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1、11-15 DBADD 16-20 BCBDA21-25 CBADC 26-30 ABACA3. Cloze (0.520=10)31-35: ABCDA36-40: BDACD41-45: BACBC46-50: DBABA4. Vocabulary & Grammar (0.551-55: CBBBD56-60: ACADD61-65: DACDD66-70: CBCCA71-75: DDDDB76-80: CAABB51. authorize Sb. to do Sth.授予某人权力做某事52. provision预备;provisions给养口粮53. go off爆炸,变质;wear

2、 off磨损,逐渐消失,使憔悴54. none other than不是别的,正是55. 【在高山冻土带,夏季光照强烈,大风盛行,随时会有雨雪冰霜。】precipitation pri.sipitein n. 坠落,沉淀,凝结;冰雹56. good and well非常清楚;high and mighty盛气凌人的;high and dry孤立无援;thick and thin厚与薄57. dare此处是实义动词58. get on the wrong side of Sb.惹某人生气59. pattern after:imitate模仿60. 并列状语两个部分结构上应该保持一致61. not

3、 so muchas与其说是不如说是62.if从句中的动作还没发生,只是提出目标;be to do Sth.按照计划约定将要发生的动作63. 连接词在句子中做表语64. 【克里斯蒂气愤地瞪着她的老板,转过脸去,好像要离开办公室。】对过去的虚拟65. 【借阅室那位年长的图书管理员答应说,只要她记起上次是谁借了那本书就替我找回来。】if only要是就好了;但愿66. cant, can never与too连用表示再也不为过,越越好67. 独立主格结构68. 【由于使用农药和化肥可领取政府补贴,农民就不顾实际需要而超量使用,以取得最高的经济作物产量。69. whose = the Indians

4、【印第安人的存在对森林的维护与延续具有关键性的作用,但他们处于环保卫士和开拓勇士们的矛盾冲突中,受害最深。70. 错综时间的虚拟,从句对过去虚拟,主句对现在虚拟71. with a view to Sth. / doing Sth.为了;in the hope of;with the aim of 72. gain: move too fast73. comb: search thoroughly74. without question毫无问题;in question被怀疑有问题;out of question不可能;beside the question离题75. make of Sth.

5、理解76. continually与现在进行时连用带有感情色彩,说话人的不满和抱怨,类似的还有constantly, always, forever77. force down prices迫使物价下降;slow down慢下来;cut down一般不与price连用,但可以说cut Sb. down to 10 pounds78. merchandise集合名词79. surpass(数量和质量上)超过;overtake赶上并超过;excel在做某事方面强于别人80. gush涌出;gash 切伤;overflow溢出;spill泼洒出5. Reading Comprehension (12

6、0=20)Passage A: 81-84 CBDBPassage B: 85-87 AADPassage C: 88-91 ACBDPassage D: 92-95 DCBDPassage E: 96-100 CBCDB6. Writing (15) 审题思路 这是一篇观点选择性文章。题目是一个问句,所以对该问题的回答即是全文主旨,之后就该主旨展开论述。首段可直接点明是选择传统的购物方式,还是网上购物这种新方式,之后要展开说明为什么做出如此选择,即说明所选择的购物方式的好处,可以列出两至三条理由进行论证,支持自己的论点。第三部分是结论部分,可以对前文进行归纳总结,也可以简要概述没选择另外一种

7、购物方式的好处,说明自己选择一种并不是否定另一种,只是个人喜好而已。Which to Choose: Traditional Shopping or Online Shopping?As to traditional shopping and online shopping, which one seems better to you? Do you prefer the traditional way or the online way? It is a personal preference when it comes to shopping. As for me,I prefer onl

8、ine shopping than traditional one.The first advantage of online shopping I can think of is its convenience. With online shopping service, I dont have to leave my home at all. I simply need to sit down in front of my computer, browse around various online stores, and find what I need. Another advanta

9、ge is that there are various commordities online, which are both high in quality and low in price. If I can imagine it, then I can buy it! There is really nothing that I cant find on the Internet such as gifts, clothes,and many other items, which can be purchased economically and quickly and deliver

10、ed directly to my doorstep. If I am not satisfied with the goods when receiving them, I can contact the customer service online, either exchanging or refunding freely within the specified period.In fact, traditional shopping has its own advantages. For example, you do get the opportunity to see the

11、product before you purchase it. Really, all we need to do is to shop the way we feel comfortable, and remember to shop in a sensible way,namely, you should purchase some goods that you are really in need of.7. Note-Writing (10) Mar. 28, 2012Dear Mary,I do apologize for having to write this note telling you I cant attend your birthday party this Saturday, because Ive just got a companys call for an interview this Saturday. I feel very sorry I cant be with you at your party, but I do hope you enjoy your birthday party. Happy birthday to you!Yours, Julie (注:可编辑下载,若有不当之处,请指正,谢谢!)

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