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初中最新《完形填空 阅读理解》单元测试题含答案 word文档格式.docx

1、6. A. noB. muchC. anyD. some7. A. freeB. busyC. happyD. sad8. A. slowlyB. quicklyC. quietlyD. carefully9. A. excitedB. interestedC. confidentD. relaxed10. A. quietB. quickD. careful【答案】 (1)B;(2)A;(3)C;(4)B;(5)A;(6)A;(7)B;(8)B;(9)D;(10)D; 【解析】【分析】本文介绍了音乐可能会改变你做事的方式。 (1)句意: 你可能曾经在办公室或农场听到音乐。A已经,B曾经,C几

2、乎不,D从未,此处是肯定句故排除C和D,already是现在完成时标志,故选B。 (2)句意: 科学家认为音乐改变了人的行为方式。A方式,B时间,C主意,D地方,根据 it might change the way you do things它可能会改变你做事的方式,可知此处是方式 , 故选A。 (3)句意:根据一些科学家的说法,西方古典音乐的声音让人们感觉更加富有。A成为,B变成,C感觉,D看上去,听音乐是听觉上的感受,故是感觉,故选C。 (4)句意: 当餐馆播放古典音乐时,人们会在食物和饮料上花很多的钱。根据 people spend less money可知是比较级,表示对比,less的

3、对应词是more,更多,故选B。 (5)句意:当餐馆播放流行l音乐时,人们花的钱就少了。A流行的,B现代的,C轻的,D乡村的,根据 classical music 可知对应的是流行音乐,故选A。 (6)句意:没有音乐,人们的花费就更少了。A没有,B很多,C任何,D一些,此处是有音乐和没有音乐的对比,故此处表示否定 , 故选A。 (7)句意: 一些餐馆在繁忙时内播放快速音乐。A免费的 , B忙碌的,C开心的,D悲伤的,根据In fact people eat their food faster when the music gets faster 事实上,当音乐变得更快时,人们会吃得更快,可知这

4、是餐馆的一种手段,在人多忙碌时,让人听着快速的音乐,快点吃完,可以赚更多的钱 , 故选B。 (8)句意:这让人们吃得更快,然后快速离开。A慢慢地,B迅速地,C安静地,D小心地,根据 play fast music可知是快速的 , 故选B。 (9)句意: 的确,人们在放松时候会学得更好。A激动的,B感兴趣的,C自信的,D放松的,根据 listening to music can help you relax,听音乐使人放松,可知是放松的状态 , 故选D。 (10)句意: 下次你在某个地方听到音乐时要小心,因为它可能会改变你做事的方式。A安静的,B迅速的,C开心的,D小心的,根据 In this

5、way, restaurants can make more money 可知餐馆为了赚更多的钱可能播放你不喜欢的音乐,故要小心 , 故选D。 【点评】考查词汇在篇章中的运用能力,答题时首先要跳过空格通读文章掌握其大意,然后细读文章字斟句酌逐一作答,注意考虑句型、语法、搭配、语境等因素。最后通读一遍检查验证。2完形填空 Students are always asked to do much homework. Have you read the following passage? Youd better not work when you are very hungry. If you 1

6、 your homework right after school, you may have a snack before getting to work. Always do your homework 2 you get tired. 3 wait until very late in the evening, or the homework will seem much 4 than it really is. Break your time into manageable(易处理的)periods. If you have more than 5 , give yourself a

7、break after an hour. But dont break it up 6 that you cant get anything done. You should be able to work at least half an hour at a time 7 . Dont put it off until the last 8 . If you put off doing your homework, you will always think of it, and you wont enjoy your 9 so much. If you put it off until t

8、he end of the week or until right before a test, you will have too much work to do for the exam. A little bit each night, enough to keep up with what is happening each day in school, will take the fear out of tests and keep you on top of it all. Do your homework 10 every day. This will help you make

