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1、B.Because she likes the lyrics.C.Because it makes her relaxed.请听一段对话,完成第 8 至第 9 小题。( ) 8. When will the two speakers have dinner together?A.On Monday. B. On Friday. C. On Sunday.( ) 9. Who will make the new dish?A.Linda. B. Jack. C. Jack s sister.请听一段对话,完成第 10 至第 11小题。( ) 10. Where are the two speak

2、ers?A. In a park. B. In a shopping mall. C. In a restaurant.( ) 11. What will the woman buy?A. A sweater. B. A pair of shoes. C. A Christmas tree. 请听一段对话,完成第 12 至第 13小题。( ) 12. Why did the women stop the boy?A. Because he ran the red light.B.Because he didn t have a license.C.Because he drove in the

3、 wrong way( ) 13. What can we learn about the boy?A. He is old enough to drive a car.B.He knows little about a traffic rules.C.He prefers to drive on a busy street.请听一段独白,完成第 14 至第 15小题。)14. What causes most of the serious rock climbing accidents?A.Bad weather. B. No practice. C. Wrong protectio n.(

4、 )15. What is the speech mainly about?A.Safety rules for rock climbi ng.B.The popularity of rock climb ing.C.Training courses on rock climb ing.三、听独白,请根据所听到的独白内容和提示词语, 将所缺的关键信息填写在答题卡的相应位置上。独白你将听两遍。(共10分,每小题2分)Julie s Flowers and GiftsNameDenn is (16)Flower TypeTen (17) earn atio ns康乃馨)for his mother

5、Price$ (18)NoteHappy (19)AddressNo. 26 (20) StreetDelivery TimeAround 4 o clock tomorrow after noonTeleph one876-367-78知识运用(共25分)四、单项填空(共10分,每小题1分)从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。( )21. - Mike, can I borrow your dicti on ary? I lost yesterday-Sure. Here you are.A. mine B. yours C. his D. hers( )

6、22. Student are not allowed to run the hallways.A. on B. of C. in D. to( )23. Hurry up! you will be late for the con cert.A. Or B. So C. But D. And()24. - Is this Peter s volleyball?-It be his. He doesn t like volleyball at all.A. should B. must C. can t D. might( )25. April is month of the year in

7、Chia ng Mai, Thaila nd.A. hot B. hotter C. hottest D. the hottest()26. - What kind of movies do you like?-I like movies are not scary.( )27. - What was your brother doing when you entered his room?-He to the radio.A.liste ns B. was liste ning C. will liste n D. liste ned( )28. I very hard on English

8、 since three years ago.A.have worked B. worked C. work D. are worki ng()29. The first basketball game in history on December 21th, 1891.A. plays B. played C. is played D. was played()30. - Could you tell me ?-It s next to the post office. You can walk there.A. where is the library B. where was the l

9、ibraryC. where the library is D. where the library was五、完形填空(共15分,每小题1.5分)选项中,选择最佳选项阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D四个I can remember clearly the day I arrived at the Ian guage camp where someth ing magical happe ned to me.My heart was beat ing fast and I really wan ted to tell Mom to turn around, b

10、ut we were en teri ng the gate and I knew it was too late. I was going to be dropped off and (31) by myself at the age of nine for a whole week.At the gate to Skogfjorde n, people started talk ing to me in Norwegia n(挪威语).Whathad I gotte n myself in to? I could n t un dersta nd any other (32) but En

11、 glish. Wethen went through the welcome statio ns where I picked a new n ame and had my bagschecked. Next, I was sent to my room. I was upset all the time, (33) if I really could survive (幸存)the whole week. Mom helped me unpack and organize my stuff,but then had to leave. I was terrified to tears. B

12、ut by the time I got back to my room where my roommate, Bob, was waiting for me with a smiling face, my eyes were (34).I was so scared the first ni ght that I had to call Mom, but she in sisted I shouldlearn to be independent. Right when I was feeling helpless, Bob s mom called and hwords comforted

13、me, “Isn t it exciting to know a bunch of kids of your (35)?So it was! Leaving home meant I could connect with the rest of the world, know new people and explore new things. With this thought, the (36) began.Communicating in every way I could, I even found it enjoyable to get along with others. What

14、 mosre, I learned a lot of Norwegian in only five days and grew to love this place. When my mom came to get me, I was excited to (37) her around allmy favorite places. After the closing ceremony (仪式), I was so (38) to leaveSkogfjorden and my new friends that I burst into tears again. I knew that I h

15、ad to come back the next summer - I was hooked 着迷).Now, having been to Skogfjorden eight summers in a row, I cannot wait to (39) my little brothers to camp this summer. Maybe someday I will be a volunteer there to help kids take their first independent step away from home. I (40) know how they feel

