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1、recluse的第2个含义,才是指修行者,和上面hermit同。reclusive rklusv adj. 隐居的;隐遁的hermit hmt n. (尤指宗教原因的)隐士,隐居者;蜂鸟强调的是远离【社会】,因【宗仰】而【独处】的修行的人。还有些小的区别:recluse只用于人,而hermit 可指动物的独居习性;lure l(j) v 引诱,诱惑 (n. 诱惑;饵;诱惑物vt. 诱惑;引诱;引怪(游戏术语)rambler rmbl 漫步者,散步者 (n. 漫步者,漫谈者;攀缘蔷薇)stroll strl n.溜达, 散步(= slow walking for pleasure in stre

2、et or in garden)指不慌不忙地溜达go for a stroll = go for a walk, take a stroll = take a walk- He is strolling along the road.Stroller n.散步者, 流浪者Ramble rmbl v.海岸、林中的漫步 - The couple are rambling in the forest. 英漫步,尤指为消遣而在乡间闲逛Roam rm v.不安定的漂泊 (徜徉;闲逛;漫步to walk or travel around an area without any definite aim o

3、r direction)常指长时间没有目的或方向地游荡。Wander wnd vi.漫步, 徘徊, 流浪, 彷徨, 无目的地移动1、to walk slowly around or to a place, often without any particular sense of purpose or direction2、V (away, back, to, etc. sth)(of a persons mind or thoughts 人的思想或想法) 走神;神志恍惚;(思想)开小差to stop being directed on sth and to move without much

4、 control to other ideas,3、V (away/off) | (from/off sth)偏离(正道);走失;离散to move away from the place where you ought to be or the people you are with同义词: strayundertaking n 任务,工作undertake v.承担,着手做undertake to do 1、开始做you start doing it and accept responsibility for it 2、承诺做you promise that you will do it.

5、-He undertook to inform everyone concerned. -We undertake a investigation.承担,着手做:start to do sth take off doing sth be engaged in sth(参与,从事于,忙于) set out to do set about doing undertaking n.事业,工作(正在着手做的事)Assignment (工作中的)任务,作业 on an assignment 去执行公务 assign 分配,指派mission 使命 Mission Impossible 谍中谍foresi

6、ght f:sat n 预见,深谋远虑foresee 预见 forecast 预测,预报 predict预计 expect期望,预计Fore前缀表示 1、前部的(空间),前面的(时间) 2、预先1、forehead forearm前臂 forefinger食指 foreword前言(写在书前面的话 前言) Forerunner 先驱,先兆 forefather祖先 foresight 远见2、foresee forecast foretell forestall阻止(预先制止)foretell f:tel v 预言 名词的预测一般用prediction prophecy prfs n. 预言;

7、allegory lg()r 寓言(讽寓) fable feb()l (n. 寓言;无稽之谈vi. 编寓言;虚构vt. 煞有介事地讲述;虚构)foretell 一般的通俗用语,往往指根据客观因素做出的预告,强调预先要发生的事。forecast 指对未来事件的预报、推测或设想,侧重最终可能出现的结果。predict 较正常的正式用词,通常用于人。指根据事实或自然规律进行推断后作出预告,隐含有科学的准确性。foresee 指提前、预先料到将要发生的事或指对未发生的事情形成一种概念或判断chasm z()m n.断层,裂缝,陷坑 (n. 峡谷;裂口;分歧;深坑)a rope bridge acros

8、s the chasm 横跨裂缝的绳索桥n.分歧,不同,裂痕 (a big difference between the opinions, experience, ways of life)a deep political chasm between these two countries 两个国家间的很大的政治分歧flaw fl: n.瑕疵,小裂缝,小错,弱点;裂缝,裂纹 vt&vi. 使生裂缝,使有裂纹;使无效;使有缺陷(a mistake, mark or weakness that makes something imperfect) 事物表面的裂纹,引申出瑕疵,缺陷fatal fl

9、aw 致命的弱点cleft kleft n.裂缝,裂口(自然形成)(尤指岩石、地表的)裂缝;额头(或下巴)中间的竖缝;(身体)V字形凹陷)a natural crack in the surface of rocks or the earth etc.a sharp cleft between rich and poor 贫富之间的巨大差异cleavage kli:vd n.(劈裂的)裂痕,不同意见 (n. 劈开,分裂;晶体 解理;胚 卵裂)a sharp cleavage in the attitudes towards education 关于教育的截然不同的意见 cleave 1、劈开

