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18 大屠杀二战图集之十八注本集图片可能令人极度不适Word文档格式.docx

1、毒气室、大规模火葬场、数千个乱葬岗、可怕的医学试验记录等众多证据被逐步发现。纳粹以这种方式杀害了超过1000万人,包括600万犹太人。 One of the most horrific terms in history was used by Nazi Germany to designate human beings whose lives were unimportant, or those who should be killed outright: Lebensunwertes Leben, or life unworthy of life. First applied to the

2、mentally impaired, later to the racially inferior, or sexually deviant, or merely enemies of the state both internal and external. From very early in the war, part of Nazi policy was to murder civilians en masse, especially targeting Jews - which later in the war became Hitlers final solution, the c

3、omplete extermination of the Jews. Beginning with Einsatzgruppen death squads in the East, killing some 1,000,000 people in numerous massacres, later in concentration camps where prisoners were actively denied proper food and health care, and ending with the construction of extermination camps - gov

4、ernment facilities whose entire purpose was the systematic murder and disposal of massive numbers of people. In 1945, as advancing Allied troops began discovering many camps, they found the results of these policies: hundreds of thousands of starving and sick prisoners locked in with more thousands

5、of dead bodies. Evidence of gas chambers, high-volume crematoriums, thousands of mass graves, documentation of awful medical experimentation, and much more. The Nazis killed more than 10 million people in this manner, including 6 million Jews.1945 年,达豪集中营获得解放,一位骨瘦如柴的18岁俄国少女看向镜头。达豪集中营始建于1933年,是德国第一座集

6、中营。1933至1945年间,超过20万人被关押在这里,31591人被宣布死亡,大部分死于疾病、营养不良和自杀。与奥斯威辛不同,达豪并不是明确的死亡集中营,但这里的条件如此糟糕,以致每周都有数百人死亡。An emaciated 18-year-old Russian girl looks into the camera lens during the liberation of Dachau concentration camp in 1945. Dachau was the first German concentration camp, opened in 1933. More than

7、200,000 people were detained between 1933 and 1945, and 31,591 deaths were declared, most from disease, malnutrition and suicide. Unlike Auschwitz, Dachau was not explicitly an extermination camp, but conditions were so horrific that hundreds died every week. 这张照片由巴黎大屠杀纪念馆提供,1941至1943年间某时,乌克兰文尼察的一次大

8、屠杀中,一名德国士兵朝一名乌克兰犹太人开枪。照片背后写着标题“文尼察最后一个犹太人”,照片是从一名德军士兵的相册中发现的。 This photo provided by Paris Holocaust Memorial shows a German soldier shooting a Ukrainian Jew during a mass execution in Vinnytsia, Ukraine, sometime between 1941 and 1943. This image is titled The last Jew in Vinnitsa, the text that wa

9、s written on the back of the photograph, which was found in a photo album belonging to a German soldier.1943年,华沙犹太人区起义后,德军士兵盘问犹太人。1940年10月,德国人开始将波兰超过300万以上的犹太人口集中到拥挤不堪的犹太人区。在最大的犹太人区华沙犹太人区中,数千犹太人在纳粹开始将他们从犹太人区大规模迁徙到特雷布林卡死亡集中营之前就已经死于肆虐的疾病和饥饿。华沙犹太人区起义发生于 1943年4月19日至5月16日,是欧洲反抗纳粹占领的第一起大规模城市起义,起义始于德国军警进入犹

10、太人区,强行迁走还活着的居民。抵抗力量由于装备低劣和供给不足遭德军粉碎,起义失败。 German soldiers question Jews after the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising in 1943. In October 1940, the Germans began to concentrate Polands population of over 3 million Jews into overcrowded ghettos. In the largest of these, the Warsaw Ghetto, thousands of Jews died d

11、ue to rampant disease and starvation, even before the Nazis began their massive deportations from the ghetto to the Treblinka extermination camp. The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising - the first urban mass rebellion against the Nazi occupation of Europe - took place from April 19 until May 16 1943, and began

