how can I get the information quickly9.We ever saw people do shopping on their mobile phones in the past, but now millions of people use their phones to shop onlin

5、e.A. sometimes B. usually C. hardly D. almost10. Its nice _ Tom to tell me the news because its very important me.A. for, of B of, to C. for, to D. of, of11. - Can I speak to Mrs Green?- Sorry, wrong number. Please to 114 and check the number.A. put out B. put off C. put through D. put away 12. Jimm

6、y broke his leg. , he will have to be away from school for two or three months.A. As usual B. As a result C. In order that D. First of all 13. Most people are building a paper factory near here. They are worried the river will get polluted. A. for B. with C. against D. beyond14. - The air pollution

7、is terrible. - It will be worse _ we take action to protect the environment. A. if B. unless C. until D. when15. - My friend has achieved his goal after years of hard work. - Great! _. A. One tree cant make a forest B. Where there is a will, there is a way C. Many hands make light work D. A friend i

8、n need is a friend indeed二、完形填空(本题共15小题;请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 I grew up in a small town in Washington, US. I had a brother named Tim. I admired him because he had so many friends that I also wanted to be like my brother. But he and his friends were in a gang (帮派). They

9、were so wild that they often beat up (殴打) persons outside the school. And they 16 go to school. I 17 they were too cool.On my thirteenth birthday, I told my brother I 18 to be in the gang with him. He said “No.” But I didnt 19 to him. One day I went to ask his friends to play together. Tims friends

10、20 me into the back yard. They told me that 21 I wanted to join the gang, I must get through their test. Then, someone hit me in the face. I 22 down. But I didnt cry. Each time I got up, they hit me again. 23 , they said I could be one of them.Tim was very 24 when he heard about it. He ordered me to

11、 leave the gang. But I didnt do so.After a few months, I began to beat up other people with the gang. Sometimes I wouldnt go home at night, and my mother would be very 25 . This went on for six months. I knew it was 26 , but there was nothing I could do. I had to work for the gang.One night after my

12、 fifteenth birthday, I went home. I found my mother wasnt at home. She was ill and was sent to the 27 . She had a nervous breakdown (神经崩溃) 28 she was so worried about me. That made me very sad. The next day, I decided to leave the gang. They beat me up but I insisted on saying “Goodbye!” with a smil

13、e.Im very glad Im out of the gang now. I dont have to be afraid all the time. Not only I can talk to anyone I want to but also I made many 29 friends. Theyre friendly and helpful. But most of all, I made my mum 30 again.16.A. happilyB. hurriedlyC. seldomD. usually 17.A. thoughtB. forgotC. saidD. kne

14、w18.A. regrettedB. refusedC. promisedD. wanted19.A. listenB. answerC. thinkD. plan20. A. foundB. tookC. sentD. told21.A. untilB. thoughC. unlessD. if22.A. cameB. fellC. wentD. sat23.A. YetB. NextC. FinallyD. First24.A. carefulB. patientC. angryD. serious25.A. excitedB. worriedC. tiredD. surprised26.

15、A. badB. interestingC. specialD. exciting27.A. schoolB. homeC. officeD. hospital28.A. asB. becauseC. beforeD. although29.A. mad B. goodC. wildD. bad30.A. wiseB. lonelyC. happyD. home三、阅读理解(本题共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AAn apple a day keeps the doctor away. M

16、ost of us have heard this old saying and followed it to keep healthy. But recently, a new study tells us whether theres any truth in this old saying.A team of researchers led by Matthew Davis of the University of Michigan School of Nursing in the US, asked 8,399 people to answer questions of diet an

17、d health. A total of 753 were apple eaters. The other 7,646 were non-apple eaters.When both groups answered questions on trips to the doctor and trips to the chemists per year, the apple eaters were found to be 27 percent less likely to visit the chemist for drugs.However, when considering other fac

18、tors(因素) that can influence frequency(频率)of medical visits, such as weight, race, education and health insurance (健康保险), the difference disappeared. And the researchers found daily apple eaters were just as likely as non-apple eaters to go to doctors. In other words, an apple a day might keep the ch

19、emist away.However, Davis said to USA Today, eating apples is still a healthy habit. Doctors generally agree that apples can be a good food choice. They are rich in vitamin C and also contain small amounts of vitamin A, calcium(钙) and iron.But, “One apple isnt going to be enough to make a difference

20、 unless its part of a healthy food pattern(模式)”, said Steven Zeisel, from the University of North Carolinas Nutrition Research Institute(营养研究学院), to NBC News.The old saying is thought to come from Wales in the 1800s. Apples, which have a long shelf-life(贮藏寿命), were likely one of the few fruits that

21、were available throughout the year, according to NBC News.31. The old saying “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” may come from .A. doctors B. scientists C. France D. Wales32. According to the new study, if you eat an apple a day, .A. you are unlikely to get illB. it makes no big difference to you

22、r healthC. you are much healthier than non-apple eatersD. you weigh less than non-apple eaters33. NBC News thinks that the old saying may come from the fact that .A. apples are rich in vitamin CB. apples contain a lot of calciumC. apples play a big part in a healthy food patternD. apples can be foun

23、d throughout the year34. We can infer(推断)from the article that .A. people with a higher education are less likely to get illB. eating apples is not the healthiest habitC. non-apple eaters are healthier than othersD. an apple a day is not enough to make people much healthierBOn April 24, 1990, the wo

24、rld of science reached a new milestone (里程碑). The US Space Agency launched(发射)Hubble Space Telescope (哈伯太空望远镜) into space. It then began its exploration(探险) of the universe (宇宙). So how has it developed science? Lets take a closer look at Hubble to celebrate its 25th birthday!Hubble is the first lar

25、ge telescope to be sent to space. Its job is to orbit (绕轨道而行) Earth and take a lot of pictures of the universe. It is 13.2 meters in length and weighs 11,110 kilogram.It works differently to your school telescope, which helps you see an object larger and clearer. Hubble works by collecting light. Th

26、e bigger the mirror, the more light it can collect. Its main mirror is 2.4 meters. How good is its view? Scientists says that its like seeing a pair of fireflies (萤火虫) in Tokyo from a home on the east coast of the US.Hubbles discoveries have led to some major breakthroughs(突破). It proved(证实) that th

27、e universe was actually speeding up, not slowing down. It discovered black holes (黑洞). Also, with the help of Hubble, scientists have a more exact answer of the age of the universe: 13.7 billion.So how long will Hubble work for us? People are not sure. But when Hubbles days of exploration come to an

28、 end, its discoveries will still stay with us. Its successor (继任者), the Webb Space Telescope, is being put together as we speak. With a much more powerful telescope, we can only wait to be in awe of(敬畏) its future discoveries.35. Which of the following about the Hubble Space Telescope is NOT true?A.

29、 It began to explore the universe in 1990.B. Its the first large telescope to be sent to space.C. It orbits Earth and takes pictures of the universe.D. It has stopped working because its too old.36. From Paragraph 3, we learn that .A. Hubble works similar to school telescopesB. light is important fo

30、r Hubble to workC. its better to use a smaller mirror for HubbleD. Hubble can see fireflies on Earth in space37. After years of work, Hubble found out that .A. the Earth is roundB. the universe was slowing downC. there are black holes in the universeD. the universe will disappear in 13.7 billion yea

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