9、 it a habit. It will make it easier to do, and it will make free time more enjoyable as well.1. A. decide to doB. decided doingC. have done2. A. afterB. whenC. before3. A. NotB. PleaseC. Dont4. A. harderB. hardC. easy5. A. one hour workB. an hour workC. an hours work6. A. so muchB. so littleC. so of

10、ten7. A. with a stopB. without stoppingC. stopping8. A. weekB. hourC. minute9. A. lunchB. free timeC. meals10. A. at a timeB. in a short timeC. at the same time【答案】 (1)A;(2)C;(4)A;(5)C;(6)C;(8)C;(9)B;(10)C;【解析】【分析】文章大意:每个人放学后都会有许多作业,但是不要放学后马上做作业,应该吃点点心,否则会感到饥饿,再就是做作业的时候要合理地分配你的时间,每次做作业的时间不要超过一个小时,这样

11、你就不会感到疲倦,养成好的做作业的习惯。既能够学得好又能够享受你的业余时间。如果你放学后马上做作业,开始工作前应该吃点点心。决定做某事decide to do sth.固定搭配,have done不符合情景,故答案是A。总是要在你疲劳之前做作业。A.在之后;B.当时候;C.在之前根据前文的叙述,做作业之前吃点点心的目的是为了避免疲劳,所以要在疲劳之前做作业,累了就就不要再做了,故答案是C。晚上不要等得太久。句子为否定祈使句,豆丁祈使句以dont开头,故答案是C。 (4)句意:否者作业将会似乎比本身更难。根据than可知应使用比较级,故答案是A。 (5)句意:如果你有一个多小时的工作,一个小时后

12、给你个休息的时间。ABC一个小时的工作,一个小时应使用名词所有格形式,故答案是C。 (6)句意:但不要经常把它拆散,这样你什么都做不到。often经常,much许多,little几乎没有,根据语境可知不要经常去分解你的工作,故答案是C。 (7)句意:你应该一次做时少半小时不停止。根据文章内容可知每次做作业的时间至少半个小时,中间不能停止,故答案是B。 (8)句意:不要把作业推迟到最后一分钟才去做。A.周;B.小时;C.分钟,根据后文的叙述可知,如果你把作业推迟了你会总是想着它,所以不要推迟到最后才做作业。故答案是C。 (9)句意:你就不能很好地享受你的业余时间。A.午饭;B.业余时间;C.餐饭

13、,根据前文的叙述不要把作业推迟到最后才做是为了能够充分享受自己的业余时间,故答案是B。 (10)句意:每天要在同一个时间做作业。A.一次;B.在很短的时间;C.在同一时间,根据 This will help you make it a habit. 可知为了养成习惯,要每天在同样的时间段做作业,故答案是C。【点评】考查词汇在篇章中的运用能力,答题时首先要跳过空格通读文章掌握其大意,然后细读文章字斟句酌逐一作答,注意考虑句型、语法、搭配、语境等因素。3完形填空 Boys and girls, a healthy diet with exercise will help you look bett

14、er, feel better and live longer. But I am 1 to say that many children dont have a healthy lifestyle. They eat much junk food 2 French fries and fried chicken. Eating too much junk food and dessert is 3 . If you want to 4 a long and healthy life, you have to 5 your living habits. It is important to g

15、et a yearly physical examination, too. You dont have to 6 any bad news, but the doctor will tell you 7 healthy you are. Its also a good idea for you to 8 books on healthy eating. Drinking milk or juice from fruit and vegetables can help to 9 your health, too. I am 10 good health now. People tell me

16、that I look younger. Healthy eating has helped me and it will also help you!1. A. sadB. happyC. excited2. A. likeB. asC. with3. A. cheapB. unhealthyC. delicious4. A. playB. tryC. live5. A. look forB. pay attention toC. think6. A. feelB. look atC. hear7. A. whatB. howC. when8. A. readB. sellC. write9