12、after German troops and police entered the ghetto to deport its surviving inhabitants. It ended when the poorly-armed and supplied resistance was crushed by German troops. 1943年,华沙犹太人区,一名男子运走死亡犹太人的尸体,人们由于饥饿倒毙街头。每天早上4点到5点,殡葬车从街上搜集十几具甚至更多尸体。死亡犹太人的尸体在深坑中被焚化。 A man carries away the bodies of dead Jews i

13、n the Ghetto of Warsaw in 1943, where people died of hunger in the streets. Every morning, about 4-5 A.M., funeral carts collected a dozen or more corpses from the streets. The bodies of the dead Jews were cremated in deep pits. 1943年4月19日的这张照片中,包括一个小男孩在内的一群犹太人被德军士兵从华沙犹太人区押送出来。这张照片是党卫军将军斯楚普向他的长官所呈交报

14、告的内容之一,在1945年纽伦堡战争罪行审判中被作为证据提交。A group of Jews, including a small boy, is escorted from the Warsaw Ghetto by German soldiers in this April 19, 1943 photo. The picture formed part of a report from SS Gen. Stroop to his Commanding Officer, and was introduced as evidence to the War Crimes trials in Nur

15、emberg in 1945.华沙犹太人区起义后,犹太人区被彻底摧毁。被捕的超过56000名犹太人中,约7000人遭枪决,其余的人被押解到杀人中心或集中营。这是犹太人区被德国党卫军炸塌后的遗迹。华沙犹太人区只存在了几年,期间约30万波兰犹太人在这里丧生。 After the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, the Ghetto was completely destroyed. Of the more than 56,000 Jews captured, about 7,000 were shot, and the remainder were deported to kill

16、ing centers or concentration camps. This is a view of the remains of the ghetto, which the German SS dynamited to the ground. The Warsaw Ghetto only existed for a few years, and in that time, some 300,000 Polish Jews lost their lives there.乌克兰 Mizocz,一次大屠杀后,一名穿着军装的德国人向一名犹太妇女开枪。1942年10月,Mizocz 犹太人区的

17、1700名居民与准备屠杀他们的乌克兰仆从军和德国警察进行战斗。起义最终被镇压前,约有一半居民在混乱中得以逃脱或躲避起来。被捕的幸存者被带到一座山谷中枪决。照片由巴黎大屠杀纪念馆提供。 A German in a military uniform shoots at a Jewish woman after a mass execution in Mizocz, Ukraine. In October of 1942, the 1,700 people in the Mizocz ghetto fought with Ukrainian auxiliaries and German police

18、men who had intended to liquidate the population. About half the residents were able to flee or hide during the confusion before the uprising was finally put down. The captured survivors were taken to a ravine and shot. Photo provided by Paris Holocaust Memorial.1942年,法国巴黎附近德朗西转运营被押解的犹太人,在他们到达德国集中营前

19、的最后一站。1942年7月,约13152 名犹太人(包括4115名儿童)被法国警察部队围捕,从家中押往Vel dHiv巴黎西南部的冬季自行车运动馆。他们随后被押往巴黎东北部的德朗西火车站,然后运往东部。只有极少数人活着回来。 Jewish deportees in the Drancy transit camp near Paris, France, in 1942, on their last stop before the German concentration camps. Some 13,152 Jews (including 4,115 children) were rounded

20、 up by French police forces, taken from their homes to the , or winter cycling stadium in southwestern Paris, in July of 1942. They were later taken to a rail terminal at Drancy, northeast of the French capital, and then deported to the east. Only a handful ever returned.这张照片由荷兰阿姆斯特丹的安妮.弗兰克故居提供,拍摄的是

21、1941年的安妮.弗兰克。1944年8月,安妮、她的家人以及其他躲避德国占领军安全部队的人们遭到德军逮捕,被运往一系列监狱和集中营。安妮15岁时在贝尔根贝尔森集中营死于伤寒,但她去世后出版的日记使她成为二战中被杀害犹太人的象征。 Anne Frank poses in 1941 in this photo made available by Anne Frank House in Amsterdam, Netherlands. In August of 1944, Anne, her family and others who were hiding from the occupying Ge

22、rman Security forces, were all captured and shipped off to a series of prisons and concentration camps. Anne died from typhus at age 15 in Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, but her posthumously published diary has made her a symbol of all Jews killed in World War II.1944年5月,波兰奥斯威辛.比尔克瑙死亡营,从卡尔帕索卢森尼亚匈

