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1、() 1. Whats Toms father like?A. He is strict. B. He is funny. C. He is polite. () 2. When is the farewell party?A. Tomorrow morning. B. Next week. C. Tomorrow evening. () 3. How heavy was Jack before?A. He was 58 kilograms. B. He was 62 kilograms. C. He was 67 kilograms. () 4. What subject does Jack

2、 like best?A. English. B. Music. C. PE. () 5. What did Bob do last night?A. He watched TV. B. He read a book. C. He played computer games. 四 听录音,将句子补充完整。1. Mikes uncle is _ to people. 2. Mikes uncle is _ than his father. 3. We can eat fresh vegetables, pick fruits and _ _ _ on the farm. 4. Mike went

3、 to the farm with parents by _ yesterday. 5. Mike ate delicious food and _ _ on the farm yesterday. 第二部分笔试 (70分)五 选出每组单词中不同类的一项。() 1. A. coat B. dress C. photo() 2. A. cow B. plant C. panda() 3. A. beef B. chicken C. carrot() 4. A. library B. scientist C. pilot() 5. A. cold B. rainy C. smart六 单项选择。(

4、) 1. You should take _ umbrella. A. a B. an C. /() 2. Now Jack often plays sports. He is _ than before. A. shorter B. stronger C. heavier() 3. My grandpa often _ for a walk in the morning. A. goes B. does C. has () 4. I like to _ English with my friends at school. A. says B. speak C. speaks() 5. Mik

5、e _ his aunt with his parents last week. A. visits B. will visit C. visited七 补全对话。Amy: Lets go to farmers market tomorrow morning, Sarah. Sarah: OK. 1. _ Amy: Its next to the Guangming Cinema. Oh, its far from here. 2. _ We can go there by car. But neither of us can drive. 3. _ My father. He is at h

6、ome tomorrow. Great. What are we going to buy? 4. _ OK. Apples, bananas, carrots, green beansWould you like some beef? 5. _ OK. A. Who will drive us? B. Lets make a shopping list. C. How can we go there? D. No, Id like some chicken. E. But where is it?八 阅读理解。(14分)Dear friends,Its time to leave our s

7、chool. We are all going to middle school this September. At school, we had classes, played sports and read books together. After school we climbed mountains and went on a picnic in the countryside. In these years, we had a good time. Next Friday afternoon, we are going to have a farewell party in ou

8、r classroom. We will sing and dance. We will have fruit and juice, and we will take photos. It will be great fun! See you at the party!任务一: 阅读短文,补全信息。A farewell partyPlace: 1. _Time: 2. _Activities: 3. _, have fruit and juice and 4. _. 任务二: 判断句子正(T)误(F)。() 1. They are going to middle school next Sep

9、tember. () 2. In these years, they played sports and read books at school together. () 3. In these years, they went swimming and climbed mountains after school. 九 阅读短文,选择正确答案。We all know we should keep healthy and have a good habit. In the past, people ate three meals at home, and they ate a lot of

10、vegetables and a little meat(肉). They were very strong and they didnt need to see the doctor. But now people eat more meat, eggs and junk food(垃圾食品). They often go out for dinner with their families and friends, and they often fall ill. Why?I think eating too much meat is bad for our health. A good

11、rest, a little meat, a lot of vegetables and more exercise are good for our health. So I do exercise every day. My eating habits are good. I eat a lot of vegetables. I eat fruit and drink milk every day. I drink a cup of water before each meal. Of course, I love junk food, too, but I only eat a litt

12、le. I sleep for nine hours every day. () 1. In the past, people ate lots of _. A. vegetables B. meat C. fruit() 2. People were very _ in the past. A. thin B. short C. strong() 3. Now people often fall ill because _. A. they like to eat fruit B. they like to eat applesC. they eat too much meat() 4. _

