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1、12. off切除13. get of离开;从出来14. be in of掌管;管理 15. give 放弃16. up打扫(或清除)干净17. up(使)变得更高兴18. out分发;散发19. come up 想出;提出(主意、回答等)20. off推迟21. to曾经;过去22. for照顾;非常喜欢23. up修理;装饰24. away捐赠25. take (外貌或行为)像26. make a 影响;有作用三、经典句型展现1. Whats the? 怎么了? /出什么事了? I a sore back. 我背疼。2. What I ? 我应该怎么办呢?3. take my temper

2、ature?我要量体温吗?4. You breaks away from the computer. 你需要远离电脑休息。5. What? 发生什么事了?6. I outside. 我希望在外面工作。7. You could the city parks. 你可以帮忙打扫城市公园。8. Im sure you know that this group was disabled people like me. 我相信你知道这是一个为帮助像我这样的残疾人而建立的组织。【答案】重点词语拓展:1. feet2. lay,lain,lying3. sickness4. ourselves5. climb

3、er6. importance7. decision8. death,dead/dying9. feeling10. satisfaction11. owner12. broken13. difficulty14. kindness15. excitement,excited/exciting常考短语归纳:1. cold2. lie3. fever4. temperature5. off6. surprise7. into8. right9. used10. take11. out12. cut13. out14. control15. up16. clean17. cheer18. give

4、/hand19. with20. put21. used22. care23. fix24. give25. after26. difference经典句型展现:1. matter;have2. should,do3. Should I4. need to take5. happened6. hope to work7. help to clean up8. set up to help考点一Whats the matter?(1)该句常用来询问某人患了何种疾病或遇到了什么麻烦等,其后可接with sb. /sth. 以引出具体的人或事。Whats the matter with you? 你

5、怎么了?用此句型时,matter也可用trouble来代替;the matter可用wrong替换。matter/trouble前需加定冠词the;wrong前不加任何修饰词。Whats wrong/the trouble with Jim?吉姆怎么了?Nothing serious. 没什么事。(2)matter用作名词时,意为“问题,事情”;用作动词时,意为“要紧,关系重大”,主要用于疑问句或否定句。试比较:I have a matter to discuss with you. 我有件事情要和你商量。It doesnt matter. 没关系。(2019重庆)Im sorry. I br

6、oke your tea cup. . I have another one at home. A. It doesnt matter B. Youd better notC. My pleasure D. Its too bad解析:句意:“抱歉,我打坏了你的茶杯。”“没关系,我在家还有一只呢。”It doesnt matter没关系;Youd better not你最好不要这样;My pleasure乐意效劳;Its too bad太糟了。由答语第二句“我在家还有一只呢”可知此处表示谅解,故选A。答案:A考点二But to his surprise,they all agreed to g

7、o with him. 但使他吃惊的是,他们都同意和他一起去。(1)to ones surprise意为“使某人惊讶的是;出乎某人的意料”。To my surprise,he refused to cooperate with us. 令我吃惊的是,他不肯与我们合作。(2)agree意为“同意”,其主要用法如下:1. (2019山西)How was your life in England?Quite different from here. ,people there drink tea with milk. A. In my opinion B. To my surprise C. At

8、the beginning“你在英国的生活怎么样? ”“与这儿十分不同。使我吃惊的是那里的人们喝茶加牛奶。”in my opinion意为“在我看来”;to my surprise意为“使我吃惊的是”;at the beginning意为“开始的时候”。根据句意可知选B。B2. (2019湖北黄石)I dont think students should use mobile phones at school. . They really have a bad influence on our study. A. I agree with you B. Not at all C. No pro

9、blem D. Its my pleasure“我认为学生们在学校里不应该用手机。”“我同意你的看法。它们真的对我们的学习产生了很坏的影响。”I agree with you意为“我同意你的观点”;Not at all 意为“别客气;没什么”; No problem意为“没问题”;Its my pleasure意为“我的荣幸;乐意效劳”。故选A。考点三As a mountain climber,Aron is used to taking risks. 作为一名登山者,阿伦习惯了冒险。be used to意为“习惯于”,其中的to 是介词,其后要接名词或动名词;若要强调从不习惯到习惯的过程,可

