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1、 0862010613指导教师 陈意德二0一 年 月 日The Reflection of Psychological Contradiction of American Dream in The Great Gatsby A ThesisSubmitted to Department of Foreign LanguagesXiaoxiang CollegeHunan University of Science and TechnologyIn Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements for The Degree of Bachelor of Arts

2、ByDing ZhenUnder the Supervision of Associate Prof. Chen Yi-deJune, 2012 湖 南 科 技 大 学 潇 湘 学 院毕业设计(论文)任务书 外国语 系 应用英语学 教研室 系(教研室)主任: (签名) 年 月 日学生姓名: 丁圳 学号: 0862010613 专业: 英语 1 设计(论文)题目及专题: 分析了不起的盖茨比中美国梦的矛盾心理 2 学生设计(论文)时间:自 2011年 12 月15日开始至 2012年 6月20日止3 设计(论文)所用资源和参考资料: 1)Abel, Darred. 1984. American L

3、iterature M. New York: Scribner Book Company. 2) Adams, James Truslow. 1931. The Epic of America M. New York: Little Brown and Company. 3) Fitzgerald, Francis Scott. 1925. The Great Gatsby M. New York City: Scribner Book Company. 4)杨敬仁,2004,美国后现代派小说论M. 山东:青岛出版社. 5) 张帆,2009,了不起的盖茨比的象征意义解读J.作家杂志, (9):

4、 55-56.4 设计(论文)应完成的主要内容:本研究拟探讨小说了不起的盖茨比中主要人物在面对美国梦时的矛盾心理。首先简单介绍美国梦的含义并对美国梦含义的演变进行比较详细的阐释,然后从对爱、物质和美国上流社会的态度等角度切入,以小说为依据,分析主人公盖茨比和书中其他人物对美国梦的矛盾心理。本文旨在在于使人们从中认识到对物质的过分追求是美国梦变形扭曲的根源,通过分析,重新思考,并树立正确的,健康积极的价值观。 5 提交设计(论文)形式(设计说明与图纸或论文等)及要求: 1)要求学生认真、独立完成毕业论文的写作 2)要求按照学校规定的论文格式撰写论文 3)要求及时同指导老师进行沟通,按步骤完成论文

5、的写作和答辩工作。6 发题时间: 2011 年 12 月 20 日指导教师: (签名)学 生:Acknowledgments I would like to express my gratitude to all those who helped me during the writing of this thesis. My deepest gratitude goes first to Professor Chen Yi-de, my supervisor, for her constant encouragement and guidance. She has walked me thr

6、ough all the stages of the writing of this thesis. Without her consistent and illuminating instruction, this thesis could not have reached its present form. Then, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all my teachers, whose help and advice have contributed a lot to my intellectual and pe

7、rsonal growth. In the process of writing this thesis, I benefited a lot from their encouragement and instruction. I also owe a special debt of gratitude to all the professors in Foreign Languages Institute, from whose devoted teaching and enlightening lectures I have benefited a lot and academically

8、 prepared for the thesis. At last, my thanks would go to my beloved family for their loving considerations and great confidence in me all through these years. I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my fellow classmates who gave me their help and time in listening to me and helping me work

9、 out my problems during the difficult course of the thesis. Abstract Among the modern novelists of America, Francis Scott Fitzgerald once won a high admiration and reputation. He was considered as one of the most influential American writers in twentieth century. The Great Gatsby is the masterpiece

10、of Fitzgerald and has high reputation in the world literature. Scholars have studied this novel many times at home and abroad, from different perspectives. Based on the previous studies, this thesis analyzes the novel from a new perspective of the psychological contradiction of American dream. This

11、thesis develops the theme from a new perspective of characters psychological contradiction of American Dream. First, the thesis introduces the author, his novel and the evolution of American Dream and represents the psychological contradictions of the characters American Dream on several aspects. Mo

12、reover, it briefly states the realistic significance of the analysis of psychological contradictions of American Dream; At last, it points out the related problems and influence in modern society, which warn people today and guide people to walk on a right way by the experience and reflection.Key Wo

13、rds: American Dream; the psychological contradiction; The Great Gatsby 中文摘要 在美国现代小说家中,弗兰西斯菲茨杰拉德曾经赢得很高的评价和声誉。他被认为是二十世纪最有影响力的美国作家之一。了不起的盖茨比是菲茨杰拉德最优秀,最有影响力的作品之一,在世界文坛上享有很高的盛誉。可以说,盖茨比已经成为了学者在研究美国梦时的代表人物。多年来,评论家对这部小说进行过非常多的分析。在前人研究的基础上,本研究对小说了不起的盖茨比中主要人物在面对美国梦时的矛盾心理进行了剖析。本论文首先简单介绍了美国梦的含义并对美国梦含义的演变做了比较详细的

14、阐释,然后从对爱、物质和美国上流社会的态度等角度切入,以小说为依据,分析主人公盖茨比和书中其他人物对美国梦的矛盾心理。联系现今的社会现实,指出这种矛盾心理依然存在于现今社会。本文旨在于使人们从中认识到对物质的过分追求是美国梦变形扭曲的根源,通过分析,重新思考,并树立正确的,健康积极的价值观。关键词:美国梦;矛盾心理;了不起的盖茨比ContentsAcknowledgments iAbstract ii中文摘要 iiiIntroduction 1. A Brief Introduction to American Dream 31.1 The Definition of American Dre