13、 is/are good for our health. A. Few vegetables B. A good rest C. A lot of meat() 5. _ is not a healthy habit. A. Drinking milk every day B. Sleeping for nine hours every dayC. Eating lots of junk food十 书面表达。(16分)昨天是周日,根据图片写一篇短文,描述Tom一天的活动安排。要求: 短文应包括图中的全部信息内容(可适当发挥),条理清楚,行文连贯,不少于50词(开头已给出)。Sunday wa

14、s a busy day for Tom. _听力材料: 一、1.plus2.finger3.wine4.corn 5. choose二、1.John played the piano in music class yesterday.2. Bob will play basketball with his friends next Sunday.3. My sister often drinks milk for breakfast.4. Tom is going to clean his room tomorrow morning.5. Look! Sam is listening to

15、music!三、1.W: Tom, is your father strict?M: No, he is kind and funny.2. W: Are you going to the farewell party tomorrow morning? Yes. Ill sing a song at the party.3. W: How heavy are you, Jack? Im 62 kilograms. Im thinner than before.4. W: What do you have on Wednesdays, Jack? I have Chinese, English

16、, music and PE. I like music best.5. W: Did you play computer games last night, Bob? No. I read a book.四、My name is Mike. I have an uncle. He is very friendly to people. My uncle is tall and strong. He is younger than my father. He has a beautiful farm. You can eat fresh vegetables, pick fruits and

17、ride a horse on the farm. Yesterday I went to his farm with my parents. We went there by bike. My uncle was very happy. He made delicious food for us and took us to pick strawberries. I love my uncle.答案:一、1.B2.A3.A4.A5.B二、42153三、1.B2.A3.C4.B5.B四、1.friendly2.younger3.ride a horse4. bike5.picked straw

18、berries五、1.C2.B3.C4.A5.C六、1.B点拨: umbrella以元音音素开头,前面的不定冠词要用an,故选B。2. B3.A4.B5.C七、1.E2.C3.A4.B5.D八、任务一: 1.In our classroom2. Next Friday afternoon3. Sing and dance4.take photos 1.F2.T3.F九、1.A2.C3.C4.B5.C十、范文:Sunday was a busy day for Tom. In the morning Tom got up at 6: 00 a. m. Then he did morning ex

19、ercises at 6: 30 a. m. in the park. After breakfast he cleaned his room and then watched TV. In the afternoon he played basketball in the gym with his friend. In the evening, he did his homework at home. Finally, he went to bed at 10: 00 p. m.单元达标测试卷第 3 单元长方体和正方体一、认真审题,填一填。(每小题2分,共20分)1在括号里填上合适的容积单位

20、或体积单位。一台冰箱的容积约为215()。一块橡皮的体积约是6()。一个矿泉水瓶的容积约是550()。太阳能热水器能盛水80()。2540 dm3()m33200 mL()dm37.08 L()cm3 4.8 m3()m3()dm33一个正方体的棱长是10厘米,一只小虫从顶点A沿棱爬行,如果要求不走重复的路线,小虫回到A点所走的路线最长是()厘米。4小军在一个无盖的长方体玻璃容器内摆了一些棱长为1 dm的小正方体(如图)。做这个玻璃容器至少要用玻璃()dm2,它的容积是()dm3。(玻璃的厚度忽略不计)5一个长方体的底面积是18平方分米,高是5厘米,它的体积是()立方分米。6一个长方体无盖玻璃

21、鱼缸的容积是180 L,底面是边长为6 dm的正方形,这个玻璃鱼缸的高是()dm,做这个鱼缸至少需要玻璃()dm2。(玻璃厚度忽略不计)7琪琪从一个长方体纸盒上撕下两个相邻的面(展开后如图所示),这个纸盒的底面积是()cm2,体积是()cm3。8在一个棱长是30厘米的正方体水箱中装有半箱水,现在把一块石头完全浸入水中,水面上升6厘米。这块石头的体积是()立方分米。9右图是一个正方体的表面展开图,每面都标有数字。在正方体中,数字“1”对面的数字是“()”,相交于同一个顶点的三个面上的数字之和最大是()。10用两个相同的小长方体可以拼出三种不同的大长方体(如下图)。拼成的大长方体中,表面积最大的是