10、用get,become 等代替be。He is used to looking after himself. 他习惯了自己照顾自己。Im sure Ill get used to the hard work. 我相信我会习惯这项艰苦的工作的。另外,be used to 还有“被用来”的意思,这时to为不定式符号,其后要接动词原形。A pen is used to write. 钢笔是用来写字的。【注意】used to 意为“过去常常”,其中的 to 是不定式符号,其后只接动词原形。He used to live in Paris. 他过去一直住在巴黎。湖北襄阳)You like to drin

11、k coffee,dont you?Yes. But Im drinking tea,too. A. able to B. similar to C. used to D. ready to“你喜欢喝咖啡,是吗? ”“是的。但我也习惯于喝茶。”be able to能够;be similar to与相似;be used to习惯于;be ready to准备。根据空后的too可知此句表示除了喝咖啡以外,“我”也习惯于喝茶。be used to doing sth. 习惯于做某事。故选C。答案:C考点四His love for mountain climbing is so great that

12、he kept on climbing mountains even after this experience. 他对登山是如此热爱,以至于有了这样的经历后他仍然坚持爬山。so. that引导结果状语从句,意为“如此以至于”。so为副词,修饰形容词或副词;that后跟从句。其句型结构主要有:【拓展】such. that也作“如此以至于”讲,但such后面要用名词。其结构如下:四川内江)He felt surprised that he couldnt say a word with his mouth wide open. A. very B. such C. so D. too他感觉如此意

13、外,以至于嘴巴张得大大的一句话也说不出来。such. that. 与so. that. 都有“如此以至于”的意思,但such用来强调名词,so用来强调形容词或副词。题干中surprised为形容词,故选C。黑龙江龙东)Lu Han is an excellent actor most teenagers like him. A. such;that B. so;that C. too;to鹿晗是一个如此出色的演员,以至于大多数青少年都喜欢他。such 和名词连用,so和形容词或副词连用,句中有冠词修饰名词,所以用such,故选A。考点五Aron did not give up after th

14、e accident and keeps on climbing mountains today. 阿伦在这次事故后没有放弃,如今他仍在继续爬山。(1)give up意为“放弃”,后面常跟名词、代词或动名词,不能跟不定式。It is good for you to give up smoking. 戒烟对你有好处。【注意】give up为“动词+副词”型短语,如果是代词作宾语,代词要放在give与up中间。Smoking is bad for your health. Youd better give it up. 吸烟有害健康,你最好戒掉。(2)keep on doing sth. 意为“继

15、续或坚持做某事”。Dont give up hope,keep on trying. 不要灰心,继续努力。山西)Song Joong-ki is a movie star in Asia now. Thats true. He was once an excellent skater but had to skating because of an accident. A. give up B. go on C. take up“宋仲基现在是亚洲的一位电影明星。”“那是真的。他曾经是一名优秀的滑冰员,但是因为一个事故不得不放弃滑冰。”give up意为“放弃”;go on意为“继续”;take

16、 up意为“占据”。根据句意可知选A。考点六The boy could give out food at the food bank. 这位男孩可以在食物救济站分发食物。give out意为“分发;发放”,相当于hand out。I saw a girl giving out/handing out handbills in the street. 我看到一个女孩在街上散发传单。give构成的常用短语:give off发出;放出give over 停止give up 放弃give in 屈服青海)Would you please help me the invitations to all m

17、y friends?Sure. Youd better let me know their phone numbers. A. make up B. clean out C. give out“你愿意帮我邀请函给我所有的朋友吗? ”“当然。你最好让我知道他们的电话号码。”make up编造;clean out清理;give out分发。根据语境可知选C。考点七We need to come up with a plan for the City Park Clean-Up Day. 我们需要为城市公园清洁日制订计划。come up with意为“提出;想出(主意、回答等)”。I dont th

18、ink he can come up with any better idea. 我认为他想不出什么更好的主意。福建厦门)Ive made much progress in grammar. The ideas you worked out fine. Glad I could help. A. came up with B. ran out of C. looked up to“我已经在语法方面取得了很大进步。你的主意很有效果。”“很高兴我能帮助到你。”come up with想出,提出;run out of用完;look up to抬头看,仰视。come up with后面接表示主意、方法