15、am 31.2 The Evolution of American Dream 3. The Psychological Contradiction Between Materialism and Naivety of Gatsbys American Dream 72.1 Contradiction on Naive Dream of Pure Love 72.2 Contradiction on Naive Belief in Material Power 82.3 Contradiction on Naive Recognition of Human Relationship 82.4

16、Contradiction on Attitude towards the Upper Class and Daisy 92.5 Contradiction on Romantic Ideal of American Society 11. The Other Characters Psychological Contradiction of American Dream 133.1 Psychological Contradiction of Toms American Dream 133.2 Psychological Contradiction of Daisys American Dr

17、eam 143.3 Psychological Contradiction of Nicks American Dream 14.The Realistic significance of the Analysis of Psychological Contradiction of American Dream 164.1 Significance for the American Tradition 164.2 Significance for the Young Generation 17Conclusion 19Work Cited 20IntroductionFrancis Scott

18、 Fitzgerald (1896-1940) was one of the most outstanding American novelists in the 1920s, which he dubbed as the “Jazz Age”; he was also a spokesman of the “Lost Generation”. In American Literature, it wrote that “American short-story writer and novelist famous for his depictions of the Jazz Age (the

19、 1920s), his most brilliant novel being The Great Gatsby (1925). His private life in both America and France became almost as celebrated as his novels.”(Abel Darred 1984) The “Jazz Age” was a period from the end of the First World War to the beginning of the Great Depression, which was the era that

20、The Great Gatsby chronicled. It was the decade of the greatest social changes in American history. Reacting perhaps to both the disillusionment from the First World War and against the stricture of Victorian culture, Americans abandoned old ideas with vengeance and adopted new concepts wholesale.As

21、a masterpiece, The Great Gatsby did not bring Fitzgerald the expected glory in Fitzgeralds age, but today nearly all critics regard it as a great one. The plot of The Great Gatsby is about a young man who pursues his love dream. The poor young, Gatsby, fell in love with a rich girl, Daisy. With the

22、lack of money, they broke up. Daisy married a rich person, Tom. Daisy did not live a happy life, because Tom did not love Daisy, he often dated with a married woman. On the other side, in order to win his lover, Gatsby made his decision to be rich. He earns money including illegal ways so that he ca

23、n realize his dream quickly. He simply thought that money could make Daisy return. Daisy has become his mental support and energy of his life. He imaged her as an ideal lover. In fact, Daisy was selfish and vanity. She regarded Gatsby as a tool of revenge and entertainment in her life. At last, Gats

24、by died of his unrealistic dream. The real criminal Daisy was still out of law and lived a happy life on abroad. Gatsbys love dream is one form of American Dream. He paid too much attention to an illusory dream and ignored the social reality and peoples changes. By describing the ruined dream of the

25、 protagonist Gatsby in the novel, Fitzgerald reveals readers the social reality in the 1920s clearly and criticizes the ethics and values of postwar America sharply. This novel reflected peoples views of American Dream in the 1920s. As the fast development of economy, people were attracted by the ri

26、ch material life and ignored the reality and the essence of American Dream. This novel was a typical work on the reflection of American Dream. Compared with previous studies, the author of this thesis chose a new aspect to show peoples psychological side of American Dream. Through this thesis, reade

27、rs can find that such kinds of incompatible American Dream like Gatsbys love dream still exist in modern society. This novel is a warning to wake up people and make people think over. This is the practical meaning of this thesis. This novel is outstanding for its excellent literature structure and p

28、rofound practical meaning as well as deep moral and psychological insights. This novel attracts many critics, they wrote many critical essays on the discussion and research on its exploration of the American Dream from the perspective of traditional literary criticism. For example, Poupard Dennis is

29、 one of those critics made a comment on the theme of The Great Gatsby. He wrote an essay named “Scott Fitzgeralds criticism of America”( Poupard Dennis 1963)Another critic John FCallahan checks the novel from the perspective of socialhistory, in his book The Illusions of a Nation, Myth and History i

30、n the Novel of Scott Fitzgerald ( John Callahan 1972) On one hand, Matthew Broccoli introduces “a Marxist approach to the study of the novel in his Fitzgerald Critique of capitalism in The Great Gatsby”(Matthew Broccoli 2007) On the other hand, there are many critics pay attention to the importance

31、of Nick Caraway, the narrator in The Great Gatsby. Through this character, Fitzgerald can express a lot from his own experience. Heam Charles is one representative of those critics, his comments on The Great Gatsby is about this respect. In his mind, “with the help of Nick, Fitzgerald could express

32、all he experienced and felt about that age not with the mouth of himself, a famous writer but with the narrator from another part of himself. That seems to be more complete.”(Heam Charles 1977) The thesis is made up of four parts. The first chapter gives a brief introduction of definition and evolution of American Drea

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