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届一轮复习人教版必修一unit 4 earthquakes学案Word下载.docx

1、毁坏;消灭destruction (n.) 破坏;摧毁(5)shock (vt. &vi.) (使)震惊;震动 (n.) 休克;打击;震惊shocking (adj.) 令人震惊的shocked (adj.) 震惊的(6)rescue (n. &vt.) 援救;营救(7)trap (vt.) 使陷入困境 (n.) 陷阱;困境trapped (过去式/过去分词)(8)bury (vt.) 埋葬;掩埋;隐藏buried (过去式/过去分词)(9)frighten (vt.) 使惊吓;吓唬frightened (adj.) 受惊的;受恐吓的frightening (adj.) 令人恐惧的(10)co

2、ngratulation (n.) 祝贺;(复数)贺词congratulate (vt.) 祝贺(11)judge (n.) 裁判员;法官 (vt.) 断定;判断;判决judgement (n.) 判断力;识别力(12)express (vt.) 表示;表达 (n.) 快车;速递expression (n.) 表达;表情2阅读单词(1)nation (n.) 民族;国家;国民(2)suffering (n.) 苦难;痛苦(3)extreme (adj.) 极度的(4)useless (adj.) 无用的;无效的;无益的(5)electricity (n.) 电;电流;电学(6)disaster

3、 (n.) 灾难;灾祸(7)shelter (n.) 掩蔽;掩蔽处;避身处(8)damage (n. &vt.) 损失;损害(9)sincerely (adv.) 真诚地;真挚地【即景活用】用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空1Larry told her that she should not move in case she _ (injure) her neck.答案:injured2When they returned to Rockaway the next day, they found their neighborhood in _ (ruin)ruins3A sudden stop

4、can be a very _ (frighten) experience, especially if you are travelling at high speed.frightening4Water had gone into the radio, and it was completely _ (use)useless5The art world gave me a chance _ (express) myself without express6Natalies school was so _ (damage) that she had to temporari

5、ly attend a school in Brooklyn.damaged7I _ (sincere) hope you can accept my apologies and understand my situation.sincerely8His shoes are so _ (dirt) that he must brush them.dirty9Ive known him for years and I trust his _ (judge)judgement10It was not long before a helicopter arrived on the scene _ (

6、rescue) the survivors of the plane rescue联想积累1“自然灾害”单词荟萃disaster n. 灾难;不幸earthquake n. 地震drought n. 旱灾;干旱flood n. 洪水;水灾eruption n. (火山)喷发hurricane n. 飓风tsunami n. 海啸2“AAA”式不规则变化动词burstburstburst 爆发castcastcast 投;抛costcostcost 值;花费cutcutcut 割hithithit 打中hurthurthurt 损伤letletlet 让putputput 放;

7、放下readreadread 读;阅读ridridrid 去掉setsetset 安放shutshutshut 关闭splitsplitsplit 分裂spreadspreadspread 展开;传播3“adj. ityn.”荟萃electricity 电popularity 受欢迎;流行reality 现实similarity 相似点security 安全equality 平等nationality 国籍personality 个性activity 活动majority 大多数1dig_out掘出;发现2judging_from/by从判断3right_away立刻;马上4think_lit

8、tle_of轻视;认为没什么了不起5a_(great)_number_of许多;大量的6as_if仿佛;好像7be proud of 以为自豪8at an end 结束;终结9in ruins 严重受损;破败不堪10be trapped in 陷入11be buried in 埋头于12burst out 爆发用所给短语的适当形式填空right away, judging from, burst out, a great number of, at an end, as if1I felt a little dizzy, _ I had just woken from a long sleep

9、.as if2_ what you say in your letter, you dont get along well with your classmates.Judging from3The poor woman _ crying at the news.burst out4Its reported that _ people were rescued from under the ruins.a great number of5He rose to indicate that the conversation was _ .at an end6You dont look well.

10、Youd better go and see a doctor _ .right away1“inn.”短语大荟萃in turn 依次;轮流;相应地in total 总计in time 及时;适时in place 在合适的位置;准备就绪in danger 在危险中in trouble/difficulty 处于困境中in sight 看得见;在视线之内in order 秩序井然;整齐in ruins 严重受损;in return 作为报答;回报in need 急需;缺乏in public 公开地2表示“立刻;马上”的词语荟萃right awayat onceimmediatelyright n

11、owin no timeinstantly3“埋头于;专心于”的多种表达be lost inbe occupied inbe devoted tobe buried inbe absorbed inapply oneself to1In the farmyards, the chickens and even the pigs were too nervous to eat.在农家大院里,鸡甚至猪都紧张得不吃食了。2Everywhere they looked nearly everything was destroyed.人们无论朝哪里看,那里的一切几乎都被毁了。【句式仿写】1If you

12、admit that life is full of beauty, be never _ (太忙碌不能享受) the wonder of life.too busy to enjoy2The dog followed him _ (无论在哪里) the old man went.everywhere/wherever/no matter wheretoo . to . 结构too . to . “太而不能”,表示否定意义。only/just/but too . to . “非常去做”too前的 only/just/but 不仅没有否定意义,反而加重了too的肯定语气。too后面的形容词为表示