19、等的名词作宾语。考点八They told me stories about the past and how things used to be. 他们给我讲有关过去的故事,告诉我过去生活的状况。used to意思是“过去常常”,只用于过去时,后接动词原形,表示过去经常发生的动作或存在的状态,现在已不再发生(或存在)了。People used to think the sun travels round the earth. 人们过去曾经认为太阳围绕着地球转动。(暗指人们现在并不这样认为了)黑龙江大庆)I go sailing on the lake. A. am used B. am use

20、d to C. used to D. used我过去常常在那个湖里进行帆船运动。be used to doing sth. 习惯于做某事;used to do sth. 过去常常做某事。根据句意可知选C。考点九Yeah,a lot of old people are lonely. 是的,很多老人是孤独的。lonely为形容词,意为“孤独的;寂寞的;荒凉的”,在句中可作表语或定语。She often feels lonely. 她经常感到寂寞。They live a lonely life in a lonely house in the hills. 他们在山中一栋孤零零的房子里过着寂寞的生

21、活。【辨析】lonely与alone,摆脱“孤独”!词语用法例句lonely只用作形容词,在句中既可作定语,也可作表语,表示“孤独的,寂寞的;偏僻的”。该词带有浓厚的感情色彩The old man lived in a lonely mountain village,and he lived a hard life alone. 这位老人住在一个偏僻的小山村,孤独地过着艰难的生活。alone用作形容词时只作表语和后置定语,意为“只,只有,仅仅;孤身一人的”;用作副词,表示“独自地;单独地”四川自贡)When you feel helpless and ,just remember you ar

22、e not in the world because your friends are around you. A. alone;alone B. alone;lonely C. lonely;当你感到无助、寂寞时,只要记住你在世界上不是孤独的,因为你周围有朋友。第一个空考查lonely,意为“寂寞的”;第二个空考查alone,意为“独自;孤单”。考点十Ive run out of it. 我已经用完了它。run out of为固定词组,意为“用完;花光”,同义词组为use up。其主语通常为“人”。Weve run out of/used up eggs,so you must buy so

23、me more. 我们的鸡蛋吃完了,因此你得再买一些。【注意】run out为不及物动词短语,其主语通常为“物”。His money has run out. 他的钱用完了。四川德阳)Lets buy a new camera. Oh,no! We have almost the money. A. taken down B. taken care of C. run out of D. run after“让我们买一部新的相机吧。”“哦,不了! 我们已经几乎钱。”take down记下,拿下;take care of照顾;run after追求。由句意可知选C。C 考点十一I take af

24、ter my mother. 我像我妈妈。take after“像;相像”,相当于be similar to。The girl takes after her mother. =The girl is similar to her mother. 这个女孩像她妈妈。归纳:take组成的其他词组take a walk散步照看take notes做笔记take part in参加take a rest休息take a photo照相take a look at看一看take an interest in. 对感兴趣take place发生take pride in. 以感到骄傲take turns

25、轮流take it easy别紧张【辨析】take after和look like谁更“像”?take after(在外貌、性格等方面)与相像She takes after her mother in appearance. 她的长相随她母亲。look like仅指外表上“看起来像”You look like your father very much. 你长得太像你父亲了。考点十二You helped to make it possible for me to have Lucky. 有了你的帮助,我才有可能拥有“幸运儿”。“make+it+adj. +(for sb. )to do sth

26、. ”是一个固定结构,不定式短语在句中作宾语。为了保持句子平衡,把宾语放在宾补后面,而用it作形式宾语。In order to make it easier for people to use computers,languages for writing programs have been devised. 为了人们使用计算机更方便,便设计出了编写程序的语言。这样的动词还有feel,find,consider,think等。I think it easy to make up a sentence with the word. 我认为用这个单词造句很简单。I feel it possibl

27、e to get there before eight oclock. 我感觉八点前有可能到那里。甘肃平凉)Televisions have made possible for us to watch movies at home. A. that B. this C. it D. they对于我们来说,电视已经使在家观看电影成为可能。that那个;this这个;it它;they他/她/它们。由“make it+adj. +(for sb. )to do sth. ”结构可知,it作形式宾语,代替to watch movies at home。考点十三. Im only able to have a “dog helper” because of your kindness! 因为你的善心,我才能拥有一个“狗助手”!because of意为“因为,由于,多亏”

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