10、文学性 2、cleave to坚忠于 正式fissure n. 裂缝,(尤指岩石上的)裂沟;分歧v.(使)裂开,分裂(a deep crack, especially in rock or earth)crack n.(一个)开口,缝隙 (1、使破裂; 破裂2、使噼啪作响; 发出辟裂声3、撞击4、叩开(壳鸡蛋)5、破解难题,密码等) 最普通的用词eg. She opened the door a crack and slipped in.crevice krevs n. (岩石上的)细小裂缝(a narrow crack , especially in rock)gap n. 间隙;缺口;差距

11、;分歧( an empty space between two objects) 强调空间the generation gap 代沟eg. There is wide gap in my knowledge of history.我历史知识十分缺乏。distinguished adj.杰出的、著名的(学术上、领域知名的)very successful and respected; well known; remarkableeg. A distinguished scientist won The Nobel Prize.a tall, distinguished-looking man 一个

12、高个,相貌非凡的男子unremarkable remarkably remark vt 谈到、说起(正式评论、谈论on/upon) n. 评论、意见 aboutoutstanding(adj.突出的,杰出的,卓越的)- Ourheadmasterisanoutstandingyouth.(n.年轻人, 青少年)Distinguished(adj.杰出的, 卓越的, 不同非凡的)(非常成功且令人钦佩的) physicist fzsstEminent(adj.显赫的, 杰出的, 有名的, 优良的) emnnt (尤指在某一行业、专业领域中颇有名气的)Distinguished和eminent是同义

13、词(都是用来修饰严肃领域的人)- adistinguishedphysicist(n.物理学家), aneminentsurgeon(n.外科医生)- anjudge(n.法官), alawyer(n.律师)noted adj. 显著的、值得注意的;著名的well-known to receive a lot of public attention a noted restaurant 一个远近闻名的餐馆celebrated selbretd adj. most-talked about , famous 著名的 (非常偏,专业四级)a celebrated case 人尽皆知的案例 cele

14、brity slebrt (尤指娱乐界的) 名人,明星illustrious lstrs adj.极为杰出的,著名的(一般指人)(famous and admired because of what you have achieved in the past, greatly distinguished; celebrated)an illustrious book an illustrious namerenowned rnand adj.某人或某事/地以其独特的品质、个性而闻名 be (as/for sth)有名的;闻名的;受尊敬的 famous and respected- Hangzh

15、ourenownedfor its beautiful scenery.(n.风景, 景色)notorious adj.臭名远扬的(famous widely known for sth bad)a notorious gangster 恶名昭彰的歹徒infamous adj.身名狼藉的(= Notorious)Everest: the highest mountain in the Himalayas, on the border between Tibet and Nepal npleg. AIDS researchers have made some progress, but they

16、 still have an Everest to climb.wade wed v 涉水、蹚水(或泥) (vi. 跋涉vt. 涉水;费力行走n. 跋涉;可涉水而过的地方)介词一般用through或者acrosswade through引申出:费时费力地啃读waterfall 瀑布downfall垮台 snowfall 暴雪gear 一套用具之前学的是档位,挂挡是go intoinflatable nfletb()l 可充气的 (膨胀的;引申出“得意的”) pneumatic pneumoniaan inflatable rubber dingy an inflatable mattressi

17、nflate v.1) to fill sth with air 充气 V-T/V-I 使充气;充气inflate a rubber dinghy2) to fill with pride 得意洋洋,骄傲的(人,膨胀)eg. Our egos were inflated by success. 我们因为胜利而变的骄傲自满了。3) to make prices increase 涨价,上涨 vt&vi抬高 (物价); 涨高eg. The influx of immigrants has inflated house prices.大量移民的涌入使得房价上涨。4) 夸大vt If someone

18、inflates the amount or effect of something, they say it is bigger, better, or more important than it really is, usually so that they can profit from it. eg:夸大损失,夸大收获等等inflation(通货膨胀)- deflation (银根紧缩)bubble economy 泡沫经济deflate vt. 放气,排气;使缩小;紧缩通货;打击;使泄气 vi. 缩小;物价下降rubblerb()l n.碎石,瓦砾(毁坏后的房屋,或者是铺设在地面最

19、下一层的碎石)boulder bld n.大石块 (a large stone or piece of rock)(卵石,大圆石(圆形巨石);巨砾)pebble peb()l n.小卵石,小石子 (a small smooth stone found on the beach or on the bottom of river)eg. You are not the only pebble on the beach!(used to say that you are not the only person who has to be considered or deserves attenti

