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1、3.If you had theopportunityto get amessageacross to a large group of people, what would your message be?如果你有一个机会可以向很多人传递一条信息,那你最想说什么?4.Whats something you said youd never do, but have since done?什么事情是你说绝不会去做却去做了的?5.Whats something you changed your mind about when you grew older?随着年龄的增长,你对什么事情改变了看法?6

2、.What didnt last forever, but was stillworthyour while?什么事情是你觉得即使不能天长地久,也值得去珍惜?7.If you could go back in time and tell a youngerversionof yourself one thing, what would you tell?如果你可以回到过去,告诉年轻的自己一件事情,你会说什么呢?8.If you knew you were dying in 60 seconds, what would your last words be?如果你知道你只有60秒钟可以活了,什么

3、会是你最后的遗言?9.When its all said and done, will you have said more than youve done?虽说言出必行,但你会不会说的比做的多?10.What questions do you often ask yourself?什么问题是你经常问自己的?我爱你胜过爱我自己(有声)It all began as we were standing in front of thebathroommirror, I fixing Amandas blonde hair. I said, “I love you, Amanda.” “And, I

4、love you,” she replied. “Oh, yeah,” I taunted. “Well, I love you more.” Her eyes lit up as she recognized the cue for the start of another “I love you more” match. “Nuh-uh,” she laughed, “I love you the most.” “I love you bigger than avolcano!” I countereda favorite family phrase in these battles of

5、 love. “But, Mom, I love you from here to China.” A country shes learning about from our new neighbors up the street. We volleyed back and forth a few favorite lines. “I love you more than peanut butter.” “Well, I love you more than television.” “I even love you more than bubble gum.” It was my turn

6、 again, and I made the move that usually bringsvictory. “I love you bigger than theuniverse!” On this day, however, Amanda was not going to give up. I could see she was thinking. “Mom,” she said in a quiet voice, “I love you more than myself.”I stopped. Dumbfounded,overwhelmed by her sincerity. Here

7、 I thought I knew more than she did. I thought I knew at least everything that she knew. However, my four-year-old daughter knows more about love than her 28-year-old mom.事情发生时,我们俩正站在浴室的镜子前,我替阿曼达梳理她的一头金发。我说,“我爱你,阿曼达。”“我也爱你,”她回答。“噢,是的,”我嘲弄她。“好吧,我爱你更多。”当她意识到另一场关于“我爱你”的口舌之争拉开帷幕时,她的眼睛闪闪发亮。“呐,”她大笑着说,“我最爱


9、那4岁的宝贝女儿比她28岁的妈妈更懂得爱。生命的追求 (有声)There is so much I have not been, so much I have not seen.生命中,有那么多我未曾经历过,有那么多我未曾见识过。I have not thought and have not done or felt enoughthe early sun, rain and the seasonal delight offlocksof ducks and geese in flight, themysteriesof late-at-night. I still need time to

10、read a book, write poems, paint a picture, look at scenes and faces dear to me. There is something more to be ofvaluesomething I should find within myselfas peace of mind, patience,graceand being kind. I shall take and I shall give, while yet, there is so much to live forrainbows, stars that gleam,

11、the fields,the hills, the hope, the dream the truth that one must seek.有很多事情,我未曾想够、做够或体会够朝阳、雨水、由成群飞翔的鸭鹅带来的季节性喜悦以及那些午夜的神秘。我还需要时间读书、写诗、作画、观赏景色以及我所爱的脸庞。还有更多具有价 值的东西那些我应该在自己内心发现的东西心灵的宁静、耐心、优雅与仁慈。我要获取,我也要施予,然而还有许多值得为之而活彩虹、闪烁的星星、 田野、山丘、希望、梦想以及人必须追求的真理。Ill stay heretreasure every day and love the world in

12、my own way!我会在此珍惜每一个时日并且用自己的方式惜爱这个世界!杰西的手套(有声)I do a lot of management training each year for the Circle K Corporation, a national chain of convenience stores. Among the topics we address in ourseminarsis theretentionof quality employeesa real challenge to managers when you consider the pay scale in

13、 the service industry. During these discussions, I ask the participants, What has caused you to stay long enough to become a manager? Some time back a new manager took the question and slowly, with her voice almost breaking, said, It was a $19 baseball glove.我每年都为全国连锁便利店索克公司做大量的管理培训。在经营管理研习会上,我们发言的题

14、目中包括如何留住高素质的员工-考虑到服务业的薪工标准,这对经理们是一项巨大的考验。在这些讨论中,我问与会者:“是什么使你们在公司留了下来,并当上了经理?”过了一会儿,一名新经理接过问题,慢慢地、用悲伤的声音说道:“是因为一副十九美元的棒球手套。”Cynthia told the group that she originally took a Circle K clerk job as an interim position while she looked for something better. On her second or third day behind the counter,

15、 she received a phone call from her nine-year-old son, Jessie. He needed a baseball glove for Little League. She explained that as a single mother, money was very tight, and her first check would have to go for paying bills. Perhaps she could buy his baseball glove with her second or third check.辛西娅告诉大家,她最初来索克做店员工作只是临时性的,同时她还在寻找更好的机会。就在站在柜台后的两三天,她接到了九岁儿子杰西的电话-孩子参加儿童棒球联盟需要一副棒球手套。她解释道,自己是个单身母亲,手头钱紧,第一个月的薪水要用来偿付账单。也许她只能用第二个月或第三

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