17、. A. improveB. visitC. describe10. A. out ofB. withC. in(3)B;(4)C;(5)B;(8)A;(9)A;【解析】【分析】大意:本文谈论如何让自己变得健康。我很难过的说许多孩子并没有一个健康的生活方式。A.伤心的;B.高兴的;C.兴奋的。由于没有健康的生活方式而应感到伤心,故选A。他们吃许多像炸薯条,炸鸡等垃圾食品A.像;B.正如,如同;C.和一起。此处用于举例,用like,像,介词,故选A。吃太多垃圾食品和甜食是不健康的。A.便宜的;B.不健康的;C.美味的。根据常识可知,垃圾食品和甜食都不利于健康,故选B。如果你想过一个长且健康的生活


19、.描述。根据常识可知,喝奶和果汁有助于健康,此处用improve改善,符合题意,故选A。我现在很健康。A.在外面;B.和一起;C.在里面。in good health处于健康的状态,固定搭配,故选C。 【点评】考查完型填空,考查词汇在篇章中的运用能力,答题时首先跳过空格通读全文掌握其大意。然后一一作答。注意考虑句型、语法、搭配、语境等因素,最后通读一遍检查验证答案。4完形填空 A 14-year old boy from the US was described as a hero after he saved the life of a girl in another country.Dea

20、n Bluey from Dallas, Texas, was a school boy who has much 1 in computer. One day, he 2 an email to a friend on the Internet. Suddenly he received a message saying Help! Pain!. The message was from Finland, 3 kilometres away from America.I didnt know 4 I should do, Dean said to a reporter afterwards.

21、 It was really difficult to tell if the message was real. So Dean did nothing at first. 5 the messages kept coming.By then it was easy to see that someone was in trouble, Dean explained. He 6 and discovered that the sender was a student called Tarja, who was alone in a university library. She was il

22、l. What was 7 , there was no phone around her. Her only way of communicating with the world was by email. Dean got in touch 8 the police immediately. And they realised that the situation was quite serious. They called the police in Finland. Then an ambulance rushed to the library. 9 , she was still

23、alive and was sent to hospital quickly.Im glad shes OK, Dean said. Its hard to believe, but 10 saved her life.1. A. interestC. interestingD. interests2. A. sentB. sendsC. was sendingD. is sending3. A. thousandB. thousand ofC. thousandsD. thousands of4. A. howB. whatC. whereD. when5. A. SoB. AndC. Bu

24、tD. As6. A. telephonedB. repliedC. foundD. talked7. A. betterB. worseC. harderD. easier8. A. withB. onC. toD. at9. A. HardlyB. HappilyC. LuckilyD. Carefully10. A. a boyB. doctorsC. the policeD. the email(3)D;(6)B;(9)C;【解析】【分析】 本文记叙了在发邮件时得知一个外国姑娘处于危急之中并救了她的性命的故事。本文内容与2010山东潍坊中考完形填空材料基本一样。来自得克萨斯州达拉斯市的

25、Dean Bluey是一个对电脑很感兴趣的男生。have interest in,对感兴趣,故选A。一天,他正在网上发电子邮件给一个朋友。根据下文Suddenly he received a message saying Help!可知上文描述的是过去正在进行的动作,所以用过去进行时,其结构为:was/were+动词的现在分词,故选C。这个信息来自芬兰,距离美国数千公里远。基数词+thousand单数形式,几千,housands of,固定搭配,好几千的,数千的,kilometers前面没有具体的数目,所以用thousands of,故选D。我不知道我应该做什么。A如何,怎样;B什么;C哪里;D什么时候。句中do后面缺少宾语,所以用what,故选B。但是这个信息不断地发过来。A. 所以,B. 并且,C但是,D由于。根据前一句So Dean did nothing at first.所以开始Dean什么没做,因为他很难相信这个信息是真的,又根据下文the message kept coming,所以可以推断表示转折关系,故选C。他回复并发现发送信息的人是一个叫Tarja的女学生,独自一人在一所大学的图书馆

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