22、()dm2,最小的是()dm2。二、仔细推敲,选一选。(将正确答案的序号填在括号里)(每小题2分,共16分)1超市货架上的一瓶果汁写有“净含量330 mL”,这里的“330 mL”表示()。A饮料的体积 B. 饮料的质量C. 瓶子的体积 D. 瓶子的质量2如图,3名同学分别用8个体积为1立方厘米的正方体测量了3个透明玻璃盒的容积,第()个玻璃盒的容积最大。A1B2C33在下面的正方体展开图中,只有当动物和它喜欢的食物在正方体的相对面上时,它才能吃到。下面图()中动物不能吃到自己喜欢的食物。4用一根长()的铁丝正好可以做一个长6厘米、宽5厘米、高3厘米的长方体框架。A28厘米 B126平方厘米

23、C56厘米 D90立方厘米5以下是一个长方体的四个面,另外两个面的面积之和是()cm2。A20B28C706一个长6 dm、宽4 dm、高5 dm的长方体盒子,最多能放下()个棱长是2 dm的正方体木块。A5 B14 C12 D. 无法确定7把60立方分米的水倒入长5分米、宽3分米、高6分米的空水缸内,水面距水缸的上沿还有()分米。A4 B2 C5 D18把一个长26 cm、宽16 cm、高8 cm的长方体切成两个小长方体,表面积增加最少的切法是()。三、计算下面图形的棱长总和、表面积和体积。(9分)四、动手操作,我能行。(共10分)1.把一个棱长为2 cm的正方体的6个面展开(如图)。(1)


25、粉刷水泥的面积是多少平方米?如果每平方米需要水泥5千克,一共要水泥多少千克?3抗洪期间,全市小学生代表用棱长为5 dm的正方体塑料积木,在城市广场中央搭起了一面长10 m、高3 m、宽15 dm的“感恩墙”。这面墙一共用了多少块积木?4一个无盖的长方体铁皮水槽,长是50 cm,宽是40 cm,高是30 cm。(铁皮厚度忽略不计)(1)做这个水槽至少需要铁皮多少平方厘米?(2)往水槽里注入40 L水,水深是多少厘米?(3)再把一个铁球完全浸入水中,测得水面上升了2.5 cm(水不溢出),铁球的体积是多少立方厘米?5将两盒一样的糖果包装在一起,怎样才能最节省包装纸?需要包装纸的面积是多少?6如图,

26、一个长方体容器长是40 cm,宽是25 cm,高是20 cm。装入水,水深是15 cm,把这个容器盖紧,转动容器,使最小的面朝下,这时里面的水深是多少厘米?(容器厚度忽略不计)(8分)挑战题:天才的你,试一试。一个长方体正好可以切成5个同样大小的正方体,切成的5个正方体的表面积之和比原来长方体的表面积多200平方厘米,求原来长方体的表面积。答案一、1Lcm3mLL20.543.270804800380【点拨】根据正方体的特征,12条棱的长度都相等,一只小虫从顶点A沿棱爬行,要求不走重复的路线,小虫回到A点最多走8条棱的长度,也就是80厘米。46945596515671812685.4951410164148二、1A2B3C4C5C6C7B8A三、棱长总和:(15106)4124(cm)表面积:(1510156106)2600(cm2)体积:15106900(cm3)四、1(1)(2)24248212(1512)8288(cm3)答:折成的长方体纸盒的容积是288 cm3。五、1(361222)4280(cm)至少需要木条280 cm。2(845.44)285.4150.4(平方米)150.410140.4(平方米)140.45702(千克)粉刷水泥的面积是140.4平方米,一共要水泥702千克。310 m100 dm3 m30 dm

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