23、牙利于1939年从捷克吞并的领土运来的犹太人已经抵达,正在列队前进。照片由丽莉.雅各布于 1980年捐赠给以色列大屠杀纪念馆。 The arrival and processing of an entire transport of Jews from Carpatho-Ruthenia, a region annexed in 1939 to Hungary from Czechoslovakia, at Auschwitz-Birkenau extermination camp in Poland, in May of 1944. The picture was donated to Ya

24、d Vashem in 1980 by Lili Jacob. 14岁的蔡斯拉瓦.科沃卡出现在这张由奥斯威辛博物馆提供的囚犯身份照片上,照片由当时在奥斯威辛死亡营照相部工作的威尔海姆.布拉斯拍摄。二战期间,约150万人在纳粹设立的这座死亡营丧生,其中大部分是犹太人。蔡斯拉瓦是来自波兰沃尔卡.兹罗杰卡的一位波兰天主教家庭女孩,1942年12月和她母亲一起被送到奥斯威辛,两人都在不到三个月时间内死亡。摄影师(也是囚犯)布拉斯在2005年的一部纪录片回忆起蔡斯拉瓦:“她岁数很小,非常害怕。她不懂为什么会在那里,也不懂对她说的话。于是这个女狱监拿棍棒打她的脸。这个德国女人只是拿小女孩发泄怒火。这么漂亮

25、的小姑娘,这么天真。她哭了,但什么也不能做。照片拍摄前,小女孩擦干了眼泪和嘴唇伤口上的血。说实话,我觉得是我在挨打,但我没法干涉。这可能会让我丧命。” Czeslawa Kwoka, age 14, appears in a prisoner identity photo provided by the Auschwitz Museum, taken by Wilhelm Brasse while working in the photography department at Auschwitz, the Nazi-run death camp where some 1.5 million

26、people, most of them Jewish, died during World War II. Czeslawa was a Polish Catholic girl, from Wolka Zlojecka, Poland, who was sent to Auschwitz with her mother in December of 1942. Within three months, both were dead. Photographer (and fellow prisoner) Brasse recalled photographing Czeslawa in a

27、2005 documentary: She was so young and so terrified. The girl didnt understand why she was there and she couldnt understand what was being said to her. So this woman Kapo (a prisoner overseer) took a stick and beat her about the face. This German woman was just taking out her anger on the girl. Such

28、 a beautiful young girl, so innocent. She cried but she could do nothing. Before the photograph was taken, the girl dried her tears and the blood from the cut on her lip. To tell you the truth, I felt as if I was being hit myself but I couldnt interfere. It would have been fatal for me. 纳粹医学实验的牺牲者。1

29、943年11月,德国拉文斯布鲁克,一位受害人的手臂被磷烧伤后很深的伤痕。照片展现的是拉文斯布鲁克的医生们实施的与磷相关的医学实验结果。在实验中,磷和橡胶混合后涂到皮肤上点燃,20秒后用水把火浇灭。三天后,烧伤用液态紫锥菊辛治疗,两周后伤口愈合。这张照片由营地的一名医师拍摄,在纽伦堡对医生的审判中被收入证据。 A victim of Nazi medical experimentation. A victims arm shows a deep burn from phosphorus at Ravensbrueck, Germany, in November of 1943. The phot

30、ograph shows the results of a medical experiment dealing with phosphorous that was carried out by doctors at Ravensbrueck. In the experiment, a mixture of phosphorus and rubber was applied to the skin and ignited. After twenty seconds, the fire was extinguished with water. After three days, the burn

31、 was treated with Echinacin in liquid form. After two weeks the wound had healed. This photograph, taken by a camp physician, was entered as evidence during the Doctors Trial at Nuremberg. 1945年,布痕瓦尔德集中营获得解放后,营地里的犹太囚犯。Jewish prisoners in Buchenwald concentration camp, after the liberation of the camp in 1945. 1945年5月3日,美军士兵默默地检查德国达豪集中营铁路侧线上发现的装满尸体的列车车厢。 American soldiers silently inspect some of the rail trucks loaded with dead which were found on the rail siding at the Dachau concentration camp in Germany, on May 3, 1945.1945年4月,德国诺德豪森,Mittel

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