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1、高三英语二轮复习专题五完形填空课时作业2019-2020年高三英语二轮复习专题五完形填空课时作业(xx长春监测二)When my husband Ian died in xx, ten days after being diagnosed with cancer, I was pletely broken up. He was just 54. Wed planned to _1_ together and live the years to the fullest.At first, the _2_ of spending the following years of my life wit

2、hout him left me feeling _3_. I was in deep _4_ having lost him. But as time passed, I began to _5_ that life is so precious, and none of us can _6_ whats around the corner.I realized I could sit at home and _7_ Ian, _8_ I could make the most of every moment of my life. Three months _9_ he died, a f

3、riend mentioned a choir run by a _10_ Tenovus Cancer Care, which was for anyone _11_ by cancer. Ive _12_ loved to sing, so I agreed. That decision really has changed my _13_We rehearse(排练) once a week and perform _14_ to raise money. We sing inspiring songs like Youve Got a Friend which really _15_a

4、ll of us.Spending time with the choir, I have not only made a whole new friendship circle, but I feel so _16_, which has been fantastic for my _17_ wellbeing.I _18_ money for the charity too, including traveling a long way to Machu Picchu, where I scattered(播撒) some of Ians ashes. I know Ian would _

5、19_ my decision to look after myself.Living a good life, and finding ways to enjoy my retirement, is the best _20_ I can offer him.解题导语本文描述了作者在突然失去丈夫后的迷茫以及走出阴霾、积极面对生活的心路历程。1A.die BretireClive DsingB解析:根据上文提到了作者丈夫去世时的年龄为54岁及文章最后一段中的retirement可知,此处指作者与丈夫之前曾计划过一起退休(retire)后的生活。故选B项。2A.feeling BthoughtC

6、sense DhopeB解析:丈夫的去世让作者崩溃,由此可以推断,此处指作者对未来生活的担忧,thought意为“想法”更符合语境。故选B项。feeling意为“感觉;情感”;sense意为“感觉;理解力”;hope意为“希望”。3A.lost BtiredCexcited DrelaxedA解析:根据常识可知,丈夫突然去世作者应是感到迷茫的(lost)。故选A项。tired意为“困倦的;累的”;excited意为“兴奋的”;relaxed意为“放松的”。4A.trouble BbreathCshock DregretC解析:从原来美好的憧憬到突然的失去,让作者备受打击。shock意为“打击;

7、震惊”,符合语境。故选C项。trouble意为“麻烦;困难”;breath意为“呼出的气;一口气”;regret意为“懊悔;悔恨”。5A.wonder BunderstandCforget DrememberB解析:根据设空后的life is so precious及下文中对作者参加活动的描述可知,随着时间的推移,作者明白了生命的珍贵。wonder意为“想知道”;understand意为“理解;懂得”;forget意为“忘记”;remember意为“记得”。故选B项。6A.change BdoubtCpredict DleaveC解析:根据设空后的around the corner可知,此处指

8、没有人能预测即将发生什么。change意为“改变”;doubt意为“怀疑”;predict意为“预测”;leave意为“离开;离职”。故选C项。7A.mourn for Bwait forClook after Dtalk withA解析:作者意识到生命的珍贵,因此此处要作出选择,要么在家哀悼丈夫,要么积极面对生活。mourn for意为“悼念”,符合语境。故选A项。wait for意为“等待”;look after意为“照顾”;talk with意为“与交谈”。8A.and BsoCfor DorD解析:此处表示作者的不同选择:是待在家中悼念还是走出去积极面对生活,could sit at

9、home and _ Ian与could make the most of every moment of my life之间为选择关系。故选D项。9A.before BafterCsince DasB解析:此处表达在作者丈夫去世三个月之后,故选B项。 BpanyCclub DhospitalA解析:根据后文的to raise money及倒数第二段的the charity可知,这是一个慈善机构。故选A项。11A.killed BdefeatedCscared DaffectedD解析:作者的丈夫死于癌症,而作者参加这样的活动得以改变人生,由此可推断,这个机构的目的在于帮

10、助像作者这样受癌症影响的人。kill意为“杀害”;defeat意为“打败”;scare意为“惊吓”;affect意为“影响”。故选D项。12A.hardly BseldomCalways DoftenC解析:此处表示作者一直喜欢唱歌,所以参加慈善机构的排练活动。故选C项。13A.mind BlifeCdream DgoalB解析:根据下文的描述可知,参加慈善演唱的决定改变了作者的生活,使作者从悲伤中走了出来。故选B项。14A.dances BplaysCservices DconcertsD解析:根据文中提到的关键信息rehearse和We sing inspiring songs可知,此处应

11、与歌唱和排练相呼应,指举行音乐会来筹钱。故选D项。15A.amuse BinterestCpush DimpressD解析:根据inspiring songs可知,这些歌曲给作者他们留下了深刻的印象。amuse意为“使愉快”;interest意为“使感兴趣”;push意为“推动;逼迫”;impress意为“使钦佩;给留下深刻的印象”。故选D项。16A.skillful BcautiousCsecure DpositiveD解析:根据I have not only made a whole new friendship circle可知,作者建立了新的朋友圈,说明这些活动让作者走出阴霾,从而积极

12、面对生活。skillful意为“熟练的”;cautious意为“谨慎的”;secure意为“安全的”;positive意为“积极的”。故选D项。17A.mental BphysicalCsocial DeconomicA解析:作者通过参加这些活动走出阴霾,说明作者拥有了良好的心理(mental)状态。故选A项。physical意为“身体的”;social意为“社会的”;economic意为“经济上的”。18A.spend BsaveCraise DearnC解析:作者除了与合唱团一起为慈善尽力,自己也通过个人活动来筹集善款。spend意为“花费”;save意为“储蓄;存钱”;raise意为“筹

13、集”;earn意为“赚;挣”。故选C项。19A.approve of Bcare aboutCbe opposed to Dbe sorry aboutA解析:作者走出悲伤,积极乐观地生活,相信丈夫会支持她好好生活。approve of意为“赞成”,符合语境。故选A项。care about意为“关心”;be opposed to意为“反对”;be sorry about意为“对感到抱歉”。20A.award BexperienceCfort DhelpC解析:文章最后是作者的感悟:好好生活便是对丈夫最好的慰藉。award意为“奖励”;experience意为“体验;经历”;fort意为“安慰;

14、慰藉”;help意为“帮助”。故选C项。B(xx唐山一模)At 18, I was on the flight to Europe for the first time. Excited about the _1_ of a lifetime, I enjoyed a free inflight meal. I even _2_ a sandwich for later.At the Lisbon airport, I got my backpack off the _3_ conveyer(传送带) with the help of another _4_. I got to the you

15、th hostel(青年旅社) Id booked before. But I had only one day to see everything, so barely stopping to _5_ after my overnight flight, I headed out to take photos of various buildings.The next morning at 6 am., I was to _6_ to Brussels. I set my alarm for a superearly start, but I was _7_ whether the button on the top had to be up or down. Obviously, I had made a _8_ because the next morning I _9_ only a short while before s

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