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1、黑莓:blackberry 令人不安的:disturb人类:human being =mankind.Some phrases认真对待:take something seriously 抱怨:complain of /about 感到必须调查:felt obliged to investigate 大量,许多:a number of 出奇相似:extraordinarily similar 为谁所有:in the possession of除非:unless=if .notgrammar: (1):simple ,compound and complex statements 简单句,并列句,

2、复合句 (2):定语从句:用来修饰一个名词或代词的从句,就叫定语从句。听写:Do some dictations讲试卷:(简单句,并列句,复合句试卷)复习2 Lesson 2 Thirteen equals one 十三等于一The story is about repairing a church clock .You know ,at one oclock in the morning ,the church clock striking the hours work the vicar up as it struck thirteen times .The vicar went into

3、 the clock tower ,taking a torch with him .He saw Bill Wilkins ,the local grocer there and Bill explained he was trying to repair the clock but hadnt succeeded because at one oclock it struck thirteen times .However ,the vicar was please the bell was working and offered the grocer a cup of tea.In th

4、e story you must remember the new words and expressions.(1).等于: equal equal to(2).牧师:vicar(3).募集:raise 募款:raise money(4).电筒光:torchlightPhrases:(1).打点,报时:strike the hours(2).由于受到惊动,惊醒了:wake up with a start(3).看见,看到:catch sight of (4).认出是:recognize as (5).每晚:night after night(6).你确定使我感到意外:You certainl

5、y did give me a surprise.(7)慢慢习惯:get used to.Phrase with “In”(1).惊奇的:in surprise (2).用钢笔:in ink (3).用铅笔:in pencil (4).共同之处:in common(5).有困难:in difficult (6).最终:in the end (7).卧床休息:in bad (8).总计,总共:in all(9).匆忙:in a hurry (10).负债:in danger (11):在危险中:in danger (12).含着泪:in tears (13).爱上:be in love (14)

6、.在视线中:be in sightDo the exercise .Choose the correct answer to the following questions(多项选择题P21)Key Structure 关键句型 现在进行时(The present progressive tense)表示说话时正在进行的动作或正在发生的事件,往往与now,still,just等副词连用,有些句中有:look listen等词,也有现在进行时。 结构是:主+am/is/are/+Ving 一般现在时:(The present simple tense)(1).表示习惯性动词,即经常性,仅复性的动

7、词,往往与频度副词连用,如:often ,always ,never.(2).一般现在时可用来表述现在的特征状态。Eg:I am a student(3).一般现在时可用来表示普遍性真理。 Summer follows spring 春去夏来(4).有些表示状态和感觉的动词通常用一般现在时,如: be, believe, notice, feel, find,forget,hear,know,like, look like, love,remember,see, think, understand ,appreciate, appear.(5).有些表示所属关系及喜好,憎恶,需要等感情的动词,

8、通常也只用于一般现在时,如:belong to, contain, consist of, dislike, hate, hope, love, mean, mind, need, want, wish, matter.它往往表示通常的状态,而不是动作。 听写第2课单词 复习3 Lesson 3 An unknown goddess 无名女神The story is about an archaeological discovery in Greece.You know ,archaeological found clay fragments in an ancient temple.Thes

9、e represented the fifteen statues of goddesses which had once been painted .The body of one statue was found among remains from the fifteenth century B.C.While its head was found among remains from the fifth century B.C.When fragments were reconstructed ,they turned out to be a goddess which stood,t

10、hree feet high.Her hands rested on her hips and she was wearing a full-length skirt.Her identity is unknown.In the story .You must remember the new words:(1).女神:goddess (11).宗教的,神圣的:sacred(2)考古学家:archaeologist (12).碎片:fragment(3).爱琴海的:Aegean (13).遗物,遗迹,废墟:remains(4).考察,勘探:explore .的残骸:the remains of

11、 勘探家:explorer (14).古文化的:classical探险:exploration 古典音乐:classical music(5).海角:promontory (15).修复:reconstruct(6).繁荣的,昌盛的:prosperous =rebuild (7).文明:civilization (16).倚放:rest(8).楼层:storey (17).屁股:hip (9).排水:drainage (18).拖地长的:full-length 排水系统:drainage system (19).优雅的:graceful(10).崇拜:worship (20).身份:ident

12、ity 身份证: identity cardphrases曾经,一度:at one time高度文明:high level of civilization三层楼高:three storeys high 装配有:be equipped with陶制碎片:Clay fragment祭祀祷告的场所:a place of worship罗马时代:Roman times追溯到:date from古希腊,古罗马时代:classical times原来是:turn out to be 三英尺高:three-feet high双手叉腰:her hands rested on her hips拖地长裙:full

13、-length skirtExercises词汇(1).explored=examined(2).ancient=very old(3).prosperous=wealthy(4).storeys=floors(5).beneath=under(6).fragments=pieces(7).remains=surviving pieces Lesson4 The double life of Alfred Bloggs 艾尔弗雷德.部落格斯的双重生活These days ,people who do manual work often receive far more money than p