13、心情或描绘性形容词的时候,如:happy, pleased, willing, thankful, delighted, anxious, eager, kind, good等,表示肯定意义,意为“很,非常”。too . to . 中的too前面有never/cant等时,此结构为双重否定表示肯定。cant be tooadj./cant beadj.enough . “越越好;再也不为过”。单词点津burstvi. 爆裂;爆发n. 突然破裂;爆发教材原句In the city, the water pipes in some buildings cracked and burst.在市内,有

14、些建筑物的水管爆裂开来。(1)burst in 突然闯进;突然出现burst into . 闯入;突然开始burst out 突然迸发;爆发;突然激动地喊叫burst into laughterburst out laughing 突然大笑起来burst into tearsburst out crying 突然大哭起来(2)a burst of 一阵a burst of laughter 一阵大笑【特别提醒】burst into与burst out都有“突然进入某种状态或发生某种情况”的意思,但burst into后面接名词,burst out后面接动名词。完成句子Youre about t

15、o _ at some moment and you dont even know why.在某个时候,你总有种想哭的冲动,却不知道为什么。Suddenly the door opened and a group of children _ .突然门开了,一群孩子闯了进来。We were standing there when we saw _ at the end of the road.我们正站在那儿,这时我们看见马路尽头火光冲天。burst into tears/burst out cryingburst ina burst of flamesruinn. 废墟;毁灭vt. 毁灭;教材原

16、句In fifteen terrible seconds a large city lay in ruins.在可怕的十五秒钟之内,一座大城市变成了废墟。(1)in ruins 严重受损;bring . to ruin 使毁灭;使没落fall in/into ruin 成为废墟(2)ruin oneself 自取灭亡ruin ones health/fame 毁坏某人的健康/声誉Ever since the earthquake, this temple has been _ .自从地震以来,这座寺庙一直是废墟一片。It rained for two weeks, which complete

17、ly _ .一连下了两周雨,彻底毁了我们的假期。Wasting time doing nothing is _ .什么事也不做,会毁掉你自己。in ruinsruined our holidayto ruin yourselfinjurevt. 损害;伤害;损坏(名誉);伤害(感情)教材原句Twothirds of them died or were injured during the earthquake.2/3的人在地震中死去或受伤。(1)be/get injured 受伤(2)injured adj. 受伤的;受委屈的the injured 伤者;伤员(作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式)(

18、3)injury n. 伤;伤口;伤害do sb. an injury/do an injury to sb. 伤害某人ll enjoy running much more if you dont _ .如果不受伤你将会更好地享受跑步。A terrible accident happened at the crossing and an ambulance rushed _ to the hospital.在十字路口发生了可怕的事故,救护车把伤者火速送到医院。Be careful lifting that heavy boxyoull do _ .抬那个重箱子要小心你会弄伤自己的。get in

19、juredthe injuredyourself an injuryshockvt.& vi.(使)震惊;震动n休克;震惊教材原句Sand now filled the wells instead of water. People were shocked.井里充满了沙子而不是水。人们都震惊了。(1)in shock 吃惊地;震惊地(2)shocked adj. (主语多为人)吃惊的;震惊的be shocked by 让震惊/打击(3)shocking adj. (主语多为物)令人难以置信的;惊人的单句语法填空When I told them the whole thing, they wer

20、e all _ shock, and they couldnt believe it.She was taken to hospital, apparently _ (shock)The reason for this _ (shock) attack seemed to be racial hatred.inshockedshockingjudgen. 法官;裁判员vt. 判断;断定;判决教材原句Your speech was heard by a group of five judges, all of whom agreed that it was the best one this y

21、ear.评委会的五位评委听了你的演讲,他们都认为你的演讲是今年最好的。(1)judging from/by . 根据来判断(2)judge sb./sth. from/by . 以来判断某人/某物judge sb./sth. (to be) . 判定某人/某物为(3)judgement n. 判断;审判;判断力judging from/by . 置于句首作状语。v. ing形式不受主语的限制,构成独立成分。类似用法的词或短语还有:generally speaking “一般来说”,frankly speaking “坦白地说”,considering . “考虑到”。Never judge a

22、 book _ its cover._ (judge) from his breathing, he probably had a few broken ribs as well.It was due to luck rather than _ (judge) that the driver succeeded in avoiding the accident.byJudgingjudgement短语点拨at an end 结束;教材原句It seemed as if the world was at an end!好像世界末日到了!(1)at the end of 在尽头;在末端by the

23、 end of 到结束时;到时候为止(常与完成时连用)in the end 最后;终于(2)使结束come to an end 完成;结束(3)make (both) ends meet 使收支相抵;量入为出(4)end up with 以结束end up doing sth.以而告终The meeting was nearly _ when I got to the meeting room.当我到达会议室时,会议快要结束了。I love how people can seem so different, but _ so similar.我喜欢人们看起来是多么不同,但最终却是如此相似。Go straight and youll find the hospit

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