16、as their parents drop them off. I m sure some of the will also become hooked on such experience.()31. A. forgottenB. leftC. protectedD. kept)32.A. languageB. subjectC. peopleD. message)33.A. decidingB. discoveringC. recallingD. wondering)34.A. brightB. curiousC. dryD. open)35.A. groupB. degreeC. age

17、D. color)36.A. magicB. gameC. planD. task)37.A. findB. sendC. showD. follow)38.A. proudB. nervousC. excitedD. sad)39.A. allowB. takeC. pushD. choose)40.A. certainlyB. quicklyC. hardlyD. only阅读理解 (共 40 分)A. B. C. D 四个选项中,六、阅读下列短文,根据短文内容, 从短文后各题所给的 选择最佳选项。(共 30 分,每小题 2 分)ATeenager Summer Programs and

18、Prizes!The Newton Public Library Susmmer Reading program has been a longtime favorite for local children. You are invited to check out any three books on July 16th to earn a free ticket to the movie of your choice at the Capital Theatre. In addition, there are also some other events for you to join.

19、 You can choose any one you like in yourconvenien ce.Events for TeenagersMusical Acting: A musical act, The High Crest, will be performed from 6ndto 8 P.M. on Friday, July 22 . The con cert will be held outdoors on the library lawn and it is family-friendly. Blankets, lawn chairs, and picnics are en

20、 couraged!Craft making: Make earth-friendly crafts from recycled materials from 3thto 4 P.M. on Wednesday, August 10 . With guidanee from a talented teacher, you will make new creati ons from everyday objects. Start recycle today, and bring objects to share with the group.Smartphone Using: Join our

21、Public Services Librarian at 11 A.M. onMon day, July 25 , for an in troducti on to smartpho ne use. This small class is for beginners. Attendees should bring their phones, earphones and charging cords. Registration (注册)is required and spaces are limited.Please call 641-792-4108 to register.Stone Des

22、igning: Pai nt your own garde n stones with your ownimagi natio n! At 6 P.M. on Mon day, August 8 , Lisa Frasier will teach tips and skill for creating unique design on stones. All materials are provided, and registrati on is required.Any questio ns? Co ntact Public Services Libraria n, Becca Klein

23、at 641-792-4108.( )41.To get a free ticket to a movie, how many books should you check out?A.One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four.()42. Where will the musical The High Crest be held?A.On the library law n. B. I nside the music hall.C. On the stone floor. D. In the public library.( )43. What should the att

24、endees bring to learn to use the smartphones?A.Tickets. B. Earph on es. C. Chairs. D. Books.( )44. If you are interested in painting on stone, you can go to .A.Stone Desig ning. B. Craft Mak ing.C. Smartph one Usi ng. D. Musical Acti ngCookie Monsterpla nned to he could not“ Cookie Monster Christoph

25、er, you d better wYoU oat.too many cookies, and bad things happen to little boys who do that! Christopher mcsther shouted. Christopher tur ned a deaf ear to these warnings each and every time. Then at dinner, he once again didn whe n his mother shook her fin ger at him.Christopher went to bed with a

26、 belly full of cookies. Though he felt a little sick, he did not care un til morning. He woke up for school and take a shower as usual. But when Christopher saw himself in the mirror, believe his cookie-lo ving eyes. Christopher had turned into a gia nt chocolate chip cookie! He still had arms and l

27、egs and a head, but his whole mid-sect ion was replaced with a flat, crumbly cookie! He was in a warm brown color with chocolate all over him.Whe n Christopher s mother saw him, she simply shook her head and rem in dedhim, ” I told you so! ” Then, she sniffed him and said, “ Mmmm, you smell deliciou

28、s!and took a bite of him! At school, his scienceteacher, Ms Shortbread, broke off a piece of Christopher ccs)kie body, too. Suddenly, Christopher whole classsurrounded him in a circle, each wanting a bite of Christopher s cookie body.Christopher could hardly stop all the hungry people! And with ever

29、y bite, Christopher cookie body was getting smaller and smaller. If this went on, there would be nothing left of Cookie Monster Christopher. When school ended, Christopher ran all the way home, followed by cookie-hu ngry classmates the whole way. He ran straight to his room, locked the door, and hid

30、 under the covers. He couldn t afford to lose one more bite of his nowy cookie self.The next morning, Cookie Monster Christopher opened his eyes. He found hisdog licking his feet. “ No, Oreo! ” he shouted. Christopher had nearly forgotten that hewas now a kind of delicious food, eve n to his own dog. Christopher threw

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