14、eople who work in office.People who work in offices are frequently referred to as white-collar workers for the simple reason that they usually wear a collar and tie to go to work.Such is human nature ,that a great many people are often willing to sacrifice higher pay for the privilege of becoming wh

15、ite -collar workers.This can give rise to curious situations,as it did in the case of Alfred Bloggs who worked as a dustman for the Ellesmere Corporation. When he got married ,Alf was too embarrassed to say anything to his wife about his job .He simply told her that he worked for the Corporation.Eve

16、ry morning ,he left home dressed in a smart black suit.He then changed into overalls and spent the next eight hours as a dustman .Before returning home at night ,he took a shower and changed back into his suit .Alf did this for over two years and his fellow dustmen kept his secret.Alfs wife has neve

17、r discovered that she married a dustman and she never will,for Alf has just found another job.He will soon be working in an office .He will be earning only half as much as he used to ,but he feels that his rise in status is well worth the loss of money .From now on,he will wear a suit all day and ot

18、hers will call him Mr.Bloggs,not Alf. Today well learn lesson 4,The double life of Alfred Bloggs .And first 2 want you listen to it first ,and try to tell us what the story tells us or what the story is about. Yes ,the story is about a man who wanted to changed his job ,when he got married ,Alfred B

19、loggs told his wife he worked for the corporation .Though he dressed in a smart black suit at every morning ,he changed into overalls at work and spend the day working as a dustman .Then he took a shower and changed back into his suit at night .This lasted for two years and his fellow dustman kept h

20、is secret.His wife will never learn the truth because her husband will be an office worker in future.After listening the passage .Please do the ask and answer.(1).Who generally earn more ,manual workers or office workers?(Manual workers)(2).How do we often refer to office workers?(as white- collar w

21、orkers)(3).Why “white-collar workers”?(Because they wear a white collar and a tie to go to work)(4).What was Alfred Bloggs job at the Ellesmere Corporation?(He was a dustman)(5).What did Alf fail to tell his wife?(That he was a dustman)(6).How did he dress every morning?(In a smart black suit)(7).Wh

22、at did he change into when he got to work?(overalls)(8).What did he do before going home?(He took a shower and charge back into his suit)(9).Where will Alf soon be working ?(In an office)(10).How does Alf feel about the loss of money?(He thinks its worth it because of his rise in status.)(11).How wi

23、ll people address him?(Mr.Bloggs,not Alf) Now learn the new words(1).manual. adj. 体力的 manual work 体力工作(2).collar. n .衣领(3).sacrifice v. 牺牲,献出Sacrifice.for. 为.牺牲。 Sacrifice higher pay for the privilege of becoming white-collar workers.(4).privilege n. 好处(5).dustman n. 清洁工 cleaner 清洁工(6).

24、corporation n. 公司 company 公司 firm 公司(7).overalls n.工作服(8).shower n. 淋浴 take a shower (9).secret n.秘密 Keep a secret保守秘密(10).status n.地位 Text 课文讲解These days ,people who do manual work often receive far more money than people who work in office。far more money在形容词副词比较级前,常常使用一些程度副词来修饰比较级,以加强其程度和语气,常见的程度副

25、词有:a bit, a little ,a lot ,lots ,a good/great deal, any ,no, rather ,far ,very much,much ,等。Much nice 或very much nice 漂亮的多Far more money 更多的钱但要注意:(1).不可在比较级前使用very,来加强程度或语气,应用much 或far This book is far more interesting than that one (2).quite 只能用于better前,指身体回复状况 quite better 好多了(3).在用more修饰的可数名词前,可用

26、for或many但不可用much来修饰。 much/far more money多得多的钱 many/far more opportunities 多得多的机会(4)在less 和fewer 前可用much或far 来修饰,但不可用many 来修饰。 much/far less time 少的多的时间 far less/fewer mistakes 少的多的错误。People who work in offices are frequently referred to as white-collar workers for the simple reason that they usually

27、 wear a collar and tie to go to work (1).referred 把.称作. as后内容加宾语补足语。(2).white-collar workers通常指脑力劳动者,与其相对blue-collar workers,指体力劳动者。 用某人/某物所具有的特征,指代某人/某物为生活或写作中常见中的一种隐喻方法。Such is human nature ,that a great many people are often willing to sacrifice higher pay for the privilege of becoming whi

28、te -collar workers(1).代词such用于句首时起强调作用,后面通常使用倒装语序。 Eg: such were his words. 他就是这么说的(2).sacrifice.for. 为.牺牲 为.而失去 也可用介词加代替句型中的for. He is just the kind of man that is willing to sacrifice his own personal interest to /for public good.他正是那种系意为公众利益而牺牲个人利益的人。This can give rise to curious situations,as it did in the case of Alfred Bloggs who worked as a dustman for the Ellesmere Corporation.(1).give rise to引起,使发生,导致 Such conduct may give rise to understanding 这种行为可能导致没解(2).as it did中的it 指前文中的this 所指内容,即上一句中that从句所述情况,而did用来代替gve rise to curious situations,因此,这

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