20、on)eg. You are not the only fish in the sea.cobble kb()l n. for paving the road 大石子(大卵石,中砾)insistent nsst()nt 连续的,不断的 (1、坚持的; 坚决的2、(声音、节奏等) 持续的)insist 1、坚持认为; 执意要求V-T/V-I insist that insist on sth/doing 坚持说 insist that注意一些特殊的用法,或者特殊的词意,比如之前steadily,本意是稳定的,也可以翻译为“连续的”Persistent stubborn abstinatelybo

21、om bu:m v./n. 轰响 bomb bm n 炸弹 vt&vi 轰炸1) a deep loud sound that you can hear 轰鸣声the boom of the cannons2) a rapid increase of business activity 经济增长(经济繁荣,急速发展,激增)eg. After the boom, everything is gloom.boom town 新兴的工业城市a town or city that suddenly becomes very successful because there is a lot of ne

22、w industrybaby boom:婴儿潮 a period when a lot of babies were born esp. between 1946 and 1964eg. Bill Clinton is a baby boomer who was born in 1946.prosperous adj.(经济上)繁荣的,昌盛的 prsprs- ourfinanceprosperous 我们的经济非常的繁荣。(Finance n.财政, 金融)thriving adj.昌盛的,兴旺的 - thriving business rav thrive兴盛,兴隆;长得健壮booming

23、adj.蓬勃的,景气的 - a booming market繁荣的市场 本意:急速发展的 boom v 激增 flourishing adj.繁茂的,健康的,繁荣的 fl: flourish flr 茂盛,繁荣; 活跃,蓬勃- Those plants are flourishing. 那些植物长得茂盛。waterspout w:tspat n 强大的水柱 (水龙卷)spout 1、vt&vi喷射 (液体、火); (液体、火) 喷射出 2、(容器的) 嘴; 口 3、跌跌不休地说 表不满cleft kleft n.裂缝,开口 (裂口(自然形成)(尤指岩石、地表的)裂缝;(身体)V字形凹陷)a n

24、atural crack in the surface of rocks or the earth etc.)stalagmite stlgmat n 石笋sticks up from the floor of a cave. Stalagmites are formed by the slow dropping of water containing the mineral lime. mn()r()l n. 矿物;(英)矿泉水;无机物;adj. 矿物的;矿质的stalactite lktat n. 地质 钟乳石a long piece of rock which hangs down fr

25、om the roof of a cave. Stalactites are formed by the slow dropping of water containing the mineral lime.Plaster pl:st n.熟石膏 (灰泥;熟石膏;膏药;创可贴;护创胶布;) (v.抹灰;用灰泥抹(墙等); 用涂抹)gypsum dpsm 是生石膏(简称石膏),自然界的矿物质(晶体),他指代就是CaSO42H2O,纯的。Plaster 是 灰泥(好像俗称石膏),人工的建筑材料(主要成分是gypsum生石膏加热去水后变成的熟石膏人工研磨成的白色粉末),主要成分是熟石膏 CaSO41

26、/2H2O,其他成分杂七杂八的杂质什么就多了去了我也不是很清楚。种类很多:gypsum plaster石膏灰泥, lime plaster石灰泥, cement plaster 水泥灰泥. 总之你就想:gypsum就是高中化学实验室放在瓶子里的做实验的纯石膏。plaster是建筑工地一大包一大包的盖房子用的所谓的“石膏”lime lam 石灰,青柠,酸橙limestone 石灰石glisten gls()n v 闪烁 (vi. 闪光,闪亮n. 闪光,闪耀)(it shines, usually because it is wet or oily. (因有水或有油而) 发光)glint glim

27、 flash flickereerie r adj. 引起恐惧的(“令人”),可怕的 (strange and frightening causing a feeling of mystery and fear)the eerie sound of an owl hoots in the forest at night 夜晚猫头鹰在森林里发出令人恐怖的叫声。in the eerie silence 令人恐怖的寂静之中eerily ADV 怪异地; 可怕地dome dm n.穹隆,圆顶(圆屋顶) (a round roof 圆顶)the blue dome of sky 苍穹 under the dome穹顶之下 柴静,雾霾doom du:m v./n. to make sb certain to fail, die 命里注定(会怎样),在劫难逃 常用被动 be doomed to do(n. 厄运;死亡;判决;世界末日vt. 注定;使失败) vt doom sth to sth注定使什么怎样(If a fact or event dooms someone or something to a part

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